
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Eleven

It was well past midnight and the peaceful silence enveloped the surroundings, Alaska was in the peaceful-sleeping ambiance. Blake, on the other hand, remained wide awake, finding solace in playing with the soft halo resting on his muscular arm. This was his sole means to alleviate his restlessness and inner agitation. His mind was consumed by persistent thoughts of finding him and his cherished mate, which tormented him relentlessly day and night, driving him into a state of frenzy.

What if he initiates an attacking after all the best defense is attack. With a vigorous wolf at his disposal, he could undoubtedly eliminate any opposition. However, concerns arise regarding his mate's reaction. Would she harbor resentment towards him or reject him if he were to eliminate his own kin, his own flesh and blood? Would she perceive him as a monster capable of harming her as well? Heck it is worth noting that the thought of such an act 'of hurting his mate' doesn't even cross his mind, for his actions are driven by his love for her and the need to seek justice for himself.

In his mind, these thoughts continued to revolve incessantly, becoming unbearable. Consequently, he carefully separated himself from his mate, perching at the edge of the bed. Placing his head in his hands, he took a profound breath before rising to his feet.

He directed his attention towards his slumbering mate and observed her for a moment, sensing an immediate calming of his nerves. Subsequently, he leaned in to gently plant a tender kiss on her cheek, Before taking sloppy strides towards the door.

Soon, he found himself standing outside the cabin in the chilly night weather. In the distance, an owl chirped. He began to walk slowly, with his hands tucked into his shorts' pockets and his bare chest that was getting hugged by the wind. He walked steadily, eventually arriving at the abandoned cottage.

He couldn't be restless unless he had provided his beloved a secure shelter to live, thus he was now driven with a strong resolve to finish it as soon as possible because, if his intuition was correct, they must be nearing their whereabouts.

With the aid of his wolf vision and abilities, he carried on doing the task he had previously abandoned - emptying the place. He moved all the broken and unusable items outside, and then proceeded to pack the valuable possessions into cardboard boxes. In the midst of his packing, a book with the title 'lycanthropy and its comprehensive study' captured his attention.

Previously, Blake held the belief that the inhabitants of this place had a connection to werewolves, due to the presence of wolf's bane being a significant hint. However, now that he holds this book in his hand, it serves as confirmation. Nevertheless, he wasn't certain as to whether it is a human who somehow knew about werewolves, or a witch or warlock involved in their realm.

With a sense of curiosity, he randomly opened the book, not seeking to acquire knowledge about lycanthropy, as he was already a lycan with extensive knowledge imparted by his father. However, he was intrigued by the contents of this particular book, given that it was not written by a werewolf.

The book came to a halt on a page positioned in the center, with the words 'siblings bond with their mate' written at the top. A surge of anger engulfed him and his wolf, yet they both chose to disregard it and proceeded to read the contents of the page. It stated, "according to lycanthrope folklore, when two siblings are born within the same month, they are highly probable to share the same soulmate..."

In response to seeing those particular words, he abruptly shut the book and his anger escalated. Unfortunately, those words held undeniable truth, and he was well aware of this fact. In fact, he had personally observed this phenomena throughout his upbringing—the strong bond shared between his father and his two twin mates.

"Now it might happen again" he growled, sensing protruding fangs pressing against his gum, elongating claws, and his eyes transforming to a golden hue. But, he remained in a partially shifted state, preserving his human face and body.

He was filled with intense agitation, leading to destructive and violent desires towards everything and everyone around him, he felt like showing the world his wrath... However, his feelings were somewhat contained as long as his mate remained unharmed. Surprisingly, she possessed the power to influence his emotions... She could be the one turning him into a beast and she could be be the one bringing peaceful resolution to his troubled soul, without even uttering a word or needing to express it verbally.

He now needed her to help him settle that peace in him otherwise, everyone was doomed. His feet dragged him outside the cottage, and took a moment to gather himself, attempting to halt the internal conflict of his thoughts.

The idea of heading straight towards his pack and massacring whoever was responsible for his suffering, as well as the idea of going to his mate and affectionately nuzzling her neck, were the prevailing thoughts in his mind. Eventually, the latter idea won out, and he began moving swiftly towards the cabin.

Alaska, was gripped with anxiety, seated on the edge of her bed, frantically biting her lips. She had awoken a few minutes earlier to an empty cold bed and to the unsettling realization that her mate was not beside her. His faint, indiscernible scent lingered in the air, but it provided no clues as to his whereabouts. Alaska felt a deep desire to go and search for him, but the lack of any scent trail left her apprehensive that he may arrive and not be able to find her.

What if he is currently laying injured and she remains sitting here like an idiot, oblivious to his condition. Furthermore, what if he ultimately decides to depart and no longer desires her as his mate? After all, she is merely a rogue while he holds a high blood as an alpha. However, he did assure her that he would never think about leaving her, didn't he?

Feeling overwhelmed, she reached a point where she couldn't endure it any longer. So, she rose from the bed and made her way towards the bedroom door. Unexpectedly, a powerful scent wafted over her senses, and in the next moment, the door swung open, revealing a creature that seemed to originate solely from the depths of one's imagination.

Her mate stood in the room, In a human-wolf hybrid state, both his legs firmly planted and his size noticeably enlarged, causing the space to appear cramped and oppressive. With his torso exposed and his eyes emanating a golden glow in the darkness, his fangs and claws gleamed ominously. His muscular chest, arms, and legs were covered in a thick layer of hair, and he stood with a slight bend, displaying both his human and wolf characteristics... He was in a state between his human form and his wolf form.

It was an extremely uncommon occurrence, regarded by many in the werewolf community as a mere myth, with some even using it to frighten their young ones. Alaska, too, believed it to be a myth until she witnessed it now firsthand - not on a stranger, but on her own mate. This revelation left her feeling shocked, uneasy, and slightly fearful, as the idea of fearing one's own mate was also considered rare and peculiar too. But overall, the entire situation was indeed rare and bizarre.

In spite of her trepidation, she approached him timidly, allowing her heart and their bond to guide her. Eventually, she stood before him and gently embraced him, ensuring every move was done with care.

Remaining in that position, she waited anxiously for a response from him. To her relief, he didn't reject her, snap at her or even worse, inflict harm upon her. However, just as she began to feel a sense of relief, he suddenly seized her by the waist and threw her with such force and brutality that it left her stunned and disoriented.

If the same action had been inflicted upon a human, the outcome would have been fatal. Thank god, she wasn't an ordinary human. However, if he were to hurt her, she would have no possibility of survival, as there are two compelling reasons that would lead to her immediate demise.

One reason is that, as his mate, she would refrain from self-defense and intentionally causing harm to him while in a rational state of mind. Another reason is that, as the alpha with a heightened aggression and a blurred state of mind, he would have no difficulty overpowering her.

He then landed on her, placing his knees on either side of her hips. She closed her eyes and began to breathe heavily as his claws delicately followed the contours of her sides. Starting from her hips, they ventured upward, occasionally grazing the exposed skin revealed by her raised shirt.

Alaska's mind was inundated with thoughts. Is this really how she will meet her end? In the embrace of her mate? This outcome was not expected, as mates are meant to love and protect one another. Unfortunately, that was not her reality. Could this be a divine retribution for her previous reluctance to have a mate?

Before even realizing it, tears cascaded silently down her cheeks as she pondered the heartbreaking notion that her mate being responsible for her demise, a thought that brought only sadness to no point.

In the room, a voice could be barely similar to her mate's faintly reverberated, resonating with a deepness akin to someone speaking with Sulfur Hexafluoride. Though his words were intended to be whispered, they came out rough, menacing, and loud. He queried, "Why are you crying, darling?"

In a state of confusion, she gazed at him after opening her eyes, unable to speak. The question, or rather the voice, left her completely speechless.

The beast leaned down and planted a kiss on both of her eyes, followed by a gentle kiss on her cheek, assuring her, "I would never let them harm you." His casual tone conveyed love and warmth, causing a comforting sensation to course through her.

She was uncertain about whom he was referring to with 'them', but what was important at that moment was that he wasn't angry at her or intending to cause her harm. Despite his intimidating appearance, she no longer felt fear but instead concern for him. He lowered his head south and towards a special spot of her neck, dragging his sharp fangs along her delicate skin, struggling to resist marking her.

However, his teeth possessed enough sharpness to pierce the surface of her fragile skin, causing small droplets of blood to emerge. The enticing scent of her and her blood proved difficult for him to resist, as he made an attempt to control his impulses and distance himself. Unfortunately, he was unable to resist his urges and he licked her neck clean.

Blake experienced a strong overwhelming surge of emotions, encompassing worry, fear, and love, which had a profound impact on him, to the point of almost knocking him out. Unintentionally, he rested his head on the comforting pillow of his mate's chest, accompanied by low growls escaping his mouth. Gradually, as time passed, the growls diminished, and sleep gradually engulfed him.

Alaska observed the scene before her with astonishment, as worry filled her. Her mate's behavior had become increasingly strange since he regained his wolf. Heck the entire situation surrounding him was peculiar, particularly his escape from a tormented life inflicted by his family making him lose his wolf, but now he seemed to possess unusual behaviors and abilities. Firstly, he displayed an immunity to wolf's bane, and now he had the ability to transition between his human form and his wolf form. However, despite the growing oddities, Alaska's affection for her Blake only deepened with each passing day.

She maintained her position to avoid disturbing her tormented partner with an idle mind. She had no interest to tire her thoughts at that moment, so all she could do was hope for the best and trust in God's plans for both of them. She entwined her fingers in his hair, feeling the electric tingling travel to her fingertips. Eventually, she succumbed to sleep despite her efforts to stay awake and keep watch over her beloved.