
Her Word Rang, Down To The Core Of Her Soul

During the storm, Lizy and the surviving spiderling found the island she lived on now and had decided that landing on it was better than dying in the storm. The group of fifteen spiderlings landed on the island, and this was before the Demons had arrived.

Lizy and her group had thought that they had finally reached safety, and in a way, they had; the creatures of the island left them alone. They found the lava lake that is controlled by the Demon Lord Dao, but Lizy soon learned the value of her mother's words.

Things had been good for the first two weeks, and Lizy had even gotten close to one of her sisters, Mackenna. The two hunted together and even would share their meals before eating them or trading before eating.

Then one of Lizy's brothers disappeared, but no one knew where he had gone. Mackenna and I, like the others, had just assumed that he must have left to go to explore.