
God’s Hand

God's Hand . . .

A heavy silence settled over the group. Each member was a descendant of Immortal Kings and Emperors, well-versed in the legends surrounding these ancient and powerful figures.

They all knew that within the vast Immortal Realm, a handful of legendary Immortal Emperors had once risen. These extraordinary individuals had unified the entire Immortal Realm, reigning supreme for tens of thousands of eras.

Emperor Yi was one such legendary figure. His mastery of divine inscriptions, as evidenced by the runic diagrams in his palace, was unparalleled. He had a profound understanding of these inscriptions, which allowed him to create a secret divine art.

Rumors had always circulated that whoever could inherit his legacy would have the chance to become the supreme ruler of the Immortal Realms.

"But can obtaining Emperor Yi's heaven-shaking art be that simple? Even Immortal Kings were trapped here and met their demise, not to mention us. Moreover, even if his legacy were right in front of us, who dares claim they could cultivate it?" someone pondered aloud, causing a sense of hopelessness to wash over the group.

A heaven-shaking art was a supreme power that could subdue all other innate techniques under the heavens. In the vast Immortal Realms, techniques bearing the title 'heaven-shaking' were coveted even by Immortal Emperors. If this secret art were to appear before them, it would undoubtedly be incredibly challenging to understand and master. If it were easy, the secret art wouldn't have become lost in the first place.

"The secret art that Emperor Yi was renowned for... it must be the God's Hand, right?" Xiao Lengyue spoke in a hushed tone. Her words sent shivers down the spines of everyone present, confirming that the secret art of Emperor Yi was indeed the God's Hand. Just the name alone conjured countless images of its overwhelming power. Yet, nobody knew what the God's Hand truly entailed, and no one had witnessed its devastating might firsthand. Could it truly command the heavens and the earth, wielding boundless power?

"Yes, the secret art is called the God's Hand. But right now, weren't we discussing what this man obtained?" Xuan Xing pointed at Qin Wentian, never considering letting him off the hook.

Frowning, Qin Wentian locked eyes with Xuan Xing. "I've already told you, it's a map."

"Hmph, you claim it's been transmitted into your mind. I don't believe you," Xuan Xing retorted coldly.

"You're well aware it's been transmitted into my mind. You don't believe me? Do you intend to forcibly extract the information?" Qin Wentian replied with equal coldness.

"Why not? If you don't hand it over, you'll die here today." Xuan Xing advanced, his Twin Stars Alliance comrades surrounding Qin Wentian, creating an atmosphere laden with tension.

Xiao Lengyue intervened, her tone icy. "Our priority now is finding a way out. There's no need for conflict among us."

"Lengyue, he deceived us earlier by claiming he had a map. Maybe he wanted our help. Why interfere now when some want to kill him?" Xia Qianhan, standing to the side, added his voice to the discussion.

Qin Wentian's voice rang out with determination, breaking the heavy silence that had settled upon them like a shroud. His words carried a logical argument, causing the others to pause and consider the validity of his explanation. Perhaps that picture scroll was merely a guide to help them navigate this intricate underground palace, not the coveted treasure they had initially believed.

Xuan Xing, though clearly still harboring resentment, reluctantly relented. "I'll deal with you when we return. Let's explore the other paths and unravel the secrets hidden within."

With that, Xuan Xing led the Twin Stars Alliance members away, their footsteps echoing as they ventured into the four remaining pathways.

Xiao Lengyue's brows furrowed as she contemplated their predicament. "Even Immortal Kings met their end here. Finding a way out is a futile hope. We should thoroughly study this place and uncover its secrets."

Turning her attention to Qin Wentian, she acknowledged his expertise in divine inscriptions. "Ancient Emperor Yi was rumored to be a master of the dao of divine inscriptions. With the multitude of runic diagrams here, there may be one that serves as a key to access the palace."

Qin Wentian nodded, fully aware of the significance of their task. He scanned their surroundings, where every surface, from the stone ramparts to the ceilings, bore countless runic diagrams. These diagrams were a treasure trove for divine inscriptionists, offering a wealth of inscriptions suitable for various purposes.

However, the wealth of divine inscriptions paled in comparison to the legendary legacy of Ancient Emperor Yi. Even for experts in divine inscriptions, the runic diagrams had failed to capture their attention earlier.

Hours passed in contemplation, but despair began to gnaw at Qin Wentian's heart. Divine inscriptions surrounded him on all sides, yet he could find no way out.

Approaching Qin Wentian, Xiao Lengyue inquired about any discoveries. His response was disheartening: "No." In this labyrinthine place, divine inscriptions abounded, but a path to freedom remained elusive.

Undaunted, Xiao Lengyue offered her company. "I'll join you, just in case Xuan Xing tries anything."

Without awaiting his response, she led the way. Qin Wentian watched her graceful figure and her easy smile, appreciating her remarkable composure in such dire circumstances.

"Do you think we'll end up like those Immortal Kings, trapped here until our lifespans expire?" Xiao Lengyue's voice broke the silence, her words laced with a hint of vulnerability.

"I won't dwell on such thoughts," Qin Wentian responded firmly. "My focus is solely on finding a way out."

Their footsteps echoed through the underground palace as they ventured into the unknown, determined to uncover its secrets and escape their predicament.

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"You truly possess an unwavering optimism," Xiao Lengyue chimed in, her laughter a melodic tune that echoed through the underground palace. She continued, her voice carrying a mixture of wonder and contemplation, "These immortals, they managed to establish immortal bodies that defied decay even in death. But for us mortals, when our lifespans run their course, we become nothing more than a pile of bones. No matter how captivating I may appear now, in the end, time will transform me into something far less appealing."

Her words hung in the air, and a bitter smile graced her lips, as if she found irony in her own musings.

Qin Wentian, walking alongside her, chose silence as his response. The two continued their journey in silence, gradually approaching the intersection that led to five different pathways. Xiao Lengyue, standing beside him, flashed a warm smile and inquired, "The scroll we saw earlier, was it truly just a map of this underground palace?"

With unwavering sincerity, Qin Wentian nodded and replied, "You have my word; there's no reason for me to deceive you."

"I trust you," Xiao Lengyue affirmed, her eyes reflecting her sincerity. "Let's explore the other pathways together."

A flicker of doubt passed through Qin Wentian's mind as he watched Xiao Lengyue's retreating figure. Did she genuinely trust him? If so, why had she intentionally joined him and delivered that radiant smile before posing the same question again?

Though her actions seemed natural, Qin Wentian was no longer the naive youth he once was. He couldn't help but see through her facade. Xiao Lengyue was more cunning and calculating than he had initially realized, sending shivers down his spine.

Did she truly harbor no resentment, considering that he was the one who brought her into this perilous place?

As they continued down the pathway, it mirrored the previous one entirely, devoid of any peculiarities. At its conclusion, they encountered more lifeless bodies.

The third, fourth, and fifth pathways offered the same grim tableau, sending a surge of panic through the gathered geniuses. Was there no escape from this place? Were their fates irrevocably sealed?

As the days passed, the mental fortitude of these gifted individuals began to fray. Ancient emperors and celestial secrets faded from their thoughts, replaced by an all-consuming desire to escape.

Although they were accustomed to cultivating for years in one go, this situation was different. Here, death loomed over them, and without an exit, it was inevitable. Every passing moment weighed heavily on their already anxious hearts.

With each day that slipped by, their collective anxiety grew. After a month, even Xiao Lengyue couldn't conceal her weariness. Her once youthful countenance now resembled age-old ice, radiating an aura that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld her.

But the crisis wasn't confined to those trapped within the underground palace. Outside, near the ancient passageway, a congregation of experts had assembled. Among them were numerous individuals from the Xiao Sect and the Twin Stars Alliance. One figure, standing out prominently, bore a striking resemblance to Xuan Xing.

This man was none other than Xuan Yang, Xuan Xing's elder brother and the co-leader of the Twin Stars Alliance. He possessed a formidable presence, an aura that elevated him above the rest.

"Xuan Xing has been in there for a month," Xuan Yang stated coldly, his icy demeanor palpable to all who surrounded him.

"Mhm, Xiao Lengyue and the others, too," came the somber reply, laden with uncertainty. The mere mention of Xiao Lengyue, the daughter of the Xiao Emperor, sent shivers down their spines. She had vanished into the depths of the ancient passageway, leaving everyone in the dark about her fate. Were they still alive, or had they succumbed to the abyss within? The chilling thought of their potential demise cast a pall of dread over the hearts of all present.

"Lengyue..." Among the assemblage of experts from the Xiao Sect, one figure stood out—a beacon of magnificence that spanned generations. His gaze pierced through the distance, sharpened like the finest swords. It then shifted to two figures nearby—Zi Qingxuan and Jun Mengchen.

The young man's words sliced through the tense atmosphere like a blade, his voice cold and unyielding. Jun Mengchen's eyes narrowed in response to the threat, fixing an intense gaze upon the speaker.

"Bunch of dimwits," remarked Little Rascal, who had comfortably nestled into Zi Qingxuan's embrace. Observing the nonchalant expression on the creature's face, Zi Qingxuan and Jun Mengchen found reassurance that no harm had befallen Qin Wentian. There was no cause for alarm, and the looming danger seemed distant, like a fading echo.


In a distant particle world, far removed from the turmoil, an elderly man stood atop an ancient peak, his presence exuding an icy aura. Beside him stood a strikingly cold-looking young man. Together, they gazed into the distance, where a lone figure approached.

As the newcomer reached the elderly man's side, he posed a question, "Senior, have you ever heard of the name Ancient Emperor Yi?"

"I am familiar with him. Why do you inquire?" the old man responded, his tone carrying a hint of irritation.

"I seek knowledge about the powers associated with Emperor Yi," the young man explained.

"God's Hand," the old man replied succinctly. "Emperor Yi's secret art, 'God's Hand,' involved igniting the entirety of his internal energy to refine his body. He fused this energy with the laws derived from runes, enabling his palm strikes to unleash a world-shaking force."

"However, it's essential to note that 'God's Hand' is not limited to palm techniques. It is an auxiliary art that can enhance any form of attack. Mastery requires proficiency in runes, allowing any attack to achieve extraordinary potency when executed through the palms. Hence, the name 'God's Hand,'" the old man concluded with an air of indifference.