
Fury Towering the Heavens

Fury Towering the Heavens

While Dongshan Jin's lurid fantasies about Mo Qingcheng occupied his mind, his subordinates, on the other hand, were closing in on Qin Wentian. These henchmen were no pushovers; their formidable auras revealed that the weakest among them had reached the Yuanfu realm, while the most powerful was a fourth-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereign assigned to protect Dongshan Jin.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but wear a wry smile as he looked at Mo Qingcheng. The situation had taken a dangerous turn, and their leisurely outing needed to be cut short. It was evident that the provocateurs lurking in the shadows were the real threat. Returning to the royal palace was the prudent course of action.

However, Qin Wentian had already promised to accompany Mo Qingcheng, cherishing this brief respite from their daily responsibilities. He didn't regret it, even if it meant facing Ye Kongfan's wrath. The two of them had come to treasure these moments together.

Mo Qingcheng's expression revealed her disdain for the individuals surrounding them. She cast a withering gaze upon their oppressors, her eyes blazing with determination. It was clear that she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Dongshan Jin couldn't help overhearing their conversation. He was taken aback by the fierce determination in their voices. These two youngsters, despite their tender age, possessed an unwavering resolve that exceeded their years. What kind of background did they hail from? Dongshan Jin, however, was ignorant of the formidable figures currently in Ye Country, individuals that he couldn't afford to provoke.

Dongshan Jin's neglect of his cultivation and his ignorance about the influential figures in Ye Country had led him to underestimate Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng. He believed they were just ordinary youths, ignorant of the true world's power dynamics.

The situation grew tenser as Dongshan Jin's impatience surfaced. He couldn't contain his desires, his lustful gaze lingering on Mo Qingcheng. The more he stared, the more twisted his desires became.

In the meantime, his subordinates had begun to close in on Qin Wentian, forming a menacing circle around him. Their malicious intent was palpable, and they were ready to execute Dongshan Jin's orders at a moment's notice.

Faced with the escalating tension, Qin Wentian decided that it was time to act. His voice remained calm as he addressed Mo Qingcheng. "It seems we should return, Qingcheng." He glanced at their surroundings, noticing Brother Chu still observing the situation nearby. The danger was real, and he needed to ensure Mo Qingcheng's safety.

Mo Qingcheng nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. She didn't want to leave, but she understood that their current predicament called for a strategic retreat.

However, as they prepared to leave, Dongshan Jin intervened, his irritation growing apparent. "Not so fast, little beauty," he taunted Mo Qingcheng, his lecherous desires on full display. Turning to his subordinates, he urged them to take action.

Long blades slashed through the air, aimed at Qin Wentian. One of the attackers, his eyes gleaming with malevolence, sought to cleave Qin Wentian in two. But their actions had triggered a chain of events they couldn't predict.

The blade made contact with Qin Wentian's shoulder, but instead of slicing through, it rebounded. The attackers were shocked and horrified as they witnessed the unexpected outcome. Qin Wentian's defensive capabilities were nothing short of extraordinary, and the protective astral energy surrounding his body rendered the blade ineffective.

Qin Wentian stood up, his aura shifting and enveloping the entire area. The atmosphere grew oppressive as he emanated an overwhelming presence. His transformation was remarkable, and his face appeared even more imposing. The fiendish lines on his face added to his intimidating countenance.

With a stern expression, Qin Wentian addressed the assailants. "Those who are not involved in this, leave immediately." His voice was composed but carried an underlying threat. Several individuals wisely retreated, unwilling to face the consequences of their actions.

Dongshan Jin finally realized the gravity of the situation. He had offended someone with a formidable background. Panic gripped him as he ordered his remaining subordinates to withdraw. But it was too late for them.

Qin Wentian waved his hand, and a piercing shriek echoed through the air as a thin sword scar appeared on the brow of the blade-wielder. The assailant died instantly, his life extinguished in an instant. The rest of the attackers recoiled in terror, their faces contorted in fear.

Dongshan Jin's voice quivered as he attempted to negotiate with Qin Wentian. He knew he couldn't pursue the matter of his subordinates' deaths, especially not after witnessing the swift and deadly retaliation from Qin Wentian. Fear gripped his heart, and he tried to salvage the situation.

"I'm the son of the Eastern Mountain Marquis. I won't pursue the matter of you killing my subordinates. How about both of us just stop here?" Dongshan Jin's words trembled, and his face betrayed his fear. However, Qin Wentian paid no heed to his plea, his gaze settling on Dongshan Jin. An icy chill emanated from Qin Wentian, enveloping Dongshan Jin in an intense and suffocating sense of dread. It was as though a single glance could extinguish his will to live.

Undeterred, Qin Wentian stepped forward, and a fierce surge of sword qi swept through the space. More blood-curdling screams pierced the air as several of Dongshan Jin's guards met their gruesome end.

"Sir…" Dongshan Jin's protector interjected desperately. "While your strength is formidable, the experts from the Eastern Mountain Manor are numerous. If you kill the young Marquis, death awaits you."

Qin Wentian seemed impervious to the protector's words. He advanced another step, and the protector felt an overwhelming sword pressure bearing down on him. Qin Wentian raised his hand and executed a swift slash. Although the protector attempted to retreat with lightning speed, he couldn't evade in time. Blood sprayed into the air as a deadly gash appeared on the center of his forehead.

"No…" The spray of warm, sticky blood splattered onto Dongshan Jin. Overwhelmed by terror, he shivered uncontrollably.

Qin Wentian took yet another step, and all of Dongshan Jin's guards fell to the ground, their lives extinguished in an instant.

Dongshan Jin's body went limp as he crumpled onto the ground like a lifeless sack of flesh. He gazed at Qin Wentian as though the world itself had become a nightmare. He had encountered numerous experts in his life, but none had filled him with such profound despair. Qin Wentian's relentless approach had left a trail of death with every step, displaying an overpowering mastery of the Mandate.

With an air of disdain, Qin Wentian coldly addressed Dongshan Jin, who was now quivering on the ground. The biting wind howled around them, adding to Dongshan Jin's torment. Each word from Qin Wentian cut through the air like a razor, sending a chill that pierced deep into Dongshan Jin's bones.

Dongshan Jin wasn't entirely foolish. He understood the implicit threat in Qin Wentian's words. The individual named Chu had targeted him, and he had unwittingly become a pawn in a scheme that aimed not only to end his life but to annihilate the entire Eastern Mountain Marquis Manor. The gravity of this plot had sent a shiver down his spine. The young man before him possessed a status that could spell doom for an entire noble house. Even if they managed to kill Qin Wentian, the consequences would be catastrophic.

"How foolish can you be to become someone else's pawn so easily?" Qin Wentian's voice remained frigid. Dongshan Jin gathered his trembling resolve and rose from the ground. He locked eyes with Qin Wentian and offered a desperate plea. "Could their cunning scheme fail if you let me go?"

But Qin Wentian didn't hesitate. With a single, swift palm strike to the head, he killed Dongshan Jin, ending his life abruptly.

Some acts could not go unpunished. Although Dongshan Jin's crimes didn't warrant the death penalty, his words had deeply insulted Mo Qingcheng. Moreover, his impure intentions and vile thoughts could not be tolerated. Qin Wentian couldn't afford to show weakness; doing so could lead to dire consequences. Qin Wentian wasn't a saint, and from the moment this situation had unfolded, Dongshan Jin's fate had been sealed. Perhaps the puppeteer orchestrating events from the shadows had anticipated this outcome all along.

The wind howled relentlessly, and with a blur of motion, Qin Wentian vanished from his previous position. Far away, a figure cowered in a remote corner, trembling uncontrollably. The sound of the wind had jolted him into frantic retreat.

"Bzzz!" An immense force snatched the young man named Chu, lifting him off his feet. A colossal palm print encircled his throat, and terror masked his face. He had witnessed the brutal demise of Dongshan Jin and his bodyguards, leaving him with no doubt about Qin Wentian's ruthlessness.

"I'll tell you everything!" The young man named Chu yelled in fear before Qin Wentian could even speak a word.

Qin Wentian remained silent, awaiting further details. Although he suspected that Ye Kongfan was behind this scheme, he wanted to gather more information.

"This plot was orchestrated by the Eagle Marquis Manor. They hold a deep-seated grudge against the Eastern Mountain Manor and sought to eliminate their enemies through this scheme. Despite knowing that his son, Dongshan Jin, was incapable, the Eastern Mountain Marquis excessively doted on him. This protection birthed a depraved and lustful character. Experts from the Eastern Mountain Manor will likely arrive soon. It's advisable for you to leave immediately, Brother Qin. Even with your esteemed status, if the Eastern Mountain Marquis discovers his son's demise, he might seek revenge in a fit of rage," the young man named Chu explained.

Qin Wentian frowned at the information and asked coldly, "How do you know who I am? Who informed you of this?"

"The Holy Maiden's beauty is truly captivating. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew this situation would escalate. Initially, I contemplated fleeing, but my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to hide here. Little did I know that your perception had already detected me," the young man replied, his voice quivering with fear.

Qin Wentian's eyes turned icy, and he pressed further, "How did you learn my identity? It's one thing to know who Mo Qingcheng is, but my name shouldn't be widely known."

As Qin Wentian's murderous aura intensified, the young man named Chu's expression turned ashen. In the distance, powerful auras approached, signifying the arrival of individuals from the Eastern Mountain Marquis Manor. Qin Wentian scowled in annoyance, while the young man named Chu felt a sense of hopelessness. He lowered his voice to a whisper, "The moment I saw the Holy Maiden, I realized this matter had connections to the Qi King Manor. The Eagle Marquis takes orders from the Qi King Manor. Moreover, there were rumors circulating that the Holy Maiden may not be as virtuous as she appears. Some even said that she..."

"Said what?" Qin Wentian's voice dripped with murderous intent as he leaned in closer. The young man shuddered, despair washing over him. He feared that even if Qin Wentian spared his life, he would meet a gruesome end today. He cursed the Eagle Marquis Manor for withholding the fact that their target was the Holy Maiden of the Medicine Sovereign Sect. Hatred welled up in his heart, extending even to the Qi King Manor.

"This must definitely be a rumor circulated by the Qi King Manor to sully the Holy Maiden's reputation," the young man named Chu ground his teeth as he forced the words out. His voice quivered with a mixture of anger and frustration. Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Wentian's fury erupted, and his palms landed with overwhelming force, instantly ending the young man's life. Qin Wentian then reappeared by Mo Qingcheng's side, his heart burning with anger.

"YE KONGFAN, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Qin Wentian roared to the heavens, his voice echoing through the surroundings. He gently caressed Mo Qingcheng's face, his eyes filled with love and anger.

Mo Qingcheng looked at him and smiled, shaking her head gently. "Wentian, it doesn't matter. As long as we know the truth, it's enough for me."

Qin Wentian's heart ached as he gazed at Mo Qingcheng. She didn't care about the gossip of others because she already considered herself his wife. What could the worst rumors do to their love?

However, he hadn't expected Ye Kongfan to stoop so low, using baseless rumors to tarnish their reputation and drag Mo Qingcheng into this malicious plot.

Taking Mo Qingcheng's hand, they soared into the air. Ahead of them, a group of experts rushed toward them, their murderous intent palpable. When they saw Dongshan Jin's lifeless body, their rage intensified.

They instantly recognized Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng, and their hearts went out to Dongshan Jin's foolish demise. He had become a pawn in someone else's game and died in such a senseless manner.

"You'd better stay here and await the Marquis's decision," the leader of the group stated, signaling his men to encircle Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng. They were cautious, not daring to make a move. Releasing their killers would surely incur the wrath of the Eastern Mountain Marquis, and they didn't want to meet the same fate as Dongshan Jin.

"Bzz!" The scarlet demon halberd materialized in Qin Wentian's hands. His eyes blazed with a fearsome light as he declared coldly, "I am Qin Wentian from the Battle Sword Sect, and the Holy Maiden from the Medicine Sovereign Valley is none other than my wife. The Qi King Manor has tarnished her name, spreading false accusations that have irreparably damaged her reputation, even using me as a pawn in their schemes. I shall show no mercy. If any of you still wish to block us, don't blame me!"

As he spoke, Qin Wentian's voice thundered like a storm, echoing across the ten-li radius. He wanted everyone to know that Mo Qingcheng was his beloved wife, and those rumors were nothing but vile slander!