
Kill Order

Kill Order . . .

Qin Wentian's consciousness soared through the boundless starry expanse, his gaze fixed upon the resplendent constellations that sprawled before him like celestial sentinels guarding the heavens. But these weren't just any constellations; they were the formidable denizens of the Seventh Heavenly Layer, and their presence sent shivers down his spine.

In this ethereal realm, the constellations assumed a novel, awe-inspiring form. Not only did they radiate an aura of overpowering might, but their appearances held a visual grandeur that left Qin Wentian utterly spellbound.

"Is that a colossal turtle?" Qin Wentian's eyes widened as he beheld a constellation nearby. It resembled a monstrous turtle so immense that it seemed to blot out the astral river, stretching far and wide. Intriguingly, the creature's tail took on the form of a serpent, and a pair of enigmatic eyes seemed to bore into Qin Wentian's very soul, exuding an ancient, primordial aura.

"This isn't just any turtle; it's a Xuanwu," Qin Wentian realized, his heart quivering. If he could forge an innate connection with this constellation, he would harness the power to summon a Xuanwu, blessed with formidable strength and impenetrable defense.

An excruciating pain clawed at his mind, threatening to shatter his mental fortitude. Qin Wentian furrowed his brow as the pressure in the Seventh Heavenly Layer surpassed that of the Sixth. His indomitable will had carried him thus far, but time was not on his side. He needed to swiftly establish a connection with a constellation and condense his astral soul.

His perception darted away, scouring the astral tapestry. Among the celestial tapestry, a particular constellation captivated his senses. It resembled a colossal mountain, its peak piercing the heavens like a primordial divine peak of yore. Its unfathomable weight bore down upon him, and merely gazing at it from afar made Qin Wentian feel as though he might crumble under its sheer magnitude.

Qin Wentian's heart raced, and an irresistible urge coursed through him, compelling him to direct his perception into the majestic mountain.

Yet, he quelled that impulse, opting instead to explore further within the Seventh Heavenly Layer. He encountered a pair of colossal eyes nestled within a dark abyss, capable of swallowing all existence. This constellation stood alone, a relentless hegemon, permitting no other entity to share its dominion.

"Each of these constellations possesses unimaginable power," Qin Wentian marveled as he continued his search. He hoped to align his astral soul with techniques and arts that would complement his innate talents. Only then could he unleash the full potential of his skills.

His trials weren't limited to these celestial constellations. Currently, he focused on mastering two paramount immortal arts: the Heavenly Fiendgod Suppression Art and the Fiendgod Body Refinement Art.

The potency of these two immortal arts was unquestionable, boasting fearsome offensive capabilities and transforming one's physique into that of a fiendgod, allowing them to rely on bare flesh to confront immortals and devils alike. The concept was undeniably terrifying.

While astral souls augmented the potency of Stellar Martial Cultivators' attacks, their ultimate purpose was to facilitate the path to the pinnacle. Qin Wentian recognized the importance of making an informed choice.

The oppressive force he battled grew increasingly unyielding, yet he persisted in ascending further, the celestial pressure pushing him to his limits. Every constellation that graced his field of vision exuded an aura of unparalleled dominance, each one instilling a sense of trepidation in his heart. But still, he soldiered on, his threshold for endurance stretched to its limits.

Should he falter now, his next opportunity to condense an astral soul would be a distant prospect. Yet, he refused to yield. In the distant horizon, a beam of astral light drew nearer, its overwhelming force threatening to extinguish his fading projection. Despite the odds, Qin Wentian's projection persisted, forging ahead.

The boundless radiance emanating from the approaching constellation revealed a towering figure that loomed imperiously in the cosmic realm. Shaped like a colossal humanoid, this constellation tread upon the heavens, exuding an aura of unyielding dominion.

This luminous human-form constellation stood solitary and magnificent, much like the black hole constellation, its presence unyielding and indifferent to the existence of others, ready to ruthlessly subjugate any contenders.

"The Heavenly Fiendgod Suppression Art and Fiendgod Body Refinement Art, grant me unparalleled physical strength. This suppression-based constellation seems like an ideal match for me." Qin Wentian hesitated no longer, his perception surging forward in a frenzy, racing towards the constellation. As he drew nearer, the oppressive aura intensified, reaching a crescendo. Yet, Qin Wentian's projection was undeterred, relentlessly advancing until it finally crossed the monumental boundary, merging seamlessly with the towering humanoid figure.

In the Seventh Heavenly Layer, a spectacle of astral light beams cascaded from the celestial dome, converging upon the figure engaged in profound cultivation within the ancient realm of Grand Xia. As the astral light enveloped him, the cultivator's body quaked violently, yet his resolute consciousness endured. He harnessed the energy pouring from the heavens, channeling it to condense his astral soul.


Meanwhile, in the heart of the Royal Sacred Region, a seismic event was unfurling—a cataclysmic occurrence ignited by a singular piece of news that soon sent shockwaves reverberating across the entire realm. This seismic revelation emanated from the Royal Sacred Sect, which issued a statement of grave import: Qin Wentian, the embodiment of audacity and defiance, had provoked the Royal Sacred Sect one too many times. Consequently, the venerable sect had pronounced a death sentence—a kill order—on Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian, the luminary of the Royal Sacred Region, the foremost champion of the Immortal Martial Realm, now found himself cast as a hunted fugitive on the Royal Sacred Sect's hit list. The ensuing furor was unprecedented, for the Royal Sacred Sect, the unrivaled sovereign of their world, had publicly decreed the death of a junior. This audacious move was nothing short of incredulous, and in the annals of history spanning millennia, Qin Wentian was the sole recipient of such "special attention."

"So, the Royal Sacred Sect has finally decided to deal with Qin Wentian," murmured many, reflecting on the festering grudge ignited by Quinn's demise—a grudge that had sowed the seeds of hatred between Qin Wentian and the Royal Sacred Sect. Yet, this audacious young man possessed the power to substantiate his recklessness, compelling the Royal Sacred Sect to amplify its pursuit. However, with the sect's determined resolve to eliminate him, it appeared that Qin Wentian's days were numbered.

Countless speculations swirled, and the notion that this young man, transcending even the era's most celebrated prodigies, might finally meet his end seized the imaginations of many. The Royal Sacred Sect had made its intent unequivocally clear by broadcasting its decree to the world. Anyone beneath the age of one hundred capable of slaying Qin Wentian would instantly ascend to the hallowed Core Faction of the Royal Sacred Sect. Even those who contributed to Qin Wentian's downfall would receive their due rewards—a peerless Celestial Phenomenon Art and a high-grade fifth-ranked divine weapon.

Concurrently, the sect divulged Qin Wentian's precise location—an audacious declaration that stirred shock and upheaval. Pervading the desolate land of Grand Xia, Qin Wentian boldly declared himself Emperor.

Such news could not elude shock and tumult.

Questions lingered, however. If the Royal Sacred Sect possessed knowledge of Qin Wentian's whereabouts, why resort to a public kill order rather than swift action? What concealed motives lay behind their decision?

This calculated move bore the imprimatur of the upper echelons, a joint decision that bore the personal imprint of the Sacred Emperor. Since they had discerned the Medicine Sovereign's true immortality, they surmised that there was a deeper purpose to exterminating Qin Wentian. This audacious gambit served as a test—a challenge issued to the Medicine Sovereign himself. Would he take an open stance in defense of Qin Wentian, wielding his formidable power to shield the fugitive?

The sect's public proclamation was, in essence, a declaration of their dominion. It sought to gauge the Medicine Sovereign's resolve and course of action. Should the Medicine Sovereign opt to protect Qin Wentian, the Sacred Emperor, their unassailable patron, would lend his support. Nonetheless, the Royal Sacred Sect chose a wait-and-see approach, refraining from premature action that might trigger the Medicine Sovereign's vengeance. By acting cautiously, they sought to mitigate potential losses.

The reverberations of this audacious move rippled across the realm, generating a maelstrom that surged toward the desolate Grand Xia. Scores of experts embarked on a frenzied journey, converging on Grand Xia with a singular objective: the extermination of Qin Wentian.

Amidst the convergence of formidable forces on the horizon, heading with grim determination towards the desolate Grand Xia, the Grand Shang Empire, the Violet Thunder Sect, and most fervently, the Supreme Di Clan, led by none other than Di Shi himself, emerged as the most fervent contenders vying for Qin Wentian's demise.

In the hallowed halls of the Battle Sword Sect, unease hung thick in the air. Concerned whispers reverberated through the martial practitioners gathered there, their collective worry etched on their faces. It was apparent to all that the peril surrounding Qin Wentian was mounting exponentially.

When word of this perilous situation reached the ears of the Human Emperor, his immediate response was to cast aside all other concerns and set forth on a swift journey toward Grand Xia. The urgency of the situation brooked no delay, for the very life of Qin Wentian, the luminary of the realm, hung precariously in the balance.

Amidst these tumultuous developments, Qin Wentian remained ensconced within the ancient kingdom of Grand Xia, fully engrossed in his relentless pursuit of martial enlightenment. It was during one of these moments of solitude that an unexpected missive arrived from the Royal Sacred Region. This missive bore the seal of the Star River Lord, the supreme authority of the Star River Association's central command. Its contents carried an unsettling gravity that sent shivers down Qin Wentian's spine.

While Qin Wentian had long suspected that the Star River Association's influence extended far beyond the borders of Grand Xia, he had never fathomed the true expanse of their dominion. They hailed from a realm beyond this world, their legacy stretching back eons, dwarfing even the venerable Royal Sacred Sect. The Royal Sacred Region, with its main headquarters, was but the tip of an expansive iceberg that concealed their true reach.

The missive itself presented an offer, albeit a menacing one. It extended an invitation for Qin Wentian to join their ranks. In return, the Star River Association pledged to facilitate his escape from the Royal Sacred Region, providing unwavering support for his personal growth. In exchange, they demanded that Qin Wentian retract his banishment of the Association's branches within Grand Xia, permitting them to rebuild unhindered. If he declined their proposition, they insisted he publicly apologize and lift the sanctions imposed on the Star River Association, allowing a fresh start.

Yet, despite the weight of these propositions, Qin Wentian remained resolute in his refusal. His response, conveyed in a succinct message, left no room for misinterpretation: "This matter ends here."

Qin Wentian's stance was clear. He firmly believed that the Star River Association would never acquiesce to such a resolution.

Soon after dispatching his response, news from the Battle Sword Sect delivered yet another thunderous blow. The Royal Sacred Sect, in a bold declaration, had issued a kill order with Qin Wentian as the primary target.

In the midst of these tumultuous events, Ye Qingyun, the venerable master of the Battle Sword Sect, arrived personally in Grand Xia. Walking alongside Qin Wentian through the storied landscapes of the ancient kingdom, Ye Qingyun broached a critical proposition.

"Wentian," Ye Qingyun began, his tone laden with concern, "why do you persist in remaining within the Royal Sacred Region? The Royal Sacred Sect is unrelenting in their pursuit of your life. I can facilitate your departure from this perilous realm. I have the means to contact the envoys of the Immortal Martial Realm, and with your consent, I can arrange for your safe exit."

Qin Wentian's gaze drifted towards the distant horizon as he contemplated Ye Qingyun's offer. Departing the Royal Sacred Region had always been an inevitability for someone of his prodigious talent. His quest for strength and the unraveling of the mysteries of his lineage dictated such a course. However, he hesitated to abandon everything and flee in the face of adversity.

"The Royal Sacred Sect has, indeed, issued a death warrant against me," Qin Wentian reflected aloud, his voice soft but resolute. The ominous encounter at his wedding in Chu, where the Royal Sacred Sect's experts had descended with malevolent intent, had culminated in their complete annihilation. This brazen act could not have escaped the notice of the Sacred Emperor, their ultimate authority. With his ascent to power, it was irrefutable that the Sacred Emperor had sanctioned their renewed pursuit of Qin Wentian.

As the turbulent winds of fate continued to swirl, Qin Wentian stood at a crossroads, his destiny hanging in the balance.