
Who To Scram?

Who To Scram?

The Heaven Breaking Finger technique, infused with the power of Qin Wentian's perfected Mandate of Sword, along with his formidable cultivation base, unleashed a truly terrifying force. Even Xue Yunfan, an eighth-level Heavenly Dipper expert, was vanquished in an instant.

The members of the Cold Slaughter Sect, who had exuded a menacing aura just moments ago, now stood frozen, their expressions rendered speechless. Their eyes gleamed with a mix of shock and malice, for their target was initially believed to be a mere seventh-level Yuanfu cultivator. However, they could hardly fathom the sheer might displayed by that single finger attack, which defied all reason. It had instantaneously extinguished the life of a Heaven Chosen at the eighth-level of Heavenly Dipper.

Such unbridled dominance left the disciples of the Cold Slaughter Sect stunned, unable to react to the situation unfolding before them. They had come here at the invitation of Xue Yunfan, fully expecting their target to be a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign, armed with over a hundred top-tier fourth-ranked divine weapons. How could their hearts not be enticed by the prospect? Little did they anticipate that this man would prove to be a formidable adversary.

"I bear no intention to kill," Qin Wentian spoke calmly, his voice carrying a hint of warning. He had donned the conical bamboo hat precisely to avoid drawing attention, yet Xue Yunfan's audacity in attempting to rob him had left him with no choice but to eliminate the threat. Should these individuals persist in their misguided path, he would not hesitate to confront them all.

With those words lingering in the air, Qin Wentian turned and gracefully departed the scene. His footsteps were nimble and silent, concealed beneath the shadows of his bamboo hat. Onlookers couldn't discern his features clearly, but they were captivated by the spectacle before them, especially those from the Cold Slaughter Sect. They were astonished that a seventh-level Heavenly Dipper cultivator could intimidate so many experts.

"What shall we do now?" one of them inquired, uncertainty etched on his face.

"Forget it," a ninth-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereign responded. "Judging by his confidence, he's no ordinary individual. Even if we were to obtain his divine weapons, we'd merely be courting disaster." His companions nodded in agreement, their eyes following Qin Wentian's disappearing silhouette. "It's a missed opportunity."

While Qin Wentian had dispatched Xue Yunfan with a single lethal blow, the Cold Slaughter Sect disciples hesitated to rush him. What truly unnerved them was not only Qin Wentian's audacity in coming alone to the Flying Immortal Tower but also the ruthless decisiveness he displayed when eliminating Xue Yunfan. Upon reflection, they concluded that prudence and safety were paramount in the Sacred Royal City.

Wang Yunfei observed Qin Wentian with intense scrutiny, but the idea of seizing his belongings did not cross his mind. Instead, he pondered the possibility of obtaining a small quantity of bone powder to forge a potent defensive-attributed divine armor. Yet the quantity Qin Wentian sought was far beyond reasonable. Could it be that he had grand plans for producing a multitude of such armors?

Qin Wentian had no interest in acquiring bone powder for armor forging. His goal was far more ambitious. If he could successfully cultivate the Fiendgod Body Refinement Art, his physical defense would surpass even that of defensive-attributed divine weapons.

Upon returning to the Divine Weapon Academy and reaching the spot that Moon had arranged for his rest, Qin Wentian closed his eyes. His entire body began to radiate a resplendent astral light. He chanted the oracular chant silently in his mind, causing ominous spirals to manifest in his palms. He absorbed the entirety of the Sky Demon Oracle Bone's bone powder into his body.

An intense pain surged through his arms, and Qin Wentian clenched his teeth, enduring the agony. He was merely in the initial stages of this body refinement art, and it would only become more tyrannical as he progressed.

The Sky Demon Oracle Bone was a precious material used to create supreme, transcendent defensive-type divine armors. Even using just the bone powder from this substance was sufficient to forge an armor with unparalleled defense. The toughness of this material was beyond imagination. Yet, Qin Wentian had to absorb the powder into his bloodstream and refine it from within, resulting in excruciating pain.

While Qin Wentian immersed himself in his cultivation, others in the Divine Weapon Academy were busy forging weapons. Over the past few days, Moon had been completely absorbed in weapon crafting, diligently assimilating all the knowledge Qin Wentian had shared with her. She was making her final preparations for the year-end examination, which was fast approaching.

Today, the Divine Weapon Academy buzzed with excitement. The public square where the forging pagoda stood was teeming with students, and spectator stands were erected for the elders to observe and identify promising talents.

Qin Wentian, Qing'er, and Moon were ready to depart. Moon turned to Qin Wentian with a warm smile. "Thank you for being here to witness my year-end examination."

Qin Wentian nonchalantly replied, "No worries, I'm not busy. Oh, future grandmaster, remember, if I ever need your assistance in the future, you can't refuse me, okay?"

"Naturally, if you ask for my help, I won't charge you a single cent," Moon sweetly assured him. Her confidence had grown significantly, evident even in her aura.

Resting his chin on his hand, Qin Wentian gazed directly at Moon, causing her to blush and look away. With a playful smile, he commented, "You know, Moon, you can be quite beautiful. If you were to doll yourself up, your beauty might even rival Shen Jing's."

Moon blushed deeper at his compliment. "Shen Jing is so elegant; I can't compare to her."

"True, she's elegant, but you exude purity. I just think you should match your appearance to your current status in weapon forging, like a crane standing out among chickens," Qin Wentian remarked.

"Do you really believe that?" Moon asked, her beautiful eyes fixed on him. Qin Wentian nodded in affirmation.

"In that case, wait for me a moment," Moon said with a sweet smile before hurrying back to her room. The wait lasted an entire hour, and when Moon emerged, Qin Wentian couldn't hide his curiosity. He gazed at her and saw that her previously plain attire had been replaced by a dazzling, pure white dress. It showcased her fair neck and exquisite collarbones. Her flowing black hair cascaded gracefully down her collarbone, and she exuded an aura of pure intelligence and beauty.

Under the soft luminescence of the moon, its gentle glow casting a delicate halo over the scene, Moon slowly lifted her head. When her eyes met Qin Wentian's intense gaze, a blush painted her cheeks like the most vibrant rose in the garden. The moment was pregnant with an unspeakable tension. But then, a laugh, like the soothing melody of a hidden stream, escaped from Qin Wentian's lips.

"Seems like my judgment isn't too shabby," he quipped, his eyes dancing with amusement. "If you step out into the world like this, with your exceptional weapon forging skills, you're bound to become a legendary figure in this year's end examination. Haha, let's go."

"Mhm," Moon replied with a nod, her heart fluttering with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Together, they left the room, entering the bustling public square. However, as they emerged, all eyes turned towards Moon, and a murmur of admiration and surprise rippled through the crowd.

"Is that...Moon?" Whispers filled the air, and many couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Be confident," Qin Wentian encouraged Moon, offering her a reassuring smile. In response, she straightened her back, shoulders squared, and walked with newfound confidence. A radiant aura of self-assuredness enveloped her, drawing the attention of the men from the Divine Weapon Academy.

"Moon!" A familiar voice called out. Rong Yan's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the transformation in Moon. He had noticed a change in her over the past few days, but this was beyond his wildest expectations. The once-shy Moon, always lurking in the shadows, had blossomed into someone remarkable. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

Liu Yue, standing beside Rong Yan, acknowledged him with a slight nod before shifting her gaze towards the forging pagoda. She had no fondness for Rong Yan.

"Why did you arrive so late, Moon? The examination is about to begin, and many have already started crafting their weapons in the pagoda," Rong Yan said with a friendly smile as he approached Moon, earning a disapproving frown from Shen Jing, who was standing nearby.

"No worries," Moon replied nonchalantly. "The year-end exam lasts for a whole day."

The year-end exam was a golden opportunity for students of the Divine Weapon Academy to showcase their skills and standards. It was open to all fourth-ranked divine inscriptionists, with academy invigilators assessing their performance. The results would determine the resources allocated to them. Moreover, outstanding participants might catch the eye of academy elders, who could select them as personal disciples.

"That's right. Your weapon forging skills are quite commendable. We'll wait for the next available slots and join as the next batch of participants. I heard that Wang Yunfei plans to enter in the next batch as well," Rong Yan added. His attitude had done a complete 180, but Moon remained silent in response.

Qin Wentian, however, couldn't resist a chuckle. "Moon, I agree with Rong Yan."

Moon glanced at Qin Wentian, catching on to his subtle intentions. With so many elders focusing on Wang Yunfei, those in the same batch could bask in the increased attention.

"Okay," Moon replied, her smile radiant as she looked at Qin Wentian. This caught Rong Yan off guard, and he couldn't help but turn icy.

"Moon, this apprentice I've given you, is he obedient?" Rong Yan's words were laced with arrogance and a hint of mockery, directed at Qin Wentian. His intention was clear – he wanted to belittle Qin Wentian, implying that he could be "given" like a mere object. It didn't sit well with Moon, and her brows furrowed in displeasure.

"Rong Yan, must you always be this discourteous?" Moon retorted, her voice carrying a firmness that was absent before. Rong Yan had a history of treating her with a domineering air, but now he was attempting to shame Qin Wentian. Moon wasn't about to let that slide.

Rong Yan's brows furrowed, and a deep frown etched itself across his face as he confronted the icy disdain in Moon's gaze. It was a slap to his pride, the way she spoke to him, as though he were nothing. Who was he, Rong Yan? What was his status? He carried an air of arrogance with him, and he had every right to. Yet, here he was, speaking politely to Moon, only to be berated in defense of Qin Wentian.

"A recipe for trouble," a sly sneer slipped from his lips. Shen Jing shifted her gaze from Rong Yan to Moon, her words dripping with disdain, "Do you honestly believe that dressing up like a phoenix will turn you into one? Your skills in weapon forging are hardly impressive. Perhaps you should reconsider participating, lest you reveal your incompetence to everyone."

Qin Wentian observed Shen Jing in silence. He gestured towards Little Rascal, nestled in her embrace, and calmly remarked, "Isn't it time you returned my little friend to me?"

A spark of bewilderment flickered in Shen Jing's eyes, tinged with a hint of mockery. She lightly patted Little Rascal on the head and taunted, "Someone like you isn't worthy of having it as a companion. Why don't you ask if it even wants to go back with you?"

A cold chuckle escaped Qin Wentian's lips as he locked his gaze on Little Rascal. "Why are you still hesitating?"

Little Rascal hesitated for a moment, then leaped from Shen Jing's arms into Qin Wentian's. Shen Jing's face stiffened, her expression turning icy as she demanded, "Give it back to me."

Qin Wentian paid her no heed. Rong Yan's contemptuous gaze bore into him. "She told you to hand it over."

"Get lost," Qin Wentian retorted, a flicker of cold determination in his eyes that sent a shiver down Rong Yan's spine.

Summoning his courage, Rong Yan replied, "This is the Divine Weapon Academy. You're the one who should leave."

"You're absolutely right. I'll leave once this examination is over," Qin Wentian declared. His words sent icy glares from both Moon and himself towards Rong Yan and Shen Jing. He had stayed behind because Moon had asked him to witness her examination. It was unfathomable that he was now being pressured to leave.

Just then, the sounds of commotion echoed through the area. The previous group of participants had finished their examinations. Wang Yunfei stood tall at the pinnacle of the pagoda, basking in the adoration and wild cheers from the onlookers.

"I apologize for the delay. Please wait a little longer," Moon said apologetically to Qin Wentian. With a determined look, she dashed towards the pagoda. Surprisingly, the usually low-profile Moon chose to ascend to the very top, standing beside Wang Yunfei. It puzzled many in the crowd. Did Moon not realize her own limitations?

However, at that moment, Moon's elegant gown billowed in the wind, and she exuded an extraordinary presence. Her gaze swept across the crowd, ultimately fixing on Rong Yan and Shen Jing as she uttered a chilling challenge, "Rong Yan, Shen Jing, both of you have humiliated my friend. Why don't we compete in this year-end examination? If the weapon I craft proves inferior to both of yours, I'll leave the academy. But if it's your creations that fall short, then it's time for you to pack your bags and leave."