
Immortal’s Shadow

Immortal's Shadow . . .

Qin Wentian's attempt to extend his perception into the cave was met with an impenetrable force field. With a calm gesture, he sheathed his sword and proceeded to enter the mysterious cavern.

Inside, he discovered an expansive chamber, far more cavernous than the typical cave. It was bathed in a golden radiance, with lightning-like streams of energy crisscrossing the space, creating a dazzling display of power.

In the heart of this luminous chamber stood a solitary figure, clad in an earthy kasaya. The monk's shaved head gleamed with an inner light, and his bare feet and glistening, bronzed muscles revealed his unwavering dedication. His aura exuded a palpable sense of danger, even from behind. The trail of corpses and wounded individuals strewn at the cave's entrance bore testimony to the monk's ruthless disposition. In the unforgiving realm of immortals, not all monks espoused benevolence. Many chose a path of asceticism and self-imposed suffering to attain transcendence, discarding worldly pleasures to push the boundaries of their potential.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling wave of hostility swept over Qin Wentian, plunging him into an abyss of dread. This icy killing intent felt capable of shattering every glimmer of hope.

"Leave," boomed a commanding voice, brimming with an unyielding authority that left no room for negotiation. The monk's words were addressed to Qin Wentian, but he remained still, as though deep in meditation, his concentration reaching an almost unnerving level.

Unperturbed by the monk's presence, Qin Wentian pressed forward. Yet, in an instant, the monk unleashed a powerful blast, his palms propelling an earth-shattering shockwave. Before Qin Wentian's eyes materialized a colossal, resplendent golden bell adorned with intricate runes, radiating an overwhelming destructive force, hurtling directly toward him.

The cavern reverberated with a symphony of bell chimes as the ancient bell hurtled menacingly toward Qin Wentian. In the brink of collision, his sword qi surged to a newfound intensity, and he planted a forceful stomp into the ground. With a fluid wave of his arm, his sword cleaved through the very fabric of space.

"BOOM!" The cave quaked with the explosive force, the deafening resonance ricocheting wildly, sending stabbing pains through Qin Wentian's head. Lightning-laden golden streams sliced through the air, but his sword had already succeeded in cleaving the ancient bell into two.

In an instant, another ancient bell was summoned into action. Qin Wentian observed, his gaze narrowing. The monk's control over these ancient bells was awe-inspiring; he wielded them effortlessly, as if he had distilled the essence of the technique itself.

Qin Wentian's sword qi bore a sharpness capable of rending the very sky. His furious slashes severed the ancient bell yet again, setting off frenzied sound waves that echoed within the cavern. Relentlessly, the cavalcade of ancient bells surged toward him, each carrying a devastating resonance. The deadly golden lightning they emitted had the potential to obliterate anyone it touched.

With a cold snort, Qin Wentian focused his energies. He accelerated, multiple sword silhouettes materializing around him. Simultaneously, numerous sword beams were unleashed, obliterating the barrage of ancient bells summoned by the monk. Seizing the opportunity, Qin Wentian ventured deeper into the cave, repositioning himself to the left of the monk.

Reacting with astonishing speed, the monk conjured a colossal bell, intending to crush Qin Wentian. Yet, in a swift retaliation, Qin Wentian's sword strikes pounded it into submission, resulting in a deafening explosion. As the sword qi collided with the ancient bell, both shattered, sending shockwaves through the cavern. The monk's gray eyes finally turned to appraise Qin Wentian, exuding a razor-sharp intensity that sought to pierce through him.

"A cultivator from the Western Desert Prefecture, Sorrowless, ranked #3," the monk introduced himself.

Qin Wentian's gaze bore into the medallion affixed to his opponent's chest, brimming with determination. This monk, standing at number three in the Western Desert Prefecture, was undeniably a formidable individual.

It was common knowledge that cultivators hailing from the four outer prefectures endured the harshest trials, with the Western Desert Prefecture being the most unforgiving. There, the harsh environment forged individuals who were accustomed to suffering. Sorrowless was a prime example.

Inside the cave, a shimmering shadow was projected before a statue, continually shifting through various scenes. These scenes depicted the intricate process of an immortal cultivator mastering an ancient bell-type immortal technique. Using astral energy, they manifested ancient bells, triggering heavenly laws that materialized into cascades of golden cataclysmic lightning, expanding endlessly.

Step by step, the cultivation journey unfolded before their eyes, concluding with the birth of a formidable immortal bell. It triggered the laws of heaven and earth, summoning tribulation lightning and immortal might capable of annihilating all existence.

"An immortal's shadow," Qin Wentian murmured in awe. This was a deliberate gift from an immortal, leaving behind these spectral echoes of their cultivation to guide future generations in their quest for enlightenment.

While Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants possessed the potential to cultivate immortal arts, they often had to begin from scratch. Despite their deep comprehension, they struggled to unlock the true potential of these arts. If they managed to grasp a mere 10% of an immortal technique's essence, it was considered a significant achievement. The immortals who left behind their cultivation shadows did so with the intent of aiding future generations, providing a step-by-step visual guide to their own success.

Within the realm of immortal techniques, the difference in comprehension was monumental. If one individual understood 20%, while another grasped 30%, the latter would effortlessly overpower their counterpart. And if someone reached a 40% comprehension level, they could obliterate their opponents with ease.

The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect lived up to its reputation. It was the very reason countless supreme geniuses vied for the opportunity to join major powers. Ordinary sects could only boast a limited number of immortals, making it impossible for them to offer such invaluable legacies. In contrast, the Eastern Sage Cliff served as a sacred ground for cultivation. Sect disciples flocked here to seek their fortune and enhance their strength. Rapid growth was almost guaranteed.

Just as Qin Wentian was lost in contemplation, an icy killing intent surged once more. Sorrowless's gray eyes locked onto him, his astral soul materializing in the form of a colossal ancient bell, merging with the shadowy bell created by the cultivation technique.

With a commanding wave of his hand, a piercing sonic boom echoed, resonating through Qin Wentian's body and soul. The intense vibrations left him trembling uncontrollably. Terrifying bells of calamitous lightning encircled the monk, his merciless intent palpable.

Qin Wentian's sword qi soared into the heavens as his King Sword astral soul manifested. He transformed into a wind roc, deftly parrying his opponent's relentless assault. The ceaseless chimes of bells seemed destined to persist until Qin Wentian's demise. He methodically dismantled the barrage of bells, but eventually, an immense one descended upon him.


The echoing bell chimes filled the skies, enveloping Qin Wentian entirely. Sorrowless wore an icy expression as he unleashed wave after wave of destructive energy, capable of obliterating even the soul of his trapped foe. Qin Wentian summoned his bloodline power, unleashing his suppression-type astral soul to create an overwhelming force field, repelling the torrents of destruction.

"Indeed, the third-ranked cultivator in the Western Desert Prefecture," Qin Wentian reflected. Sorrowless showed no mercy, relentlessly pursuing his target. His ruthless and decisive demeanor made him a formidable adversary.

Moments later, Sorrowless thrust his palms upward, sending the massive bell hurtling skyward. A brilliant violet-gold radiance emanated from within, capturing the monk's rapt attention.

"I'm unable to end your life," Sorrowless declared, his voice carrying the weight of his words. He gestured slightly to create space for Qin Wentian within the cave, then resumed his deep immersion in the study of the immortal technique.

Qin Wentian acknowledged the gesture with a nod. In this fierce selection test, competitors were eager to eliminate their rivals, and Sorrowless' formidable strength made him a challenging adversary to vanquish. Qin Wentian understood the practicality of biding his time and focusing on comprehending more innate techniques to strengthen himself. By doing so, he could level the playing field when clashes among the gathered geniuses inevitably erupted.

Every participant had commenced from the same starting point, and Qin Wentian recognized that others might encounter even greater opportunities. He shifted his attention back to the immortal's shadow, sinking deep into a state of profound comprehension. The strength provided by the law enchantment was at the ninth level of Celestial Phenomenon, a mere step away from the immortal-foundation stage. Qin Wentian had begun to formulate a strategy for breaching that barrier, yearning to achieve immortality.

Immortality entailed transcending mortality, establishing an immortal foundation, and wielding the might of the immortals—a form of law energy bestowed upon them.

Qin Wentian closely observed the immortal's shadow, personally experiencing the birth of immortal energy.

As time flowed within the Eastern Sage Cliff Mountain Range, the multitude of geniuses demonstrated their prowess. By the seventieth day, disparities began to emerge. A group of exceptionally powerful individuals had surfaced, effectively quelling any opposition. These individuals appeared to be the cream of the crop from various prefectures, having honed their skills and strength through blood-soaked trials.

Outside the cave occupied by Qin Wentian and Sorrowless, more lifeless bodies littered the ground. However, this grim sight did not deter the relentless flow of challengers. Another contender ventured into the cave and moved deeper inside.

"Get out!" A chilling voice, oozing tyranny and unwavering authority, reverberated through the cave. The intruder, undeterred, scoffed and continued forward. But at that very moment, two colossal ancient bells materialized on either side of him. A deafening rumble filled the cave as the overwhelming pressure fragmented his soul. The bells collided with his body with an explosive force, leaving him lifeless on the ground.