
Giant Palm

Giant Palm . . .

In the depths of the cavern, a cryptic conversation unfolded between Di Tian and an elderly man, a dialogue veiled in mystique. Qin Wentian, the silent observer, was privy to this exchange. Di Tian, a true manifestation of his being born from the Great Nirvana Immortal Art, had the innate ability to communicate telepathically with Qin Wentian. They were, after all, originally one entity, yet they refrained from interfering in each other's paths of cultivation.

While Qin Wentian remained ensnared within the cavern's confines, he delved into the intricacies of the runic diagrams that adorned its walls, beginning with those at the entrance. Methodically, he etched these diagrams into the recesses of his mind.

The underground palace appeared devoid of immediate danger, but its very existence was a harbinger of the gravest peril—an eternal prison that ensnared souls until their lifespans waned.

Adding to the despair, there were no discernible clues to an exit, merely the lifeless remains of predecessors, a chilling testament to the hopelessness of their predicament.

In the realm of 'clues,' the only lifeline seemed to be the runic diagrams that embellished the palace's every nook and cranny. Qin Wentian had no alternative but to embark on the daunting task of deciphering their enigma. It was a choice between this arduous endeavor or awaiting the embrace of death.

Qin Wentian retraced his steps to the starting point, methodically dissecting the runic diagrams, one by one. Simultaneously, in a distant particle world, Di Tian mirrored his actions, meticulously transcribing the very diagrams that Qin Wentian beheld. His techniques rendered them three-dimensional, aiding in a more comprehensive analysis.

In synchronous harmony, Qin Wentian's original self and Di Tian plunged into the depths of inquiry, yearning to unearth the secrets concealed within the underground palace.

As time flowed inexorably, Qin Wentian continued to traverse the labyrinthine chambers. Ahead of him, seated upon a stone parapet, Xiao Lengyue exuded an aura of grace and allure. Her delicate form radiated a captivating allure, her hands cradling her chest in a manner that accentuated her sensuality. Qin Wentian, however, remained wholly absorbed in his task, his gaze affixed to her not out of desire, but as a silent observer captivated by her charm.

After an extended period, Xiao Lengyue could no longer contain her curiosity and queried, "What are you doing?"

Qin Wentian shifted his attention, responding earnestly, "We cannot simply resign ourselves to our fate here. I am attempting to discern any potential clues hidden within these runic diagrams."

A rare smile graced Xiao Lengyue's lips as she remarked, "I lack proficiency in divine inscriptions and possess no means of deciphering these diagrams. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope you find success."

"I shall exert my utmost effort," Qin Wentian affirmed, resuming his examination. Before him, the passageway branched into five distinct pathways. Suddenly, a thunderous reverberation resonated through the air as an expert exclaimed in exasperation, "What is this stone parapet made of? I can't even make a dent in it!"

"Save your energy. This place can ensnare even immortal kings. If it were so easy to break free, the very notion of immortal kings perishing here would be a farce," another retorted.

"But we cannot simply await our demise," the protestations persisted, but to no avail. The cavern's resilience surpassed all imagination. Attempts to breach its confines were in vain, leaving not a trace of damage on the impenetrable stone walls. The percussive echoes of these futile endeavors filled the chamber.

As time flowed on, such futile outbursts multiplied. Qin Wentian, standing at the crossroads, surveyed the five branching pathways. The hostile gazes of those present fixated upon him, their collective frustration simmering beneath the surface.

A figure of undeniable expertise advanced methodically, an aura radiating with fervent retribution, as if vengeance itself were given form.

Drawing near to Qin Wentian, he spoke with an icy resolve, "Don't you believe that your actions should come at a cost?"

The assembled onlookers cast their gaze upon this unfolding drama, their collective attention fixated on Qin Wentian as if they were spectators in the theater of fate.

With a sardonic grin, Qin Wentian raised his head to meet the unwavering gaze of the approaching expert. "Price? Pray, enlighten me."

"You led us into this forbidden ground, ensnaring us all. Tell me, what retribution do you think you should face?" The expert's countenance contorted with malevolence as a torrent of suppressed malice burst forth.

"Do I even know you?" Qin Wentian retorted with a steely glare. "Have we ever exchanged words, or did I coerce you to accompany me? Are you nothing more than a contemptible busybody?"

Even the most patient of souls harbor a spark of fury, and Qin Wentian, provoked ceaselessly, felt the fire of anger kindle within. Everyone had ventured into this perilous realm of their own volition, yet now, they pointed accusatory fingers at him. The absurdity of the situation was nothing short of farcical.

A seismic eruption followed. The malevolent expert unleashed a devastating dark fist infused with corrosive flames, capable of inflicting grievous harm upon even the faintest contact. A direct hit would result in an agonizing demise, consumed by the insidious fires of corrosion.

Undaunted, Qin Wentian responded with a resounding stomp, enveloping himself in a protective astral radiance. A colossal battle spear materialized, thrusting forth with unbridled ferocity to counter the oncoming punch.

The malevolent expert bellowed in fury, unleashing his constellation, shrouding the space in inky darkness as destructive black flames danced menacingly.

Undeterred, Qin Wentian advanced. The very ground beneath him glowed with runic diagrams, forming a formidable prison beneath his adversary's feet, a radiant, unyielding bastion.

"Attack!" Qin Wentian commanded, wielding his hand. An onslaught of menacing battle spears descended from every conceivable angle, homing in on the beleaguered foe. The malevolent expert's face paled, and the underground palace had swiftly transformed into a battlefield tailored to Qin Wentian's advantage. He harnessed the might of the divine inscriptions within the runic diagram, each move executed with precision and brutality.

The expert's constellation flared, spewing forth relentless waves of corrosive darkness. Nevertheless, Qin Wentian's assault showed no signs of waning. With each sweeping gesture of his hand, more spears were dispatched, an unrelenting barrage.

A sickening "Puchi" punctuated the chaos as a battle spear found its mark, skewering the adversary's shoulder. Blood flowed freely, staining his form crimson. His visage, ashen and pallid, yet the barrage continued unabated. Onlookers furrowed their brows, witnessing Qin Wentian's mastery—his command over the runic diagrams in battle rendered him a force to be reckoned with.

As the tumultuous tide subsided, Qin Wentian dismissed the prison with a wave of his hand. He stared icily at his adversary, issuing a cold ultimatum, "Withdraw. Persist in your despicable behavior, and you will meet your end."

The individual who had confronted Qin Wentian now bore a countenance drained of color. His injured arm cradled the spear-pierced shoulder, and a chilling glare fixed upon Qin Wentian before he turned and strode away.

With a nonchalant glance at the assembled experts, Qin Wentian resumed his task, methodically progressing from the leftmost passageway and resuming his analysis of the runic diagrams sprawled across the underground palace. The cryptic inscriptions held the key to their salvation.

Xuan Xing and the other proficient divine inscription experts mimicked Qin Wentian's relentless pursuit, scrutinizing the diagrams within the cavern. As Qin Wentian had surmised, these intricate patterns provided the sole breadcrumb trail in this labyrinth of uncertainty. To unravel the mystery, they had to persevere, for waiting was synonymous with surrender.

Three months slipped away in the blink of an eye, plunging those beyond the subterranean depths into the abyss of anxiety. The scions of two mighty clans—the Xuan Emperor's son and the Xiao Emperor's daughter—had vanished without a trace. Several illustrious Immortal Ascension Rankings luminaries were likewise engulfed by this enigmatic abyss.

Over these months, Qin Wentian meticulously dissected every runic diagram within the underground palace. In a distant particle world, Di Tian meticulously inscribed each diagram, rendering them three-dimensional for in-depth analysis. As his gaze lingered upon the assembled diagrams, a profound realization dawned upon him.

Before him coalesced the composite image of all the diagrams, revealing an enigmatic form—a colossal palm. The five diverging passageways mirrored the fingers, while the expanse preceding their division resembled the palm. The ancient passageway leading to this zone took on the guise of an extended arm.

This revelation ignited a spark of understanding within Qin Wentian's heart. He harkened back to the scroll he had acquired upon entering the underground palace. It was more than a map; it was a blueprint, a schematic of the underground palace. When viewed from above, its layout bore an uncanny resemblance to a gigantic palm.

Emperor Yi's legendary technique bore the moniker "God's Hand." What profound mysteries lay concealed within its name?

In this moment, a figure materialized before Di Tian—the aged sage himself. His gaze fell upon the three-dimensional model, prompting him to inquire, "Why the sudden interest in Emperor Yi? This palm formation is enigmatic and profoundly intricate. Has your original self inherited Emperor Yi's legacy?"

"Not at the moment," Di Tian replied, shaking his head. "My original self resides within an ancient ruin left by Ancient Emperor Yi. Upon scrutinizing and analyzing all the runic diagrams within that location, they, too, coalesced into a palm formation similar to the one here."

The sage's interest piqued, and he wore a wry smile. "It appears your original self possesses a modicum of fortune. However, comprehending Emperor Yi's legacy will prove no trifling feat."

"I am well aware of that," Di Tian affirmed. The completed image seemed segmented, each part resembling attack-oriented divine inscriptions, with the ability to assemble at will. Presently, they had merged into a complex, impenetrable confluence, defying comprehension.

"In that case, take your time to fathom it," the old sage remarked in a subdued tone before fading from view. Emperor Yi's enigmatic art, God's Hand, did not entail conventional combat techniques; it was a potent auxiliary support art. If Di Tian were to possess the fortune and insight to unlock its secrets, he would undoubtedly harbor no grievances.

Yet, the old sage could discern that the palm imprint before them was not the entirety of Emperor Yi's God's Hand inheritance. It likely represented only the rudiments of this profound legacy.

Within the confines of the underground palace, Qin Wentian sat cross-legged, wholly absorbed in observing the tableau through Di Tian's eyes. Their connection allowed them to perceive one another's perspectives, each embarking on the journey to decipher the enigma of this monumental palm formation.

Not far from Qin Wentian, Xiao Lengyue remained perched upon a stone parapet, her vigilant gaze trained on Qin Wentian's every move. After his thorough exploration of the five passageways, had he made any significant discoveries?

Though Xiao Lengyue boasted formidable strength, her expertise in divine inscriptions was wanting. She leaned on the expertise of the divine inscriptionists surrounding her, fervently hoping they would unearth the elusive clues that might unlock the mystery. Should they succeed, an opportunity might arise to access the authentic emperor's palace. She was convinced that the palace they had glimpsed in the outside world must indeed exist, and this underground labyrinth served as the gateway.

From a certain vantage point, Qin Wentian's words held merit. This place bore the hallmark of a trial crafted by Ancient Emperor Yi. However, the trial was formidable to an extent where even immortal kings had met their demise within these confines.

Naturally, these were mere conjectures of Xiao Lengyue's. The truth of this underground palace remained an enigma, concealed behind layers of intricate puzzles. Until these riddles were unraveled, the reality of their circumstances would remain veiled in uncertainty.