
Order of Arrest

Order of Arrest . . .

Qin Wentian, in a breathtaking display of intuition and audacity, had indeed detected that elusive strand of immortal sense. The very moment his demon sword pierced Jiang Kuang's flesh, a tingling awareness surged within him—a visceral acknowledgment of the immortal presence that lingered.

He was no stranger to the crafty ways of immortal-foundation experts; they invariably wove a protective filament of immortal sense around their progeny, a safeguard that had been employed time and again throughout history. Bai Wuya had taken this very precaution, and Zhao Yuyan's master had similarly left behind this ethereal sentinel. Qin Wentian, sharp-witted and astute, had long anticipated this stratagem.

With the knowledge of this contingency, he acted swiftly and decisively, leaving Jiang Kuang in his aching, life-drained stupor. He didn't tarry for a moment, setting forth without a backward glance.

"Jiang Kuang," the faint silhouette manifested by the immortal sense enveloped the grievously wounded man. At this critical juncture, Jiang Kuang's life force teetered on the brink of oblivion, perilously diminished. His inner organs bore the scars of brutal trauma, and his very heart, the epicenter of his vitality, had barely escaped annihilation. Qin Wentian's final strike, as he departed, had been a relentless gambit for Jiang Kuang's life. The blade had been unsparing, showing no mercy.

Yet, in a cruel twist of fate, Jiang Kuang clung to existence by a mere wisp of vitality, thanks to the protective vigilance of his father's immortal sense. This slender thread of life, tenuous as it was, stood as a cruel testimony to the irrevocable ruin of Jiang Kuang's martial prowess. Crippled, he would never regain his former stature.

The sudden turn of events left the assembled onlookers stunned, none more so than Xie Shi and Xie Yu. The latter felt an icy shiver creep down his spine, beads of cold sweat forming on his brow.

Jiang Kuang, once the unassailable paragon, had wielded absolute power with the backing of immortal-foundation experts. They had been under the impression that so long as Jiang Kuang refused to cooperate, Qin Wentian would find it impossible to abscond with his captive. Indeed, the prevailing sentiment had been that Qin Wentian would never leave this place alive. Yet, the audacious young man had defied their expectations, revealing a hand brimming with deadly secrets. He had displayed unparalleled ruthlessness and unwavering resolve, willing to slay Jiang Kuang, a member of the esteemed Jiang Clan, to secure the release of a single woman.

In that fateful moment when his sword impaled Jiang Kuang's heart, none dared to obstruct Qin Wentian's path. The fear of his cold determination held them in a paralyzing grip.

Even Jiang Kuang's father, bound by the rigid constraints of his own immortal sense, dared not manifest himself, for such a manifestation would spell his son's demise. It was this very madness that had presented Qin Wentian with the opportunity to extricate his sister from the clutches of her captors.

The air was charged with disbelief, and the commander garrison's Han Luo couldn't help but tremble in response. It was sheer recklessness, an audacious gamble that could have cost Qin Wentian his life. Was such a risk truly justified for the sake of a single woman?

Few possessed the exceptional talent that Qin Wentian did. He had effortlessly clashed with fifth-level ascendants, despite being a mere second-level ascendant. Moreover, it was against Jiang Kuang, who had brandished an immortal-ranked weapon.

As for Zhao Yuyan, her trembling figure bore witness to the shattering of her aspirations. Once again, Qin Wentian had thwarted her ambitions. But why had he dared to take the life of Jiang Kuang? What unfathomable audacity had driven him to such extremes?

"If he lives, I want to see him; if he dies, I want to see his corpse," Jiang Kuang's father declared with chilling resolve, jolting the nearby guards from their stupor. In that moment, the entire city mobilized, dispatching all available forces in relentless pursuit of the enigmatic figure who had dared to defy the immortal-foundation experts of the Jiang Clan.

The supreme elder of the Golden Armor Sect gazed upon the unfolding chaos with eyes that glittered with keen perception. What a maverick this Qin Wentian was! What confounded him was the unmistakable fact that Qin Wentian possessed the backing of a formidable power. Why, then, had he chosen to embark on such a perilous venture, threatening the life of Jiang Kuang? Could it be that the enigmatic force supporting Qin Wentian forbade their disciples from invoking their name, thus concealing their influence?

Perhaps this was the only plausible explanation. It was a testament to Qin Wentian's training under a bona fide master that even as a second-level Celestial Phenomenon ascendant, he wielded techniques that inspired awe among the onlookers. If the supreme elder were in Qin Wentian's shoes, he would never have dared to take such a reckless path. In all likelihood, everyone present harbored the same sentiment—none could fathom themselves undertaking such a brazen act. Yet, Qin Wentian had brazenly defied convention.

Qin Wentian's actions stemmed from necessity. He was resolute in his quest to rescue Qing'er, and thus, he cast himself as a commanding figure, attempting to evoke fear in the Jiang Clan and compel them to release her.

To the Jiang Clan and Jiang Kuang, Qing'er held no significance; her fate bore no weight on their decisions.

The moment Jiang Kuang set Qing'er free, Qin Wentian would depart without hesitation. Alas, Jiang Kuang remained obstinate, forcing Qin Wentian's hand.

Moreover, in light of his current strength, confronting the multitude of experts gathered at the City Lord Manor would inevitably lead to his demise. Thus, he devised a makeshift plan, abducting Jiang Kuang in a desperate gambit to secure Qing'er's freedom.

This audacious endeavor hinged upon the treasure trove of immortal-ranked artifacts Qin Wentian had acquired within the Royal Sacred Region. For instance, the radiant armor that had thwarted Jiang Kuang's immortal lance was a single-use, invaluable, immortal-ranked treasure. Sacrifices had to be made to save Qing'er, and Qin Wentian possessed no qualms about making them.

As for the teleportation scroll, it was not of his own creation but rather another invaluable immortal-ranked treasure, capable of transporting its user tens of thousands of miles away from their point of origin.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Wentian and Qing'er materialized at an arbitrary location within Worryfree City. The space quivered with potent spatial fluctuations, nearly unseating Qing'er from her feet. Qin Wentian moved swiftly, catching her and, without delay, summoning his immortal shuttle. Together, they soared through the skies at breakneck speed. There was no time to squander.

Though he had employed a teleportation treasure, the distance it had spanned meant nothing to immortal experts. Qin Wentian was acutely aware that he needed to exit Worryfree City with the utmost haste.

Seated upon the speed-enhanced, immortal-ranked shuttle, Qing'er regarded Qin Wentian with eyes that shimmered with gratitude and warmth. She opted not to vocalize her thanks, recognizing that such words were superfluous. Nevertheless, she could scarcely believe the audacity of Qin Wentian's endeavors in the name of her rescue.

"Big bro Qin, grandpa and Qin Feng..." Qin Qing whispered, her voice tinged with concern.

"Don't worry, before I arrived here, I made sure they were safe. The Qin Clan members have already scattered," reassured Qin Wentian. He had taken the time to tie up loose ends before embarking on his daring rescue mission.

As they soared through the skies, leaving Worryfree City far behind, Qin Qing's anxiety began to ebb. The shuttle traversed the expansive heavens at breakneck speed, its course set for a destination beyond reach.

Killing Jiang Kuang, a prominent figure from the Jiang Clan, meant Qin Wentian had to flee, and not just a short distance. Safety eluded him even within a ten-thousand-mile radius of Worryfree City. He needed to put even more distance between himself and his pursuers.

The Immortal Realms were vast, a realm of boundless possibilities where evading the Jiang Clan's grasp was entirely feasible.

Jiang Kuang's death sent shockwaves rippling through Worryfree City. The City Lord launched an unrelenting manhunt, sowing chaos in his wake.

The city's denizens were no strangers to the rumors that swirled about. The arrival of the Jiang Clan, their extravagant presence, and the sudden death of their young master during the grand banquet left the populace in a state of trepidation. Whether Jiang Kuang had indeed perished remained a well-guarded secret, but the Jiang Clan's fury was palpable as the City Lord faced mounting pressure.

The king of the Jiangling Country, the nation in which Worryfree City resided, was not oblivious to the turmoil. His realm comprised eighty-one cities, each governed by its own duke or marquis. The death of a Jiang Clan scion, a pinnacle power within the Cloud Prefecture, under his jurisdiction weighed heavily on his conscience. To soothe the Jiang Clan's anger, he collaborated closely with them, issuing a nationwide warrant for Qin Wentian's arrest. The decree to capture him spread rapidly throughout the Jiangling Country.

Yet, in the distant realms where Qin Wentian and Qing'er sought refuge, the news remained beyond their knowledge.

Nestled amidst a vast mountain range, a solitary peak harbored a cluster of simple huts, surrounded by lush greenery and ancient trees. The flora thrived, and the serenity of the surroundings beckoned tranquility.

On the cliff's edge, three figures occupied the scene. One, Qin Feng, diligently practiced his martial arts, his progress astonishingly swift as he approached the ninth level of Yuanfu, having comprehended his Mandate. Another figure, Qin Wentian, sat cross-legged in deep meditation, his cultivation reaching profound depths.

Among them, Qin Qing watched quietly, her eyes fixed on their every move.

"In just a month, Qin Feng has made remarkable strides. He's almost at the ninth level of Yuanfu and has even grasped his Mandate. Big brother Qin's Mandate comprehension is truly extraordinary, explaining his exceptional strength," she remarked, her heart brimming with happiness. She couldn't help but wish for Qin Wentian to remain with them indefinitely. With him by their side, Qin Feng could receive constant guidance, and she could continue to prepare his favorite meals.

Qin Mu joined Qin Qing, settling down beside her. "You seem lost in thought, Qin Qing."

"I was just thinking how wonderful it would be if big brother Qin could stay with us forever. We are truly fortunate to have him," she replied with a wistful smile.

"Yes, we are indeed blessed," Qin Mu concurred. Without Qin Wentian's intervention, their family would likely have met a dire fate.

"However, Qin Feng is your big brother Qin's disciple, and separation is inevitable. When the time comes, don't be too disheartened. Your big brother Qin has his own journey to pursue. Together, we'll explore the Immortal Realms, venturing as far as we can. Let's see if we can journey beyond this country's borders, or even beyond the vast expanse of the Cloud Prefecture," Qin Mu encouraged, though his words cast a shadow over Qin Qing's countenance.

Indeed, it was time for Qin Wentian to forge his own path, one that couldn't be forever entwined with theirs. He had already gone above and beyond for their sake, risking everything to rescue Qin Qing from dire straits.

"Mhm," Qin Qing nodded in agreement.

As they sat together on the mountainside, an unusual aura began to radiate from Qin Wentian. It was as though he had entered a profound trance, an otherworldly state of being.

Qin Mu's sharp eyes focused intently on Qin Wentian. He watched as resplendent astral light danced around him, an intricate and mysterious energy emanating in all directions. It carried an enigmatic blend of forces, a truly mystifying phenomenon.

"It seems like your big brother Qin has broken through to the third level of Celestial Phenomenon," Qin Mu murmured in awe. Qin Wentian drew a deep breath, as if he intended to absorb the very essence of the world around him. Slowly, his eyes opened, a divine light shimmering within them, exuding an otherworldly marvel.

"Master, you've awakened!" Qin Feng rushed over, brimming with questions about his cultivation that had previously perplexed him. Qin Wentian answered, guiding him through each query, challenging him to think critically and uncover solutions independently. Then, he left Qin Feng to continue his cultivation and approached Qin Mu, a smile playing on his lips.

"Old sir, what are your future plans?" Qin Wentian inquired.

"We'll journey through the Immortal Realms," Qin Mu replied, "but we can never return to Worryfree City. I'll do my utmost to guide them out of this country, though I have no idea how far we'll need to travel."

Concern creased Qin Wentian's brow as he considered the young age of Qin Feng and Qin Qing. "It might be quite challenging for you to take care of them on your own in the future," he remarked.

"You're leaving, then?" Qin Mu asked.

"It's time for me to depart. I can't linger in these mountains forever," Qin Wentian replied with a smile.

"Master!" Qin Feng hurried over, while Qin Qing cast a fleeting glance at Qin Wentian before lowering her head. Qin Mu, however, remained composed. He patted Qin Wentian on the shoulder and said, "I see. Let my grandchildren and me share a few cups with you, a fitting farewell."

"Agreed," Qin Wentian nodded. The four of them retrieved their wine cups and began to toast, their conversation steering away from Qin Wentian's imminent departure. They simply enjoyed their time together, chatting and savoring the moment.

Time flowed steadily, and the sun dipped below the horizon. Qin Feng and Qin Qing, the siblings, had already drifted into slumber on the grassy ground. Qin Wentian gazed at them with a tender smile, their innocent faces touched by the golden hues of twilight. He nodded at Qin Mu, and as the moon ascended in the night sky, he vanished with graceful swiftness.

However, as Qin Wentian truly departed, Qin Feng and Qin Qing, who had been silently pretending to sleep, could no longer suppress their emotions. Tears glistened in their eyes, the silent testament of their deep affection.