

Powerful . . .

Xiao Hong's strength stood out prominently among the later batches of participants. Upon entering the fray, he swiftly drained the battle qi of earlier contenders, accumulating a formidable 60,000-meter battle halo in a remarkably short time. What made him even more enigmatic was his decision not to disclose his sect or clan affiliation during registration. This ambiguity raised questions about whether he hailed from a secretive and formidable power or if he was an independent cultivator. The latter possibility, if true, would make him even more formidable.

Most of the geniuses in this competition hailed from major sects or clans. Such individuals were identified early in their lives due to their extraordinary talents, nurtured with abundant resources and expert guidance to expedite their growth. Consequently, becoming strong was a challenging endeavor for those who forged their paths alone. However, those who managed to reach or surpass the level of demon-level characters nurtured by major powers were considered immeasurably powerful and highly dangerous.

The Idlecloud Immortal King, renowned for his discerning eye, held Xiao Hong in high regard, placing him in the second tier of his assessments. Qin Wentian, on the other hand, was positioned in the third tier, indicating the great value he saw in Xiao Hong.

When Qin Wentian's gaze fell upon Xiao Hong, the latter sensed it and turned to meet his eyes. Their mutual recognition of each other's formidable power was evident in their locked gazes.

Among the fourth-level ascendants on the Cloudheaven Arena, three individuals stood out: Zhuge Yue, Xiao Hong, and Qin Wentian. All three possessed dazzling 60,000-meter battle halos. Although they hadn't yet engaged in combat, the unspoken understanding between them hinted at their intentions. Perhaps their ultimate goal was to face each other in battle and accumulate enough battle qi to expand their halos to an impressive 100,000 meters.

In a moment charged with anticipation, Qin Wentian and Xiao Hong locked gazes. Their battle halos emanated a deafening roar, reflecting the fierce battle intents within their hearts.

Around them, spectators leaned in, hearts racing, as they witnessed this electrifying standoff. The question loomed: would Qin Wentian and Xiao Hong engage in combat? Two brilliant geniuses with 60,000-meter battle halos poised for battle—whose victory would this intense confrontation yield?

The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the crowd awaited the outcome with bated breath.

Beneath the imposing grandeur of the Cloudheaven Arena, a wave of thunderous cheers rippled through the spectator stands. The resounding roar reached the ears of participants on distant battle platforms, leaving them bewildered. "What's happening?"

A hushed answer raced through the crowd, drawing the gaze of countless onlookers toward a single epic confrontation: Qin Wentian versus Xiao Hong. The collective anticipation hung in the air like a palpable charge, as if everyone held their breath in unison.

Finally, a showdown between titans was on the horizon—a clash of strength that neither participant could afford to lose. In defeat, they would be compelled to rebuild their battle qi from scratch to expand their battle halos back from ground zero.

As Xiao Hong ascended to the platform where Qin Wentian stood, he chose to remain airborne, emanating a formidable aura of battle readiness. His radiant battle halo emitted a blaze of brilliance that illuminated the entire arena, its pulsating energy producing an audible hum.

"Xiao Hong initiated the challenge against Qin Wentian?" The audience buzzed with curiosity. Unaware of Qin Wentian's earlier gaze, they assumed it was Xiao Hong who had instigated this epic confrontation.

Now, a magnificent layer of runic light enveloped Qin Wentian, encasing him in a fiendgod armor. His astral inscriptions danced in the air, coalescing into this formidable protection.

In the heat of the moment, Xiao Hong's determination to battle was evident. With a sweeping motion of his hand, astral light erupted, giving rise to numerous golden arms aglow with runic radiance. These arms were a manifestation of Xiao Hong's constellation, a force of control that he wielded with incredible mastery.

In a pulsating surge of power, Xiao Hong conjured his second constellation. This time, an eerie violet-black light swirled frenetically, birthing a host of sinister hooks. The wicked gleam emanating from these hooks sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld them.

No words were exchanged between Qin Wentian and Xiao Hong; they elected to let their actions speak for them. With unwavering determination, Xiao Hong unleashed a barrage of attacks, directing the might of his constellation downward to encompass the battlefield. A multitude of golden arms filled the sky, reaching hungrily for Qin Wentian. Those who had previously been ensnared by these arms in their battles had all met their doom, helpless and unable to escape the clutches of those devilish hooks.

A thunderous "RUMBLE!" echoed through the arena as Qin Wentian's form expanded, and his armor grew to match. In the blink of an eye, he soared to an astounding height of 330 meters, embodying a monstrous giant. He stared up at Xiao Hong, his eyes emitting a gaze that struck fear into the hearts of all who beheld it.

"Is this...his true strength?" The crowd pondered, sensing that these demon-level characters appeared to be unleashing their full potential.

With a body towering at 330 meters, radiating a resplendent aura of runic light, Qin Wentian resembled a veritable fiendgod. His imposing presence was undeniable.

The countless golden arms, blotting out the sky, descended upon him, aiming to ensnare his colossal form. But these golden arms were powerless against Qin Wentian's movements, as if they were attempting to hold a mountain with mere strings.

Xiao Hong's countenance remained unchanged, and his multitude of golden arms expanded further, their radiant brilliance ascending into the heavens. This time, Xiao Hong abandoned the notion of restraint, aiming instead to crush Qin Wentian with unyielding force, entering into a head-on confrontation of indomitable might.

A deafening explosion reverberated through the arena, as if the heavens themselves had roared in response. Qin Wentian's colossal form expanded further, reaching an astonishing height of 1,500 meters. His towering figure now stood eye to eye with Xiao Hong, who hovered in the air. As the countless golden arms assailed Qin Wentian, their attempts were rendered futile, incapable of penetrating his impervious defense. The protective light emanating from his fiendgod armor proved nigh impenetrable.

"Is that all you've got?" Qin Wentian taunted Xiao Hong from below, his defense seemingly impervious to any assault. His body had become a formidable bastion, a testament to the body refinement techniques he'd inherited from the Driftsnow Master. Once he attained the immortal-foundation realm and maintained his cultivation in the Fiendgod Body Refinement Art, his physical might would surpass that of ordinary fiendgods. His body would be akin to an immortal-ranked weapon.

Although he still resided in the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, his mastery of runic inscriptions, coupled with his expertise in the Fiendgod Body Refinement Art and the overwhelming power bestowed by the Fiendgod Heavenly Suppression Art, fortified his fleshly defense to unparalleled heights. Xiao Hong's Golden Arm Constellation was primarily designed for control and restriction, with relatively weak offensive capabilities. Consequently, it proved incapable of breaching Qin Wentian's defenses, given his current colossal form of 1,500 meters.

Xiao Hong's expression stiffened, a chill creeping into his demeanor. A vast expanse of violet-black devilish clouds swirled overhead, giving rise to the spectral visage of a devil king. These clouds obscured the sun entirely, casting a somber pall over the battle platforms below.

With a swish of air, the devilish hooks hurtled forth. Among them, one hook extended to a colossal length of 1,000 meters, hurtling relentlessly toward Qin Wentian with the intent to rend him asunder. A single strike from this hook would spell instantaneous death for anyone in its path.

In this critical moment, Qin Wentian summoned his Annihilative Suppression Constellation, unleashing an immense torrent of pressure that blanketed the surroundings. Towering figures of suppression materialized, casting their imposing shadows in the air.

With a mighty punch, Qin Wentian unleashed these suppression figures, halting the fearsome devilish hook in its tracks. The figures emitted radiant orbs of light that coalesced into a devastating force, a culmination of Qin Wentian's formidable strength, the might of the Annihilative Suppression Constellation, and the power bestowed by the Fiendgod Heavenly Suppression Art. Together, they unleashed a force capable of shaking the very heavens.

In its path, every inch of space disintegrated into oblivion.

A resounding explosion ensued as the devilish hook was shattered into pieces. Qin Wentian, with his towering figure, charged toward Xiao Hong, whose expression grew increasingly grave. His celestial constellation blazed with dazzling brilliance as it manipulated all the devilish hooks manifested in the air.


Qin Wentian's colossal form landed on the battle platform with an earthshattering impact, causing it to tremble under the force. He ascended into the sky, his body enveloped in a formidable radiance that produced a piercing whistling sound. The battle halos surrounding him emitted thunderous roars as Qin Wentian unleashed a relentless onslaught with his palms, obliterating everything in his path. His power was simply unstoppable.

In this climactic moment, the towering figures of suppression shimmered with a brilliant display of runic light, their combined might harmonizing with Qin Wentian's palm strike. Together, they aimed their formidable assault directly at the head of the devil king lurking behind Xiao Hong. At this juncture, Xiao Hong had transformed into a fearsome entity with three heads and six arms, his entire form bristling with devilish hooks as he desperately endeavored to fend off the impending onslaught. Yet, the suppressive might exhibited no mercy, relentless in its quest to dismantle his defenses.

With an earthshattering impact, Qin Wentian's palm struck Xiao Hong with unyielding force. The reverberations coursed through Xiao Hong's body, causing him to tremble violently as he involuntarily coughed up blood.

A thunderous roar echoed through the air as the battle halo enveloping Qin Wentian voraciously siphoned away the battle qi from Xiao Hong. The impact sent Xiao Hong hurtling through the sky, traversing tens of miles in the blink of an eye before disappearing into the distant horizon.

A resplendent 120,000 meter battle halo radiated around Qin Wentian, emitting an awe-inspiring chorus of roars. His colossal 1,500-meter form stood as a resolute testament to his supremacy in the heavens, a veritable indomitable deity of war. He remained undefeated, an invincible force.

The onlookers watched in profound astonishment, their hearts quaking with a mixture of awe and admiration. This, they realized, was the embodiment of a true battle. While Xiao Hong possessed formidable strength, it paled in comparison to Qin Wentian's might. It became apparent that, in previous encounters, Qin Wentian had merely been toying with his adversaries, never once compelled to unleash his full potential. But now, in this pivotal moment, he radiated an overwhelming strength capable of obliterating all obstacles. It was virtually assured that Qin Wentian would secure a place within the top three ranks of this selection test, an undeniable testament to his exceptional prowess.