
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

a spectacular dinner

(POV: Noah)

I looked at the four people I was going to fight with. I was excited; it seemed like I'd finally be able to have fun.

I smiled and said, "Hey! Time to have fun!"

I quickly ran towards them, dodging a kick from the gothic girl. I quickly shot at her chest but was slightly surprised to see the bullets didn't go through her. It seemed her skin was really tough. Just centimeters from my face, a sword appeared and almost cut me, but I managed to avoid it. I felt intense heat as a flame appeared in the hands of the blue-haired guy. It seemed vampires could have different powers.

I dodged the large fireball, but suddenly I felt something pass through my chest. I looked down to see a sword sticking out of my chest. I looked back and saw the old man. I smiled and said, "Oh... it seems like you're strong, old man."

The old man just said, "I know, but you... you're really peculiar."

Blood was pouring from my chest, but I just smiled and said, "Well, I think it's time to be more serious..."

I quickly disappeared and reappeared behind the old man with incredible speed. I aimed and fired, but the old man cut all the bullets with his sword. I smiled and said, "It seems I'll have to use other things..."

I quickly jumped onto the wall and stood on it as if gravity and physics didn't exist. The old man saw me and said, "You really are special, aren't you?"

I smiled and ran along the walls, shooting at the vampires. Some were wounded, others resisted the bullets casually, while some were destroyed into blood and formless flesh.

I fell to the ground and said, "Looks like that wasn't enough..."

I smiled even more and said, "Well!"

I shook my head casually, noticing a large cut on the back wall. It seemed that this old man was strong, probably the strongest in Deus's team.

Well, I think I should increase my strength. I always say that I will be serious to annoy them.

I appeared next to the old man with great speed. I grabbed the old man's arm and cut it with my claws. The old man opened his eyes in shock at my absurd increase in speed.

I smiled and kicked him in the chest, causing him to fly into the air and crash into a wall. Countless cracks appeared on the walls. Uhhh, I think if I overdo it, I'll probably destroy the building.

"Uhhh! Sorry about that, old man!" I said with a playful smile.

The old man fell to the ground and vomited some blood. He stood up and said, "So you were never serious, huh...?"

"Hey, you guys won't make me go serious. Besides, I don't want to destroy the building," I said while cleaning my gloves from the blood. Quite dirty.

I stopped a punch aimed at my face with my hand. I looked and saw it was the gothic girl. She was somewhat fast. I approached her and punched her in the chest, causing her to vomit blood and parts of her internal organs. She went flying, crashing against a wall, going through it and crashing in the hallway of this floor.

Suddenly, I felt like I was cut into thousands of pieces. Before I fell to the ground, I noticed some almost imperceptible red cables. Deus...

I felt myself falling, sliced into thousands of pieces. It was probably something I expected, but well, shadows enveloped me, and within seconds, I regenerated. Damn it, another soul wasted. I only have a few hundred left; I want thousands to at least have a decent sense of "immortality."

I dodged an almost invisible red cable and saw how chairs and tables were easily cut. Deus was moving his fingers quickly; it seemed that was how his ability worked. Interesting.

I quickly ducked under another red cable, rapidly dodging them. The blue-haired guy had his hands full of fire, and the flames seemed to compress quickly into almost perfect fireballs. He pointed at me, and I felt a huge flamethrower burning me. The endless burning melted my body, covering me quickly. After a few seconds, I looked behind me; the walls and floor were singed, as if a massive flamethrower had scorched everything. My face regenerated quickly, and after a few seconds, it was as good as new.

I looked at the blue-haired guy and decided to kill him first. I ran towards him, avoiding the gothic girl and Deus's red cables. I reached him and grabbed his face, "See you later," I slammed him against the wall. We went through the wall into the hallway. I ran with my hand on his face, gripping him tightly. I pushed him to the elevator, breaking the doors as we entered. I squeezed his face hard and heard a cry of pain. His regeneration was decent, but I doubted he could regenerate if his head exploded.

I squeezed and slammed his head even harder. The elevator floor broke, and we fell through the air. We hit the ground, and I saw his face shattered and shapeless. I looked at my hands, holding a piece of his cheek, and threw it to the ground. Another soul entered me.

I looked up and saw the gothic girl's face staring at me. It seemed she would be next.

I jumped from where I was and reached the hallway to head towards the reception. Dozens of workers stared at me, but suddenly they growled and their eyes turned red. It seemed I would have to handle some inconveniences first.

I disappeared like the wind with incredible speed. The heads of the vampires flew through the air, falling like flies, and blood stained everything. I only did this because I wanted to have fun with the others; these were just flies.

I looked behind me and watched as something really heavy fell to the floor. Dust appeared, but I quickly ducked down to notice that a sonic boom had destroyed the walls and floor of the hallway.

I watched as she fell to the ground gracefully. Suddenly, she disappeared like a blur, and I felt like I was being pushed by something heavy. I crashed against a wall, feeling her hit me several times in the chest, each blow increasing in speed. The air was tearing faster and faster with each passing second.

"Hahaha! That's great," I said with a smile, while I grabbed her two fists and used even more strength. Alucard's card, though low level, seemed to be much stronger than an ordinary green card. The girl knelt on the ground due to the force I exerted. She clenched her teeth, and I saw her teeth break from the pressure. The ground beneath us broke more and more.

"Hey... you're not worth it," I said with disappointment in my voice. I kneed her in the face, causing a shock wave to echo throughout the hallway. The girl's top was shattered into dozens of parts, blood splashing everywhere, organs flying and crashing through the walls. I let go of what was left of her arms. What a disappointment.

"What a shame, they were some kids who at least distracted me from the annoying things..." said a voice down the hall. I looked to my right and saw the old man; his arm had regenerated, and he had his sword again.

"You are much stronger than a normal vampire. You are a demon, an abominable being. You are not one of us... what the hell are you?" the old man said as he got into position with his sword.

"I...? I am the real one," I said with a small smile. I quickly ran towards him. The old man slashed horizontally with his sword. I quickly ran and dodged him. The walls to the right and left had a large horizontal cut. This old man was strong, but it seemed he was not giving his all. So, I would have to be a little stronger.

The old man dodged my blow and cut my arm. I quickly walked away and looked at my stump, blood flowing out. I regenerated in seconds. This old man had experience, and luckily, I did too. Well, more or less.

I approached the wall and took out a piece of metal. I grabbed it and touched it up a little. It looked like a sword in the making. The top part was as sharp as a knife. I sighed and said, "How about a sparring match?"

The old man smiled and said, "What a pleasure."

I got into position. It felt like my body was used to this, like something my mind had known for centuries.

The old man and I disappeared in a blur, cutting the walls and floor. Dozens of cuts appeared all over the hallway, and blood quickly began to fill it. We stopped sparring. My body had several cuts, but the old man was worse. He had cuts everywhere, on every part of his body. His clothes were torn to pieces. I looked at him and said, "Not bad."

"I didn't know you were also a good swordsman... it's time to spend my life in this fight. I've lived for a long time, and dying like this doesn't sound bad..."

I looked at him and asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid? No, nothing like that. We've lived a long time. I only wanted a worthy fight for a long time. I became a vampire to be the best swordsman. After decades of training, it finally seems that I found someone worthy of my last battle," said the old man with a smile.

Finally, it seemed like I found someone who wanted a decent fight. I smiled.

"Well, since that's what you want," I said with a smile.

I prepared the piece of metal and got into position. The old man did the same. The air was tense. I just prepared myself, and suddenly, we both disappeared with a sonic explosion. In less than a second, the battle was decided.

I looked behind me, and the old man said, "Thank you. That's not a bad way to die."

Suddenly, the old man was cut into thousands of pieces, blood splashing all over the hallway.

I looked at what was left of the old man and sighed. He was a worthy vampire; probably some would have fled in fear. This guy was a decent being. You have my respect, old man.

I sighed and decided to walk down the stairs to the top floor. The elevator was broken, and I didn't want to jump and ruin my clothes. I don't like it when they get dirty, but I don't care much about the blood—it's something nutritious.

While I was going up the floors, I thought about several things. I should go see if Charles Xavier exists or not. I also planned to check if there were more vampires in this city.

After a while, I reached the top floor. I opened the doors and entered. Deus was sitting in a chair, drinking wine from a bottle. He licked his lips and said, "So they are dead... I just want to ask something before fighting. Are you from the nobility...? Or somehow connected to the Five Houses?"

It seems there are stronger vampires in the world. Probably in this universe, Dracula exists. He is surely an enemy worthy of all my power, although I should level up more to face him.

"No... I'm just a lonely person who came to this city," I said with a smile.

Deus smiled as he stood up from the chair. "You really look like a vampire and you also don't. You're a strange piece of shit, but hey, time to kill you..."

We quickly collided, the entire floor shaking, probably the entire building. I grabbed a fist aimed at my chest and quickly kicked him, making him fly and hit a wall. But he quickly jumped into the air, doing several backflips. Suddenly, I saw hundreds of red cables appear from Deus' fingers. He pointed at me and tried to cut me. I quickly dodged them with precision, but a part of my finger was easily cut.

The floor was cut into dozens of pieces. It seemed this floor wouldn't last long.

"You are really irritating... You killed the heads of the territories, you don't know the Five Houses or the nobility. You are an abomination. The only thing I can do now is kill you with all my power," Deus said while crossing his arms. The skin on his shoulders broke, blood beginning to float. It quickly joined the red cables, forming two incredibly long whips made of his blood. Wow, that was great.

He quickly attacked me with the whips. I began to run around the room, breaking the walls. I jumped to the floor and kicked him hard. The floor collapsed, and Deus and I fell to the floor below. Luckily, the building seemed empty now. We fell and quickly got up. I took out my weapons and made a pose with my guns that looked like an inverted cross.

"It's time to kill a little bat," I said with a smile.

"It's time to kill an abomination. You broke the limits, trash," Deus said with a small smile.

We ran and fought. I quickly ran a little away from him and started shooting at him without stopping. Although the bullets had little effect, he narrowly avoided a whip. He cut a part of the building. Damn it, I hope the police don't come. I could escape easily, but I don't want the hassle of a fight.

I quickly began to dodge the whips. I grabbed one with great speed and pushed it towards me. Deus couldn't be pulled towards me. I clenched my fist and said, "AMEN!!"

Deus was hit cleanly in the face. There was a sonic boom, and Deus flew through the walls of the building. He crossed the floor and began to fall through the different floors. I jumped and followed him, shouting in the air, "Come on! Let's continue having fun!"

I noticed something grabbing my arms. I saw Deus' whips. I was propelled towards him, and I saw it—half of his face was destroyed, his skull easily visible. I smiled and said, "Good look!"

"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!!" Deus roared, his voice filled with endless fury. I couldn't help but laugh. Grabbing the whips, I taunted, "Enjoy the experience!"

With a powerful yank, I threw Deus to the ground with tremendous force, shaking the entire building. I noticed the whips starting to weaken. Seizing the moment, I grabbed Deus by the head and whispered, "Amen..." I began pummeling his face rapidly.

Suddenly, I felt an immense force push me away, crashing me into a wall. I looked up and saw Deus controlling a massive blood hammer connected to him. The hammer was what had hit me.

Deus, his face regenerating, grabbed the large hammer and said, "I think it's time to use this. I never thought of using it in a place like this..."

"Ha ha ha!!" I laughed, finding the situation incredibly funny. As I laughed, I was hit in the face. My jaw and teeth were destroyed, and I flew through the air, bouncing off the walls with great force. I fell to the ground, feeling my body regenerate quickly. Getting up, I said, "I think I should give you a little lesson. You shouldn't hit someone when they're laughing, you know?"

I ran towards him and kicked him in the chest, breaking the ground into large pieces. Grabbing his head, I said, "Now, I hope you enjoy this!"

I jumped to the top floor, looking down, and shouted, "There's going to be a little turbulence!!"

We plummeted to the ground, crashing Deus against the floor. The building began to shake uncontrollably. Debris fell around us as the structure groaned under the strain.


here the author!!

I will put this part sometimes in case you want to see the information of the card in use!

[Alucard (Hellsing) : 2 / 30


Pseudo Immortality:

When Alucard takes fatal or incapacitating damage, the damage is redirected to his soul pool, using a soul to instantly recover from almost any injury.


The power to manipulate objects and people with the mind, allowing for control and movement without physical contact.


Alucard can control the minds of people weaker than him, making them follow simple or complex commands.

 Ultimate Regeneration:

Alucard can regenerate from severe damage, such as decapitation, dismemberment, and incineration. When heavily damaged, his body turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes itself.


The ability to pass through solid objects.

Shadow Manipulation:

The ability to manipulate shadows into physical forms for various uses.


Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into various forms, including bats, insects, snakes, ??? , amorphous darkness, and other human forms.


The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul, along with their knowledge and memories.




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