
Main City of the Jiangling Country

Main City of the Jiangling Country . . .

The expanse of Worryfree City was already vast, but when compared to the entire Jiangling Country, it seemed but a drop in the ocean. Only the term 'boundlessly vast' could adequately describe the sheer scale of this region, and it was impossible to fathom the countless powers that called it home.

As for the Cloud Prefecture, its vastness was so incomprehensible that even immortal-foundation experts would think twice about attempting to traverse its expanse. Such was the staggering scope of this territory.

In a remote wilderness within the Jiangling Country, a young man rode upon a majestic demonic beast, leisurely soaring through the skies. The man sat cross-legged, his eyes closed in deep meditation, his cultivation focused while perched upon the beast's back.

The demonic beast, in contrast to its fearsome appearance, was pure white and astonishingly fluffy, exuding an aura of adorability.

"Yawn, this is so exhausting~" The beast uttered human words, its voice emerging from its maw as it nonchalantly scratched its back, creating a rather comical spectacle.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but roll his eyes, playfully delivering a gentle rap to the beast's head. "You little troublemaker... You slept through the ages, and now you have the audacity to complain about being tired? I even had to employ an immortal-ranked treasure to transport you."

"It's precisely because I slumbered for so long that I'm fatigued now." Little Rascal had dozed off for well over a hundred days, only rousing from its slumber in recent times. As a result, its conversational skills had vastly improved. While traces of its youthful tone lingered, it now conveyed its thoughts far more clearly.

"Furthermore, in the future, kindly refrain from addressing me as 'Little Rascal.' It's far too common for my refined taste." Little Rascal tilted its head and voiced its displeasure.

"What would you like me to call you, then?" Qin Wentian inquired.

"Let this baobao* contemplate a suitable title. How does 'Primordial Beast Emperor' strike your fancy?" Little Rascal's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

"Get lost." Qin Wentian playfully aimed a swat at it. Little Rascal wanted to dub itself the Primordial Beast Emperor?

"Alas, this baobao has unlocked my ancestral memories; I am undeniably a descendant of the Primordial Beast Emperor. You shouldn't treat me so disrespectfully," Little Rascal lamented, gazing at the heavens as though it were a mythical beast scorned as common livestock.

"All that sleep seems to have sharpened your boasting skills, but unfortunately, your newfound eloquence is all wasted on self-praise," Qin Wentian quipped, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation.

"This baobao can't be bothered to argue with you... arghhh, I'm so tired..." Little Rascal's eyes drooped, fatigue evident in its demeanor. Just as it was about to surrender to sleep's embrace, a flurry of silhouettes appeared on the horizon, rapidly approaching. Among them was a strikingly beautiful woman, dressed provocatively. Her snowy shoulders exuded a delicate allure, and her attire hinted at the contours of her figure.

"So beautiful!" Little Rascal's drowsiness vanished in an instant. It dashed toward the approaching figures with Qin Wentian astride its back. As they neared, the creature reverted to its original size and leaped toward the woman's chest.

Qin Wentian was caught off guard, unable to react in time. He watched in disbelief as Little Rascal transformed into a streak of white light, landing right in the bosom of the woman.

"Sister, you're so beautiful!" Little Rascal's baby voice chimed, defusing the woman's impending anger. A smile graced her face as she cradled the tiny demonic beast against her chest. "What a cute little creature."

"That's me, alright. This baobao is a one-of-a-kind demonic beast, unique beneath the heavens," Little Rascal proclaimed, its paws becoming increasingly mischievous as it playfully pawed at the woman's breasts. Qin Wentian, watching from the sidelines, felt a rush of embarrassment. This wily creature...

He grew even more uncomfortable when the woman's male companions shot him icy glances. Qin Wentian couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. He was convinced that Little Rascal would get him into serious trouble someday. Its extended slumber had only made it more lecherous than ever.

"Mhm?" One of the men stiffened for a moment as his gaze settled on Qin Wentian. A flicker of recognition flashed in his eyes, prompting him to approach and inquire, "Sir, may we know your origin and your destination?"

"Just a wanderer with no particular destination," Qin Wentian replied with a carefree laugh. Although his eyes held a hint of amusement, his heart was on high alert. He had certainly noticed the flicker of recognition and the momentary stiffness in the man's expression.

"Roaming alone in the vast immortal realms can be quite perilous. We belong to the same sect and are currently on our way to Driftsnow City in the Jiangling Country. Would you consider traveling with us? At the very least, we can watch out for one another," the young man suggested with a friendly smile, seemingly filled with good intentions.

"Sure, sure," Qin Wentian was about to refuse, but Little Rascal beat him to it, responding first. Qin Wentian shot a fierce glare at the little creature.

Meanwhile, the woman turned her gaze to him and smiled. "I'm Leng Yi. How about joining us on this journey?"

"Just agree already!" Little Rascal prodded Qin Wentian. With no other choice, Qin Wentian reluctantly nodded. "Alright, fine. Why are you all heading to Driftsnow City?"

"Don't you know, sir?" Leng Yi asked, curiosity gleaming in her eyes as she smiled. "There's an immortal spirit manifesting itself in Driftsnow City. Recently, experts from all across the Cloud Prefecture have been flocking there. Perhaps you've been wandering the wilderness and are out of touch with the latest news."

"That's true, I've spent quite a while cultivating in the wilderness," Qin Wentian acknowledged. "But what exactly do you mean by an immortal spirit manifesting itself?"

"You'll understand once we arrive there. It's a significant event in the Cloud Prefecture, particularly for divine inscriptionists and master weaponsmiths. The Jiang Clan even dispatched a team to Driftsnow City earlier to investigate this matter. However, an unexpected incident occurred as they passed by Worryfree City. Have you heard about that?" Leng Yi inquired, her gaze fixed on Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't anticipated that the Jiang Clan's presence near Worryfree City was linked to this momentous event. If they were headed to Driftsnow City, it meant danger for him.

"No, I haven't heard anything about it," Qin Wentian replied, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it. Let's travel together then," Leng Yi suggested with a smile.

Qin Wentian glanced at Little Rascal before reluctantly agreeing, "Sure, why not."

"I still don't know your name, sir," Leng Yi said, approaching Qin Wentian, her fragrance wafting in the air. Qin Wentian's eyes shimmered with an unusual light as he replied indifferently, "I'm Tianwen."

"So it's Brother Tianwen. The journey to Driftsnow City is long and perilous. Becoming companions on the road can be considered fate. Let's set out immediately," Leng Yi said, flashing a radiant smile. Her male companions exchanged glances and followed her lead. Qin Wentian maintained his composure and followed suit.

Worryfree City was located in a remote region of the Jiangling Country. In contrast, Driftsnow City was one of the three largest cities in the Cloud Prefecture and a core hub of the region. Experts abounded there.

The journey alone would take several days, and finally, from a distance of several thousand miles, they could faintly discern the outline of Driftsnow City on the horizon.

Qin Wentian now stood thousands of miles away from Driftsnow City, at a small city serving as a waypoint for travelers. This satellite city paled in comparison to the grandeur of Driftsnow City. It was like comparing a humble cottage to an opulent villa—there was no contest.

In the distance, they could see a city that seemed to touch the heavens. Its walls soared ten thousand meters high, adorned with eighteen divine weapons that radiated an aura of sharpness, creating an intimidating atmosphere.

"While Worryfree City does boast some immortal-ranked powers, it's a minuscule outpost in the remote regions of the Cloud Prefecture," Qin Wentian reflected silently. "But this Driftsnow City in front of us, it's one of the three largest cities in the Jiangling Country, a true metropolis. The scale and presence of it easily dwarf the Worryfree City by tens or even hundreds of times."

The sheer size of this city made it akin to a world within itself. No wonder it was fittingly referred to as a 'main city.'

"Brother Tianwen, we're nearly there," Leng Yi remarked as she walked up to stand beside Qin Wentian. She gazed at the constant stream of people in the air and on the ground, all converging toward the same destination. With an enchanting smile, she said, "Look at all these extraordinary individuals. Even major powers from the Cloud Prefecture are rushing here."

Qin Wentian mused, "Is the legend of Driftsnow City true?" Over the past few days, he had gradually pieced together the legend of Driftsnow City. This tale had been passed down through the ages, and now it seemed that this legend was on the verge of becoming reality, attracting numerous experts from major powers, including the formidable sacred ground of the Cloud Prefecture, the Jiang Clan.

"How could something causing such a stir be false? Those Cloud Prefecture experts aren't fools," Leng Yi replied with a smile. "Let's find an inn, enjoy some good food, and then continue on our way to Driftsnow City."

"Sounds good," Qin Wentian nodded. A streak of white light flashed as Little Rascal hopped back onto his shoulder and nestled there. Gazing at the city, it spoke in its childlike voice, "This city is so tall, and baobao can sense an energy awakening."

"Is that so?" Leng Yi giggled, amused by Little Rascal's words. "I believe you."

"Of course!" Little Rascal stated defiantly.

"Alright, let's go," Leng Yi said as she descended. But she noticed that Qin Wentian remained where he was and turned back. "Tianwen, what's wrong? Let's go."

Qin Wentian replied coolly, "I've decided to part ways now that we've reached Driftsnow City." With that, he picked up Little Rascal and sped off in a different direction, heading toward Driftsnow City. Leng Yi's eyebrows furrowed as a cold glint flashed in her eyes.

"Hold on a moment," Leng Yi commanded, her tone no longer gentle or warm, but instead icy.

Qin Wentian turned his gaze toward Leng Yi. "Is there a problem?"

"Your name isn't Tianwen, is it? It's Qin Wentian," Leng Yi stated with cruel amusement, her voice devoid of warmth.

Surprised, Qin Wentian inquired, "How do you know who I am?"

"The entire Jiangling Country has issued a warrant for your arrest. How could I not know?" Leng Yi smiled. She then looked at Little Rascal. "This little rascal tried to take advantage of me. Does it think I'm oblivious to its intentions?"

Little Rascal's eyes shifted as it stared at Leng Yi. In a childlike voice, it retorted, "This baobao is furious. This ugly woman is evil!"

"Little rascal, do you want to become a stew or be braised in a pot?" Leng Yi chuckled. At that moment, her male companions moved forward, surrounding Qin Wentian without any prompting.

Qin Wentian's gaze swept over them. He had been wary of this woman from the moment they first met, sensing that she had ulterior motives. Now it was clear that she had discovered his identity due to the arrest warrant issued throughout the Jiangling Country. It seemed he would need to assume a new identity before entering Driftsnow City.