
Decimated Through Space

Decimated Through Space . . .

As the echoes of the Driftsnow Master's resolute words faded into the air, an unexpected surge of power swept across the sky, causing a dramatic shift in the heavens. The very atmosphere seemed to crackle with destructive energy, suffusing the entire space with an ominous presence.

Suddenly, a colossal and dread-inducing lance materialized from the heavens, tearing through the fabric of reality itself. This immense weapon, shimmering with divine radiance, stretched an astonishing 30,000 meters into the sky, crackling with boundless potency. It shot toward the Driftsnow Master like a relentless bolt of divine retribution.

Gasps of astonishment rippled through the crowd as they witnessed this awe-inspiring force, wondering who possessed the audacity to confront the Driftsnow Master.

With a determined demeanor, the Driftsnow Master raised his hand, bathed in luminous runes, and met the oncoming lance head-on. The collision sent shockwaves reverberating through the air, causing fractures to appear on the surface of the imposing lance. Eventually, it shattered into countless shards under the sheer might of the Driftsnow Master.

"Who dares to challenge him?" Voices of disbelief and concern echoed through the crowd. Someone had taken action against the Driftsnow Master, a formidable adversary indeed.

The Driftsnow Master turned his gaze toward the source of the voice, his features etched with curiosity and a hint of wariness. It was evident that he hadn't anticipated such resistance to his actions.

"In this era, your city no longer belongs to you. I shall ensure Qin Wentian meets his end," declared the voice, resonating through the heavens and rivaling the Driftsnow Master's earlier proclamation. With these words, several imposing figures materialized on the outskirts of the Driftsnow City.

The foremost figure shone with an overwhelming, radiant light, so blinding that beholders couldn't meet his gaze directly. His very presence exuded an aura of supremacy that compelled those around him to bow before his might.

"An Immortal King?" the Driftsnow Master mused, recognizing the extraordinary strength of this new arrival. The Immortal King Realm was a domain of unparalleled power.

"It's Jiang Zhuqing, the Immortal King of the Jiang Clan!" someone in the crowd exclaimed, identifying the figure at the forefront. The Immortal King from the Jiang Clan had indeed arrived, and this was hardly surprising. Jiang Yi, the slain Jiang Clan member, had likely sent word to Jiang Zhuqing when he faced peril, prompting Jiang Zhuqing to act swiftly. Given his Immortal King cultivation, the time it took him to travel from the Jiang Clan to the Driftsnow City was a mere fraction of the time it took to conclude the ongoing battle.

With a resounding "BOOM," the Driftsnow Master advanced, his form radiating with a brilliance that reached the heavens. Thunderous roars echoed ceaselessly as his colossal 300,000-meter body expanded once more. With a sweeping gesture of his hand, he cast an ominous shadow over the skies, unleashing an overwhelming pressure that bore down on those outside the city. To their horror, the experts beyond found themselves powerless to resist, as if a single thought from the Driftsnow Master could spell their demise.

Jiang Zhuqing, the intended target of this attack, bore a grim expression, overwhelmed by the formidable laws of energy that assailed him. Even he, an Immortal King, felt ill-equipped to confront such might. The Driftsnow Master, it seemed, had been an extraordinary figure in his prime.

A brilliant eruption of light engulfed Jiang Zhuqing as he maneuvered with uncanny agility, deploying countless lances to pierce the heavens. In the blink of an eye, he had ascended high above the area of impact, narrowly escaping the Driftsnow Master's strike.

"Driftsnow Master, you may possess power, but you are nothing more than a spectral entity now. You cannot venture beyond this city without perishing. Moreover, when you eventually return control to that young man, your demise shall be sealed." Jiang Zhuqing's tone dripped with malice, his eyes gleaming with murderous intent. Until this point, he had been in the dark about the unfolding events, only learning the truth when his son, Jiang Yi, faced danger. The Jiang Clan, a formidable force, had suffered grievous losses at the hands of an inconceivable foe like Qin Wentian.

"You seem quite confident," the Driftsnow Master responded, his voice oozing with icy arrogance.

Jiang Zhuqing's words, dripping with icy determination, hung in the air like an ominous promise. He made it clear that he was willing to bide his time within the confines of the Driftsnow City, waiting for the inevitable showdown.

The Driftsnow Master's response was equally resolute, his eyes flashing with a menacing glint. "Say that again, and you'll regret this encounter for the rest of your life," he warned, his voice carrying a palpable threat.

Unfazed, Jiang Zhuqing reiterated his stance with unwavering confidence. "I'll say it as many times as I please. Qin Wentian's life is forfeit, and if I can't claim this city, I'll reduce it to rubble."

The Driftsnow Master chose not to engage in further verbal sparring with his adversary. Instead, he turned his gaze toward Pei Yu, addressing her softly, "Do you have knowledge of this man's clan's whereabouts?"

Pei Yu nodded solemnly. "I've seen a map detailing the locations of the major powers in the Cloud Prefecture."

Without hesitation, the Driftsnow Master delved into Pei Yu's consciousness with his formidable immortal sense. As she closed her eyes, she willingly transferred her knowledge to him, every detail imprinted in her memory.

In a matter of moments, the Driftsnow Master withdrew his presence from Pei Yu's mind, his eyes holding a deep intensity as he spoke in hushed tones, "After Qin Wentian awakens, inform him that this city is mobile."

With those words, an awe-inspiring transformation unfolded. The entire Driftsnow City, which stretched for a thousand miles in circumference, began to shudder and quake. The earth itself seemed to rumble in response, creating a sensation that the very fabric of reality was coming undone. The colossal city, enveloped in the echoes of ancient power, started to ascend into the sky.

Incredible as it may sound, the Driftsnow City was, in fact, mobile!

A thunderous heartbeat resonated within the chests of onlookers, their wide eyes locked onto the city ascending majestically into the heavens.

Beneath the city, a pair of colossal wings, formed by intricate runic inscriptions, unfurled like those of an enormous avian creature. The sight was nothing short of astonishing. The city, crafted by the Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade, was not a static structure—it could take flight.

A collective gasp of astonishment swept through the crowd as they witnessed this awe-inspiring spectacle. The ancient city, brought to life by the essence of the Driftsnow Master's very being, defied all expectations.

The Driftsnow Master's resounding voice echoed throughout the land, reverberating with unwavering determination. Countless streams of luminous energy converged into a colossal beam that shot through the vast expanse of space with unmatched speed and devastating force, heading directly for a specific location.

At the beam's destination, other cities stood alongside countless human silhouettes, their inhabitants looking up in astonishment. Their gaze followed the trajectory of the energy beam, then returned to the Driftsnow Master, now filled with fear and trepidation.

"What does he intend to do?" Anxiety and uncertainty gripped the hearts of the onlookers as they watched the unfolding spectacle.

The luminous energy beam sliced through the air with unerring precision, its target now unmistakable—a grand and imposing ancient city teeming with countless experts. Every onlooker in the vicinity involuntarily shifted their attention back to the light beam, their bodies quaking uncontrollably in response to the impending cataclysm.

Jiang Zhuqing, the immortal king of the Jiang Clan, fixed a piercing glare on the Driftsnow Master, his voice filled with apprehension. "What is your intention?"

"Didn't I make myself clear?" The Driftsnow Master's eyes gleamed with an icy sharpness. Without hesitation, he gestured with a swift swipe of his fingers, directing the searing light beam to converge upon a regal castle. In the blink of an eye, the fortress was obliterated, reduced to a smoldering pile of rubble. A chorus of anguished cries pierced the air as the lives of countless experts within were extinguished in an instant.


Jiang Zhuqing's eyes flared crimson, his complexion turning ashen. Just moments ago, he had been arrogantly taunting the Driftsnow Master, threatening to lay waste to the city should his designs falter. Now, however, he quivered in terror at the grim reality before him.

The light beam had homed in on none other than the heart of the Jiang Clan—their very sanctuary.

With ruthless efficiency, the Driftsnow Master had targeted the cradle of the Jiang Clan, unleashing devastation upon them without remorse.

"I abhorred the stain of taking life, yet you dared to provoke me," the Driftsnow Master's voice was as frigid as a glacier. His hand sliced through the air once more, dispatching another brilliant beam of light toward the Jiang Clan, sealing their doom. In mere breaths of time, the ancestral abode of the Jiang Clan was reduced to dust, and countless experts met their demise.

An ancient powerhouse of the Cloud Prefecture, brought to their knees in an instant. Their very foundations shattered to pieces.

"This is the true essence of the Driftsnow City—a citadel hewn from the life essence of the Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade." Onlookers marveled at the colossal weaponized city, now revealing its unrivaled might. In the hands of Qin Wentian, it had been a mere shadow of its true potential. At this moment, the Driftsnow Master's grandeur left an indelible impression on all who beheld it.

Jiang Zhuqing, the immortal king of the Jiang Clan, had dared to threaten the Driftsnow Master. Even in death, the Driftsnow Master remained resolute, refusing to bow to the impudence of a junior.

The catastrophic loss that befell his clan in the span of a few breaths was a lesson Jiang Zhuqing would carry with him for the rest of his days.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jiang Zhuqing's anguished roar reverberated with madness. Even beings of immortal king stature, when confronted with the utter annihilation of their entire clan, found their indomitable spirits eclipsed by raw, overwhelming emotion.

As the madness etched onto Jiang Zhuqing's countenance pierced their souls, an indescribable mix of emotions churned within everyone who bore witness to the unfolding calamity.

The Jiang Clan—a venerable weaponsmithing dynasty forged by the legendary craftsman Jiang Chao centuries ago. It had once stood atop the pinnacle of the Cloud Prefecture, its glory spanning countless ages. Though it had gradually waned in prominence, the Jiang Clan still commanded immense respect and awe.

Yet, in the mere span of a few breaths, the entire legacy of the Jiang Clan had been ruthlessly erased from existence, consigned to the annals of history. The shockwave of this irrevocable obliteration reverberated through the hearts and minds of all who beheld it.

The look on Jiang Zhuqing's face contorted with maddened fury, his eyes aflame with a burning desire for vengeance. A sinister lance shrouded in darkness materialized before him, swirling with a malevolent energy that promised to consume everything in its path.

"I SHALL EXTERMINATE YOUR VERY SOUL AND REDUCE YOUR CITY TO RUIN!" Jiang Zhuqing's thunderous declaration shook the heavens.


Fully aware of his inferiority in power compared to the Driftsnow Master, Jiang Zhuqing lunged forward with unwavering resolve. In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between them and thrust the lance of darkness toward the Driftsnow Master's head.

The Driftsnow Master's eyes shimmered with an icy determination. His colossal form radiated an aura of unparalleled might, and the runic patterns coursing through his palm blazed to life. A cascade of runic inscriptions triggered the unfathomable power of the world's laws, and his outstretched hand unleashed a formidable energy that bathed the surrounding skies in a golden glow.

The dark lance collided head-on with the Driftsnow Master's palm. A whirlpool of malevolence surged from the lance, consuming all it touched in its inexorable grasp. It devoured the palm imprint methodically, yet as it neared the core of the palm, Jiang Zhuqing could feel the irresistible force that lay within.

"SHATTER!" The Driftsnow Master's voice dripped with frigid resolve. The cacophonous reverberations of splintering filled the air as the 30,000-meter-long lance crumbled to pieces. The Driftsnow Master's palm continued its unrelenting descent toward Jiang Zhuqing. A pall of ashen dread descended over Jiang Zhuqing, forcing him into a hasty defensive stance.

Another earth-shattering detonation rocked the spatial fabric. The Driftsnow Master's palm imprint crashed upon Jiang Zhuqing with merciless force, hurling him across the horizon. Yet, in an instant, Jiang Zhuqing returned to his original position, his aura wildly fluctuating. Suspended in mid-air, he glared at the Driftsnow Master, the flames of madness dancing in his eyes.

"IF I SURVIVE THIS, I SWEAR TO DEVOTE MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE TO ANNIHILATING YOUR VERY SOUL, DEMOLISHING YOUR CITY, AND SLAYING YOUR SUCCESSOR!" Jiang Zhuqing's oath bore the weight of his unbridled fury, transcending all bounds of reason.