
Omen of Breaking Through

Omen of Breaking Through . . .

In the heart of Chu, the Mo Residence buzzed with an infectious vibrancy. The Qin Clan had made their triumphant arrival in the Royal Capital, and Qin Chuan and Old Man Mo often sat together, engrossed in discussions about the grand wedding's intricate details.

One by one, Qin Wentian's closest friends arrived. Ouyang and Jiang Ting, Fan Le and Xuan Xin, Qin Zheng and Yun Mengyi—each couple added to the festivity. Even Chu Mang, much to Qin Wentian's surprise, arrived with a companion on his arm: none other than Xuan Yan from the Mystic Maiden Sect. Qin Wentian congratulated Chu Mang warmly, and soon, pairs of companions stood together, evoking admiration and envy in those who witnessed their joyful unions.

Chu Wuwei, too, became a frequent guest at the Mo Residence. His visits served two primary purposes. First, he attended to matters of state as the Emperor of Chu, issuing orders and making necessary arrangements. Second, he underwent medical evaluation and treatment. Qin Wentian had enlisted the expertise of Medicine Sovereign Valley's experts to diagnose Chu Wuwei's inability to cultivate. They discovered a unique acupoint within him, a rarity in medical cases. Chu Wuwei possessed extraordinary affinity and sensitivity to astral energy, surpassing even Chu Mang. However, his condition prevented him from storing the energy efficiently, causing it to dissipate naturally after absorption. Each time he channeled astral energy, it could only circulate within his body once.

In truth, individuals with this unique acupoint were exceptionally suited for cultivation. Yet Chu Wuwei's lack of knowledge about the special techniques required had left him in despair. Now, realizing his latent potential, he sighed, lamenting the fact that he had missed his prime cultivation years. At the age of thirty, the path to success would be arduous. Fate, it seemed, had played a cruel trick on him. Nevertheless, Chu Wuwei's resilient spirit prevailed. He adjusted his mindset, grateful that, unlike a cultivator of lower talent, he could embark on the cultivation path with newfound hope. Who knew what the future held?

With this newfound perspective, Chu Wuwei threw himself into the task of organizing and overseeing preparations for Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng's wedding.

Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng, on the other hand, found themselves with ample free time. They often gathered with friends, engaging in lively conversations and leisurely strolls throughout the Royal Capital.

The grand wedding day, a mere twenty-four hours away, had enveloped the entire Royal Capital in jubilation. Banquets sprouted up across the city, with the royal clan's troops maintaining a watchful eye. Inns and taverns readied their finest fare and wines, all expenses generously covered by the Royal Chu Clan.

As Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng ambled through the bustling streets, they couldn't help but exchange wry smiles at the extent of Chu Wuwei's preparations. It was as though the entire Royal Capital were hosting a wedding. However, Qin Wentian harbored no desire to decline these well-intentioned gestures. He, too, wished to provide Mo Qingcheng with an unforgettable wedding, one etched indelibly in her heart.

They ascended to a rooftop, stretching out beneath the warm embrace of the sun. Hand in hand, they lay back and relished the tender rays.

"Only one day remains. It all feels like a dream," Mo Qingcheng whispered, her fingers entwined with Qin Wentian's. She felt his reassuring grip and basked in the sunlight, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Qin Wentian turned to gaze at her, his own eyes a mirror of deep emotion. "Is this a beautiful dream or a nightmare?" he teased.

"Care to guess?" Mo Qingcheng replied with a sweet smile. She locked eyes with him, her feelings profound.

"Guessing games, huh?" Qin Wentian chuckled and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her lips. His hands laced together, forming a makeshift pillow beneath his head as he reclined comfortably.

"The weather is perfect today. It seems like tomorrow will be a good day," he remarked, his eyes closed. He savored the serenity of the moment.

Mo Qingcheng's lips twitched. He had a talent for changing the topic, she mused. However, she couldn't help but laugh, and she, too, reclined beside him, savoring the rare tranquility they shared.

A gentle breeze brushed past, carrying with it the essence of spring. Qin Wentian's eyes remained closed as he reflected on the journey of the past ten years. Looking back, it all felt like a beautiful dream.

Over a decade ago, he had been nothing more than a youth in the humble enclave of Sky Harmony City, a foster child within the Qin Residence. In the blink of an eye, the treacherous betrayal of the Bai Clan had upended his life. The Ye Clan and the Royal Clan had conspired against him, plunging the Qin Clan into the throes of turmoil that seemed as apocalyptic as the end of days. It was the timely intervention of Teacher Mustang that had saved him, enabling his survival. He had employed a gift from Uncle Black, then drifted into unconsciousness, only to awaken in the wilderness. It was there that fate had brought him into the orbits of Mo Qingcheng and Little Rascal, although, at the time, he mistakenly believed Liu Yan to be his savior.

Rage smoldering in his heart, he journeyed to the Royal Capital, embarking on a path that would lead him to the Emperor Star Academy's entrance test, where he would cross paths with Fan Le. And then, for the first time, he would encounter the peerless beauty of Chu, Mo Qingcheng—a woman whose allure transcended the bounds of ordinary description.

From there, he enrolled in the Emperor Star Academy, where he endured ceaseless provocations from the nobility's clans within its hallowed halls. And, to complicate matters, Chu Tianjiao, the Emperor of Chu's beloved son, acted directly against him, subjecting him to countless trials and perils, each one narrowly escaped or surmounted by the slimmest margin. All of these memories flashed vividly through his mind.

After stabilizing the situation in Chu, he embarked on a journey across Grand Xia, attending the White Deer Institute, expanding his knowledge of divine inscriptions, and even confronting Hua Xiaoyu before making his escape to the Azure Continent. There, he joined the Unmatched Realm, ascended to the pinnacle of the Heavenly Fate Rankings, and continued his odyssey to the Royal Sacred Region. At every step, he overcame challenges, rising to become the top-ranked Immortal Martial expert. Eventually, his path led him back to Chu. These ten-plus years had been a whirlwind of trials and triumphs, yet, looking back now, it all seemed remarkably brief, as though it had happened just yesterday.

He thought of the loved ones, friends, and supporters who had walked alongside him on this arduous journey. As he held Mo Qingcheng's hand tightly, his eyes remained closed. But even in darkness, he felt as though he could see the sky. Within that vast expanse, a blurry, ethereal silhouette hovered, captivating and elusive. The figure possessed a beauty that took his breath away. Straining to bring clarity to the enigmatic shape, Qin Wentian's heart fluttered with emotions, his inner turmoil akin to the rending of heartstrings.

"Qing'er... I'm on the cusp of my wedding day. You would surely extend your congratulations, wouldn't you?" Qin Wentian's lips curled slightly, forming a gentle smile. Memories of the snow-lotus maiden who had been his constant companion throughout much of his journey flooded his thoughts. It felt as though it had been ages since her presence graced his life. He recalled the moment in the Battle Sword Sect when Qing'er had uttered those fateful words, "You no longer need me." At that instant, his heart had been pierced by a painful realization—everything had already been preordained by those very words.

The gentle breeze, once warm, now carried a chill. It was as if the state of Qin Wentian's heart had imbued the wind with a newfound iciness. With a sigh, the silhouette of Qing'er that had hung in the sky vanished. He shook his head, another smile gracing his face as he tightened his grip on Mo Qingcheng's delicate hand.

From some ethereal realm, the mellifluous strains of a beautiful melody wafted into his ears, lulling him into a sense of drowsy contentment. Gradually, he descended into a profound slumber.

In his dreams, luminous sources of light surrounded him. His astral souls—the ferocious Demon Sovereign astral soul, the might-infused Heavenly Hammer astral soul, the ruthless and sharp King Sword astral soul—all radiated astral light that shimmered and swirled around him.

Each mote of light bore a distinctive hue—a dusky earth-toned tint denoting strength, a fiery crimson signifying the savagery of demons, and a brilliant white symbolizing the razor's edge of the sword.

As the motes of light converged, they melded into a formidable force enveloped in an all-encompassing dreamforce. When this energy stirred, rifts appeared in the fabric of space, rending it asunder through sheer destruction.

As Qin Wentian stirred from the depths of his dreamscape, his eyes fluttered open. Clarity now coursed through his thoughts, as if a veil had been lifted, revealing newfound understanding.

The fusion of true intents, he mused, was a realm of infinite possibilities. Even when combining two identical true intents, the results could vary significantly. Qin Wentian had earlier stumbled upon one method of fusion. Yet, he now grasped the importance of a more delicate approach. Dreamforce, he realized, was like a gentle, enveloping embrace, bridging the gap between reality and illusion. Instead of forcefully melding the intents, he could drape his true intent of Dreams lightly over the others he sought to fuse. This approach would create a distinct, equally potent energy.

"Qing'Er," Qin Wentian called out softly.

"Yes?" Mo Qingcheng responded with a gentle smile.

"Let's return," Qin Wentian suggested, his words causing Mo Qingcheng to quiver with excitement. Her beautiful eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Tomorrow does seem promising," Mo Qingcheng agreed. A Celestial Phenomenon Ascendant before the age of thirty? That achievement would be unparalleled in the Royal Sacred Region.

"Alright," Qin Wentian agreed with a nod. In reality, he could have attempted to break through to the Celestial Phenomenon Realm when he first comprehended his true intents, even before reaching the ninth level of the Heavenly Dipper. However, his studies in the Medicine Sovereign Valley had convinced him that the best method involved infusing multiple true intents into his astral soul, evolving it.

Condensing a constellation with only a single true intent was a straightforward process, resulting in simpler constellations. The truly formidable individuals, however, held resolute, determined characters. They would never condense a constellation with only a single true intent, despite the opportunity to later merge other astral souls with different true intents for additional constellations. Such a choice would squander a unique opportunity. Qin Wentian was determined to stand among the best.

"Do you believe you'll succeed?" Mo Qingcheng asked, concern creasing her brow. The transition to the Celestial Phenomenon Realm was fraught with peril, and failure could have dire consequences. Many approached it with utmost caution.

"I believe so," Qin Wentian replied with confidence. "I can sense an epiphany on the horizon. The Celestial Phenomenon Realm shouldn't elude me. Moreover, the breakthrough shouldn't take long."

Mo Qingcheng nodded in agreement. Hand in hand, they continued their journey back to the Mo Residence.

Mo Qingcheng summoned the experts of the Medicine Sovereign Valley to guard the area where Qin Wentian would embark on his seclusion. She issued strict orders that no one, regardless of their stature, was to disturb him.

Observers couldn't help but speculate about Mo Qingcheng's caution, and unsettling suspicions took hold. When they contemplated the implications, their hearts quivered.

In truth, Qin Wentian hadn't initially intended to break through immediately. While he was confident, the prospect of unexpected setbacks lingered. However, he understood that seizing the moment of epiphany offered the highest chance of success. To miss this opportunity could mean a lengthy wait for another stroke of insight.

Without hesitation, Qin Wentian embarked on his seclusion, poised to embrace the breakthrough with unwavering determination.