
Monster High: Magic Mayhem

My school's saying "Never tickle a sleeping Dragon" actually has some literal merit to it. My name's Harry Potter know as, the-boy-who-lived, man-who-conquered, and other dumb titles I can't get rid of. After defeating Voldemort I became a researcher into magic for many years, improving magic once again in seclusion for everyone's benefit. The pure-bloods weren't happy and tried to have me killed for my views, seeing as things were changing and I would not follow tradition. So I hid my self and worked on my experiments, one day I was working with a dragon when it sneezed into a mixture causing a explosion. So now I'm here in an advanced lookalike world that has bloody monsters and muggles walking around together like its normal, and I'm the only magical wizard here in a better version of my teenage body! Man, what I wouldn't give for some firewhisky right about now.

TheMostDapper · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
8 Chs

Things are going Swimmingly

Disclaimer: Hey! Dapper back with another chapter! I got my clothes back, but they are rip up to hell now. I guess I could go to one of those clubs now, might even be fun! You know it by now, I don't own Harry Potter or Monster High. By the way I found a boat off the island! Things are finally going my way. See you guys next time!



Speaking: "Merlin's beard!"

Thinking: 'Idiot. Doesn't realize I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh shoot that's new!'

Whispering: ´Shut up! Do you not know rule #3? Never ask a women her age or weight?`

Telepathic/transformed speech: *So, this worm thinks he can take on a goliath?*

Actions: ^Picks up candy dish, looking for something good.^

Parseltongue: _Ahhh! I'm ssso hungry!_





Frankie Pov:

Right now I am just staring at Harry. Who just teleported into the pool area and fell into the Bottomless Pool. Well along with my new... acquaintance Lagoona. But, I am getting ahead of myself. Here's what happened...


Flashback (still Frankie pov):

"*Whimpering*" I was running while on the verge of breaking down. A few tears had already escaped, but I wasn't going to let anyone see them. Things were just not going my way, I was supposed to be the popular new girl that everyone liked. And luck is just not with me at all, so I ran.


Breaking through one of the doors, I quickly close it and slightly slide down the door to process my horrible week. Picking myself back up I notice that I wound up at the Bottomless Pool. Seeing the changing room I walk over while dragging my feet. Just as I am about to pass the pool I fall to my knees and begin to cry. But, not before hearing some splashing in the water near me.


"Poor Dear." Turning my head I see a saltwater ghoul with blue skin and scales, bright blonde hair having blue highlights and a pink flower pin, purple eye make up and red lipstick. She was wearing a scaled swim cap similar to her skin, and a pink one-piece swimsuit. "You're new?" She slowly raised her claw to give me a handkerchief, which was much appreciated.


"Y-you have no idea how hard it is." She started smiling a little, "Aww, it'll get better. Here, I'm Lagoona. I am a exchange student from down under. Down under the sea. Hehehe."


Seeing that I was still teary eyed she started talking again, "Listen, I know what it's like being the new fish in the pond." "I put in every volt of energy into doing my best. But, everything I did just fell apart. I wish I could redo the whole week, a-and start over. I tried so hard."


She looks to the right for a second before replying, "Maybe that's your problem, dear." "Ah!" "Could it be that you're trying too hard? That's what's messing you up. Don't drongo, be natural, be yourself, and you'll be spot on." We then give each other thumbs up before starting to leave, "Yeah."


*Boom!* "Ahh!" The next thing I knew is that something appeared right next to me before falling into the pool. The figure is stunned for a moment before bursting back out of the water to hang on the side of the pool. Revealing it to be Harry, who is now drenched and gasping to get his breathe back. He looks at us for a second before smirking, "I always hope to make a big 'splash' when meeting someone new. Never thought I do it for a friend though, so how are things?"


Flashback End:

"Pfft! Haha!" Across from me Lagoons starts laughing, but I didn't think it was that funny, "Sorry! Sorry. It's just, my Dad used to make jokes like that when I was a guppy. Ya brought back some good memories mate! So who are ya?"


"Well I guess it's good practice for when I have kids. Name's Harry James Potter, love. Anyway Frankie, you doing okay? You ran off pretty upset. Oh, and Cleo wants to see you on Monday!"


'Cleo wants to see me? That can't be right.' "Harry what do you mean? I'm pretty sure Cleo hates me, didn't you hear her scream?" "Great Abyss, that was Cleo?! I could 'ear her from the deep depths!"


Harry then put both his arms and a leg on the tile, rolling himself up onto the floor. "Sorry 'bout that, don't want to get a cold. And I wouldn't say that she hates you, but she did say she found you annoying." I'll admit I was expecting a bit more, "But you do have potential to stay on the team. You just gotta keep yourself together, ah, both ways."


Thinking it over both Lagoona and Harry were giving good advice, but I didn't really believe it. "Oi Harry," Lagoona then spoke up. "How did ya get into the pool anyhow?" 'Now that I think about it, he called it Apparating. But, he never really explained it.'


"*Sigh* I was gonna go over it in class, might as well teach it now. Apparating is one of several forms of magical transportation. Being the fastest, but also the most dangerous. Capable of leaving part of yourself behind when used, we call that splicing. That is why you need to be certified with a license to do so regularly. Here, I'll explain the rest in class next week."


I found the concept to be interesting, it could make travel so much easier. But the leaving behind something, not so much. Glancing at Lagoona, I saw that she became a bit more green around the gills. *clap!* Harry then clapped knocking us out of our stupors, "Alright, I'll see you all on Monday! School is over in awhile, and I want to change clothes."


Now that he was standing I could tell that his clothes were sticking to him a bit. Feeling my face heat up I turn away from facing him a little bit. "I will see you both in class. So, have a nice weekend. Oh, and Frankie, Draculaura and Clawdeen might want to talk with you later, bye!" And just like that he aparated again, leaving just me and Lagoona once again.


"Crikey, if I didn't have a Ghoul-friend." Out of nowhere Lagoona speaks up, "W-what!?" She then turns to me with a eyebrow raised, "What, he's a nice bloke, easy on the eyes, and has magic. But, I am in a happy relationship with Gilly and I'm not that shallow. Anywho, just keep at it Frankie and you'll get in the hang of things eventually. I have to get going so good luck on Monday, with Cleo you are gonna need it!"


"Oh, umm, thanks! And I'll see you around!" With that Lagoona turned around and swam to the pool ladder. She left for the locker room as I stood up, now alone again I make my way out door and to the gym. 'I hope no one else is still there, my clothes are still in that gym locker.'




*school bell ringing* It was finally the end of the first week of school, and I, like most monsters, was glad for the weekend. Going to my locker I couldn't help but keep going over the advice that was given to me by both Lagoona and Harry. '"Be myself. Keep myself together." Is that all there really is to it?"


Opening my locker I see my popular magazine, '"Don't be yourself. Yuck. Be the dream you."" 'So much for good advice.' *Insert Frankie's popular daydream. Because I am not touching a teenage girl's dreams with a ten foot pole.*


"Uh sorry, excuse me?" Suddenly I am taken out of my daydream, and it was by Megan, I think? She was wearing an identical outfit as from on Monday, a red shirt, grayish white vest, ripped jeans, slicked-back hair made of green snakes, and reflective sunglasses worn inside. "Hey, your locker is blocking mine," with that I close my locker and try to speak. "Uh, you're sorry, I'm welcome."


While Megan opens her locker I can't help but stare at her being that she was popular in a different way than Cleo, while not noticing a certain flame-head approaching. "Wow! Is it hot in here, or is it just you?~" "Um, hi?" Megan then leans out in front of me, "C'mon Bra, stop creeping on Ghouls." Ember however ignores her and leans in closer to me, "If you were a booger, I would pick you!~ Eh?"


Ember turns around feeling someone tap her only to see Megan take off her shades, exposing her shiny green eyes. A flash of green light shines from them, and the next second ember was turned to stone. She had brought her hands up to cover her face, but now they were frozen in that position. For some reason Ember could still move slightly, even move her eyes around. 'Voltage, I really don't want to know what frozen eyeballs feel like, stone or anything else.'


Megan then grabs the stoned Ember and picks her up, "Sorry about my friend here, she can be a handful." Noticing that I was staring at her with my mouth open she corrects herself, "Wait, don't worry it will wear off! If it doesn't my Mom can handle this." She then whispers something before leaving with the statue, ´That and ground me into the next month.` "Anyway, see ya new girl."


Shaking my head I try to talk up to her, "Wait! Won't you get in trouble for turning a student into stone?" Hearing me ask a question Megan turns back around and sets the statue of Ember next to her, "Oh right, your still new in town. You see Ghoul, my family has a deal with the town's police department. If anyone makes trouble with me or my mom around we can use our sight to stop them until the officers show up to take them away. We even supply a little of our venom from our hair for especially violent prisoners in lock up."


Well that is a surprise, "Wow. So, are you like a hall monitor or something?" Megan gives a shake of her head and explains, "Nah, I'm not really one for having too much responsibility. Hex, I can't even remember to take out the trash. If some ghoul or manster makes trouble the school gave me the go ahead to end it before it becomes too much. 'Kay later Ghoul, I gotta take Ems here to Miss Bloodgood before she leaves."


Watching Megan as she leaves with Ember I can't help but speak out loud, "Oh voltage she is cool." I knew Megan from class, but I didn't know she had that kind of thing going on. 'Now I feel great! Things now might be going my way! But there was still someone left to worry about...'


"Cleo." "Eh," hearing someone behind me I turn around only to see it was Clawdeen who spoke up, with Draculaura following her. "Cleo totes wants to give you another chance! Isn't that just fangtastic! You could be on the team with us."


"Wait, really?! I heard from Harry but I was kinda doubting him a little." "Oh yeah! Speaking of Harry have you seen him? I wanted to take him clothes shopping at the Maul, but we couldn't find him."


Shaking my head no I tell them what happened at the Bottomless Pool, "Sorry, but I think he went home. When he found me he landed in the Bottomless Pool and got soaked." Draculaura lets out a sigh in disappointment, and looks like a sad, pink puppy. While Clawdeen has a strange look about her. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I don't think I should see what was going on in her head.


"Ahem," I then snap them out of it because I still need help with Cleo. Shaking her head Clawdeen continues, "Anyway Ghoul, you got guts. She wants to meet with you at lunch on Monday. This is pretty much a interview, the tryouts were just to see if you were qualified. So, be ready for anything."


With that all three of us began walking to the exit with Draculaura speaking very fast, "It would be totally cool if you made it on the team. 'Cause we could hang out-" "But, you can make it only if you have the stuff," Clawdeen suddenly cuts her off from getting too excited. "Do not get your hopes up, Cleo always has high expectations. It takes a lot of hard work to look that good, and that is just for Cleo."


"So be ready, got it." 'Looks like I got a lot of reading to do. I'm behind at least twelve issues, good thing it's the weekend. Otherwise I'd be a zombie from having little sleep. Although, I am technically an undead, so does that count?'


As the three ghouls walked off into the crowd, they did not notice a ghoul staring at one of them in particular. Focusing on that ghoul, we see that it was Lagoona Blue staring after Frankie. Instead of wearing a swim suit she now wore a black top with sleeves that went to her elbows. The sleeves ending in blue like her skin, the sides have the same color and scale details, and from her midriff down was pink with scales also. Hanging around her neck was a gold necklace with a seahorse pendant, and her legs were covered by black shorts with the familiar blue highlights. She was sadly shaking her head as she watched Frankie with the other two ghouls get lost in the crowd.




Harry Pov:

'I'm drenched. I almost coughed up chunks of my spicy chicken lunch from home. Got chased twice by my fan-girls, scratch that fan-Ghouls. And now have to work having wizarding nobility as my lesson on Monday. Overall not a bad Friday.'


Currently I am in the empty Ghouls Gym Locker-room, being there because the Manster Locker-room was out of order. As I found before, it is not that there are no males at all, rather that they are incredibly rare. Think one in every five-hundred and you have a ruff idea. Plus, most happen to be half-monster, although I have heard talk of hybrids. And, monsters have always had lesser populations compared to humans. It had to do with something about needing a biological exchange in order for more power?


Regardless, I am here to get a quick shower and get home. The pool was refreshing but since it has an actual ecosystem, it is better to be safe than sorry. 'I don't even want to imagine what is at the deepest parts. The Mer-people back at the lake during the second task were a nightmare on their own. At least their sentient monster equivalent here are friendly enough from what I have seen.'


"Brr!" Stepping under the water I find it to be very cold, quickly turning the knob I sigh in relief. While most are embarrassed by even the idea of communal bathing, I find it more relaxing. And, I can proudly say that I have nothing to be ashamed of either. Plus, the only time I had any privacy in Hogwarts for bathing was in the Prefects bath with my golden egg. Speaking of that stupid thing, I sold that ear destroyer as soon as I was able to get to the Alley.


While pitying the fool that might have bought it, I think back onto my new friend? Frankie. I mean, nothing against her, but I really do think she needs a wake up call. I caught her several times even in class looking at a magazine on how to be popular. What she needs is a confidence boost, how she is going about things will only give an ego boost. And really who wants to be popular, a single fan-girl is a night terror on her own. A crowd is worst, add a guy and I don't want to even imagine past that.


Don't even get me started on Ginny! She was always after Harry Potter, never me, just Harry. I mean, I'll admit that I have done some pretty impressive things while being so young. I cannot even deny that, but I never asked or wanted to do any of them. We were okay for awhile, right until she tried to drug me with love potions just like her mother did to her father. That would be the first and last time I would ever hit a women willingly, unless she was trying to kill me, while I do regret it her actions justified it.


'Okay, rant over. Glad I got that out of my system!' Point is being popular is overrated, being both a blessing and a curse. It can bring you good tidings, or make you public enemy number one if you do something people do not like. Hence, why I am here at Monster High in the first place.


Holding out my hand I mutter a spell that is slowly becoming one of my favorites to use. "Accio: soap." *whoo!* The whirling of wind rings out as an object come flying towards me. As it touches my hand it loses all of the momentum it had, leaving me unharmed. Opening up my hand it reveals a light green bar of soap still wrapped up in plastic.


Just so we are clear, many people who use magic do not tend to experiment with their gifts. For example, most people can perform spells without having to speak the incantations, all that is needed is practice. If I could compare performing magic as a Wizard to anything, it would be comparable to a Conductor performing music. You might play the same song, but each and every time it would be a little different to each other. Which is very realistic depending on the situation when using each spell and how much power was put into it. Saying the spell and using the motions that you are taught is like reading off from music sheets, to focus and help so that eventually it is unneeded.


Unwrapping the soap from its plastic, I set it on the counter next to my wand, and proceed to pick up said wand with my right hand. With the plastic in my left I place the packaging onto the the drain in the floor. "Incindio." And just like that it bursts into flames leaving behind a little bit of ash, most of which went down the drain. While yes I can perform without speaking, I tend to do it just for the hell of it. It does bring back memories of happier times, before Voldemort came back from the grave.


Shaking my head out of those thoughts I put my wand back on the counter, grabbing the bar of soap, and carry on with my shower. The white tiled room was now only filled with myself, the steam from the hot water, and the hiss of the pipes letting out their relaxing liquid. Finishing up my business I grab the knob, turning it slowly to the left, finally ceasing the flow of water. Rubbing my eyes with my left hand, I grab the white towel I borrowed and dry my head. Uncrumbling the towel I wrap it around my waist, making sure to grab my wand and head out to the locker I am using.


5 seconds later...


*click. click. bang!* "Damn it! How is it I can out pace a dragon while flying on a wooden broom- stick, but I can't open a stupid dial lock?!" Trying the combination a few more times, and hitting the locker once or twice, I take out my wand. "Screw this! Alohomora!"


With a wave of power the locker became unlocked with the dial falling against the floor, as well the sound of ten other locks falling to the ground. "Uh, I'm going home." Opening the door I grab the towel around my waist when I hear something, it sounded like whispering? 'The hell? Is someone spying on me'


With my wand in my hand, my actual wand not my d**k, I walk towards what sounds like two voices inside the gym office door. ´And I keep telling you! "If we are sneaky about it, then we could be legends."` ´No, just, listen do you know what he could do to us if we are caught? He could skin you for a rug, and turn me into a frog with just a wave of his hand. Besides, I do not want to touch another man's underwear!`


'Underwear, are they trying to rob me? Too bad for them, it happened once back in Hogwarts, never again.' ´Hua, look man. My sister is practically drooling over him even with just him being brought up. She's interested bad, she is willing to pay me two-hundred bucks just for a piece of his clothing. Imagine how much she'd give me for a pair of his boxers.`


´That's it? Wait, didn't you say you wanted to sniff him too?` ´Not like that, my family and I can tell a lot about a person from just scent alone. I want to see what is so special about this guy in particular, apart from the magic of course. Besides, we can go down in history as the first ones in history to rob a wizard of his clothes!` ´If we go down for this, I'm going to blame everything on you.`


'Alright, enough of this.' "To the two idiots that thought stealing from me was a good idea. "Come out slowly with you hands up, and I won't shave you both completely bald."" As I wait with one hand holding up my towel and my wand at my side I hear the two bicker, ´How the heck did he know?!` ´I told you this was a bad idea!`


*creak!* With the door finally open i finally see the two hooligans responsible for trying to steal from me for a quick buck. The only similarity between the two was the hoodies, sunglasses, and jeans they both wore. One was big and muscular, while being covered in fur, the other was shorter and more lanky, looking more like a human than a monster. 'Honestly, I expected this from my fan-ghouls, while one of them did put these two up to it.'


"Alright! Seeing as you two were planning to steal from a fellow student, as well as a faculty member... You have ten seconds to start running before you become bald over your entire body." The smaller one then spoke up, "Wait, are you allowed to even do that?" "Yes, and you have five seconds left."


Hearing that they both take off leaving the locker-room, the larger one being much faster than his friend. "Pfft! Hahaha!" 'That one was good! And, I was bluffing the whole time! I'm gonna love being here!'



Monster Types:


Mer-people Harry's World: The Mer-people are not really people per say in Harry's original world. They are more primal, bestial in nature. Found working as tribes at deep depths in bodies of water. Harry's encounter were with a northern variety in the Great Lake or Black Lake at Hogwarts. It was during the second task of the Tri-Wizards Tournament, which the contestants had to retrieve people close to them who were bound at the bottom of the lake.


Golden Egg: The Golden Egg was a magical construct with gave contestants a clue to the second test of the Tri-Wizards Tournament. When opened it would sing the clue with the voice of a Mer-person as the singer. However, while not submerged in water it would sound like high-pitched screeching.


Incindio Spell: A simple spell which shoots out a stream of flames to set things on fire. While simple, it can cause severe damage if not controlled properly.


Alohomora Spell: Called "The Thief's Best Friend," it can open almost any kind of lock. Even ones enchanted by the locking spell.