
Returning Home

Returning Home . . . 

Nanfeng Guhong's gaze turned icy as it locked onto the assembly of white tigers. In response, the ambient temperature skyrocketed, and a searing wave of heat engulfed the surroundings, as if the very air itself simmered with her fury.

"Second senior sister," a disciple from Matriarch Ji's sect declared with a chilling tone, "Junior apprentice sister Yunchang fell victim to Huang Youdi of the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire."

"If it weren't for Qin Wentian's intervention," another voice chimed in, "most of us from the Southern Phoenix Clan might not have lived to see another day."

"We share the same sentiment," Mo Ziyan added. Reflecting on the past conflict, she noted, "Without Qin Wentian's interference against Huang Shatian, who among us would have survived?"

As these voices reverberated, it painted a vivid picture of the brutal battles that had unfolded within the sacred academy. The holy maidens of the Southern Phoenix Clan and the disciples of Matriarch Ji's sect had narrowly escaped with their lives, while even a royal prince from the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire had met his end, and the white tigers had faced a gruesome fate, roasted alive. The internal strife had escalated to shocking proportions.

Among those who had enrolled in the academy, there were also numerous prodigies hailing from the Myriad Devil Islands, and the presence of formidable devil experts here was palpable. A fearsome devil emperor cast a baleful eye upon the assembly, his laughter ringing out, "Why do immortals waste so many words? If it's a feud that leads to death, then face it head-on. What's the point of endless talk without action? Those who perished were none other than the cream of the crop among your clans and sects!"

An uneasy murmur rippled through the crowd. The Myriad Devil Islanders seemed to thrive on sowing discord among the powerful factions of the immortal realms.

Yet, initiating a war was no simple feat.

Once the conflict dragged the various paramount powers of the immortal realms into its vortex, even the bellicose White Tiger Race would hesitate before committing to such a course. The repercussions of a war were burdensome, and no one wished to bear that weight.

Even as Nanfeng Guhong seethed with rage, she dared not act rashly.

"I've heard that the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect in the Eastern Regions hasn't even celebrated its centennial anniversary. Presently, you're still embroiled in a conflict with the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect. Moreover, your ally, the Evergreen Immortal Empire, is currently under scrutiny by several other apex powers in the east," interjected the human emperor from the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire, directing his attention toward the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect. He continued, "I suggest it might be in your best interest to surrender them to us. Relying on allies for strength is not the same as possessing your own."

The Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, a sect not even a century old, had the audacity to confront the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire with just a single immortal emperor among their ranks? And as for the Evergreen Immortal Empire, beset by internal conflicts and greatly diminished in power, what right did they have to challenge the might of their adversary?

In the intricate tapestry of the immortal realms, the Southern Phoenix Clan stood as an ancient and illustrious entity, its roots digging deep into the soil of the Southern Regions, where it had thrived for countless years. The clan's foundations were as boundless as its power, but that power was inherently its own, belonging solely to the Southern Phoenix Clan. The mere notion of them launching a war simply because the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire sought to deal with the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect sounded like an absurd jest.

"The Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect? I can't say I've ever heard of such a sect," remarked the white tiger emperor, his eyes flashing with a malevolent glint as he fixed his gaze upon the Thousand Transformations Immortal Emperor.

"The conduct of the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire and the White Tiger Race is nothing short of disappointing," the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord retorted, his tone frigid.

"It appears you've already made your choice, opting to protect an immortal-foundation character. In that case, I hope you farewell in the future," declared the human emperor. With those words, his body radiated a brilliant light that enveloped his clan members, and they vanished in the blink of an eye, departing the scene.

In this location, war was an impossibility today. They would return first, regroup, and devise new strategies.

"Let's go," the demon emperor of the White Tiger Race bellowed, leading his cohorts away.

"We'll meet again in the Eastern Regions of the immortal realms," many experts from the Skymist Immortal Empire and the Paragon Sword Sect stared in the direction of Qin Wentian and Qing'er, making it clear that they considered the matter far from resolved.

The ultimate resolution of the immortal realm adjudication remained pending. To this day, the Evergreen Immortal Emperor had not handed over his daughter.

Since they had invoked the adjudication, they naturally sought a definitive conclusion.

"Let's return first," the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord said to Qin Wentian and his companions.

"Mhm," Qin Wentian nodded, then turned to Qing'er. "Qing'er, what are your plans?"

"I will return to my master's side and use the teleportation array there to head home," Qing'er replied in a measured tone. The commotion had been sparked by her actions, resulting in the loss of her senior sisters' lives. She felt a deep obligation to return to her sect and report to her master. If her master chose to punish her, she would accept it willingly.

"Alright," Qin Wentian said with a reassuring smile. Matriarch Ji, a peak-level immortal emperor in the immortal realms, was Qing'er's master. With her in Qing'er's corner, Qin Wentian felt reassured.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Qin Wentian instructed.

"Mhm," Qing'er replied. She turned to Mo Qingcheng and nodded. "Please take good care of Qingcheng."

With that, she offered a light nod to Mo Qingcheng and departed in the direction of Matriarch Ji's sect.

"Wentian," Nanfeng Yunxi said, her voice filled with concern, "Remember, the White Tiger Race is a demonic clan, and their methods are exceedingly ruthless. They won't adhere to any rules. Be cautious."

"That's right. I doubt they'll let this matter rest so easily. A deep-seated grudge has been formed," added a maiden from the Southern Phoenix Clan, her tone icy. The holy maidens knew that their focus upon returning would shift toward cultivation.

"Mhm, holy maidens, farewell, and take care," Qin Wentian said, clasping his hands as they bid each other goodbye.

"Brother Qin, remember to share some meat with me in the future if you have some." In another direction, Bujie and his two senior brothers were encircled by monks.

Qin Wentian glanced at the shameless Bujie and smiled. "Between brothers, we share both good times and bad. We'll feast on more demonic beast meat like kings. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the future."

"Agreed. Brother Qin, you must keep your word," Bujie replied with gleaming eyes. White tiger meat was simply too delicious; he hadn't had his fill yet.

"Of course," Qin Wentian assured him, then turned to Buchen and Buyu. "I want to express my gratitude to the two reverends for aiding me when I needed it during my time at the academy. If you ever require anything in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. I, Qin, will be sure to repay the favor."

"Amitabha," Buyu intoned, offering thanks with a gesture of his hands pressed together. Buchen nodded in agreement. They were soon bathed in a radiant golden buddhic light as the monks from the Askheart Temple departed.

One by one, the various experts took their leave, including those from the Violet Emperor Sect, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, the Thundergod Hall, and the Snowdrift Sage Hall. As for Chu Qingyi, she found it impossible to forget about Qin Wentian even after all this time.

The skies above the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect buzzed with the departure of its members, their figures ascending gracefully into the heavens. Among those observing from the Jiang Clan, Jiang Ziyu couldn't help but wear a contented smile. Qin Wentian had, without a doubt, exceeded his expectations. The speed of his growth was nothing short of astonishing.

Meanwhile, the devil-experts hailing from the enigmatic Myriad Devil Islands cast reluctant glances toward the departing Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect. The priestess of the Judiciary Hall revealed a flicker of hesitation in her beautiful eyes.

"Let's go," commanded a devil emperor exuding a terrifying aura, and the group departed as one.

The wave of tumult surged and then subsided, as expected. In a gathering where so many immortal emperors were present and ill-prepared for conflict, the eruption of war was a sheer impossibility. The consequences would be too vast and uncontrollable.

As for the immortal kings who remained within the academy, the various factions had no intention of sending representatives to retrieve them. Immortal kings, by their own right, were already formidable figures. After their sojourn in the sacred academy, those who survived and managed to exit would undoubtedly return even stronger.


Within the confines of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, a faint smile graced Qin Wentian's eyes as he surveyed the familiar structures. Finally, the time had come for him to reunite with his friends. Despite the looming threat of turmoil, they would likely enjoy a period of calm before the storm.

The path of cultivation was fraught with challenges, and time was a precious commodity. Having spent fifty years at the sacred academy with an unwavering focus, Qin Wentian felt the need to unwind.

"Emperor Lord, I shall take my leave for now," Qin Wentian stated, offering his respects.

"Of course. You should rest and recuperate for a while. If there is any news from the outside world, I will ensure it reaches you," the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord replied.

"Thank you," Qin Wentian expressed his gratitude before escorting Mo Qingcheng and their companions to their designated palace. Time had passed in the blink of an eye. Fifty years had come and gone. He wondered how his other companions were faring.

Barely had Qin Wentian returned when he prepared to visit his foster fathers and other close friends. But just as he was about to depart, a figure approached his residence, signaling that news of his and Qingcheng's return had already circulated throughout the sect.

"Master," Mo Qingcheng greeted with a smile upon spotting the Medicine Sovereign approaching.

"Senior Medicine Sovereign," Qin Wentian respectfully bowed.

"I was worried about Qingcheng when she went to find you. Now that she has returned safely, I can rest easy," the Medicine Sovereign stated with a warm smile.

"Wentian, you've finally returned," Ye Qingyun's figure also appeared. He had been in seclusion, striving to advance to the immortal-foundation level.

"Foster father, Sister Lingshuang," Qin Wentian exclaimed with heartfelt joy upon seeing his foster father and foster sister.

"Haha!" A cheerful voice echoed. His other foster father, Qin Chuan, and elder sister Qin Yao joined the group, accompanied by Teacher Mustang and senior apprentice sister Luo Huan.

"You seem even more handsome than before," Luo Huan remarked, her tone teasing. She playfully traced her finger along Qin Wentian's chin, eliciting a laugh from him. "Senior sister, please spare me."

"Now, tell us, what is your current cultivation base?" Luo Huan inquired, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Still at the immortal-foundation realm, but I'd say I'm hovering around the upper tier in terms of strength," Qin Wentian quipped, his tone light and relaxed. Reuniting with close friends brought an ease and comfort he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Upper tier in strength?" Luo Huan mused, raising an eyebrow in mock disbelief. The atmosphere shifted as figures from the Battle Sword Sect rushed over, catching Qin Wentian by surprise. Members of the sect typically preferred to temper themselves outside its confines, displaying a rare gathering indeed.

Among the familiar faces were Duan Han, Ji Feixue, Lou Bingyu, and others, all boasting significantly enhanced cultivation bases compared to their past selves. Yet, they remained entrenched in the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, unable to break into the immortal-foundation realm. Qin Wentian had plans to help them temper themselves, utilizing the Sacred Luminance to unlock their latent potential and facilitate their breakthroughs.

"Wentian, your timing couldn't be better. Senior Apprentice Brother Lin Shuai is about to tie the knot!" Duan Han announced with a hearty laugh.

"Senior Brother Lin is getting married?" A glimmer of happiness lit up Qin Wentian's eyes. Many years ago, during his time at the Royal Sacred Region, Lin Shuai had been the one to introduce him to the Battle Sword Sect, providing guidance and support. Time had passed in the blink of an eye, and now Lin Shuai had found love. Qin Wentian couldn't help but feel genuinely delighted for his senior brother.

"Who's the lucky lady? She must be quite exceptional to win Senior Brother Lin's heart," Qin Wentian remarked with a grin.

"He met her while adventuring outside. Her family is located in the Cloud Prefecture, and she has a wonderful personality," Ye Lingshuang explained, her own smile reflecting her happiness for Lin Shuai. She had always regarded him as a true older brother.

"Where is Senior Lin now?" Qin Wentian inquired. "Why isn't he here with all of you?"

"He's with his bride-to-be's family, busily preparing for the wedding. Given the vastness of the Cloud Prefecture, it's quite a journey if he were to return here. We initially came here to make some preparations, but who would have expected your return at this exact moment?" Duan Han chuckled. Qin Wentian nodded in agreement, fully aware of the immense scale of the Cloud Prefecture. Even for immortal-foundation characters, traversing its expanses could be a daunting task. It was easy to forget the magnitude of such a region when one had encountered countless experts and grown accustomed to the grandeur of the immortal realms. However, to those below the immortal-foundation realm, a single Prefecture could appear boundless and unconquerable.