
Monarch of Seals

He could taste and smell the sweet flavor and scent of death as it beckoned for him, now he became sure of it – Who ever said death was scary lied. He was Jason Varros, a mute legendary killer who always carried a black violin and whose mere mentioning brought despair to his foes. His death was nothing short of spectacular but he was glad for in his generation, He - a mute had bested them all. Unfortunately, fate had something in store for him, his chapter was not over yet. As a matter of fact - his story was just beginning for he would later awaken a forbidden power - a power others deemed sacred and only for the Gods and he would be hunted for it. The power of SEALS. But Jason being Jason would never submit, he would show them all,,,,,the masses and their gods alike- they would all kneel before him.

Hero_8745 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 14 : Disaster 2

When he stood a few meters away from them he said,

" I applaud you both for your attempt in resisting but know this, your resistance is futile. By the order of the Holy Church of Fellos, you are sentenced to death together with your spawn of evil - an abomination of flesh tricked into existence by your thoughtless decisions. The lot of you have soiled the dignity of royalties by pushing your emotions over logic and henceforth your very existence has become a stain on this world. Now die and be silent.Come forth WRATH OF HEAVENS."


Golden Lightning bolts rained and raged upon Denvis and Martha and their situation became quite dire.

Denvos quickly realised the gravity of the lightning attacks and that their current asernal of attacks were not sufficient to deal with the lightning bolts. Their only hope of surviving such an ordeal was for them to use an overwhelming attack that was guaranteed to grant them victory. Fortunately, both he and Martha were royals and they knew secret techniques that granted temporary strength or attack force.

But considering that Martha was probably going to get mana spent soon due to the nature of a sorcerer's spells, it was on him to perform the secret technique.The only setback was that these tecniques took some time to initiate and he had to sacrifice a portion of his lifespan inorder to cast them.

"Martha please buy me some time."

Martha grinded her teeth and started spamming spells left and right and centre but she got paler and paler as the spells were let loose. Casting Sorcerer spells consumed a lot of mana to begin with and here she was, spamming them.

Even their assailant raised his eyebrows at such a scene.

"Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop.Time stop. Denvos I can't hold it any longer."

" It's okay dear, I am done. Thank you."

Martha then fell down and weakly lay there.

Seeing his wife's sickly pale appearance, Denvos burned with rage.

He held his sword with both hands and plunged it into the dungeon floor.He then closed his eyes and uttered an incantation.

" In the beginning there was darkness, then light was born and a world came about. In the End, there shall be light but from that light, darkness will be born and the world will cease to exist. Elven secret technique : World's End." Bzzzzz!

When Denvos was midway through his incantation, the SS rank attacker knew that something was amiss, his heart had started to rapidly pound against his chest and all his senses screamed "danger."

He knew there and then that he had to stop whatever Denvos was doing before it was too late.

They say karma is a........and that is exactly what happened. By the time he moved, he was already too late. A light domain had already encompassed Denvos, Martha and the position where Samael was hidden.The lightning bolts were helpless against the domain and no matter how much he attacked it, all the attacks were absorbed and neutralized.

It was then that he decided to run for his life and I say again, Karma is a ......

He was too late.He could run no more because everything was frozen. He could not even blink.

He watched as Denvos opened his eyes and all the light outside the domain was absorbed into the domain resulting into darkness. Even the light from his golden robes and the light from his silver irises was dragged out of his eyes and absorbed into the domain.

One can then begin to imagine the kind of pain he was going through. He had wanted to scream but he could not. Even his voice was frozen. The only thing which was not frozen was the pain.....yes the pain.

It became even more unbearable when the light from his " golden " skin was also leached out and absorbed. He felt as if his skin was being peeled off and then his flesh wringed dry. Agony, torture, torment, anguish and distress. Those were some of the words that could sum up his pain.

When all the light was absorbed, the darkness came. It moved about as a sentient being and when it came to him, he was engulfed,munched and digested by it. It engulfed and assimilated any living thing into it and the only thing keeping it at bay was the light domain.

After a few minutes and when the spell wore off and light graced them again, there was only the aroma of destruction left.

As far as Denvos could see, there was nothing. All the monsters and probably even the microorganisms in that floor were gone.

He let out a sigh, drew his sword from the ground and walked towards Martha.

Finally it was done.

When he crouched and picked up Martha, she weakly opened her eyes and smiled but in the next instance her expression showed terror.


A sword pierced Denvos's heart and went all the way to pierce Martha's throat.

Another sword came and slashed both their heads off.

" Pests. You apostles of evil almost killed me."

His cautioness had truly saved him. When he came to this battle, he had split a small portion of his soul, created a clone and housed that soul in it and left it in the previous floor. The clone was set to activate in the event that his main soul dissappeared.

" What a powerful elven attack. I should probably warn his Excellence the Pope. But first, what do we have here?"

He started to walk towards the position where Samael was hidden. Now that the mana sustaining the invisibility spell from his mother was gone, the spell had started to turn off.

When he arrived before Samael's position, he just made a grabbing motion and clutched his fist then the spell was broken. And there sat Samael, motionlessly so.

"What an intricately woven Invinsibility spell. It's a pity that such power was possessed by such an unholy creature."

" This evil spawn is unresponsive, what unholy art is he performing?"