
The Boner Bandits

Kale was changing into a human by the form of a pulsing human shaped cocoon. So, I decided to get out of there and look around. From what I could tell most all animal were female in some way and worryingly interested in me. The plants seemed to follow this rule.

Under the midday heat, I stared at a bulb peeking out of a cactus. This bulb oozed and twitched when I approached and folded in on itself when I backed away. Finally, at 10 meters, the bulb fully integrated with the cactus and sealed itself. Even still, the cactus's thorns seemed to face away from me as much as they could. It was just a cactus near the camp, but I couldn't shake the feeling it was watching me. There was something invasive about the creature that made the world qi ripple in pleasure.

That feature of this world disturbed my cultivation and made sleep nearly impossible. I could hear it laughing at me even as the cactus began to appear more attractive. My face flushed, and I looked again to see the bulb slide back out of the cactus's opening.

"What a greedy plant. It really wants to suck you dry. Should we tell Kale I'm sure she would love to eat it? She grew up around here; I'm sure she can pack away the region's flora. But how are you resisting the pollen?" Molly asked.

She was correct; a small layer of yellow dust stuck to my skin. That was probably why the cactus's bulb looked tempting.

"Are they all like that?" I asked.

"No, of course not. That's just a cactus with a little mana stored away; without Devateria, it won't develop sapience. But, of course, if you want to help it along, I'll watch." Molly said.

"So sapient cactuses are roaming the prairie. That's terrifying." I said.

"They are known to be voracious huggers. But I doubt they'll come within a spitting distance of Kale. That girl will pack them away with no problem. The screaming will be annoying their regeneration abilities make their deaths slow." Molly said.

That sounded brutal. I underestimated this world again; I needed to stop doing that. Kale overpowered me in my weakened state, and I didn't know how I felt about the qi here.

In my original world there were three known realms of cultivation. Coalescence, nascent, and majority I was in the coalescence realm and currently had three high class spirits merged with my cultivation. To reach the nascent realm I needed 5 high class spirits of the 5 basic elements. That was wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. I had wood and fire then I added a wind spirit and that fucked things up. My wind spirit increased my strength a little more, but I needed a lightning, earth, metal, and water spirit to reach the next realm of cultivation now. Finding those other spirits might be impossible in this world. Finding the wind spirit was luck.

There was also the give and take of cultivation I had to worry about now. Normally I just cultivated and didn't think twice. With the world spirit's personality that wasn't possible anymore. Taking would have sexual consequences. Cultivating the world qi turned my hormones influence from 5 to 50. But I couldn't not use my power either.

I tapped into my new air element and spun up a breeze. The pollen flowed away from me, and the cactus looked less sexy for it.

"How far are we from Flank town?" I asked as we made our way back to camp.

"A couple of days if we don't run into any cum hungry bandits. I heard a dungeon recently opened nearby, and it's spewing monsters; we could stop by for a few days. Dungeons have awesome prizes for defeating their monsters, and it's the best place to gain strength outside draining your balls. You can benefit there too." Molly said.

"You sure are casual about sex. Is that common among magical girls?" Molly turned her head to the side as if she didn't understand my question.

"What isn't casual about sex? Do you want to fuck my ass while we talk? It needs a good dicking?" Molly said.

I blinked and didn't really know what to say. It had to be something in the air. The world qi was practically vibrating in excitement. Molly's impossibly tight ass looked amazing I still wasn't wearing pants. Molly bent over and peeked between her legs; her short-cut pink hair nearly touched the ground.

When my dick contacted her dry butthole, she frowned. "Use a lube spell, ball boy; my body can do a lot of things but lubing my ass isn't one of them," Molly said.

"I don't know any lube spells," I said.

Molly pointed her finger at me, and three shapes appeared on a purple circle. "It's the first spell any magical girl learns because it has a million and one applications. From oil slicks to taking massive dicks, it's something everyone should know."

I quickly memorized the symbols and pulled on the world qi. The world spirit eagerly helped me form the necessary symbols and string them together.

"So you know nothing of magic, and I haven't seen you use mana once to strengthen yourself. Yet you can levitate." Molly said.

I pointed the lube spell at her ass and watched as a stream of lube squirted onto her anus and dripped down her thighs. She twitched, and I pushed my dick against her backdoor. Molly relaxed instantly, and I almost flew in. Once I was in deep, she clenched hard, trapping me at the base. Molly was warm, wet, and her hips shook masterfully. When she unclenched, we began to move at a slow pace.

"I'm new to this place, but I have other skills like levitating. My abilities come from within instead of through mana." I said.

"Do you know a magic engineer named King?" I pulled nearly out and pushed in earned a soft moan from her. My balls slapped her clit and she tightened.

"I can't say that I have. Well, I had a friend once who used King as a nickname, but I doubt it's the same guy. I haven't seen that King in years." She pushed back against me, grinding with all her might.

"Grab my legs and pick me up. I want to be impaled Alucarda style." Molly said.

Was there a version of Dracula in this world too? What was up with this place and all the sex?

I grabbed Molly's legs and leaned back as I plundered her depths. She used this opportunity to rub her clit. All the while, I lifted her and pushed myself as deeply as I could. Molly gripped me tightly as we moved.

"So, what about King?" I asked.

"Hmm, oh King had this theory that if a person found a way to turn mana into their own essence, they could centralize the power. In doing so, they could make themselves stronger without relying on the mana in the air. But to do that, the mana in the air has to be shocked and not in a good way. It would take something like the torture and death of hundreds of people in a single place to cause some shock to the ambient mana. Even if he managed to do that, the ambient mana would quickly return to normal without a way to isolate it from the whole. It has been labeled an impossibility with our current technology. The paper was good, though, and it really defended his desire to torture hundreds of people to gain his own personalized mana." Molly said.

"He sounds like a madman," I said as I fucked her ass harder. She continued to rub her clit, and clenching around me as I pounded into her. Finally, Molly moaned; I came in her and froze up.

I pulled my cock out of her with a pop, and she turned and swallowed it down to the base. Then her lips formed a seal around me, and she slowly pulled back.

"Delicious to the last drop." She walked over to a blue cube hovering in the air and pulled a tube from it, and drank deeply. "This technology was developed by a dark lord trying to suck away the world's water supply. It farms water from the air and is vital for anyone trying to cross the steps to the taur lands. Someday King's research may be used for something similar."

"Or he may kill thousands of people to test his theories," I said.

"Stop thinking like a hero; those guys never get laid for a reason. Its theorized their power comes from being cucked. Instead, why don't you go into the tent and let Kale suck you off after she finishes her metamorphosis? It will be a good bonding experience for the both of you?" Molly said.

I shook my head but took a step towards the tent anyway. My recovery time was insane, and the world spirit fed me more qi every time I had sex. Any energy I used was quickly recovered through cultivation. Hell, sex made cultivating the world qi easier.

A warning came through the world spirit. I pushed Molly out of the way as a blonde-haired lion girl shot into our camp. Her bite aimed for Molly's neck missed, and she bit into my arm. The bite was shallow and didn't even break the skin. When she looked up, her amber eyes widened comically. Instead of following up, she kicked off, grabbed our water farm, and ran for it.

"Fuck," I yelled and took off running after her with Molly running to the tent. Kale and Molly could catch up after Kale's metamorphosis finishes. I had to get to the lion girl now, or who knows what she would do with our water. By the look in her crazy eyes, I thought it was likely she'd smash it against a rock.

She had gained quite a lead on me but using world qi to strengthen herself left an unmistakable trail. I followed her as the sun went down. The bones of elephants soon became commonplace, with some of the creatures large enough for me to walk through their eye sockets.

It was here that I knew the lion girl hid. Then, deep into the boneyard proper, I heard a rattling sound.

"You've made a mistake; this is the territory of the Boner Bandits." The bones echoed the rattle in such a way that I couldn't hear where it came from. Still, I walked forward and kept my senses sharp.

I saw a flash of a purple tail from the corner of my eye, and the rattling sound only grew louder. "You smell so good, and you've already stepped past the point of no return. Did you come here to join the Boner Bandits? If so, I'm the one who tests our initiates." The voice said.

She struck, and I skated around her using a qi pulse from the bottom of my feet. Really walking was more trouble than it was worth when I could just skate.

As she struck, I had a good look at her. She was a naga with a wide cobra hood, and the rattle came from a set of maracas in her hands. The look of shock on her face at realizing she had missed was comical. She moved quickly to bring her tail in and spin herself into a defensive ball. Her thick scales looked mightily imposing, especially as world qi pooled around them, forming a barrier.

I unfortunately never played fair, and she had the perfect trap in her hands. The maracas were filled with seeds. I pointed at one and blasted it with a thin beam of wood qi. The gourds cracked open as dozens of seeds sprouted vines far larger and more dangerous than they had any right to be. The vines quickly wrapped around the naga's hand and spread around her body. She bit and clawed, but she was too late. The naga was tied into her defensive position by beansprouts.

With her tied up, I approached.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not here to join your group. I'll be sure to release you when I'm done here." I said and walked deeper into the graveyard.

I hadn't walked very far when I heard a wolf howl. "You may have gotten past Siri, the rattling serpent, but now you fight Rouge the red wolf. A copper-furred werewolf girl said as she stepped out from behind a giant rib. I'm much stronger than that sly snake."

After observing her for a second, I concluded something. "You also don't wear clothes." The fur that covered her body avoided her titties and was spread away from her vagina. The thick teardrop bulged out and flexed, making me uncomfortable.

She grinned and crossed her arms, perking up her breasts. "Says the man with no pants."

Damn it, I needed to deescalate. "I'm just here for our water farm. If you just give it back, we can forget about all of this." I said.

"I'm the leader of the Boner Bandits, and I say no returns ever," Rouge said.

Killing just wasn't on the agenda. These girls weren't a threat to me, especially at full strength. I was even stronger than I had been when I first arrived. My time with Molly today had refilled my qi reserves, and I could lay down the smackdown if I wanted to. Crushing them all felt like bullying.

The wolf-girl licked her lips and smiled ferally. "You can get it back if you're strong enough to get past me. But, I'll warn you, if I pin you down, you're mine." She practically vanished from sight, so I leaped up.

The mana empowering technique she used was better than Kale's. It was also hard to observe. I was naturally faster than any other human without a cultivation base. So when comparing stats base to base, I should be much stronger than the werewolf. But her use of the mana around her was better than Kale's technique. Rouge gained maybe 3 times the increase Kale did. It wasn't even the world qi but the technique that was impressive.

She leaped from the large ribs jutting from the ground, and if not for the world qi screaming out in pleasure every time she jumped, I would have been caught. Then I felt hands wrap around my ankles, and she threw me down.

The werewolf landed in front of me as I observed her. Every application of qi needed to be fluid. She grabbed my shoulders and hovered over my crotch.

"Your mine," Rouge said and lowered herself until the head of my cock kissed the part in her spade.

Her cute girlish smile and long rust-colored hair gave her the girl next door look. "Welcome to the Boner Bandits."

Check out my other story: Amen To Spirits And Chests

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