

Tomorrow morning.

" Todays the competition right " Anna said as he looked at me enthusiastically.

" Well, yeah " I said without looking at her.

" don't lose okay "She said softly. I sensed sadness in her aura but just as I was going to speak.

'oi, Raj change of plans. I am coming today ' I got a sudden message from Sam.

' ok, you bastard, what the fuck happend ' I was clearly Inraged. After the entire night I made new changes to plan about how to draw him outside of Earl's range and this guy changed the complete plan.

' And yeah, we will kill him tommorow ' Again a voice came.

' What's the plan you idiot '

'Okay, believe me it's good. just believe me this time, tomorrow's banquet is his last 'He said with such a confidence that I wasn't able to refute it. And I also knew its time to finish this girl too.

' I just hope, she is of some use against earl ' Actually, it was dangerous to involve earl but I am not gonna let him get him easy after what he is doing to me.

As I made up my mind I grabbed her by her neck and looked at her Red face cause of lack of oxygen with a smile.

" Clien..wh..at are doi.. " She struggled to speak but I was still trying to prove by trying inject her with the LF. I didn't answer her question. I just gave her enough space to breath a little bit. But after sometime I was disappointed.

" I still have to make seals on their body to do ' soul branding ' " I said while regretting. I got this idea after watching one of pure blooded vampire controlling humans to fight me . Though I killed both of them in the end, I noticed that the vampire has actually corroded his brain and made humans obey him.

So I decided to make a similar move and succeed, it's just what I do is irreversible as I completely corrode their souls or rather cut of their connection and its corrodes on it's own. Its makes somebody my puppet, If I want I could even over someone's body and leave mine if I am injured. Just the LF will weaker ( LF and soul are different here, Lf include energy in your cells like produced by mitochondria where as Soul is your very consciousness. And magic core is something Like another life source that make you stronger, this is the concept I am using )

I thought I cut off my fingers a little bit and made a seal and was refining her in a puppet.

" I have seen through her memories, she is pitiful too. For last one and half year together. She actually liked him " According to what I saw, In Beginning, she was just here for intelligence but ended up liking her. End the end, she was just a kid, no wonder she was stuck here but I knew this is how things happened. You can't continue to lie to yourself every second.

'She probably didnt even realise that she liked her ' I was regretful for killing an innocent or maybe I dont want to have to guilty consciousness. So I decided to absorb her.

I never absorb weak LF cause it's not worth it.

' Provably this way you will be together with him ' I thought while looking.

" Tha....yo...u " She said while sluttering, currently we were connected by my Soul so it wasnt surprising that she could hear my thoughts. I too looked straight in her eyes while saying.

" Nope you atleast deserved this much " I said with a smile and after some time glow in her eyes was gone I too was almost finished with her refining so I just put a soul brand in her consciousness and leaved her.

Now I could only hope that Sam has a proper plan.

'aha, Did I just take someone's life without a solid reason ' I looked at the moving corpse and felt a chill down my spine. Peoples always do what they do need to do and they will justify themselves.

Like When a thief steals something he didnt think that the owner of this thing is gonna suffer what he does think is that he and his kids will probably eat hot food with this money. Even those terrorists when they killed innocent they consoled themselves by their Bulshit logic of ' going to jannat ' ( No disrespect to Muslims by the way. I am just stating what I saw on videos. jannat is urdu word for Heaven ). Nobody like to be called a bad person, it's in our very bone that we like to remain a good person if not for others maybe for ourselves.

Although I was still thinking all my mind was still on the fact that Why did I killed her.

' It was necessary for missions '

' nope, I could have just drugged her '

' But what If something would have happened and earl would have ended up meeting her '

' But I could have just erased her memories '

' But we will be dealing with Saints after all probably even demigods '

Both of these type of thoughts keep drifting in my mind. At that point the only I want is to prove my mind that what i have done has proper reasons but I couldn't find it.

" huh, why would need to remain a good person " I muttered as I suddenly thought of something.

" I killed her cause it was necessary for my Mission. There no need to think if it is or not. I say it then this is the situation " When u suddenly thought of this, I suddenly started laughing out loud while I was still on the roof.

" That's right how could I doubt myself when I am on an unorthodox path " I clenched my fists. I looked up in sky and said in a daze.

" My name is Raj, My mistakes are my own , my achievements are also my own, what I do is always correct, what I say is always right, I am never wrong, I never Flatter from my decision , I dont hesitate in my decision. I am the MONARCH " I said softly while going back inside the room.

Probably that was First time time I unconsciously was in ' The great Raksha form ' .

Midnight I felt someone was inside the room. I immediately jumped as I stuck up to wall vertically downward ( like spider man for those who dont understand)

" Its you, what are doing here so late " I knew who she was. She is the only one who could keep crept on me without my permission but when, I noticed her breathing and her life force fluctuating like a candle, I panicked.

" I a...n fin....ally her..e " She said as she embraced me. I didnt dodge her either. I am pretty sure if it was somebody else I would have probably attacked her or atleast dodged her but feeling her condition I stood st this stop while trying to control my rage.

" Tell me, which motherfucker's life span has finished" I said while gritting my teeth