
Monster Girl Encyclopedia: Awakened Influence

Thirty years have passed since the defeat of Andariel Pendragon and peace have been brought to the humans and monsters. However, an ancient adversary has now awakened and wants to bring back the a world where monsters only care about their pleasurable desires. It's up to new heroes to take a stand against them with their newfound abilities. Sequel of Wailing Moans.

UncleJimbo95 · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

They don't stop coming for more

Dwight and Lily are currently inside the train on their way to Heveria. He's fidgeting his legs while looking out the window.

"Something bothering you?" Lily asks.

"Yeah. This whole shit happened because of this Druella awakening, right?" He questions.

She nods. "That is correct. She is my great great great great grandmother. Although my family wanted to distance themselves from her, hence they changed their last name to Frostfaith."

"If she's your family, why didn't you stop her?"

She gazes upon the other people inside, who have been sneaking glances at their directions. "Trust me. I did try, but she's obsessed with her ideology to be convinced otherwise. And I can't fight her and her elite warriors alone. They are very powerful beings." She faces him. "Which is why I hooked myself to a satellite to send a high frequency signal to awaken anyone with Influencers while I was still the Mamono Lord."

"That was you? I guess that explains what happened back then." Dwight thinks back to when he was at the cell. "Hold on. Are you sure anyone with Influencers will be cooperative?"

She thinks for a moment. "I don't know."

"You don't know!?"

"While it's true they're immune to the influence of Druella, that doesn't change what they will use their newfound ability for their own gains."

Dwight sighs. "That could cause more trouble than it's worth."

Lily shrugs. "I had no other choice. There have been less number of Chosens with every passing time. And even if that wasn't the case, I needed more to defeat them. We're not as strong as we were before."

He stays silent for a moment. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For trying to threaten you earlier. It seems you have a lot on your shoulders." He doesn't make eye contact.

She smiles. "Don't worry. Interactions like that come with the job. Plus, I'm used to my allies being hostile to me." Now Dwight feels worse.

The train stops and they leave. Heveria is known mainly for their beautiful fauna that grows in the area. It's where all the wealthy families go to arrange their marriages.

"...This is where Jessica planned her wedding to be." He mumbles to himself.

"You said something?"

"Nah. I was just reminiscing about the past." He hangs his head low.

Lily puts her hand on his shoulder. "We will save them. Now, let us book a place to stay. You must be exhausted."

He shakes his head. "I'm fine. Plus, I don't have the cash to pay the bills."

She smirks. "Do you realize who you're talking to? I'll cover any expenses." They walk towards the center of the town. The street is empty. The few that are outside, quickly retreat to their home. "I wonder why they're hiding?"

"Probably because they must've heard the news of what happened in Fargor. And you look pretty intimidating." Dwight explains.

"That is correct." A muscular brown skinned man says. The sun shines on his hairless head. His brown eyes are scanning the two wanderers. He's wearing a sleeveless white tank top, khaki pants and brown shoes. A white coat hangs over his shoulder. Which makes sense, since he's sitting in front of a clinic. "Welcome to Heveria, Mamono Lord and husband." He grins.

Lily giggles. "Thank you, but we're not together like that."

The man raises an eyebrow. "Really? Well now I've seen everything!" He laughs. "That means he's still up for grabs." He checks out Dwight.

"Sorry. I'm not interested in relationships." He shuts him down.

He smirks. "What a shame."

"Could you tell us the nearest hotel? We need a place to rest." Lily says.

He scratches his cheek. "The hotel is down the block, but I doubt they'll let you stay."

"And why is that?" Lily asks.

"Mamonos are not welcome around these parts. Especially with the news of Fargor." The three notice the people peeking through their windows in their house.

"Fuck. Now what do we do? Sleep on the pavement?" Dwight groans.

"I can give you both a place to sleep." The man points at the top of the clinic. "I have a spare room that I can let you stay in for the night."

"Really!? Thank you so much! How much are you charging?" Lily pulls out a small bag of coins, but the man stops.

"No payment is needed. It's already an honor to have the Lord to stay. Can make one hell of a tourist attraction." He laughs.

Lily jumps excitedly. "Wow! Thank you! Your generosity will not go unrewarded." She heads inside.

Dwight stays behind. "You're being awfully nice. What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just being a good citizen." He smiles.

"Terrance!" A burly man angrily approaches them. The stench of his cologne strikes their nostrils. "What do you think you're doing housing that monster here!?"

"Good day to you too, Arnold." Terrance says stoically.

"Don't give me that shit! I knew you were a monster sympathizer the moment you strolled into town." He says with venom.

"Sir, are you still upset that I performed a prostate check? You seemed to enjoy it." He smirks.

Arnold gets flustered. "You demon. I know that procedure is bullshit for you to violate men. You're lucky to be the only doctor here. Otherwise, I would've ousted your ass a long time ago!"

"Yeah yeah. I hope you arrive for the next check up, since it was inflated. Hope you've been plowing your wife to reduce it." He smiles.

"Fuck you! You don't know shit! They better leave by tomorrow morning!" With that, Arnold goes back to his home.

"What a fucking asshole." Dwight comments.

Terrance chuckles. "You can say that again."

"What a fucking asshole." They both laugh.

"But seriously, they have a reason to be afraid." Terrance says.

"How come?"

"At night, there's a mamono who preys on men for their mana. Luckily there's no death, but it's annoying and they blame me for it." He sighs.

"It's weird that they would do that to you."

"The thing is, the mamono is male."

Dwight recoils in surprise. "Male!? But that's impossible. Monsters are only supposed to be females."

"The world is full of surprises." Terrance stands, showing his tall stature. "Tonight is a full moon, when that mamono always strikes. I recommend staying inside."

"Thanks for the heads up." Dwight yawns. "I'm going to bed. You're one cool dude." He goes inside.

"...Cool? That's a first." He gazes at the cloud.

Night of Destiny

Lily and Dwight are sleeping on the one bed in the spare room that's practically a closet. She embraces him, squishing his face in between her breasts.

After a moment, Dwight wakes up in darkness and lacking in oxygen. He tries to break free, but she's too strong. In his desperation, he squeezes her breasts. She moans and loosens her grip. He rolls off the bed, taking a humongous breath of air.

"Fucking hell, woman." He grunts. She hugs the pillow and smiles. Dwight stands. "Great. Now I'm awake." He looks out the window. The full moon hovers brightly in the clear sky. "I know there's supposed to be that male monster out there…but I'd be lying if I wasn't interested in seeing him." He puts on his coat and shoes before heading outside.

It's a bit chilly, so he buttons up the coat. The streets are still empty, but the flowers are still absorbing the moonlight. He picks a lavender. Then pockets the roses and rosemaries in his coat. "Come on, monster. You've got a ripe man for the picking here." He says to himself. That's when he sees Terrance hunched over Arnold unconscious on the floor. He rushes towards them. "Is he okay!?" He asks. Terrance doesn't respond. Arnold has his pants down and looks like he has been sucked dry.

"Hehehe." Terrance chuckles. He faces Dwight. His brown eyes are now glowing amber with slit irises. He wipes the semen off his face, then grins. Revealing his sharp canines.

"W-WHAT!?" He is shocked. A red arm suddenly appears behind Terrance and punches Dwight in the guts, sending him flying a good distance. He's gasping for air. Before he can regain his footing, his body is pulled back towards him with the same force of the blow. The red arm grabs him by the throat and reveals itself.

It's a muscular red entity with a muzzle on its mouth. It has fishnets on its arms. Its bottom is a garter belt. It has devil wings and a tail made out of chains. It's choking Dwight, trying to knock him out.

"V-Vi..Vi.." Vices and Virtues is summoned and punches the Influencer's face. Terrance feels the pain and his Influencer lets Dwight go.

He looks at them, while rubbing his jaw. "Now that is surprising. You have a spirit too. I knew there was something attractive about you." He licks his lips.

Dwight regains his footing while gasping. "Fucking hell! Can't…a man catch his breath!?"

He crosses his arms. "I did warn you earlier to stay inside. But alas, it seems you wanted to see me and you will reap the consequences."

"Fuck off! I wasn't expecting you to be an Incubus!"

Terrance tilts his head. "I'm not an Incubus. I'm an Alp."

"Alp? But your body isn't female." Dwight takes a battle stance.

"Hmph. I'm not like those cowards who are afraid to express their true self." He flexes his arms. "I like my male body, but the consequences are that during a full moon, I let my mamono side take over. I still need mana to live." He mischievously smiles. "Arnold barely had any, so I'm glad you actually came here. You smell absolutely delicious." He poses dramatically.

"Smash Mouth!" Terrance's Influencer grabs Arnold and punches him at Dwight. He sidesteps the body, flying past him. Terrance pulls out multiple syringes and tosses them in the air for Smash Mouth to punch them. Dwight dodges some of them, but one hits his right shoulder blade.

"Ungh!" He pulls it out. However, the syringes he dodged strike his back. "GAAAH!!!"

"Come on. I thought you would already know that his ability makes anything he punches return back to me like a yoyo." He sighs. "You disappoint me."

"Tch!" Vices and Virtues removes Dwight's coat and lets it get dragged along by Arnold's returning body.

Smash grabs the body and Terrance the coat. He notices the roses. "For me? I'm flattered." He takes one and smells it. The rose explodes into an aromatic fume, making him cough uncontrollably.

"I think I've just realized what ViVi's ability does. He transforms any organic material into the man-made product we create it from and vice versa." Dwight explains. The other roses turn into rose water and cover Terrance. Dwight pulls out his lighter and flicks it. He approaches him. Menacingly.

"S-Stop it! Don't come any closer!" Terrance trembles at the idea of being burnt alive. Smash Mouth makes a predictable jab out of desperation, which Dwight weaves. Giving Vices and Virtues the opening to punch Terrance repeatedly.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" The blue hunter battle cries and finishes by punching his face, knocking Terrance out. Both Influencers disappear.

Dwight puts his lighter away. "Dumbass. Alcohol is what makes it flammable." He checks on Arnold. To his surprise, there is still a pulse. "Damn. This fucker can take a beating." He looks around the buildings. Either the residents are deep sleepers or they are too afraid to witness the chaos.

Terrance groans. He opens his eyes to see Dwight looking down on him. "Ah!" About to crawl away, but Dwight stomps on him.

"Your eyes are back to normal." He says.

"P-Please don't hurt me."

Dwight punches his face. "There. We're even." He helps Terrance up. "What's up in your skull, man?"

He sighs. "I was an Incubus back in the day. That was before I realized my attraction towards men. Usually, I would've turned into a woman, but I love how I am. It seems my strong desire has caused a malfunction in the transformation to keep my body, but with the downsides of being a mamono." He scratches his head. "That's what I think anyways."

"Huh. Crazy shit." Dwight says. "How about you come with us?"

"Excuse me?"

"Look. The real reason we're traveling is to recruit you fellas with Influencers. The goal. To take down Druella and the Seven Princesses."

Terrance's eyes widens. "D-Druella!? So the legends were true?" He becomes serious. "Why convince me after I assaulted you?"

He shrugs. "You have an Influencer and you said all your victims never perished. Even one who metaphorically deserves it." He points at Arnold. "Plus, you're a cool dude and I get to brag about traveling with a monster guy." He grins.

Terrance laughs. "You're one queer man." He thinks for a moment. "All right. I'm in."

"That was easy."

"Well it's not like anybody will miss me. On the bright side, I get to brag that I journeyed with the Mamono Lord herself." They both laugh. They decide to leave Arnold in front of his house.

The Morning Day

Lily stretches as she goes downstairs, where Dwight and Terrance are waiting with their bags.

"The Sleeping Beauty is finally up." Dwight says.

"That was a comfortable slumber." She notices Terrance has a backpack. "Are you going somewhere?"

He kneels. "I decided to join you in your journey to stop Druella, M'Lord." He summons Smash Mouth.

"Wonderful! Your medical expertise will truly be an important asset." She pulls him up. "We'll be traveling partners. No need for formalities. Lily is fine."

"Of course, M-Lily." He nods excitedly.

"Hey. Let's go before the train leaves us behind." Dwight says. They all leave onto their next adventure.