
First Hunting

Cards enabled: 3

Card 1: Fox of 6 Tails of Hell.

Gold: 1 Star (0 / 125,000).

Power: 130,000 kg.

Skills: 12

"Okay, 12 skills of ranking of the Sky, not bad!" Trinity was glad to finish checking his fox's 12 skills that he had left pending with Roger's interruption.

"Now let's see if the second letter will give me another surprise!" in anticipation, Trinity selected his second card at the Gricard for inspection.

Card 2: Divine Crow of the Golden Flames.

Gold-refined: 1 Star (0 / 155,000).

Strength: 160,000 kg.

Physical Damage: 35%.

Magic Damage: 35%.

Physical Defense: 35%.

Magic Defense: 35%.

Speed: 195 m / s or 702 km / h.

Skills: 14

Skill 1 Passive; All damage done is increased by 3x.

Skill 2: Flames Ceifador of the Soul; Deals 50% damage to all targets within 300 yards.

Skill 3: ...

"What, a divine beast? Besides, your abilities are of Tabu rank. And only the first passive ability I see is a 3x increase in inflicting damage?"

Trinity, although anticipating that the system was generous with his second letter, he did not expect it to go that far and was dazzled.

"This system is simply too generous. It's even of Gold refined rank card, the same as a cultivator in Epic rankings!"

"Even if my first brother dared to challenge me, he could not come out victorious against this Divine Raven. Unless he also has a divine beast, but this is very difficult to happen in such a small Kingdom as this!"

"It is likely that in the neighboring kingdoms they have never seen a divine beast before. This, in turn, if they come to know that someone like me in a small and desolate county is in possession of such a letter, they would spare no effort to dispatch your strength to meet my path."

"That would be problematic, for neither I nor the Kingdom is prepared for a foreign attack now."

"It's no use thinking about it now. I'd better check my third letter and what will happen in the future will be settled when the time comes."

After rejoicing with his divine letter of ranking of Gold refined his and contemplating the possible consequences of the neighboring Kingdoms coming to know that he was in possession of such a card, Trinity inspected his third letter in his Gricard.

Card 3: Obscure Reality Raiju.

Secret Silver: 1 Star (0 / 95,000).

Strength: 100,000 kg.

Physical Damage: 25%.

Magic Damage: 25%.

Physical Defense: 25%.

Magic Defense: 25%.

Speed: 135 m / s or 486 km / h.

Skills: 10

Skill 1: Lightning Paralysis Cloud; It evokes a cloud that discharges lightning by causing 30% damage to all targets within a 120 meter radius.

Skill 2: ...

"Not bad, even though it's weaker than the previous ones, it's still another skill card from the sky and also has at least two area damage abilities."

"Initially, I was cautious about exploring the bottom of these mountain ranges a bit more, but now with those 3 cards, it will be a good experience!"

After arranging his cards in his Gricard, Trinity closed his eyes and used his conscience when at the same moment he was already at the bottom of the lake.

"So that's how it works! I change instantly as I return to where I was before I entered the Magical Henhouse."

"This lake really died by losing its luster and its beautiful crystalline roots." watching the bottom for a few seconds, Trinity began to swim quickly to leave the lake.

However, as soon as he left the lake, Trinity felt heart racing. "Hunter's heart? Am I in danger?"

Trinity asked himself cautiously when he suddenly felt a chill on the spine of his ribs and quickly used up his full strength of 500 kg for jumped as high as he could in air.

As soon as Trinity reached 4 meters in the air, he saw only one figure passing exactly where he was seconds ago.

"How fast! If it had not been for the Hunter's Heart skill, I'd be in pieces now."

As he looked into the shadow, Trinity finally saw who was responsible who almost tore it to pieces just by the impact of his speed.

The shadow had passed so fast that when it stopped, it was already 60 meters away facing Trinity maliciously.

His gaze seemed to say that in his next attack, Trinity would not dodge again and was preparing to repeat his deadly attack.

Sixty meters away, facing Trinity, he was the only alpha left of the previous battle. The Wolf demonic 3-headed looked fierce with its long, sharp claws, especially as he stared at the dead lake.

"Apparently, this lake was really his property. Unfortunately, he belongs to me now!" Trinity spoke out loud as he mocked the wolf.

The demonic wolf had intelligence and seemed to understand what Trinity was saying when he became even more furious and howled loud and sinister to the sky.

"It seems like this is a great opportunity for me to put my third letter into practice!" Trinity whispered quando was surprised his by an ethereal voice.


Notifying the host!

New mission activated!

Details: First Hunting! Eliminate the Three-headed Demonic Wolf.

Reward: 1,000 stellar energy.

"1,000 stellar energy? Suddenly, that was multiplied by 10. Great, now is that I can not leave that wolf alive at all."

Trinity was pleased with the new mission as he quickly activated his third card in his Gricard and summoned his monster, Obscura Reality Raiju.

When activated, the 3-headed demonic wolf that was about to run for Trinity, was petrified only with the exhaled aura of the monster that has just emerged from nowhere.

Even Trinity was a little surprised his by this majestic and dignified aura that seemed to be of own emperor of thunder.

The Obscure Reality Raiju was a white and blue wolf with a layer of dazzling blue light and his body was all wrapped in twinkling rays. Its size was approximately 6 meters in height and 8 meters in length with long and sharp claws.

"What beautiful wolf! If I were a monster, I would definitely marry his!" Trinity was his dazzled to see the majestic presence of his third card.

The Obscure Reality Raiju, looked at the demonic wolf of three heads indifferently as he opened his mouth lazily and used a basic attack that was a small lightning bolt and fired so fast that the demonic wolf did not even have time to blink. At his death, the demonic wolf dropped a translucent crystal card.

The demonic wolf three-headed was only classifiqued iron of 2 stars, and would never have any chance against a monster of Secret Silver. Not to mention that, the Obscure Reality Raiju, had the powerful skills passive of category of sky.


Notifying the host!

First hunting mission completed successfully!

Reward: 1,000 stellar energy.

Updated host data!

Profile: Trinity Sanchez

Soldier: 4 Stars (490 / 1,000).

Strength: 2,000 kg.

"This is still very weak! I need more stellar energy!"

"Alright, I'd forgotten I could do this!" ending his thoughts, Trinity gathered the crystal card from the demonic wolf and inserted it into his Gricard.

"System, you said I could transmute letters into my attributes, right? All right! Turn that card into stellar energy for me."


Notifying the host!

The Three-headed Demon Wolf, since it began cultivating, has amassed a total of 30,000 stellar energy!

The transmutation converts 10% of that total to the choice of the host to use on itself or to level its cards. There is a total of 3,000 stellar energy available!

How do you want to use them?


Meanwhile, Trinity did not realize that 500 meters away from where he was, at the top of a small hill, there were two men watching him while argued.

"How do you expect us to complete our mission? Can not you see that that is a Obscure Reality Raiju classified in Secret Silver?" a man in his mid-thirties asked irritably to look at another on his side lurking at the top of little hill.

"But have not you heard him say that the lake is now under his possession?"

"Do not worry so much, our boss will be able to act in person later. You know, our strength is still that of a 1-star Gladiator, an entire level below the Raiju. We can only go back and report back to our boss."

His companion frowned and looked thoughtful when he decided.

"You're right, there's nothing we can do against this Raiju!"

With that, the two of them summoned two great gray herons and set off to the east.


At the same time, the two men who watched from afar, did not realize when they left the top of the small hill, that they were also being watched over by a man who appeared to be middle-aged.

"As expected, Johnson dispatched his subordinates to commit a despicable act by murdering the Fourth Prince!"

"Fortunately, the Gricard of Fourth Prince's gave you a good card, otherwise, I would have to get involved in this war between Royal Family relatives."

"I guess I better go back now.It seems like I do not have to worry too much about him after all. He's a prince and has to go through his own experiences when venturing, or he'll always be a coward and shy being bullied even by his sister, the princess!"

After speaking to himself and confirming that the other two men had really gone, the middle-aged man took one last look at Trinity and summoned a Blood Hawk as he ran in the same direction as the two earlier men, the east.

Chapter in waiting for editing.

Blackvisioncreators' thoughts