
I came from the capital

The mass of over 100 people was completely lost, we did not know where to go or even if we went somewhere we would be accepted.

Dylan shine again "Hey everyone, im propose that we stay together and try to find out where we are"

No one had objections, we did not know where we were even and if he wanted to be the leader of these people this time he managed, except of course, me.

"I agree that we should all stay together, but right now I think small groups would be quicker at collecting information".

He seemed to understand that I did not want to be with them, but he still did not give up.

"Friend, I understand what you mean, but now we'd better get together and find a more comfortable place to talk about the information we can get."

"I understand what you want, but do not you think such comfortable places would get crowded with so many people?, and what guarantees do you have that you they will not be afraid of us, and if they tell the guards we're creating some strange scheme".

I saw his eyebrows twitch.

He understood that all the points I said were valid and true, but he certainly wanted for some reason to be in power.

"Sure if that's what you want, can come out with your "group", in this he got me, I gave the suggestion about separate groups, but unfortunately i did not have a group.

He realized that I was silent for not having a concrete answer and his smile grew.

At that moment another voice sounded a little far away " We also decided that we are going to leave this super group".

No doubt the beginning with "We", made the smile of American in the collapse, i looked to see who spoke and to my surprise it was a group of women.

They did not even wait for the American to respond and simply turned and left.

Another group also took advantage of the situation and left, and little by little people even if they left alone.

I also did not expect this "popular boy" to say anything to me and simply i turned and left.

I started to walk around this village and it was certainly a little bigger than those towns inland.

The lights in the houses seemed to come from candles, many houses were dark and settlements looked desolate.

I went into an inn I think.

It was deserted, even the man who should be at the counter was nowhere to be seen, I went there and hit the wooden counter to see if the sound would attract anyone.

Frustratingly no one appeared, i waited for about two minutes and turned to leave.

Turning the street, I noticed that the sky was already partly dark, few beams of light were still visible.

I noticed some noise in the distance and followed, and when I got there I saw a child alone.

I was going to turn around when that child ran in my direction crying "Uncle, please help me".

Her voice was very good to hear, it sounded very melodious, i touched in your head and asked, "Do you live near here?"

The boy just trembled, his voice sounded very softly "yes, i live right there, but my parents said I should not be walking alone at night".

Well, it looks like a normal child who obeys his parents, i pulled him away a bit and took his hand and said "show me you where you live, I'll take you there".

We were already walking when a woman dressed in orange came on the street shouting "Ren, where are you?, Ren comes here".

When the boy heard and saw the woman in the street he released my hand and ran towards her.

As soon as the woman noticed him, she ran toward him and hugged him as soon as she got close enough.

I approached, as this woman would be the pass for my survival tonight.

She seemed to have noticed me, i smiled sympathetically, but for some reason made her grimace.

"Sorry boy, but i do not get to do that sort of thing..."

I had not understood until she looked for my bottom half.

I was a bit embarrassed, but i made up a lie that maybe even i do not believe "It's not that girl, when i was coming to the village my carriage was attacked by those monsters and one of them bit my leg and tore my clothes"

I showed a cut I had made on the way here was very small, but it was red and looked like it had been done recently.

She first made an incredulous face, but when i turned and she noticed the cut and the other several scratches, seemed to have believed.

The scratches came from a part of the plain that was surrounded with dry twigs and caused a few scratches thing that disappears after a while.

She nodded and said "I understand, but i can not help the beasts will attack soon and I just left the house because of my Ren."

"you can take me with you "she had already turned around and seemed to want to ignore me when the boy said "Mom this uncle was taking me home, please help him".

She stopped for a few seconds and looked at me again and noticed that i was too young and also noticed that my shirt was a little different from the cloth she was wearing.

"Where you are from ?".

That was the question i wanted, because if there is one thing i learned reading my fantasy books was that in medieval times there were social classes.

"I was going back to the capital of an expedition with some warriors..."

The word capital has undoubtedly shaken the mind of this plebeian, so it is time to get a safe night.

"No doubt if you let me spend the night of the beasts at your house, as soon as i return to the capital, promise you with my word that i will repay you."

She was quite ready to help me.

"I'll leave in the morning and meet the guards of the village, and you'll see that I'm telling the truth."

She finally fell, she nodded twice and guided me in the direction the boy was taking me.

She hurried on, the night was already dark and as soon as i got to the front of a house i was shoved inside.