
Participating in the War

Participating in the War . . . 

In the realm of immortal senses and immortal-foundation experts, there existed a unique bond that transcended the mundane. These skilled individuals harbored protective immortal senses, dormant until the direst of moments when they would spring to life, guarding those closest to their heart. Qin Wentian, a master of this art, had enshrouded both Luo Huan and Qin Yao in the ethereal embrace of his projection.

The projection itself was no feeble illusion; it bore a portion of his true body's combat prowess. However, this benevolent act came at a cost, siphoning away the very essence of immortal existence, the origin qi and spirit. It was a sacrifice Qin Wentian was willing to make for those he cherished, for in their eyes, he was the closest of all.

And now, fate had conspired to place them in dire straits. The anguish gnawed at Qin Wentian's heart, a pain as profound as the depths of the immortal realms.

"Senior sister," he spoke, his voice brimming with determination, "I shall beseech the Emperor Lord for aid. Your injuries shall be mended, I vow it." With his projection, he carried Luo Huan aloft, while his other hand cradled Qin Yao. Though Qin Yao's injuries were less severe, the urgency lay in attending to Luo Huan's grievous wounds.

Meanwhile, the experts of the Thousand Transformations Sect hastened to the scene. Qin Wentian's immortal sense reached out, instructing an immortal king to convey Qin Yao and Luo Huan to the sanctuary of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect with utmost haste.

In the midst of this turmoil, Qin Wentian's corporeal form streaked through the skies, propelled by unrelenting resolve. His immortal sense surged forth, scouring the vast expanse for the malevolent forces responsible for their suffering.

"SEAL THIS ENTIRE SPACE!" His command reverberated through the heavens, a potent decree that invoked formless law energy, casting a radiant dome of golden light across a thousand-mile radius, sealing it off from the world.

"There!" An immortal foundation expert pointed, drawing everyone's attention to a group of fleeing figures, panic etched across their faces as they sought to scatter in every direction.

With lightning speed, a cadre of experts descended upon them. Among these fugitives was the individual who had targeted Qin Yao. Their desperation led to a premature unraveling, betraying their nefarious intent. In their haste, they broke apart, scattering like leaves in the wind. Yet, their actions only sealed their fate.

But, in the midst of this chaos, calm was a scarce commodity.

Soon enough, a multitude of silhouettes descended from the heavens, encircling the hapless fugitives. Their faces paled, for when Luo Huan's immortal sense had activated, their fate had been sealed. Now, they were trapped, ensnared by the relentless experts of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect.

Qin Wentian descended from on high, a palpable aura of vengeance exuding from his being. His gaze bore into their souls as he demanded, "Who sent you here?"

It was improbable that these individuals had acted independently, infiltrating Cloud Prefecture City to target his loved ones and comrades. Qin Wentian suspected the presence of a powerful hand behind them, one likely belonging to the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect.

The leader among the captives fixed his gaze on Qin Wentian, a malevolent glint in his eye. In an instant, Qin Wentian found himself transported to a realm under the dominion of his adversary.

"Chi!" In a moment of treacherous surprise, a brilliant beam of light sliced through the air, as an adversary, like a sudden storm, surged forth from the shadows. This enemy had but one goal—to eliminate Qin Wentian.

"You must be courting death," declared Qin Wentian, his figure erupting in resplendent radiance, unleashing a formidable power that seemed impervious to his assailant's control. The surrounding experts unleashed their own torrent of attacks, and by the time the adversary reached Qin Wentian, he was already spewing blood from the grievous wounds inflicted upon him by the relentless barrage.

With a few determined steps forward, Qin Wentian locked eyes with his opponent. His palm descended like the hammer of a vengeful god, crashing against the intruder's chest and unleashing a destructive force that tore through the very core of his being.

"ARGHH!" The agonized scream of the assailant pierced the air, a desperate plea for death.

"Do you truly wish for an easy end?" Qin Wentian's demeanor had chilled to the core. Another surge of destructive energy pounded the very foundation of his adversary's immortality, amplifying the cries of torment.

"Speak! Who issued the command?" Qin Wentian's gaze flared with an unsettling intensity.

"You should already know," the assailant sneered with madness in his eyes. "Qin Wentian, do you truly believe you can survive the wrath of his Majesty? Dealing with you is a mandate from my master. Capturing you is a grand act of merit. Your fate is sealed. Prepare to be relentlessly pursued. And as for the one who gave this order, it was none other than my master, the Dream Demon King."

"BOOM!" Qin Wentian's palm struck again, the sound of shattering echoes reverberating in the air. The assailant wailed in agony as his immortal foundation fragmented, piece by piece, until it lay in ruins.

A malevolent sword qi emanated from Qin Wentian's hand, piercing through the adversary's body. In an instant, the man was left completely incapacitated, his meridians and Yuanfu reduced to dust. He could not move a muscle.

"Since you hold such affection for Cloud Prefecture City," Qin Wentian mused coldly, "then perhaps you shall remain here eternally." Qin Wentian's eyes flashed with vengeance. This man had come dangerously close to harming his sister, Qin Yao. But he wouldn't allow him the solace of a swift death. Instead, he chose to leave him crippled, trapped within Cloud Prefecture City. Should he seek escape, only one path remained open to him—suicide.

"Dream Demon King," Qin Wentian murmured, his gaze locked on a distant horizon, exuding an aura of malevolence that was nothing short of bone-chilling. The name alone was etched into the darkest recesses of his memory. During his participation in the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's century-spanning recruitment event, he had encountered the Dream Demon King, one of the formidable examiners. This enigmatic figure had wielded dreams as insidious weapons, delving into the deepest recesses of one's soul to extract secrets. It was a perilous game. The Dream Demon King, perpetually shrouded in the guise of slumber, had the uncanny ability to silently snuff out lives, leaving no trace of his sinister work.

These infiltrators who had infiltrated the city were none other than disciples of the Dream Demon King. It suddenly became clear how they had ensnared Qin Yao and Luo Huan, bewitching their minds and compelling obedience. Had it not been for the resilience of Little Rascal, the consequences would have been too dreadful to fathom.

In the past, among the subordinates of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, Qin Wentian's most profound enmity had been reserved for Deepflame Immortal King. However, Deepflame had met his end at the hands of Bai Wuya. Now, the Dream Demon King had seamlessly claimed the throne of Qin Wentian's most despised adversary. This man was the immortal king he yearned to vanquish above all others. Regrettably, he was still far too feeble to confront an immortal king expert.

"Young Lord Qin, over there!" A voice rang out, drawing Qin Wentian's attention. Another figure had been captured at a distance. Swift as the wind, Qin Wentian arrived to find none other than the perpetrator who had driven Luo Huan to the brink of suicide. Now, he lay wounded and frail on the ground, eyes aflame with anger. It was the activation of Qin Wentian's immortal sense that had sealed his grim fate.

"Ensure he's utterly incapable of ending his own life," Qin Wentian's voice dripped with ice, sending shivers through the gathered onlookers.

"Understood," they chorused. Amidst his agonized cries, they shattered his immortal foundation, crushed his meridians, and rendered his hands useless. Qin Wentian remained impassive, resolute in his conviction that anyone who harmed his loved ones would pay the price in the most excruciating manner.

High above, a congregation of experts continued their relentless hunt for the culprits.

"Young Lord Qin, there's still one missing, well-hidden and elusive," someone informed Qin Wentian.

"Yes," he affirmed with an icy resolve. The missing individual was the senior brother among them, the one with the highest cultivation and the one responsible for the heinous acts against Luo Huan and Qin Yao at the inn.

The Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect's experts mobilized, preparing to scour every nook and cranny within the sealed area. Even if their quarry possessed a treasure that could obscure immortal sense, they could not escape a physical search.

Yet, hours passed without success. Despite a comprehensive exploration of the sealed confines, their quarry remained elusive.

Qin Wentian's brow furrowed. "Is it possible that he altered his appearance?"

"Ordinary disguises wouldn't elude the scrutiny of immortal sense," one replied. "Furthermore, we failed to locate any item capable of obstructing immortal sense surveillance. It's conceivable that he used a spatial treasure to escape, using his separation from his companions as a ruse for a swift getaway."

"That may be true," Qin Wentian acknowledged, his countenance unwavering in its determination. "Nonetheless, I'm unwilling to take any chances. I must implore you all to continue."

"Young Lord Qin, your request is our honor. This incident transpired within our Cloud Prefecture City. Even without your command, we would ardently pursue the perpetrator," one expert affirmed. The Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect's contingent widened their search radius. Yet, despite an entire day's effort, their quarry remained tantalizingly beyond their reach. In a city as sprawling as this, concealment was an art form, and the fugitive was proving to be an elusive master.

Naturally, every seasoned expert understood that the perpetrator couldn't rest easy either. His life was now a relentless dance on the precipice of worry and fear. The slightest lapse in vigilance might lead to his capture, and the sole exit from such a dire predicament would be a one-way journey into oblivion.

It remained clear to all that Cloud Prefecture City couldn't indefinitely restrict flying. Qin Wentian harbored no illusions about this. If they failed to apprehend all the culprits on the first day, the task would become exponentially more formidable in the future.

Qin Wentian returned to the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, where the Emperor Lord received him alongside Luo Huan. The sight of his senior sister, despite the recent ordeal, wearing a gentle smile, conjured a radiant one in his own eyes.

"The injuries your senior sister has sustained are rather severe. Thankfully, her cultivation remains at a nascent stage, making recovery relatively straightforward. I will assist her in restoring her meridians and repairing her Yuanfu. As for your sister, she endured minimal physical harm during the ordeal," the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord explained.

Qin Wentian expressed his deep gratitude with a bow, his heart brimming with appreciation. While outsiders might assume a mentorship between them, he understood that no such relationship existed. Yet, time and again, the Emperor Lord had extended his helping hand. Qin Wentian couldn't be more thankful.

"No need for thanks," the Emperor Lord replied with a shake of his head.

Approaching his senior sister and Qin Yao, Qin Wentian couldn't help but exhale a breath of relief. Fortunately, nothing dire had befallen them; otherwise, guilt would have haunted him indefinitely.

"Young brat, your senior apprentice sister is just as lovely as ever. What are you staring at?" Luo Huan teased, her usual bubbly demeanor undiminished.

"I'll have the answer after a hug," Qin Wentian quipped, wrapping his arms around Luo Huan and Qin Yao. The two women playfully rolled their eyes, their smiles barely concealed.

"Enough, the Emperor Lord is present," Qin Yao reminded in hushed tones.

Releasing his embrace, Qin Wentian watched as both Luo Huan and Qin Yao respectfully bowed to the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord. "We can never express our gratitude sufficiently for your life-saving intervention. Our hearts overflow with thanks."

The Emperor Lord waved off their gratitude, making it clear that he considered it a small matter. He then turned his attention to Qin Wentian. "Wentian, although this crisis has been resolved, it's crucial to exercise caution in the future. Understand that as long as the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect endures, the threat of such incidents looms."

"Mhm," Qin Wentian nodded, keenly aware of his own inadequacies. His weakness remained a source of frustration.

"Emperor Lord, I wish to join the frontlines and participate," Qin Wentian declared, his words causing a subtle flicker in the Emperor Lord's eyes. "The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect controls seven prefectures, while I hold sway over six. In recent years, numerous skirmishes have broken out, primarily along the borders of the thirteen prefectures. It's a treacherous place, but I'm determined to go."

The Emperor Lord mulled over this proposition. "Very well, if you are resolved, I won't stand in your way. Just remember, the border regions are perilous. Exercise caution, and may you return safely, Wentian."