
Sikong Courting Death

Sikong Courting Death...

Sikong Mingyue's thirst for battle surged as he soared towards the restaurant where Qin Wentian was situated.

Fight he must, to wipe away the stain of humiliation that had lingered within him. Only by defeating and possibly killing Qin Wentian could he regain his shattered confidence and untie the gnarled knot in his heart.

Xiao Lan, Ye Wuque, and Xiao Lǜ turned their gazes in the direction of Qin Wentian. Although Qin Wentian's survival after the assassination attempt had not been part of their calculations, he had miraculously survived being stabbed through the heart.

However, despite hearing Sikong Mingyue's arrogant challenge, Qin Wentian remained seated, sipping his wine as though Sikong Mingyue were nothing more than a passing breeze.

"Teacher, sometimes we must let go of the past. We should always look forward and not allow history to imprison us," Qin Wentian calmly advised Mustang. He sensed the heavy burden in Mustang's heart and was concerned that Mustang might impulsively sacrifice himself.

Mustang raised his head, meeting Qin Wentian's eyes. With a smile, he replied, "You're right. We should focus on the future. But some debts can't be ignored, no matter what."

Engaged in a conversation as if they were alone, the chaos of battle around them failed to divert their attention. Even Sikong Mingyue's provocation went unnoticed.

This infuriated Sikong Mingyue, his battle intent intensifying. He swung his hands, sending waves of ancient slaughter word-imprints crashing towards the space above Mustang and Qin Wentian.

With a deafening roar, the roof of the restaurant they occupied disintegrated, leaving only the open sky above them.

Several figures swiftly surrounded Mustang and Qin Wentian, floating in the air. Among them was Rain, and they were all Yuanfu-level students dispatched by the Emperor Star Academy to ensure the safety of the teacher and student. Having noticed Xiao Lan and the others eyeing Qin Wentian like predators, they took immediate action.

The Emperor Star Academy had learned from the assassination attempt on Qin Wentian and would not allow him to be entangled in such chaotic battles again.

Sikong Mingyue glanced at those from the Emperor Star Academy and let out a faint smile. Qin Wentian's lack of response to his challenge earlier only confirmed his previous assessment of him. Nevertheless, today's events had escalated to a point where even if Qin Wentian didn't want to act, he would have no choice.

In truth, Qin Wentian hadn't bothered to react to Sikong Mingyue's provocation earlier. He had no doubt about his own strength, and facing Sikong Mingyue would be akin to squashing an ant. However, the main reason for his inaction was his preference for sitting with his teacher, Mustang, enjoying wine and casual conversation.

As Mustang's words carried a somber undertone, Qin Wentian couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. If it weren't for Mustang, there would be no Qin Wentian today. He was Mustang's student, yet he couldn't assist him in his moment of need, leaving a bitter taste in his heart.

"Teacher," Qin Wentian ceased trying to persuade Mustang. He continued to pour wine for Mustang, and together, teacher and student indulged in the rich liquor.

"In my lifetime, the source of my greatest pride was having all of you as my students. Even though, in the end, I couldn't provide much guidance, especially to you. I failed to fulfill my role as a good teacher," Mustang said, lowering his cup. He smiled warmly at Qin Wentian, then rose to his feet. His gaze turned razor-sharp as it shifted towards Ye Wuque, Wu Chong, Wang Teng, Xiao Lan, and the others.

Mustang's eyes felt as sharp as swords, and his gaze seemed capable of piercing their very souls. An intense, murderous aura radiated from him.

His intention wasn't just to kill Ye Wuque but also the three beside him. If not for Xiao Lan, the Royal Academy wouldn't have had the audacity to escalate the conflict between the academies, inevitably leading to the decisive battle to determine the overall victor.

Mustang understood the formidable challenge of killing Xiao Lan. Firstly, aside from Xiao Lan's combat prowess, the power he represented was enough to suppress the Emperor Star Academy. The Xiao Faction of the Nine Mystical Palace felt like a mountain looming over the academy. Despite the academy issuing a death warrant for Chu Tianjiao, Mustang knew they still wouldn't dare to cross Xiao Lan. If anything happened to him, the forces supporting him might decide to wipe out the entire Emperor Star Academy.

It was a painful reality. If Xiao Lan were killed, the only thing awaiting the Emperor Star Academy would be the overwhelming fury of the Nine Mystical Palace.

Buildings nearby were razed one after another, causing anguish for business owners. But facing these two mighty forces, they could only endure in silence.

Above Sake Street's airspace, apart from the two 3rd level Yuanfu experts from both academies, two more incredibly powerful, elderly figures emerged. They stood aloft, locked in a standoff. Their auras resembled immovable mountains, exuding an overwhelming presence. Their sudden appearance indicated they had been hiding in the region, choosing to reveal themselves now. The Royal Academy had completed preparations long ago and was ready to strike the Emperor Star Academy at any moment. Rather than passively waiting, the Emperor Star Academy decided to hasten the inevitable battle.

"They are thoroughly prepared," Xiao Lan remarked, casting his gaze towards the four powerhouses in the air. Explosions echoed, and colossal shockwaves reduced surrounding buildings to rubble.

Xiao Lan's eyes brimmed with killing intent.

If the Emperor Star Academy sought to advance the battle, he would oblige. After all, he also desired a swift resolution to this matter.

The departure of the Azure Emperor Palace had gradually eroded Xiao Lan's patience. Could it be that the secret of the Azure Emperor truly wasn't concealed within the Emperor Star Academy?

"I want Qin Wentian alive, but the others should be shown no mercy," Xiao Lan ordered calmly. He had a faint inkling that Qin Wentian harbored some hidden secrets.

As Xiao Lan's command resonated, the cultivators around him advanced. Moments later, numerous radiant Astral Souls materialized, flooding the area with Astral Light.

Even Snowcloud's crown prince, Xiao Lǜ, joined the fray for the first time. His Astral Souls took on an illusory form above his head, radiating exceptional brilliance. Remarkably, his Astral Souls were condensed from zither-type Constellations.

A melodious tune filled the air, forming tangible musical notes. These soundwaves weaved a visible net that encircled Xiao Lǜ and his comrades. It seemed as though the music was enhancing their combat capabilities.

Wang Teng, Wu Chong, and Sikong Mingyue all felt their powers surge as their auras intensified.

A fierce wind howled as reinforcements from the Emperor Star Academy arrived. The leaders of the Skydemon and Asura Faction, Xanxus and Du Yidao, personally joined the fray. They had been closely monitoring Xiao Lǜ and were quick to respond. The clash between the two sides escalated rapidly.

"Du Yidao has also broken through," someone remarked as they observed Du Yidao's formidable 3rd level Yuanfu aura.

Mustang, who had risen from his seat, summoned his Astral Souls and advanced toward Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque also unleashed his Astral Souls. Despite his arrogance, he wouldn't underestimate his opponent, especially when facing an elder from the Emperor Star Academy. While Mustang's talent might not compare to his, he was a Yuanfu Realm veteran with years of experience, likely harboring several unique techniques.

Moreover, Mustang's cultivation was at the peak of the 3rd level Yuanfu, the same realm as some of the most exceptional elite students.

In moments, they engaged in battle, both emanating terrifying killing intent. Mustang's attacks were more measured, while Ye Wuque's were fueled by pride and determination. Clearly, Ye Wuque was at a disadvantage.

Qin Wentian watched in silence, observing the battle between Mustang and Ye Wuque. Witnessing how Mustang risked grave injuries to himself to defeat Ye Wuque deepened his empathy for his teacher. Qin Wentian remained rooted in place, ensuring no harm befell Mustang.

Many observers watched the academy war from a distance. Xiao Lan and Qin Wentian were the primary focus. Although their cultivation levels weren't the highest, they represented their respective factions.

Xiao Lan, from the Nine Mystical Palace, had commanded to capture Qin Wentian alive, while others could be killed without mercy.

Sikong Mingyue hadn't yet joined the battle with the rest. His mind was consumed by an intense determination to defeat Qin Wentian.

However, at that moment, a figure cloaked in black appeared silently behind Qin Wentian, as if they had been there all along. The Emperor Star Academy had taken precautions to prevent a repeat of the previous assassination attempt, ensuring Qin Wentian's safety.

Sikong Mingyue's gaze froze, his eyes locked onto the mysterious figure. His expression soured. Was it possible that, despite everything, he still couldn't make a move against Qin Wentian today?

"Hehe." Sikong Mingyue let out a sardonic laugh, a touch of sarcasm tainting his tone.

Unbeknownst to him, Qin Wentian was regarding him with an odd expression. It was as if Qin Wentian saw a man actively courting his own demise.

Under Sikong Mingyue's intense scrutiny, Qin Wentian's body slowly ascended, bringing him into the air.

"Yuanfu." The crowd's hearts skipped a beat at this revelation. Qin Wentian had also broken through to the Yuanfu Realm.

"Wow, he's been cultivating at an unbelievably fast pace," murmured many in awe. Now that Qin Wentian had reached the Yuanfu Realm, he should possess enough strength to face Sikong Mingyue.

"HAHAHA, that's the spirit!" Sikong Mingyue's Astral Soul surged forth. His third Astral Soul had a faint, golden aura surrounding it. This Astral Soul hailed from the 4th Heavenly Layer and was condensed from a beast-type Constellation representing the formidable Sword Eagle, ranked #316 in the Warbeast Index, renowned for its potent attacks.

"The Sword Eagle, famous for its fierce strikes," Qin Wentian muttered as he observed the beast-like Astral Soul.

Sikong Mingyue's first and second Astral Souls were the Seven Slaughters Astral Soul and Sword Astral Soul, both from the 3rd Heavenly Layer. His third, the Sword Eagle, belonged to the 4th Heavenly Layer. This explained Sikong Mingyue's unwavering confidence. All three of his Astral Souls emphasized augmenting his offensive prowess. In Chu, he was indeed a formidable opponent.

"Hmph, you seem to be quite well-informed. Today, I'll wash away all the humiliation from our past encounters in this battle," Sikong Mingyue declared, taking a deep breath. The illusory forms of his Astral Souls were much clearer compared to his time in the Arterial Circulation Realm, indicating that they now granted him a significantly greater boost in power.

A monstrous aura of murder emanated from Sikong Mingyue. His intense killing intent bore down upon Qin Wentian. Suddenly, Sikong Mingyue was enveloped in a blood-red light, and the pressure he radiated was suffocating. It felt as though he had committed the atrocities of a million souls, as a malevolent air filled the space between them. In the blink of an eye, Sikong Mingyue transformed into a streak of light, hurtling towards Qin Wentian. His body resembled a blade, so sharp it seemed capable of tearing through the fabric of reality as he sped towards Qin Wentian. The spectators' pupils contracted; would Sikong Mingyue slice Qin Wentian in two with this devastating attack?

Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with a demonic intensity as a gentle breeze ruffled his hair. His palms emanated a crimson radiance. He had reached a point where he could harness the power of his Bloodline Limit at will.

Inside his body, the Yuanfu connected to his Demon Sovereign Astral Soul produced a rhythmic surge of energy. Astral Energy swirled within him, converging in his arm as he unleashed a powerful palm strike. The crowd watched in awe as Qin Wentian's strength left them breathless. He was simply too dominant.

RUMBLE~ Sikong Mingyue felt the pressure increase as he attempted to break through Qin Wentian's palm imprint. However, his efforts were in vain. The palm imprint seemed to possess an endless reservoir of energy, stopping Sikong Mingyue dead in his tracks. It was as though this palm carried the might of towering mountains. Sikong Mingyue's face turned ashen, and he gazed at Qin Wentian. In Qin Wentian's eyes, Sikong Mingyue saw only indifference. It was clear that Qin Wentian had already condemned him to death.

"It seems you're truly eager to meet your end," Qin Wentian said calmly. A tremor ran through Sikong Mingyue, as if he had a premonition of impending doom. He hastily attempted to retreat.

Once again, Qin Wentian raised his palms, and a savage, demonic aura engulfed them. His hands transformed into something resembling a demonic beast's palm as he unleashed the Kuji Imprint. This attack combined his formidable physique with the immense Astral Energy drawn from the 5th Heavenly Layer of the Demon Sovereign Constellation. The power behind this strike was unimaginable.

Kuji, a name that spoke of emptiness and desolation, promising the withering of all life before it. Sikong Mingyue's defenses crumbled effortlessly as the Kuji palm imprint slammed into him, turning him into a withered husk. The crowd watched in shock as Sikong Mingyue's body trembled helplessly in midair before plummeting to the ground.

Sikong Mingyue, one of Snowcloud's Duo Prides, an unparalleled talent with a 3rd Astral Soul from the 4th Heavenly Layer, had sought to redeem his honor today. Yet, before he could even engage Qin Wentian in combat, he was annihilated by a single palm strike. Words couldn't do justice to the overwhelming might of the Kuji Imprint at that moment!