
Path of Retreat

Path of Retreat...

A year ago, in the ancient kingdom of Grand Xia, situated in the quaint city of Ginkou, the Sword Reverence City had abstained from participation in the Heavenly Fate Rankings battle. However, they remained well-informed about the event's results, thanks to the swirling currents of news and rumors that traversed Grand Xia.

Qin Wentian, a prodigious talent of monstrous proportions, had astounded the world by vanquishing the most formidable genius from the younger generation of the Chen Clan, Chen Wang, along with the dark horse, Si Qiong. He then audaciously ended the life of Zhan Chen, the Heaven's Chosen of the Pill Emperor Hall, asserting his dominance as the top-ranked contender. Alongside this, he had amassed the ire of several transcendent powers and had not hesitated to publicize his relationship with Mo Qingcheng, leveraging his fame and accolades in the ranking battle.

The participants in the Heavenly Fate Rankings of the preceding year were acclaimed as the most formidable cohort in a millennium.

Wang Jue, who had secured the sixth spot in the Heavenly Fate Rankings in the previous cohort, failed to break into the top ten in the recent one. However, this did not signify Wang Jue's inadequacy. Rather, it was a testament to the extraordinary might of the competitors.

After the conclusion of the Heavenly Fate Rankings, the top-ranked contenders ascended to the level of Heavenly Dipper. Naturally, Wang Jue of the War Continent followed suit. As a scion of the illustrious Wang Clan, his combat prowess remained unquestionable. He was poised to conquer Sword Reverence City with unparalleled supremacy among cultivators at the same stage of cultivation.

Moreover, the Wang Clan, as a transcendent power, wielded unparalleled might. Even if Wang Jue were not chosen, it was unimaginable that any of their other first-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns would be anything less than formidable.

And now, Zong Yi, the patriarch of the Zong Clan, had taken the audacious step of challenging the mighty Wang Clan from the War Continent to a wager, with an additional stake of ten thousand fourth-layer Yuan Meteor Stones.

"Wang Jue," the middle-aged man in his opulent robe cast his gaze toward a young man hovering in the air.

"Wang Jue, it's really him!" The expressions of the Zong Clan members contorted into unsightly grimaces. In contrast, those from the Heavenly Sword Sect displayed cold, smug smiles.

"The Zong Clan of Sword Reverence City has extraordinary faith in their Sword Son, daring to propose a bet with our esteemed Wang Clan, wagering ten thousand Yuan Meteor Stones. Wang Jue, show them the meaning of 'there will always be a sky beyond a sky, a mountain beyond a mountain,'" the middle-aged man stated indifferently. Wang Jue's visage remained calm as he advanced. He had heard of the legends surrounding the demon sword, which had piqued his curiosity and prompted him to accompany this expedition to Sword Reverence City.

He had etched his past failures and experiences from the Heavenly Fate Rankings deep into his heart, serving as a constant reminder to become stronger.

Now, in this seemingly insignificant city, someone dared to challenge him. The audacity of this act ignited a cold, determined glint in his eyes.

"With Wang Jue's presence, Brother Zong might fare better if he simply relinquished his claim on the sword range and left, surrendering the Yuan Meteor Stones," Jian Wuyou taunted with a malicious grin. However, Zong Yi remained remarkably composed. He was not perturbed by the battle's outcome but rather contemplated whether a transcendent power like the Wang Clan would ever relinquish control of the sword range, even if the Zong Clan emerged victorious.

Most likely, such a concession was improbable.

Observing the middle-aged man's resolute stance, it became apparent that the Wang Clan was determined to secure the control rights.

"I, Zong, am willing to step back from this challenge. Let us put aside this contest and share the control rights with the Wang Clan. Additionally, regarding the Yuan Meteor Stones agreement, I propose that the Zong Clan pays half to the Wang Clan. How does that sound?" Zong Yi pondered for a moment before offering his terms, indicating his willingness to compromise.

However, the middle-aged man clearly had different intentions. He responded with a cold laugh, "You realize your Zong Clan is no match for us and have chosen to yield only now? How amusing. WHERE is the Sword Son of your Zong Clan?"

Qin Wentian had been mingling among the Zong Clan members. After leaving the ancient kingdom, he had come to Sword Reverence City covertly, determined to avoid revealing any traces of his whereabouts. Yet, fate had brought him into contact with the Wang Clan here.

However, the situation had escalated to this point, and evading it was no longer an option.

Qin Wentian stepped forward, his form flickering as he materialized on the platform in an instant. Witnessing his appearance on the stage, the Zong Clan members couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

While Qin Wentian's victory over the Li Clan's Sword Son had been impressive, facing Wang Jue from the Wang Clan would be an entirely different challenge. It seemed nearly impossible for him to secure a win.

Presently, Qin Wentian stood with his arms crossed behind his back, his gaze rising to meet Wang Jue, who stood before him. An aura of profound sharpness emanated from Wang Jue, as well as from Wang Xiao, who stood in the background.

"It's him." Wang Jue stiffened. He had never expected to encounter Qin Wentian in this place. Hiding behind the title of Sword Son of the Zong Clan was a brilliant strategy indeed.

A few months earlier, news had spread about Ouyang Kuangsheng returning to the Ouyang Clan and Bai Qing rejoining the Mystic Moon Sect, causing a tremendous commotion among the other transcendent powers. Meanwhile, the Chen Clan still maintained a vigilant presence around the ancient kingdom, but Qin Wentian and the others had managed to escape in secret, evading their grasp. This news was a humiliating slap in the face for the Chen Clan. In a fit of anger, they sent out messages to capture Qin Wentian, but he seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Wang Jue remained where he stood, refraining from stepping onto the platform. Though he held confidence in his abilities, he wasn't so sure of himself that he believed he could defeat a prodigy like Qin Wentian. After all, Qin Wentian had dominated the Heavenly Fate Rankings, effortlessly surpassing other demon-level geniuses.

Wang Jue had personally witnessed Qin Wentian's battles against Chen Wang and Si Qiong. Qin Wentian displayed no weaknesses, and his strength had undoubtedly grown since he attained the Heavenly Dipper realm. It was highly likely that the astral warbeasts he summoned alone would suffice to obliterate opponents of his current level.

"Wang Jue," the middle-aged man called out again, his impatience showing as he glanced towards Wang Jue, who remained motionless in the air.

Puzzlement etched the faces of those from the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Zong Clan. Wang Jue's unyielding posture seemed to convey an overwhelming sense of fear and trepidation.

"A mere Zong Clan from a backwater sword city thinks they can negotiate terms with the Wang Clan? They've got some nerve, especially challenging Wang Jue to a duel. Uncle, just tell them to get lost." To ease Wang Jue's discomfort, Wang Xiao swiftly intervened. The middle-aged man frowned, puzzled by the situation. "They're offering ten thousand Yuan Meteor Stones for free. Why would they want to forfeit that?"

"That's right, take the freebie. The Zong Clan clearly doesn't grasp their place in the grand scheme of things. Why not allow our esteemed nephew Wang Jue to educate Clan Lord Zong Yi and his entourage?" Jian Wuyou chuckled coldly. However, Wang Jue shot him a chilling glance that caused him to involuntarily step back. Had he said something wrong?

Wang Jue's voice turned icy as he shifted his gaze to Qin Wentian. "The Chen Clan is scouring every corner looking for you. What do you think they'll do if they discover you hiding here?"

"Huh?" The crowd was taken aback upon hearing Wang Jue's words. How was Wang Jue acquainted with the Sword Son of the Zong Clan?

"Should we fight or not?" Qin Wentian tilted his head, his gaze piercing Wang Jue like a sharp blade. Just that look alone made Wang Jue's heart uncontrollably quiver. Qin Wentian had the same look in his eyes when he defeated Zhan Chen and triumphed over both Si Qiong and Chen Wang on the Vermilion Bird arena platform.

Wang Jue remained silent. The middle-aged man's frown deepened as he questioned Wang Jue, "Who is this person?"

"Qin Wentian!" Wang Jue hissed as he locked eyes with Qin Wentian, sending a shiver down the middle-aged man's spine. His face stiffened for a moment.

Qin Wentian, the former top-ranked contender on the Heavenly Fate Rankings.

"Qin Wentian?" The Zong Clan members were bewildered. Wasn't their Sword Son named Qin Wen? Was he actually Qin Wentian?

One of the more informed individuals among them couldn't help but exclaim, "Last year, in the ancient kingdom, the contender who defeated Chen Wang and claimed the first rank on the Heavenly Fate Rankings was Qin Wentian."

As the voice faded, the surrounding crowd turned their attention to the young man standing on the platform. Was this truly Qin Wentian, the one who had reigned supreme in the Heavenly Fate Rankings?

Wang Jue, upon spotting Qin Wentian, didn't even dare to take a single step forward.

Members from the Li Clan and the Heavenly Sword Sect were equally frozen in disbelief. No wonder Zong Yi had been so confident; their Sword Son was none other than Qin Wentian! This young man had dominated the Heavenly Fate Rankings and was unmatched among peers of the same level.

The younger generation of the Zong Clan stared at Qin Wentian with burning enthusiasm in their eyes. Here stood a legend—the crowned king of the Heavenly Fate Rankings, Qin Wentian.

"What? The Heavenly Fate Rankings' top ranker has been hiding in our clan all along? I had no clue." A young cultivator from the Zong Clan sighed, his face filled with awe. He couldn't believe he had interacted with a legend like Qin Wentian, the crowned king of the Heavenly Fate Rankings.

In that instant, Qin Wentian's presence seemed to expand, making him appear even taller and more formidable. He stood there, a living legend.

Much like Hua Taixu in his prime, reigning supreme in the Yuanfu Realm throughout all of Grand Xia.

This man had mysteriously surfaced in the Zong Clan, assuming the role of their Sword Son. Yet, before revealing his true identity, he had faced no small measure of mockery.

"Did you know who he was from the beginning?" The middle-aged man glared at Zong Yi, his expression icy.

"May I inquire if the bet is still on?" Zong Yi didn't answer. Since Qin Wentian had stepped forward, admitting that he was aware of Qin Wentian's identity wouldn't change anything. In this critical moment, he preferred to take a bold stance, locking eyes with the middle-aged man in the opulent robe.

"If I say yes, do you dare to proceed?" The middle-aged man shot back, his tone laced with a dangerous chill.

"Of course," Zong Yi calmly responded with a single word.

"Are you serious?" The middle-aged man questioned once more, his voice brimming with menace.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Zong Yi's face remained composed as he answered. Without warning, the middle-aged man burst into laughter and waved his hand. "Very well, since you have the courage to accept the bet, I'll grant your clan the control rights of the sword range. Regarding the ten thousand Yuan Meteor Stones, I'll have my people in the War Continent prepare the sum and deliver it to you. Just wait."

With that, the middle-aged man's figure disappeared, vanishing from sight as he left the area.

The members of the Wang Clan also swiftly departed, their silhouettes flickering into the distance. Jian Wuyou wore a cold smile as he turned to Zong Yi. "Brother Zong, you're certainly bold, but it seems you've made a rather foolish decision. I sincerely hope your Zong Clan has the appetite to digest the control rights of the sword range."

With that, the representatives of the Heavenly Sword Sect followed suit and left.

The Li Clan members reveled in the impending calamity that would befall the Zong Clan. It appeared that the citizens of the Sword Reverence City were in for quite a spectacle.

Soon, only the Zong Clan remained on the flatland at the base of the precipice. The Heavenly Sword Sect had withdrawn their guards from the sword range, leaving it temporarily to the Zong Clan. However, everyone knew this was only a temporary reprieve—how could a transcendent power like the Heavenly Sword Sect give up so easily?

Above all, the looming threat to the Zong Clan was far more important than the control rights of the sword range and the ten thousand Yuan Meteor Stones.

Qin Wentian's brows knitted in deep thought. The Wang Clan refrained from taking action because their current entourage lacked the necessary power. Moreover, they were well aware that he possessed the Divine Stele Remnant of the Wang Clan. How could they easily abandon such a valuable prize?

With the completed Divine Stele in his possession, who wouldn't be enticed by the allure? It was the complete Divine Stele, after all!

Nevertheless, the Wang Clan left without uttering a word, a clear signal that they intended to return to the War Continent to gather even stronger experts before venturing back to the Sword Reverence City. This place was no longer safe.

Qin Wentian himself hadn't foreseen running into Wang Clan members here.

Turning back, he walked toward Zong Yi and offered an apology. "I've greatly implicated you, Uncle Zong."

"My heart is steadfast, there's nothing to fear," Zong Yi replied with a gentle pat on Qin Wentian's shoulder. He smiled and continued, "The blood in my veins still runs hot."

Warmth flooded Qin Wentian's heart, and a smile crossed his face. Zong Yi then turned to address the Zong Clan members. "Return to the clan immediately for an emergency meeting."

The Zong Clan needed to make thorough preparations for what lay ahead.

The Zong Clan members nodded, casting resolute gazes at Qin Wentian before their figures flickered away from the scene.

On that day, the younger generation of the Zong Clan, along with the weaker women and children, departed the Sword Reverence City via a Distance-Transference Array. Only then did they learn of this powerful Array's existence. Like the crafty rabbit with three burrows, the Zong Clan, as a hidden faction of the Azure Emperor, had created an escape route for themselves. They had spent a fortune to hire a Grandmaster skilled in spatial concepts to craft the Array.

In the span of a day, only those with combat strength remained behind. Simultaneously, for safety reasons, the Array was destroyed. Under the cover of night, they returned to the flatland where the sword range was situated.

Clearly, the Zong Clan had resolved to forsake their standing in the Sword Reverence City. Qin Wentian watched their swift actions and admired Zong Yi's determination and spirit.