
Weaponized City

Weaponized City . . .

Expulsion. It was a word that hung in the air like a storm cloud, darkening the already tense atmosphere. Qin Wentian's actions left no room for interpretation; he was unequivocally issuing an expulsion order.

His journey through the enigmatic depths of the ancient bells had transformed him. He had connected with the very essence of immortality through the craft of forging a weapon, vanquished an immortal, and forced the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor's mightiest warriors into retreat. And now, with unwavering resolve, he sought to drive away all others who dared to linger.

The assembled experts exchanged furtive glances, their expressions marked by a mix of incredulity and cold determination. How audacious must one be to consider themselves the master of the Nine Immortality Bells? These sacred artifacts were the very heart of Driftsnow City, a legacy entrusted to their care. Yet Qin Wentian, with every word and action, laid claim to their guardianship.

A sea of eyes turned to the enigmatic Pei Tianyuan and the venerable City Lord of Driftsnow. In this hallowed place, the Driftsnow City of the Jiangling Country, Qin Wentian's demand for their departure stirred a tempest of emotions.

Jiang Yan, his eyes aflame with resentment, seized the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. "My King, City Lord... This man's arrogance knows no bounds. He disrespects us and deems himself the ruler of this realm."

Qin Wentian's gaze bore into Jiang Yan, his divine long spear, radiant with immortal light, erupted in a blaze of power, hurtling towards the provocateur. Beside Jiang Yan, his clan's experts brandished an immortal-ranked weapon, its brilliance akin to a blazing sun. The thunderous clash created tendrils of destruction that rippled through the space. Jiang Yan's face contorted with fury.

"In this realm, your voice carries no weight. Were it not for the protection of your elders, your life would be forfeit with a mere flick of my finger," Qin Wentian declared, his words a scathing indictment. These days, Jiang Yan had been subjected to relentless humiliation at the hands of Qin Wentian, and today was no different. He seethed with impotent rage, for he knew that Qin Wentian spoke the truth. In the face of Qin Wentian's power, he was nothing more than a fragile mortal.

"Sir, while the Nine Immortality Bells reside within my Driftsnow City, this is still a place of shared contemplation. Is it not unseemly to insist we leave?" The City Lord spoke up, his words weighted with authority. As the ruler of the city, he commanded formidable strength, yet he couldn't dismiss the formidable presence that was Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian's expulsion order had ruffled the City Lord's feathers, a fact he couldn't ignore. Here, in his domain, someone dared to dictate his actions? Moreover, the esteemed King of the Jiangling City, Pei Tianyuan, stood by his side. The City Lord felt compelled to assert his authority.

"The Nine Immortality Bells, indeed, the entire Driftsnow City, are relics left by the Driftsnow Master of ancient times. They have known no lord in centuries, serving as a sacred ground for enlightenment. I have unraveled their mysteries and inherited the legacy of the Driftsnow Master. I am the chosen guardian of this place, acting in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth. What impropriety lies in that?"

Qin Wentian regarded the Driftsnow City Lord with a gaze that spoke of resolute purpose. His words carried the weight of a sacred trust, a charge bestowed upon him by the Driftsnow Master himself. It was not only the nine Immortality Bells that he was destined to protect but also the ancient Driftsnow City, guarding it against any disturbance that might threaten its tranquility.

"The Driftsnow Master entrusted me with both the secret of the nine bells and the solemn duty to safeguard this venerable city," Qin Wentian declared, his tone neither obsequious nor haughty. The legacy of the Driftsnow Master was now his to bear, a testament to their deep connection.

The City Lord's eyes flickered with intrigue as he studied Qin Wentian. "You possess the Driftsnow Master's inheritance?" he inquired.

Qin Wentian nodded affirmatively. "Yes, the Driftsnow Master's legacy was passed on to me within the heart of the bells. It was through this connection that I borrowed his transcendent power, the very power that enabled me to bridge the chasm to immortality, ultimately vanquishing an immortal-foundation expert. My purpose is to safeguard the sanctity of the nine Immortality Bells, and should anyone seek to plunder their secrets or lay siege to my memories, I shall employ the full might of the Nine Bells of Immortality, unleashing their runic inscriptions in a cataclysmic storm of destruction."

Qin Wentian's words resounded with solemnity, leaving the onlookers spellbound. His revelation left no room for doubt; he had indeed unraveled the enigma of the Immortality Bells. The inheritance of the Driftsnow Master, it seemed, was more than mere legend. It explained his formidable combat prowess.

The gathered experts exchanged knowing glances, sighing in awe-struck acknowledgment. Qin Wentian had unraveled the secrets of the bells and received the blessings of the Driftsnow Master—a tale now confirmed in resounding clarity. The legends had not been embellished; they had borne the essence of truth.

Such an achievement was expected, even prophesied. The whispers of ages past foretold that connecting to immortality through the art of weapon-smithing was the key to ascending to immortality itself. Yet, despite countless attempts, no one had ever achieved it. Qin Wentian, however, defied convention, forging an immortal-ranked weapon while at the third level of Celestial Phenomenon. It was no wonder he was the chosen inheritor of the Driftsnow Master's wisdom.

There was no room for refutation; his claim was unassailable.

The Driftsnow Bells and the ancient Driftsnow City were both testaments to the Driftsnow Master's enduring legacy. Qin Wentian had inherited that legacy, and thus, he wielded the authority to dismiss those who harbored covetous desires for the secrets within the bells.

Han Dongjiang, representing the Ninepeak Immortal Court, felt compelled to question further. "How can you prove the authenticity of this inheritance, Qin Wentian?"

A hint of incredulity colored his tone. At the recent banquet, he had brushed off Pei Yu's assertion that Qin Wentian had any standing among them, and now he faced a most bitter reversal. The sight of Qin Wentian harnessing the Immortality Bells had kindled jealousy and envy.

"Do you require further proof beyond my combat against that immortal?" Qin Wentian countered, his voice devoid of emotion. He scrutinized Han Dongjiang, daring him to challenge further. But Han Dongjiang, chastened by the irrefutable evidence before him, could only offer a sullen retort, lacking words to retort.

After all, Qin Wentian, at the third level of Celestial Phenomenon, had forged an immortal-ranked divine weapon and slain an immortal-foundation expert. Witnessing these incredible feats was testimony enough.

Pei Tianyuan, his demeanor enigmatic, finally broke his silence. "You have secured the Driftsnow Master's inheritance, a stroke of remarkable fortune. As the one who unraveled the Immortality Bells' mysteries, I trust that you will not tarnish the name of the Driftsnow Master in the days to come."

With that, Pei Tianyuan made his exit, a nonchalant departure that left the crowd in astonished silence.

While numerous experts from the prominent powers of the Cloud Prefecture had assembled, the king of the Jiangling Country, Pei Tianyuan, held a position of unrivaled power among them. It was a testament to his peerless strength that he could command such authority. Yet, remarkably, he chose to withdraw.

Ji Kong cast a profound gaze at Qin Wentian, then followed in the king's footsteps. The Driftsnow City Lord trailed behind them, adding to the unexpected exodus.

With these three eminent figures departing, the remaining experts from the major powers found little reason to linger. However, before they exited the scene, the Jiang Clan's experts directed cold, lingering glares at Qin Wentian. Their leader, with a sweep of his sleeves, issued a curt command, "Let's go."

In succession, representatives from the Myriad Sage Academy, Ninepeak Immortal Court, and Seven Sword Sect withdrew. Within a short span, the area once bustling with mighty cultivators now stood deserted. It remained uncertain if they had entirely departed from the Driftsnow City, but the ease of their exit was doubtful.

Meanwhile, onlookers from afar remained, undeterred by Qin Wentian's presence. Gazing at his figure, they found themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The Nine Immortality Bells had drawn the attention of numerous major powers, but none could have foreseen the staggering climax: a third-level ascendant unraveling the bells' secrets, inheriting their wisdom, crafting an immortal-ranked weapon, vanquishing an immortal, and ultimately ousting the major powers' representatives. It was a narrative that seemed straight from the realm of fantasy.

What had appeared an insurmountable challenge had been surmounted by a young man whose audacity, pride, and unyielding spirit had pitted him against the entire Cloud Prefecture. His indomitable presence had etched itself deep into the hearts of the witnesses. The question of the young man's origins began to stir, as many pondered the sect or clan that could foster such an extraordinary genius.

Amid the spectators stood Cheron, Pei Yu, and a handful of others who had not departed. They approached Qin Wentian, and Cheron began, "Tianwen, your achievements have thoroughly eclipsed my aspirations. I was still trying to connect with the bells, taking pride in merely causing them to resonate. Yet you...you ventured beyond, forging an immortal-ranked weapon, unearthing the secrets, and claiming the Driftsnow Master's legacy."

Qin Wentian responded with a nonchalant smile, the earlier edge in his demeanor now vanished. "I was fortunate," he modestly admitted.

"Fortunate?" Mu Yan chimed in, her voice gentle but resolute. "In all these years, no one has experienced such 'fortune' except for you. There's no need for false modesty. Talent is undeniable, and since you've unraveled the secrets, I assume you have plans for what's to come?"

Qin Wentian nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, there are still many uncertainties that require my contemplation. I need time to reflect on them."

"Alright then, we won't disturb you any longer. Go ahead and do your thing. We'll be right nearby, so if you need anything, just holler. No need to be shy," Mu Yan declared with her usual candidness. Her two companions nodded in agreement. Although Pei Yu harbored countless questions she longed to ask, she restrained her curiosity. The trio bid their farewells, leaving Qin Wentian alone to revel in his moment. They had come only to convey their congratulations, after all.

Once they departed, Qin Wentian took a deep breath, gently stowing away the immortal-ranked divine spear he had masterfully crafted. He then made his way to the center of the nine ancient bells, where he sat down and closed his eyes. He allowed the cascading, resplendent runic light to envelop him completely.

"Nine Immortality Bells... the forging of a weapon that connects to immortality... the legacy of the Driftsnow City."

Qin Wentian's consciousness delved once more into the bells, and in an instant, the city materialized before him. It was a city governed by the will of the Nine Immortality Bells.

"Although I hold a measure of authority, if I wish to fully command this weaponized city, I must refine each of the Nine Immortality Bells individually. These ancient bells are the essence of this city," Qin Wentian mused quietly. His focus shifted to the city, an entity shaped by the combined efforts of the Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade.

In the midst of the city's effulgence, Qin Wentian observed with keen interest. Every structure within was a marvel of intricate design, crafted with profound runes and concealed formations.

"This city seems to have a unique form..." Qin Wentian's perception soared higher into the sky. Yet when he looked down this time, his heart skipped a beat.

To his astonishment, the ancient city bore an uncanny resemblance to a human figure, akin to the colossal, 30,000-meter-tall figure of the Driftsnow Master. The Driftsnow Master had used his own flesh and blood to refine the city, molding it in his own likeness.

"That is...?" Qin Wentian's eyes flickered with intrigue as he realized that the colossal figure seemed to cradle a delicate silhouette within its protective embrace. Could it be... the shadow of Immortal Jade herself?!