
Lin Shuai’s Wedding

Lin Shuai's Wedding . . . 

The Chen Clan held a prestigious position in the Cloud Prefecture, ranking among the top-tier clans. While not a major power, it had the backing of an immortal king expert, ensuring its enduring survival.

Dealing with immortal king-level individuals required utmost caution. Establishing a clan or sect in the immortal realms demanded careful navigation, particularly in places like the Cloud Prefecture.

Today marked the wedding of the Chen Clan's young miss, and the atmosphere was electrifying. Distinguished guests arrived in droves, most of them having spent years solidifying their roots in the Cloud Prefecture. Through marriage, they had forged a deep connection with the clan, becoming integral members of the Cloud Prefecture's social fabric.

"Congratulations to Little Yi!" Cheers filled the air as greater demonic mounts and fantastical creatures carried guests to the scene. Snow-white ice lion kings, winged tigers, colossal hawks, and more bore the guests to the celebration.

"Congratulations, Elder Brother." A beaming young man approached.

"Huo Yan, no need for such formality. Come inside with Xue'er." The host of the event, the young man, warmly welcomed his guests. The newcomers were none other than his younger sister and her husband. He was delighted that his sister, Little Yi, had married a man as remarkable as Huo Yan. The Huo Clan was on equal footing with the Chen Clan in terms of status.

To the common folk, a clan that produced numerous immortal-foundation experts was considered top-tier. Immortal kings were like marquises or lords, distant and lofty figures.

As more guests gathered, Huo Yan turned to his wife, Chen Xue, and inquired, "Today is Little Yi's grand wedding day, but why does your elder brother seem a bit upset?"

"You know the answer, don't you?" Chen Xue shot Huo Yan a glare. "My father and clan elders opposed this marriage. However, they couldn't dissuade Little Yi. She's exceptionally talented, with a high chance of reaching the immortal-foundation realm. While the one she loves may have some talent, he lacks a significant background. How can he hold his head high in the immortal realms? That's why the wedding is held here, at my clan."

"If only Lin Shuai had a background like the Huo Clan, things wouldn't be like this," Chen Xue sighed. Huo Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. In his mind, an image of the stunning maiden Chen Yi, his wife's younger sister, appeared. Chen Yi was even more beautiful than Chen Xue, but she was about to be married off today.

The atmosphere at the Chen Clan's celebration appeared festive, but many guests concealed a sense of mockery. The Chen Clan's daughter was being wedded, yet the ceremony was taking place at the Chen Clan itself? How intriguing.

As they approached the boundaries of the Chen Clan, Qin Wentian and his companions descended from the sky. It was the wedding of their senior brother, Lin Shuai, and they needed to show respect. Flying directly into the Chen Clan's premises might be seen as a breach of etiquette.

The skies were teeming with guests, and amidst the aerial congregation, Qin Wentian and his companions slipped in unnoticed. Their presence went under the radar until they crossed the threshold of the Chen Clan's grounds, catching the eye of Chen Yi's elder brother, Chen Ao. Qin Wentian, wearing a smile, decided to break the ice.

"May I ask who your group represents?" he inquired politely.

"We're from Lin Shuai's sect, here to offer our congratulations. I am his master," Sword Sovereign Lingtian responded. Chen Ao, however, didn't sense any trace of immortal energy emanating from Lin Shuai's master. To his disappointment, Lin Shuai's master appeared to be only at the ascendant level.

"Uncle Fang, welcome," Chen Ao acknowledged while passing Sword Sovereign Lingtian, choosing to greet another group of people instead. Sword Sovereign Lingtian's face twisted with displeasure. It was Lin Shuai's grand wedding day, and yet, the Chen Clan treated him with such disregard?

The Battle Sword Sect's old ancestor approached and patted Sword Sovereign Lingtian's shoulder, urging him to let it go and enter the Chen Clan's premises.

As the group entered the Chen Clan, Qin Wentian and his companions lingered at the back, maintaining a low profile. Qin Wentian furrowed his brow, shaking his head. This situation was precisely what he had hoped to avoid, but he understood its inevitability.

As long as Lin Shuai didn't take offense, he wouldn't escalate the situation. His purpose for being there was to extend his congratulations.

Inside, the Chen Clan had set up ample seating for several thousand guests. Attendees chatted joyously while servants presented delectable appetizers. Qin Wentian and his group sought a secluded corner to remain inconspicuous, but they soon attracted attention.

The stir they caused had nothing to do with Qin Wentian or the Battle Sword Sect. It was solely because the women in their group were extraordinarily beautiful. Mo Qingcheng, in particular, shone like the sun, captivating everyone's gaze. Purgatory, Qin Yao, Luo Huan, and Lou Bingyu, while slightly less striking than Mo Qingcheng, still possessed extraordinary beauty, garnering admiration from onlookers.

Huo Yan, holding a wine cup, directed his attention to Mo Qingcheng and questioned Chen Xue beside him. "Who are these people?"

"I'm not sure," Chen Xue replied, furrowing her brow. Someone was already approaching Qin Wentian and his group. The newcomer chuckled and asked, "Uncle Chen, why don't you introduce these guests to us?"

Middle-aged men and elders turned their attention toward Qin Wentian's group. Just then, Lin Shuai appeared, stepping to the forefront of the crowd. He bowed and said, "Old Ancestor and Master, your disciple was delayed in welcoming your esteemed presence. Please forgive me."

"Lin Shuai, on your wedding day, there's no need for formalities," the Battle Sword Sect's old ancestor responded with a smile.

"Lin Shuai's wife, Chen Yi, pays her respects to the elders." The elegant woman beside Lin Shuai, dressed in a resplendent red wedding robe, greeted them.

"Very good. Lin Shuai, take good care of Little Yi in the future," the old ancestor said approvingly.

"Senior Brother, congratulations!" The disciples of the Battle Sword Sect conveyed their well-wishes with beaming smiles. Qin Wentian, holding Mo Qingcheng's hand, approached Lin Shuai and laughed, "Senior Brother Lin, you wouldn't deny your junior apprentice brother a toast of your wedding wine, would you?"

"Junior Brother Qin, you've actually returned! Of course, I'm thrilled to see you and Qingcheng here," Lin Shuai greeted warmly, a sincere smile gracing his face. It was Lin Shuai who had once inducted Qin Wentian into the Battle Sword Sect. During the battle against the Great Shang Dynasty, Qin Wentian had already displayed his extraordinary talent. Yet, at that time, Lin Shuai could never have fathomed the incredible achievements that Qin Wentian would one day attain.

Cultivation was a journey where the further one ventured, the more apparent the disparities among geniuses became. Of the eight era-suppressing geniuses from their past, seven had already fallen behind, no longer on the same level.

Chen Yi, her beautiful eyes wide with astonishment, gazed at Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng. Even though their auras remained concealed, the couple exuded a unique presence that clearly marked them as extraordinary. Even Purgatory, standing quietly behind Lin Shuai's junior apprentice brother, seemed to possess a distinctive allure.

"The last time we met was many years ago. Little did I know that upon my return, the first thing I'd do is rush to offer my congratulations on your marriage, Senior Brother. So, no matter what important matters I may have, I set them aside naturally," Qin Wentian chuckled. He continued in a more solemn tone, "Senior Brother, you must understand that no matter what, I will always be your junior apprentice brother."

"Mhm," Chen Yi didn't grasp why Qin Wentian felt the need to add that last sentence, but Lin Shuai understood it well. Their disparity in strength was vast, making it uncomfortable for Chen Yi to address Qin Wentian as her junior apprentice brother. Qin Wentian was telling Lin Shuai that regardless of their differences, he didn't want their bond to drift apart. He longed for their interactions to be as they once were, a close-knit family.

"Lin Shuai, Little Yi, both of you can go and entertain the other guests. We can take care of ourselves here," the old ancestor of the Battle Sword Sect suggested with a warm smile. Lin Shuai nodded, feeling grateful for the considerate members of his sect who always took his feelings into account.

"Little Yi," Chen Xue and Huo Yan approached.

"Sister, Brother-in-Law," Chen Yi greeted them.

"Mhm, Little Yi, go handle your own affairs. We'll take care of your guests for you," Huo Yan offered.

"Okay," Chen Yi agreed before departing with Lin Shuai to mingle with the guests.

Chen Xue glanced at her younger sister, shaking her head in disapproval. "Little Yi is still naive. You're all elders to Lin Shuai. Why didn't you try to persuade him to end things with my sister? Since he belongs to a sect, why hold the wedding at my clan? Doesn't this bring shame to Lin Shuai?"

"This is Lin Shuai's choice, and we will respect it," Sword Sovereign Lingtian replied, his mood appearing sour today. Yet, because it was his disciple's wedding, he had no choice but to endure such comments.

"Do you not know what's best for Little Yi? Why haven't you urged him to break up with her?" Chen Xue's voice lowered as she expressed her discontent.

"Lin Shuai and Little Yi love each other. As Little Yi's elder sister, how can you say such things?" Ye Lingshuang countered, also displeased.

"Chen Xue is right. If Lin Shuai becomes her man, how can Little Yi hold her head high in the future? He has no status, after all. But, of course, if those beauties in your group wish to marry someone from an outstanding clan, I have some recommendations. You won't have to worry about your future livelihood anymore," Huo Yan added, speaking in a hushed tone. His gaze shifted toward Mo Qingcheng and the other beauties, contemplating their potential.

"Are you not also a cultivator at the Celestial Phenomenon Realm? What do you mean by saying that Little Yi won't be able to hold her head high in the future? Someone unaware might assume you're immensely powerful," Qin Wentian retorted, keeping his voice low. He didn't want to disrupt the day's festivities. Nonetheless, everyone present was a prominent martial cultivator. Despite their small number, they naturally attracted attention. Even Lin Shuai seemed to have sensed something amiss.

"You're quite amusing," Huo Yan responded, masking his annoyance with a smile. However, as Lin Shuai and Chen Yi approached, Huo Yan couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing much," Huo Yan replied with a grin. Then, he continued, "I was just inquiring if the lovely ladies in your sect would be interested in matchmaking. I'm sure there are plenty of fine young men among the guests today."

Although he spoke jokingly, Qin Wentian's group felt deeply offended. If both parties shared a good rapport, they might have laughed off his words. Yet, his comments contained a hint of contempt toward the maidens in Qin Wentian's group. However, others in the crowd didn't perceive it that way. After all, the Chen Clan's new son-in-law hailed from a seemingly weak sect, and to them, Huo Yan's words were an honor. Consequently, many individuals in the crowd wore expressions of interest!