
Violet Emperor’s Demand

Violet Emperor's Demand . . .

In the vast and boundless Azure Mystic Immortal Realms, immortal emperors reigned supreme, wielding the power to rule over entire regions. Immortal kings were considered experts in their own right, while those at the Immortal Foundation stage were seen as novices, just taking their first steps on the path toward true strength.

As for the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, it was a stage primarily reserved for young cultivators. If someone were to remain at this stage despite their advanced age, it was a clear indication of limited accomplishments. Their journey toward true strength was likely obstructed, and breaking through to the Immortal Foundation realm before the end of their lifespan would be considered a notable achievement.

From the perspective of the vast immortal realms, the Celestial Phenomenon Realm was no more than a grain of sand in a vast desert—utterly insignificant. Although Qin Wentian had stirred up some commotion within the Evergreen Immortal Empire, he remained a minuscule presence, just one grain of sand among countless others in the entire immortal realms. Consequently, few people paid close attention to his progress.

Thus, their pursuit of immortality wouldn't create any significant ripples. The immortal realms continued to operate as they always had, with the strong dominating the weak. Cultivators from all levels strived to become stronger or met their demise on a daily basis.

However, a notable incident did send shockwaves through the realms. A peak-tier immortal emperor, the Violet Emperor, led a formidable army of experts to lay siege to the infamous Myriad Devil Island, creating a storm of turmoil. This war between immortals and devils was reportedly instigated by the Violet Emperor seeking revenge for his youngest son, Zi Daoyang. The young man had met his demise at the hands of a devil practitioner from Myriad Devil Island while in the City of Ancient Emperors.

But the Myriad Devil Island was not so easily invaded. It was a haven for the most powerful devil cultivators in the immortal realms, comprising numerous devil sects. Some of their peak devil emperors possessed such overwhelming might that even the Violet Emperor could only retreat in frustration after facing their resistance. While the island was known for its chaos and the daily brutality among its inhabitants, it would never allow immortal emperor figures to tread upon its sacred grounds. This was a decree issued by the island's enigmatic master.

On this particular day, the Violet Emperor dispatched envoys to seek an audience with the Evergreen Immortal Emperor, hoping to enlist his aid in the matter. Surprisingly, the Evergreen Immortal Emperor personally received them, signaling the gravity of the situation.

Inside the grand hall of the emperor's palace, a gathering of kings and marquises awaited, their dignified presence filling the room. Beyond the hall's imposing doors, a group of silhouettes stood poised to enter. Each figure exuded an aura of otherworldly might, unmistakably marking them as immortal kings.

At the forefront of this assembly marched an immortal king who appeared deceptively youthful, his physical age belying the wisdom of centuries. Yet, despite his youthful visage, this immortal king possessed a gaze that bore the weight of empires, an intensity that could command nations.

"Nephew Zi Daolong pays his respects to Uncle Evergreen," the youthful-looking immortal king offered a deep bow, his respect evident.

"Juniors pay our respects to the Evergreen Immortal Emperor," echoed the immortal kings following suit. While they hailed from the ranks of the Violet Emperor's subordinates, they understood the need for courtesy when facing the Evergreen Immortal Emperor.

"Eminently respected Nephew, there's no need for such formalities. Pray, tell me, what brings you to my immortal empire today?" The Evergreen Immortal Emperor greeted them warmly, his eyes harboring a knowing gleam.

"Uncle, I believe you are aware of the tragic fate that befell my younger brother, Zi Daoyang, in the City of Ancient Emperors. He fell victim to an ambush, his life cruelly snatched away. The perpetrator was none other than Mo Xie from the Myriad Devil Island, taking advantage of my brother's grievous injuries," Zi Daolong began, his tone grave. "The individual who initially inflicted those injuries, from what I've gathered, now resides within your immortal empire."

"You speak of Qin Wentian, correct? I am aware of this matter to some extent. Qin Wentian is a close friend of my youngest daughter. There have been rumors that he and your brother, Daoyang, engaged in a conflict within the City of Ancient Emperors. Regrettably, the outcome saw Daoyang grievously wounded and later ambushed, resulting in his untimely demise," the Evergreen Immortal Emperor acknowledged, his words imbued with genuine sympathy. The kings and marquises in attendance exchanged uneasy glances, surprised by the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's apparent support for Qin Wentian.

"Uncle, my father and you share a deep friendship, often bonding over wine and philosophical discussions. However, fate took an unexpected turn when my younger brother and Princess Qing'er crossed paths in the City of Ancient Emperors. Though their interaction ended in tragedy, my father and I hold no ill will toward the princess, knowing she was unacquainted with Daoyang. Yet, it was Qin Wentian's involvement that ultimately led to Daoyang's death. Would you permit me to take him into custody?" Zi Daolong pressed on, his appeal punctuated by solemnity.

The Evergreen Immortal Emperor's brows knitted in contemplation before he responded firmly, "Esteemed Nephew's grief is understandable, but I won't simply hand over Qin Wentian. He is a guest in my empire, and there's no evidence tying him directly to Daoyang's unfortunate fate. If there are personal grievances between them, they should be resolved without my interference. Qin Wentian will remain here until his own affairs permit his departure."

Zi Daolong, sensing the resolute stance of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor, nodded in acknowledgment. "Uncle, I understand your intentions. Farewell." With a final bow, he and his retinue withdrew from the grand hall. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor made no effort to detain them, instructing his attendants instead, "See my nephew off."

"Of course," came the dutiful response, and shortly after, Zi Daolong and his entourage left the royal palace of the Evergreen Immortal Empire.

"Father, the Violet Emperor's actions grow increasingly audacious. Sending emissaries to our immortal empire to demand Qin Wentian is a blatant display of disrespect," voiced one of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's sons after Zi Daolong's departure. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor, as the ruler of this immortal empire, could not let such a slight pass unchallenged. Qin Wentian had been brought to the empire by Qing'er, and surrendering him without due consideration would reflect poorly on their empire's honor.

"He has always been this way," the Evergreen Immortal Emperor responded with a serene smile, his composure unwavering. The Violet Emperor's audacity did not perturb him. To send emissaries to demand Qin Wentian was one thing, but to actually secure his release was another matter entirely.

"Yet, the Violet Emperor should have anticipated your Majesty's refusal. Why, then, did he still dispatch Zi Daolong?" queried another attendant, his brow furrowing.

"Zi Daoyang's tragic end has undoubtedly stirred the Violet Emperor's emotions. Coupled with his failed assault on the Myriad Devil Island and Qing'er's stance toward Zi Daoyang in the City of Ancient Emperors, it's no surprise he's in a foul mood," the Evergreen Immortal Emperor remarked, his gaze distant. While they typically abstained from interfering in conflicts among younger generations, the death of an immortal emperor's son was an exception to the rule.

"Your Majesty, do you believe the Violet Emperor might personally come to demand Qin Wentian?" voiced another attendant, his tone marked by apprehension. The Violet Emperor was among the mightiest immortal emperors in the realms, and his strength potentially surpassed that of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor. If he chose to visit in person, it could complicate matters significantly.

The Evergreen Immortal Emperor contemplated the situation with a measured frown. "Qin Wentian isn't directly responsible for Zi Daoyang's death. As a peak immortal emperor, it's unlikely that he would personally carry out such an act. More likely, he delegated the task to his son, Zi Daolong. Nevertheless, it seems they are taking this matter quite seriously, implicating Qin Wentian in Zi Daoyang's death," he remarked with a hint of skepticism. The Violet Emperor's decision to send Zi Daolong and several immortal kings indicated the gravity of the situation, and this development did not bode well for Qin Wentian.

Meanwhile, Qin Wentian remained in seclusion, completely unaware of the mounting troubles outside. He certainly didn't anticipate that Zi Daoyang's death would be linked to him. Unbeknownst to him, the catalyst for these events was Xiao Lengyue, who harbored deep-seated hatred. During the Violet Emperor's investigation into Zi Daoyang's death, Xiao Lengyue had made numerous unfavorable claims about Qin Wentian, even shifting blame onto Qing'er.

These accusations had incensed the Violet Emperor, leading him to disregard diplomatic decorum and directly send Zi Daolong and the immortal kings to the Evergreen Immortal Empire.

Time passed swiftly, and the world outside continued to churn with intrigue. Qin Wentian, deep in his seclusion, had now been isolated for two years. The vast resources surrounding him had dwindled significantly. His body, imbued with radiant light, seemed to take on a crystalline quality.

Within his body, five Yuanfus held embryonic Immortal Foundations. Each Yuanfu contained the potential for immortality, although the one formed from the towering golden giant of suppression appeared purer than the others. The remaining four Immortal Foundations, although potent, felt less pristine in comparison.

"Because of my multiple Yuanfus, my Immortal Foundation is unique," Qin Wentian mused, his immortal sense probing his inner landscape. Unlike ordinary cultivators, who aimed to refine a single Immortal Foundation to perfection by infusing it with the law energy of their astral souls, he possessed five separate Immortal Foundations. This presented a unique challenge – how to merge them into a single, flawless whole.

"I can't dwell on this now. To achieve perfection, I must first shatter the imperfect," Qin Wentian decided. He summoned a tempest of law energy, preparing to dismantle the imperfect Immortal Foundations and rebuild them from the ground up. While his existing Immortal Foundations were formidable, true perfection was his goal.

Within Qin Wentian's body, a maelstrom of destructive power swirled, threatening to consume him from the inside out. Clenching his teeth, he steeled himself for the impending reckoning. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he braced for the inevitable.

"RUMBLE~!" The thunderous roar of his inner turmoil reverberated through him. Agony etched across his face, Qin Wentian's voice cut through the chaos. "SHATTER!"

With each utterance, the destructive energy surged, crashing mercilessly against his Immortal Foundations. Relentless and unwavering, it systematically dismantled them, piece by piece.

"Chi..." Blood seeped from his lips, his very soul quivering in torment. The excruciating pain bore deep into his core.

"Shatter, SHATTER!" Qin Wentian's voice echoed, his determination unwavering. Blood continued to gush, his body on the verge of disintegration. Only his supreme physique kept him from succumbing to the ordeal; without it, death would have been the price of this transformation.

"ROAR!" A guttural cry broke free from his lips as the pain became unbearable, pushing him into unconsciousness. Even as he lost consciousness, his Immortal Foundations crumbled, their destruction nearing completion. When he awakened, it would take an immense act of willpower to rebuild them. Thankfully, Qin Wentian possessed not one but five Immortal Foundations. His first, drawn from the 7th Heavenly Layer's Towering Giant astral soul, remained untouched—still perfect. Despite the shattering of his other Immortal Foundations, he was far from crippled, his body still infused with the essence of immortality.

Upon regaining consciousness, Qin Wentian resumed his cultivation. In the boundless astral expanse, the energy from his original constellations grew ever purer, the law energy flowing into him without cease.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed. During this time, Qin Wentian painstakingly reconstructed his Immortal Foundations. Now, each of them radiated a crystalline brilliance, flawless and perfect.

Qin Wentian's body had undergone a remarkable transformation, leaving it more flawless and resplendent than ever before. It exuded a radiant light, and his flesh seemed to have been reborn, as though each inch of his skin and muscle had been bestowed by the heavens themselves.

Yet, amidst this newfound perfection, Qin Wentian remained keenly aware that his mission was far from complete.

"The time has come to condense the next astral soul," he murmured to himself, his eyes filled with determination. With his perception soaring into the celestial expanse, he gazed upon the Nine Heavenly Layers. He had already reached the rank of a half-step Immortal Foundation expert, and he was now merely a few steps away from truly entering the hallowed realm of Immortal Foundation. The journey continued, and he was ready to embrace it.