
Monarch of the Seven kingdoms

Raising his hand, he watched with fascination as flames swirled and danced in his palm. A serene smile graced his features, a stark contrast to the grim battlefield he had left behind. In this new world, he had been reborn into a realm filled with enchantment and magic. As he delved deeper into the mysteries of this magical world, he uncovered a startling truth – he was the renowned king of one of the seven kingdoms, a ruler of great power and influence. Walking to the balcony of his chamber, he inhaled the fresh, magical air that surrounded him. His laughter echoed through the palace as he proclaimed, "I won't make the same mistake again." A new era had dawned...

S_R_13 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


King Aurelius strolled leisurely towards the grand library of the empire. His mind lingered on the recent meeting, reflecting on decisions that, in hindsight, felt impulsive—choices the previous king wouldn't have made. Even though the current king lacked memories of his past, diligent studies and rumors had pieced together a basic understanding of the deceased king's character and governing style "In the end, I didn't maintain a low profile as I intended." He sighed and made his way toward the Grand Library. After a few minutes, he found himself standing in front of a substantial door tightly closed and guarded by sentinels. As the guards noticed the king approaching, they swiftly bowed in respect "Greetings, my lord," the guards respectfully greeted King Aurelius as he neared the door of the Grand Library.

The grand doors opened, revealing the expansive and seemingly endless expanse of the Grand Library. Towering shelves lined the walls, housing books of various sizes and ages. Dust motes danced in the streams of light filtering through stained glass windows, while ancient wooden tables and comfortable reading chairs were scattered throughout the space. The air carried a delicate aroma of parchment and leather bindings, speaking of the vast stories and knowledge nestled within the library's depths. Above, ornate chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting a warm and otherworldly glow over the room.

"Such a marvelous sight," King Aurelius breathed, visibly inspired. He walked straight in, finding the library empty of occupants.

King Aurelius delved into the Grand Library to uncover knowledge about the empire and the world he found himself reincarnated in, particularly seeking information about the Nine Spherical Orbs of Elements that he was cultivating. As hours passed, he perused numerous books, most of which contained familiar information he had already gathered from outside the library. However, he ventured into a darker, dimly lit section where ancient texts were housed. Lighting a fire, he discovered a set of ancient books that piqued his interest. Carrying them back to his seat, he eagerly began reading, drawn in by the intriguing contents that had captured his attention.

"A spherical orb is formed through a person's cultivation process, containing the energy necessary to manifest elemental powers. Should an individual create more than two orbs, it signifies their ability to wield multiple elements and potentially combine these elements,Legends speak of individuals who can wield up to seven elements, but this remains a mythical concept. Following the creation of these orbs, an individual gains the ability to command elements and form contracts with Elemental spirits. These spirits are classified into three levels: the lower level, possessing low intellect; middle-level spirits, with moderate intellectual capabilities; and higher spirits, distinguished by their high intellect and capacity for communication." As King Aurelius continued reading, his interest was piqued further, delving deeper into the ancient texts that unraveled the mysteries surrounding the orbs and their connections to the elemental powers within the world. The text hinted at a legend that spoke of the existence of Spirit Lords, powerful entities who governed the spirits corresponding to each element. It suggested that while such beings were believed to exist, no one had ever successfully formed a contract with them. King Aurelius, growing more intrigued, pondered the existence of these fabled Spirit Lords, wondering if such powerful entities were truly a part of their world's reality.

He continued to read through the texts, discovering repetition in the information, barring the mention of the Spirit Lords. King Aurelius then picked up a few more books, directing his attention to volumes concerning the world in which he currently resided. He delved into the history of the world, learning about the past existence of nine empires, among which were the Temporos Empire, commanding time and space, and the Stormhold Empire, commanding the power of lightning. An ancient conflict had erupted, leading to a war where the seven remaining empires united to overthrow Temporos and Stormhold. This battle endured for years until the two empires ultimately fell. However, finding nothing further that caught his attention, King Aurelius closed the books and carefully returned them to their respective shelves, understanding that time was precious and that his purpose for being there remained unfulfilled.

"Continuing to read could yield more information, but it would consume considerable time to find the specific books I require. At present, I have a faint understanding of this world and the cultivation path I've undertaken. It appears I can wield nine elements." He felt uncertain about his assumption, unable to activate the dormant eight remaining orbs. Just as he was preparing to leave, his intuition warned him of the presence of a dangerously formidable individual, other than himself, within proximity. His cultivation level was insufficient to sense this person's presence until this moment, and the thought dawned on him, 'I'd be in mortal danger if that person were to make a move against me now.'

"Who is there, hiding? Come out!" King Aurelius's call echoed through the space, yet silence lingered in response for several tense minutes as he waited, ready and alert.

The tension hung thick in the air as King Aurelius awaited, and eventually, a mysterious old man, draped in a cloak, emerged from the shadows. This figure, despite moving as if lifeless, emanated a palpable and unparalleled sense of danger that reverberated through the king's senses. The old man's eyes gleamed with a keen intensity as he walked deliberately, his aged steps deliberate.

"Greetings to my king," the old man offered humbly, his gaze fixed on the king. King Aurelius remained vigilant, his guard unwavering, as the cloaked figure continued, "My king, our paths have never crossed before. I am the keeper of this Grand Library, emerging from years of seclusion in my cultivation." The old man's smile carried a sense of humility as King Aurelius continued to scrutinize the figure before him.

In the library, a profound silence stretched out as King Aurelius remained wordless for what seemed like an eternity, each moment dragging out into what felt like hours. The old man, taken aback by the king's response, released a hearty laugh before respectfully walking past Aurelius, vanishing into the labyrinthine shelves of books.

After some time had passed, King Aurelius released a heavy sigh, a mix of surprise and fear etching itself into his expression. "That old man is remarkably powerful and dangerous, yet still serves as the keeper of the Grand Library... Interesting," he mused to himself. With no intention to linger further, King Aurelius departed from the grand library, making his way towards the training hall.

In the grand library, the mysterious old man stood observing through a small window, the imminent dawn on the verge of arriving as night gradually descended. With a trace of surprise in his voice, he reflected, "I sensed the King's death while I was deep in cultivation, a feeling of powerlessness gripping me, knowing I couldn't prevent it." Pausing for a moment, he contemplated his encounter with the king, "I am certain of his demise, and the subtle veil of death surrounding the king is discernible to me."

Chuckling to himself, he stroked his beard and recalled the penetrating gaze of the king, "His eyes possess an extraordinary depth, capable of peering into my soul and detecting my concealed presence perfectly. Hahahahahaha, the king isn't as ominous as the rumors would suggest." His laughter echoed through the grand library, resounding continuously, as he strolled past a shelf, still stroking his beard, and vanished into the shadows.

Due to my work shedule and busy days, the chapter got delayed. Hope you enjoy the chapter!!

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