
Subordinates Offending their Superior, Shall All be killed without Mercy!

Subordinates, offending their Superior, Shall All be killed without Mercy!

The Azure Emperor Token.

It was like the universe itself was echoing those words, bouncing them off the walls of reality and into the minds of everyone present.

In a stroke of pure incredibility, Qin Wentian held the very Azure Emperor Token—the insignia of ultimate authority.

It was a clear pronouncement: the true legacy of the Azure Emperor coursed through Qin Wentian's veins.

The Di Clan and the core members of the White Deer Institute couldn't miss the monumental weight of this revelation.

Qin Wentian's eyes bore into Bailu You, cold laughter curling around his words. "Do you grasp the meaning of my visit now, my dear?"

Hidden motives? With the Azure Emperor Token nestled in his grasp, he could turn the White Deer Institute into his personal playground. How secretive could those motives be?

Qin Wentian's gaze then shifted to Di Cheng, finding a flicker of wickedness in his eyes. Was this real? Could the Azure Emperor Token truly rest in Qin Wentian's possession?

"A mere finger is enough to crush me, you say? A Di Clan descendant attempting this tone with me? Even your clan's current head wouldn't dare such insolence. A nobody challenging his betters—pray, what punishment befits such audacity?" Qin Wentian's retort was a whip, lashing out at Di Cheng. The pressure he emanated bore down on Di Cheng like a mountain, the poor man's face twisting like he'd taken a bite out of a lemon.

A nobody challenging his betters—pray, what punishment befits such audacity?

Indeed, for a Di Clan member to disregard the heir of the Azure Emperor was nothing short of a lowly being rebelling against his superior.

Even the venerable elders and mighty experts from the main bloodline would have to pay their respects and heed the commands of the bearer of the Azure Emperor Token, let alone someone like Di Cheng.

The elder with the large eyes sucked in a sharp breath. Back when Di Feng arrived at the White Deer Institute, all believed he, groomed by the main bloodline, was the heir apparent of the Azure Faction.

Who could have fathomed that the true bearer of the token, the real Azure Emperor's heir, was none other than Qin Wentian?

Qin Wentian, a nineteen-year-old fourth-ranked Grandmaster, had come to the White Deer Institute solely to embrace his destiny as the Azure Emperor's heir.

Initially, he'd waited, unsure of the Institute's stance. Now, with members of the Institute and even Di Clan descendants plotting to end the successor of the Azure Emperor, how much more could he take?

It might sound like a dramatic tale spun in the throes of creative fervor, but that was the raw, biting reality.

All eyes turned to Bailu Yi, the only unshaken figure amidst the shock. Clearly, Qin Wentian had shared his secret with her, and the strength of their bond ensured she would stand by him.

For Qin Wentian, Bailu Yi was an unbreakable pillar of trust.

Indeed, upon careful consideration, his hidden identity's secrecy was a delicate balancing act.

The elder with the oversized eyes was feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Glancing at Di Feng and the others, he couldn't help but develop a massive migraine. The day's events had spiraled beyond his predictions. What was once a tussle over the Ascendant's ancient scroll had escalated into an affair that could shape the institute's very future.

Would the White Deer Institute heed the call of the Azure Emperor's true heir?

And if so, which heir? The esteemed Di Feng from the main lineage, or Qin Wentian, the holder of the Azure Emperor Token?

The complexity of this query bordered on the ludicrous.

Di Feng, a stellar talent ranking #5 in the Heavenly Fate Rankings. Once upon a time, Qin Wentian wouldn't even qualify to stand in Di Feng's shadow. But now, at a mere nineteen years old, he stood as a fourth-ranked Grandmaster, a prodigy of his own right. Their talents were evenly matched.

Di Feng's edge lay in his backing—the formidable main bloodline. Then there was Qin Wentian, still blossoming with potential in cultivation and the Dao of Divine Inscriptions. His limitless growth was astounding.

And that potential was magnified by his possession of the Azure Emperor Token.

The token's presence suggested that he'd passed the trials left by the Azure Emperor himself.

"Allow me to inspect the token. Only then can we ascertain its authenticity," Di Cheng interjected, his mind struggling to grapple with the reality that Qin Wentian might be the rightful successor.

"Who do you think you are? Do you even possess the credentials to lay a finger on the Azure Emperor Token?" Qin Wentian's retort was icy.

"Di Yi, our clan's scion, was seized by the Nine Mystical Palace. Subsequently, the Azure Emperor Token vanished, only to appear now in your possession. How can we not question its origin? Or perhaps you're an agent of the Nine Mystical Palace, aiming to seize our Faction's reins? We must clarify this today."

Di Cheng, while not as towering as Di Feng, possessed a keen intellect sharpened by schemes.

He was well aware that his clan's aspirations hinged on wresting control of the Azure Emperor Palace. The Di Clan had invested significant time in the White Deer Institute, laying the groundwork for their plans. But now, fate had thrown a curveball—placing the Azure Emperor Token into Qin Wentian's hands. How could they allow this unforeseen variable to dismantle their designs? It was unthinkable.

Just Qin Wentian and a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign? That wasn't remotely enough.

Yet, Qin Wentian laughed, stashing away the Azure Emperor Token. "White Deer Institute's esteemed supreme elders, are you content to merely be spectators? Isn't it time to make your grand entrance?"

However, after his voice subsided, not a single supreme elder emerged. This silence illustrated to Qin Wentian the intricate challenge of managing a power that had burgeoned independently for millennia.

The supreme elders' conspicuous absence hinted at their leanings. They were using this approach to signal their inclinations regarding the matter at hand. Even if the current uncertainty were to fade, and the White Deer Institute acknowledged him as the rightful successor, what then? If they were to disregard his directives, what recourse did he have?

For over thousands of years, this 'hidden' branch of the Azure Faction had flourished independently, gaining strength and maturity. To entrust control of the White Deer Institute to such a young man was tantamount to taking a monumental gamble. How could the Institute readily embrace this risk? Even Di Feng, representing the Di Clan's main lineage, hadn't entirely won over the elders. At most, he had earned their respect.

And now, despite everything, the supreme elders remained cloaked in shadow, waiting to witness how Qin Wentian and Di Feng would navigate this turmoil.

"You'd do well to elucidate your identity first," Bailu Tong declared with a frosty tone.

"Indeed, the Azure Emperor Token? Why don't you hand it over, so we can scrutinize its authenticity?" Bailu You chimed in, his laughter sharp as ice.

"You people... how dare you." Bailu Yi hadn't foreseen that Bailu Tong and his son would prove so obstinate. They seemed to dismiss the fact that Qin Wentian had already presented the Azure Emperor Token.

Even the supreme elders' stance, or lack thereof, clearly indicated that their trust in Qin Wentian was still far from solid.

Monstrous talent notwithstanding, the White Deer Institute wasn't prepared to grant him unmitigated authority. Their verdict carried profound ramifications for the institute's future—a bitter pill for Bailu Yi to swallow.

For at least a semblance of respect should still be accorded to Qin Wentian.

"Remember your proclamation? If the token's successor commanded you to die, you'd comply. In that case, consider this your moment." Qin Wentian's gaze bore into Bailu You's as he spoke, prompting a burst of laughter from the latter. "Absurd. You haven't even proven your identity, yet you demand my demise? It appears we can't proceed unless we unveil the secrets you're harboring within your interspatial ring."

Stepping forward, Qing`er positioned herself in front of Qin Wentian. In a synchronous motion, Bailu Yi mirrored her stance.

Laughter erupted from Di Cheng's lips. "Ah, how I yearn to unveil the secrets lurking within his interspatial ring." His chuckle possessed an icy edge. By his side, an aged guardian, also of the Heavenly Dipper realm, silently materialized, placing himself before Di Cheng.

Meanwhile, miles away from the White Deer Institute, a squadron of menacing demonic beasts dominated the skies, carrying a certain demonic middle-aged figure. His eyes gleamed with fiendish fervor, beams of golden light piercing through space, capturing the unfolding events in the Institute. These scenes were then relayed through his vision, projected onto an Astral Light screen, visible to his companions perched on the beasts.

"The audacity! Have they forgotten the respect due to the Azure Emperor Token's holder?" A formidable aura emanated from an elderly woman wielding a snake staff. Under her foot lay a lifeless body, recognizable to Qin Wentian as none other than the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign who had previously escaped—an Inscriptionist named Grandmaster Penga, now reduced to mere remains.

"Indeed, audacious," an emaciated, decrepit old man echoed, his eyes burning with frigid intent, mirroring the old woman's sentiments.

"Geh geh geh!" A bizarre laughter followed—an enchantress with irresistible allure. Her figure oozed sensuality, her attire designed to inflame desire, revealing and accentuating her curves. "Not only that, they feign ignorance. Are they shirking responsibility, hoping Young Master Qin will handle it solo?"

"Since the old fogeys won't make an appearance, I suppose it's on us to step in," the middle-aged woman leading the group announced, exuding a chill that echoed winter's bite. Her command reverberated as the demonic beings began to cackle wickedly.

With the withdrawal of the Astral Light screen, the middle-aged man ceased his infernal observation. Their group surged forward with astonishing velocity, like a tempest unleased.

On the verdant grass, several figures advanced menacingly toward Qin Wentian. The supreme elders, adopting a 'wait-and-see' stance, remained absent. They would not allow Qin Wentian's demise, yet their behavior lacked even a shred of deference for the Azure Emperor's successor.

As Di Cheng, his guardian, Bailu You, and Bailu Tong approached, Qing`er and the fourth-ranked golden-armored Puppet assumed protective positions before Qin Wentian.

"The Azure Emperor's successor, eh? I'm intrigued to witness your prowess." Di Cheng's laugh dripped with cold sarcasm.

"None of you will have the chance to witness 'anything' anymore."

Suddenly, a voice cut through the air, stirring the crowd to alertness.

Heads turned, eyes shifting toward the horizon, as waves of formidable demonic Qi surged closer.

"Who's there?" Several elderly cultivators swooped in from the skies, penetrating the scene.

Emerging in the clearing were three aged figures—the supreme elders of the White Deer Institute. Only now did they realize that their actions were being surveilled from a distance. Their earlier blindness was due to the vast space between them and the observers.

Amidst a crescendo of winds, fearsome demonic beasts loomed in the sky above the distant mountains. A pair of emotionless, demon-like eyes fixated on the supreme elders of the Institute as a voice pierced the air with icy authority. "Coming out now, are we? But alas, it's too late. We will take charge of the situation on behalf of the White Deer Institute."

"And who might you be? And what is your intention?" The demeanor of one of the supreme elders solidified, his tone laced with chill.

Just as chilling, the old woman wielding the snake staff retorted, "My identity is of no consequence. As for my purpose, these four individuals have disregarded ancestral laws to such an extent that they defy the successor. First through disrespect, now through folly. It matters not; they shall all perish without mercy, a lesson to all."

Her words hung in the air, exuding an icy intent that encased Bailu You, Bailu Tong, Di Cheng, and Di Cheng's guardian. The old woman's frigid gaze sent tremors of terror through their hearts.

These individuals were here to safeguard Qin Wentian.

These individuals aimed to annihilate them!

"YOU DARE?!" The supreme elder erupted in rage, his own descendant among those targeted by the old woman.

Yet, the old woman's demonic eyes bored into him, serpent-like and venomous. "The White Deer Institute dares to protect those who affront the Azure Emperor's successor? In that case, this 'hidden' branch of the Azure Faction shall exist no longer!"