
Sacred Battle Platform

Sacred Battle Platform

A glint of icy resolve flickered in Qin Wentian's eyes the moment Ye Kongfan extended his provocative invitation. Calmly, he spoke, "As the princess of the Ye Country, shouldn't Princess Lingshuang have the honor of choosing her seat among the master thrones?"

His words hung in the air, a gauntlet thrown down in this high-stakes power play. The surrounding atmosphere grew taut with tension as spectators and participants alike held their collective breaths.

Today, Ye Kongfan was orchestrating a political coup, subtly usurping the true host of the event, Ye Lingshuang. By virtue of her lineage as the princess of the main bloodline, Ye Lingshuang held a position of unquestionable authority. Yet, Ye Kongfan's deliberate attempt to assert his dominance over her was a blatant act of defiance, hinting at the Qi King's audacious bid for power.

Ye Kongfan's eyes gleamed with dangerous intent as he prepared to counter Qin Wentian's challenge. However, before he could respond, Mo Qingcheng interjected with a voice that carried the weight of her position. "Princess, please."

The armored guards standing nearby emitted subtle but palpable waves of hostility. They were a formidable force, loyal to Ye Kongfan, and the tension was electric. However, Mo Qingcheng's direct intervention placed Ye Kongfan in a precarious situation.

With a measured tone, one of the royal clan members who supported Ye Lingshuang stepped forward and suggested, "Since the Holy Maiden has shown such graciousness, would Your Highness please proceed to one of the seats to prevent the Holy Maiden from waiting too long?" The subtext was clear: there could be no display of weakness in terms of royal authority when Ye Kongfan was now supported by both Qin Wentian and the Holy Maiden from the Medicine Sovereign Valley. Allowing Ye Kongfan to take both master seats with Mo Qingcheng would render Ye Lingshuang's presence irrelevant.

Ye Lingshuang's eyes briefly met Ye Kongfan's as she moved gracefully toward one of the master seats. She keenly sensed the pressure emanating from the guards attempting to intimidate her, but as the princess of the Ye Country, she bore this burden with unwavering determination. She couldn't allow the Qi King's audacious plot to succeed.

A chill wind swept through the area as the tension peaked, its palpable intensity felt by everyone in the crowd. Ye Lingshuang continued her resolute advance, step by measured step, while Ye Kongfan's eyes gleamed with a malicious glint. Finally, he broke the silence with a sardonic laugh. "Princess, please."

As his voice rang out, the stifling pressure in the air abruptly dissipated, adding yet another layer of intrigue to the unfolding power struggle. For Ye Lingshuang, this turn of events was even more disconcerting than the earlier tension. Ye Kongfan's mastery of the situation far exceeded her expectations.

Seated on her designated throne, Ye Lingshuang offered a gracious smile to Mo Qingcheng. "Holy Maiden, please be seated."

Mo Qingcheng turned her gaze to Qin Wentian and, with a gentle smile, issued her invitation. "Sit beside me later, okay?" she murmured before ascending to the master seat. Qin Wentian obliged, taking his place beside her. Ye Kongfan, for his part, settled into a seat one notch below Ye Lingshuang. Only then did the stifling atmosphere gradually ease, a collective sigh of relief rippling through the assembly.

With the tension momentarily diffused, Ye Kongfan took it upon himself to provide some context to Mo Qingcheng. "Holy Maiden, the twelve combat stages of my Ye Country's battle arena are in perpetual use, with challengers constantly vying for supremacy. They can challenge one another or face the valiant warriors of my Ye Country. The victors earn not only recognition but also the chance to be recruited by esteemed factions, some of whom may even become the pillars of our nation."

Ye Kongfan's voice carried an air of affability as he imparted this information. Mo Qingcheng nodded, an air of detachment permeating her demeanor as she shifted her gaze to the twelve combat stages below. The battles on those stages were undeniably intense, featuring several prominent young talents. Notably, the three central stages appeared to be reserved for the most formidable combatants.

"The central stages are designated as the Ten-Victories Stage, the Fifty-Victories Stage, and the Hundred-Victories Stage, respectively. To compete on these stages, combatants must first achieve the specified number of victories. Consequently, these stages often draw the most attention," Ye Kongfan explained, his tone inviting Mo Qingcheng to join in the conversation. His behavior subtly conveyed the impression that he was the true host of the event, rather than Ye Lingshuang, who sat on the master seat.

"In the Hundred-Victories Stage, you'll find combatants of extraordinary power," Ye Lingshuang added as she continued to provide insights to Mo Qingcheng. "Occasionally, true demon-level geniuses emerge. These warriors not only earn the honor of competing on the Hundred-Victories Stage but also face other elite Hundred-Victories combatants. Our royal clan usually recruits the victors from this stage."

Mo Qingcheng replied with genuine admiration, "For the Ye Country to maintain its martial enthusiasm for ten thousand years is truly commendable." Her words surprised Ye Lingshuang, who had heard rumors of the Holy Maiden's aloof and unapproachable demeanor. Even royalty dared not expect a reply from her, given her unique status and unparalleled beauty.

Yet, here she was, engaged in conversation with Mo Qingcheng. Ye Lingshuang understood that her princess status alone did not warrant such attention. The only plausible reason was Mo Qingcheng's profound connection with her junior apprentice brother, Qin Wentian.

It was evident that the Holy Maiden's feelings for Qin Wentian transcended the ordinary. From Ye Lingshuang's perspective, the fate of her father rested in Qin Wentian's hands.

"Junior Brother Qin, before you crossed paths with Senior Brother Lin Shuai and joined our Battle Sword Sect, where did you originate? Would you be willing to share more about your past? I know Senior Brother Lin Shuai holds you in the highest regard," Ye Lingshuang inquired, shifting her gaze toward Qin Wentian. Mo Qingcheng, too, looked at him, her heart filled with numerous unspoken questions. Yet, in this public setting, it would be inappropriate to probe too deeply.

Qin Wentian, sensing their curiosity, responded with a friendly tone, "After the Pill Emperor Hall battle, I was gravely injured. It was Qing`er who nursed me back to health and helped me regain my human form. Subsequently, chaos engulfed Grand Xia. I restructured the power factions and, in the process, annihilated the Great Solar Chen Clan, establishing my own faction as a transcendent power in Grand Xia. Regrettably, I couldn't eradicate the Pill Emperor Hall at that time. Afterward, I roamed the vast world beyond Grand Xia, eventually arriving in Xuan King City. There, I met Senior Brother Lin Shuai, which led to my joining the Battle Sword Sect."

The others nodded in polite acknowledgment, though only Mo Qingcheng truly understood the trials and tribulations he had endured since then. She sighed inwardly, her heart aching for not being by his side during those trying times.

"Are you the one who killed the geniuses from the other eight major sects in Xuan King City?" A Violet Thunder Sect expert suddenly erupted, glaring at Qin Wentian with icy hostility. "The Battle Sword Sect caused quite a stir in Xuan King City by escorting a criminal whom everyone wanted dead. That individual slaughtered numerous Violet Thunder Sect members. We didn't expect to encounter him here today."

From the outset, the Violet Thunder Sect harbored resentment toward Qin Wentian's presence. This revelation only further fueled their anger. Their gazes sharpened, and a subtle but palpable pressure emanated from their ranks, directed at Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian's eyes glinted with resolve, and he responded in a cold, unwavering tone, "On the battle arena, life and death are predetermined. Those from the Violet Thunder Sect who sought my life for a reward ended up losing theirs by my hand. It only proves one thing— they were nothing more than worthless trash."

His words hung in the air, a surge of formidable battle intent radiating from him. Qin Wentian had just publicly declared that the members of the Violet Thunder Sect were incompetent trash deserving of their fate. This was a slap in the face that could not be ignored.

"You're overestimating yourself," a young man from the Violet Thunder Sect sneered coldly. "The Hundred-Victories Combat Stage hosts combatants with varying levels of cultivation. If you're as powerful as you claim, why not prove it with action instead of boasting here?"

"Who do you think you are? Does the Battle Sword Sect need to demonstrate its prowess on the Ye Kingdom's battle arena?" retorted a member of the Battle Sword Sect with a hint of sarcasm. "Don't forget, on the Sacred Battle Platform of the Royal Sacred Region, during the contest among the nine great sects, your Violet Thunder Sect slinked away like a defeated dog with its tail between its legs."

In this world driven by cultivation, the emphasis on the martial path extended far beyond the Ye Country. Every power in the Royal Sacred Region shared a common mindset, and the pinnacle of battle arenas in the region was none other than the Sacred Battle Platform.

The Sacred Battle Platform frequently hosted battles between members of supreme powers from the Royal Sacred Region, including disciples from the nine great sects. Once, the Battle Sword Sect had earned the distinction of being the strongest when they competed against other supreme powers on the Sacred Battle Platform. This event solidified the reputation of Battle Sword Sect disciples as possessing astonishing individual combat strength that defied conventional norms.

For those rare individuals whose names resonated throughout the Royal Sacred Region, many gained fame by demonstrating invincibility in their cultivation level. They could conquer opponents with significantly higher cultivation bases on the Sacred Battle Platform. These individuals were known as absolute geniuses, capable of sweeping aside all challengers.

As the topic of the Sacred Battle Platform arose, many of the maidens from the Medicine Sovereign Valley were reminded of those absolute geniuses. Ye Kongfan from the Violet Thunder Sect and Shang Tong from the Royal Shang Clan of Grand Shang were considered second-tier geniuses at best. In the eyes of the maidens, only absolute geniuses were worthy of their Holy Maiden.

Bringing up this matter was undoubtedly a provocation directed at the Violet Thunder Sect. The tension in the air grew even thicker, and the Violet Thunder Sect members radiated intensified battle intent. It was clear that this provocation had struck a nerve. The member from the Violet Thunder Sect who had spoken earlier coldly challenged, "If you have the guts, let's have a little duel on one of the combat stages."

Qin Wentian swept his gaze over the Violet Thunder Sect members, his patience wearing thin. They had repeatedly provoked him, and Ye Kongfan had even expressed interest in Mo Qingcheng. Even the most patient person had limits to their tolerance, and Qin Wentian was no exception. His eyes locked onto the member of the Violet Thunder Sect who had issued the challenge, a cultivator at the fifth level of Heavenly Dipper. A look of disdain crossed his face as he responded, "You're not even qualified to face me, Qin."

The Violet Thunder Sect member trembled with anger. Despite his status as a genius from one of the nine great sects, Qin Wentian's disdain and complete disregard for him wounded his pride. However, he quickly regained control of his emotions, sneering with a mocking laugh. "Who would have thought that members of the Battle Sword Sect are all cowards, utterly undeserving of their reputation. But I must admit, they're masters of empty talk."

"Hey hey, the Battle Sword Sect members are my guests, don't be discourteous to them," Ye Kongfan reminded everyone, his eyes flashing with a dark intent. The provocateur from the Violet Thunder Sect laughed, "Of course, I shouldn't be impolite to guests, especially in the presence of the Holy Maiden. However, shouldn't the Holy Maiden have higher standards? I thought her chosen companion would be someone extraordinary. Who would have imagined..."

After delivering his spiteful words, the provocateur shook his head in an exaggerated manner, feigning pity.

Qin Wentian's eyes blazed with intense killing intent upon hearing those remarks. However, at that very moment, he felt a gentle pull on his hand. Turning his head, he discovered Mo Qingcheng looking at him with warmth and a gentle smile gracing her face. Clearly, she couldn't care less about what the world thought. In her heart, no one could compare to Qin Wentian. Back in Grand Xia, he had already been unmatched, and now, the stage had shifted to the Royal Sacred Region. Sooner or later, Qin Wentian's name would resonate throughout the world.

Furthermore, if Qin Wentian were truly of mediocre talent, how could he become the person she loved most?

Shifting her gaze, Mo Qingcheng stared at the young man from the Violet Thunder Sect, a glint of coldness flashing in her eyes. This individual sought to tarnish the relationship between her and Qin Wentian, unaware that he had already committed the gravest offense in her eyes. Though her emotions remained concealed beneath her serene exterior, she was truly incensed.

"Princess, I will stay here until the Human Emperor recovers. I will also send word to the reclusive elders of my sect. I hope the princess doesn't mind hosting me during this time," Mo Qingcheng softly spoke to Ye Lingshuang, who sat beside her.

As her words faded, Ye Lingshuang's face lit up with joy. "Holy Maiden, I would be forever grateful if the reclusive experts from your sect could be summoned."

At that moment, Ye Lingshuang's heart quivered. It seemed she had underestimated the depth of Mo Qingcheng's feelings for Qin Wentian.

Ye Kongfan's countenance turned incredibly ugly. He shot a withering glare at the provocateur who had spoken earlier, a glare so chilling that the individual involuntarily shivered. With one provocative sentence, he had unintentionally fueled Mo Qingcheng's determination to assist the Human Emperor. Ye Kongfan couldn't help but realize that his pursuit of the Holy Maiden had become a hopeless endeavor, and his dreams had been utterly crushed.