
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Twenty

It was early Thursday morning, everyone was still asleep in the high-blooded land. With only a few servants and pack guards strolling around.

After yesterday's festive that the Luna decided to throw... everyone was exhausted.

But not Domino, who had his head preoccupied with thoughts of her... his mate. It had been three days since they had sent the letter.

He would check on Tuscana for everyday, in fact every hour. But there was no response.

After a few tosses in his bed, he decided to get up. After a shower he then threw on one of his luxurious deep green tux  and sprayed some perfume.

He was being exceptionally elegant and chic today, as if he was going to some special event. But in truth, he was hoping to find any reply from his mate today... and that would be a significant event for him.

He left his room where he immediately made his way to the kitchen. Upon arriving, he found some of the servants in the midst of preparing breakfast. "Good morning everyone." he saluted where they greeted back in unison. After this exchange, he proceeded to where the trays were placed.

He put whatever was for breakfast on a tray before he said his goodbyes and departed, heading towards the dungeons.

This has been a routine for him for the last three days, everyday with hope to see any response from his mate about the letter... but everyday ends with him in his own bed, his heart and mind consumed by the burning flames of disappointment.

Once he reached the door to Tuscana's cell, he held the tray with one hand while searching for the key to the cell in his pocket.

Inside, there on the worn out mattress sat Tuscana crisscrossed, her eyes closed as she leaned against the wall. When she heard footsteps approaching, she opened her eyes and gave Domino a measured look. "You're early today," she said.

Domino was quiet before he placed the tray next to her and then moved to the opposite wall, where he sat on the dirty concrete ground, getting his fancy clothes dirty along... that's when his belated reply came "That's my usual time, Tuscana."

"Well I expected you to be late, especially after the party of yesterday... I myself need more sleep." Tuscana said.

"Are you kicking me out? I just arrived aunt Tuscana."

"I'm not kicking you out Domino... just stating the facts, I really need to sleep— Your party has been going on for late hours, and it's been quite loud... seriously; who came? I mean who was the reason for it."

Domino hung his head low as he sadly looked at his hands before saying "No specific reason. My mom as usual wanted to throw a ceremony for no particular reason."

Tuscana raised her eyebrow at his words, questioning "For no reason?... And is she allowed to?" Tuscana had witnessed many kingdoms, small packs, large packs... no matter how wealthy or big they were; throwing out a ceremony -for no reason- was completely something unacceptable.

Domino let out a fake smile as he replied "Of course she's allowed to... I mean she's the Luna, she has the upper hand and authority over everyone else."

Tuscana rolled her eyes "I know... that is obvious. But what I meant is your father... the alpha, would he allow her?"

At the mention of his father, Domino went silent. They were not close, and they never shared a father-son bond. Yet, Domino felt a sense of affection for his father. And He feels sad seeing his father so worn out day after another, life has drained him...

He inhaled deeply "My father is out of place for most of time, plus my mother would always get her ways around with some twisted or fabricated scenario."

"Typical Aromalyn." Tuscana mumbled under her breath but Domino heard it clearly and that was his cue to change the topic because despite his mother's flaws and their strained relationship, he would not side with Tuscana against his mother.

"Anyhow, Is there any response?" He asked with hope tinting every word of his, even though he knew that there was no response since the moment he put step into the dungeons.

"Sadly not... I think the person you tried to contact might have ditched it away..."

Tuscana's words were like a knife cutting through every artery and vessel of his heart.

Why would she ditch it away? didn't she care about him? he basically begged for her to give him a response anything, even if some baby scratches... did she even red it?

Every question served to diminish his hurt and instead getting it replaced by anger. Fueled by this emotion, he abruptly rose from his place and scurried  to the cell door, slamming it shut with force.

He went jogging, recklessly skipping stairs along the way, like a maniac, leaving every passing being in confusion, until he reached his room where he slammed the door with such brutality almost sending it off its hinges.

Once inside, he scanned the room until his eyes landed on a piece of cloth. Her cloth that was settled on his desk. With large strides, he reached the desk and secured it in his hand, and in one swift motion, swept everything else off the surface, sending it all crashing to the floor.

The antique oil lamp shattering into countless fragments, the luxurious navy blue pen breaking in half, and papers scattering haphazardly throughout the room.

Once he saw the mess he had created, his anger began to subside, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply allowing a sense of calmness to wash over him. And as the tranquility settled in, he opened his eyes and turned around, spotting the chair in the middle of the room... he couldn't recall when it had changed position, but it stood out clearly amidst the chaos he had created.

He carried it to the now deserted desk and took a seat there. He remained motionless like a statue for a while, contemplating his next step and eventually he settled for one.

Retrieving a virgin pale yellow paper from one of the drawers, he placed it on the shiny dark red wood of his desk, he then withdrew a pen from the same drawer.

He started writing, his hand gliding across the paper skillfully, as if writing the day he was coronated as the high-blooded alpha. But in reality he was documenting the lamentations of his soul.

But he was never satisfied with finding the eloquent words that could fully express his mournful rhetorical soul. 

Each time he would crumple up the paper, discard it and withdraw a fresh sheet. After dozens of papers, and countless times running his fingers through his hair... he was somewhat satisfied with what he had written— key word: somewhat.

After reading it over for the seventeenth time he put in an envelope and sealed it. Then, he took the perfume bottle out of his closet and sprayed a generous amount of the scented liquid onto the letter, hoping that the fragrance would compel her... or rather the bond between them.

With no further delay he left his room and headed directly to the dungeons and to one specific cell.

As he opened the door Tuscana looked up from the food tray while wiping the fingers of her intact hand with the handkerchief, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the envelope in his hand.

"Another one?" she asked, her voice tinged with sympathy.

Domino nodded, stepping closer and extending the letter towards her. "You need the crow right? I'll open the door for it, and you... do your stuff "

Tuscana took the envelope, her fingers brushing against the seal. With a final nod, Domino turned to do as said.

After opening the door, he went back to the cell to find Tuscana still munching on the food he had brought her nearly two hours ago.

Domino stood there silently for a few moments, but he couldn't hold back his question. He asked, "Are you having your breakfast now? Isn't it cold?"

"Well i don't have a hand remember?" She started, raising her arm with the missing hand. "Besides, I had half of it right after you left... and I'm just finishing the other ha.." Tuscana replied prolonging the conversation until Domino cut her in "Alright, alright... sorry, but just hurry up so you can call the crow."

"I already did." Domino looked at her with disbelief before he asked "Are you joking? When?"

Now it was Tuscana's turn to look at him  in disbelief "When you went to open the door?" Red filled his face with embarrassment, as he realized how dumb he'd been.

After a considerable time, the dark avian gracefully soared through the air, only to swiftly depart as soon as it got in, carrying the letter securely fastened to its leg. Domino remained rooted in his place watching the bird while praying to god that his letter would get him a favorable reply this time.

Subsequently, he shifted his attention to Tuscana and gave her a genuine smile, he was actually grateful for her... Expressing his farewells, he then departed.

As he walked back through the twisty corridors of the dungeons, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease and discomfort that had settled in his chest. A flood of thoughts and emotions was flowing through his head and the uncertainty was eating him up at each pace.

Domino found himself in his room, staring at the remnants of his earlier outburst. The shattered oil lamp, the scattered papers, the broken pen—it all felt like a reflecting image of his own fractured state. He sank into the chair, running a hand through his hair, feeling the ache of longing for his mate, even his wolf left him to suffer alone.

He knew he needed to focus, to regain his composure. There were matters of the pack that required his attention, decisions to be made, his father's orders. But for now, all he could do was wait and hope that his words, drenched in the scent of his, would reach her.