
Final solution.

The entire cavern was filled with a crimson light that swallowed up everything else, a silence that felt deafening following the light as it spread. And then, once the crimson light had spread to every corner of the cavern, a thunderous explosion rang out as the entire cavern shook and trembled. Furious bolts of crimson lightning decimated nearly everything they came in contact with, a pure white gas corroding even the stones as it moved around like a peaceful cloud. It was as if the entire cavern had been dropped into hell, pillar after pillar shattering or dissolving.

This scene luckily didn't continue for too long, only lasting a single second before it vanished, the entire cavern returning to a peaceful calm that made the previous events seem like naught but a dream. Lying at the center from which the red light had spread, a short distance away from the black rock that radiated such a strong gravity that it distorted space around it, was Liang Chen

Liang Chen was currently unconscious, his entire body drenched in blood. Most of his bones were shattered, his lungs were filled with holes, and his entire chest had caved in. Except for a two-meter area around the black stone, everything within one kilometer had vanished, leaving behind a crater with Liang Chen at the center.

Normal people would have died long ago, but Liang Chen was after all a cultivator with a powerful bloodline, he was somehow still alive, but only barely. It was clear that he would die soon if he did not receive some medical aid.

Huang Dong was no longer in front of Liang Chen, he was embedded in a pillar a little over one kilometer away, his entire body in a horrid state. His right arm was missing, everything beneath the elbow still in Liang Chen's grasp. There was a palm print on the left side of his chest, a finger thin hole at the center of the palm print going directly through his chest. The flesh around the palm print was completely white in color and released a sizzling sound. The white area was slowly growing, more and more of Huang Dong's body being corroded by a vicious poison that even ate away at his soul.

He was in a wretched state, vomiting large amounts of blood that was tainted with a white color, but he was still alive and conscious. Huang Dong continued to vomit tainted blood, his entire body in so much pain that it felt like it was defining his very existence. He turned his head onto the unconscious Liang Chen, so weak that even that simple motion was strenuous, cursing at him loudly.

"You motherfucker, I'll fucking ki..."

Before Huang Dong got to finish his sentence, a ferocious wind arrived in front of him, Yan Ling appearing in front of him, swinging her white sword at his neck. Blood was seeping out from her pores, her eyes a deep crimson in color, several bloody strands of hair mixing together with her normally cyan hair. Her expression was one of extreme loathing and fury, as if she existed solely to kill the man in front of her.

Liang Chen had practically ruined himself to give her this chance, if she failed now she would never be able to forgive herself. She put all her force into her sword, all the air in the cavern being sucked towards the edge of her blade, forming a compressed line so thin it was nearly invisible.

Her sword arrived at Huang Dong's neck, unleashing all the gathered up air in a single instant. The entire pillar was split in half, a thin line going directly through it. The pillar wasn't the only thing cut by this attack, a thin line appeared on the wall of the cavern that was in front of Yan Ling, the line going so far to the left that four other pillars were also split in half.

Yan Ling's attack didn't stop there. The second after the thin line appeared, it instantly multiplied into countless more. The split pillars were sliced into pieces so small that each one was about the size of a pea, while the wall of the cavern was suddenly covered in a net-like pattern that went several tens of meters into the cavern wall. This was Yan Ling's full might unleashed in a single attack, in one single attack. She didn't want to hold anything back, so this attack even contained a bit of her bloodline power, drastically strengthening the wind used in the attack.

And yet, when she saw the result of her attack, her expression was one of disbelief and shock. Huang Dong was no longer in his previous position, someone had appeared beneath him and pulled him away from the attack, dodging to the right before they were hit. The one that had appeared was a slightly older man with a wrinkled face and graying blonde hair, with a cultivation that had reached the early stage of the Soaring Immortal realm. The man looked at the carnage that Yan Ling's attack had caused, letting out a breath.

"Truly someone worthy of receiving the title of Bloody Wolf Queen, I am truly astounded that you are able to release such strength despite your low cultivation realm."

The man had placed Huang Dong on his back, carrying him in a careful manner so as to not worsen his injuries. Yan Ling's expression was grim as she looked at the man. Just where had he come from? How had he appeared there without her noticing him? She quickly received an answer to these questions, the man helping Huang Dong insert some of his Qi into the gray interspatial ring that Huang Dong was wearing.

After the man helped Huang Dong insert some Qi into the ring, three more people appeared around the man, standing in a defensive formation around him. Yan Ling immediately realized the situation, Huang Dong had an incredibly rare interspatial ring, one that could carry living beings, and had been carrying several of his subordinates with him. He probably hadn't brought them out earlier because he saw no need for them, and once Liang Chen's attack landed it was already too late to bring them out to defend against that attack.

Yan Ling's expression was grim to the point of nearly turning black. She wanted so badly to kill Huang Dong right now, to tear him limb from limb and have him slowly bleed out as she slowly stabbed him. But she couldn't, not with these four people guarding him. She had failed. Liang Chen had put his life on the line to give her this chance, trusted her to see it through. And she had failed. She had no words to describe how furious and disappointed this simple, yet unchangeable fact made her.

With these four people guarding Huang Dong, she could only change her plans. She tightly grabbed her sword, the air within the entire cavern gathering around her blade as she prepared herself to launch the same attack again. Two among the four guards were just about to dash forward to stop her when Yan Ling launched her attack, swinging her sword and sending the thin line of wind at Huang Dong.

All four people instantly moved to defend, pooling their powers together to block the attack. Yan Ling used this chance to dash backward, away from Huang Dong and the four people. She landed next to Liang Chen, picking up his body and holding him in a princess carry. She glared at Huang Dong, practically spitting out her words, her voice dripping with killing intent.

"I'll come for you one day, Huang Dong. And at that time, even if the entire Moon Dragon sect wishes to protect you, I will take your head and present it to him. Enjoy your life while you can."

After leaving behind her words, Yan Ling ran away as fast as she could, dodging into the upwards slanting cave that she and Liang Chen had spotted earlier. The four guards didn't chase after her, to them it was more important to treat the wounds of Huang Dong, removing the poison that was still corroding him before it became too late.

Yan Ling followed the cave at her full speed, pushing her body and Qi to the limit, worried that the others would follow her so that she wouldn't be able to treat Liang Chen before it became too late. She encountered a few small Demonic beasts in the shape of insects as she continued to run, more and more appearing as the cave started slanting more and more, a sign that she was getting close to the surface.

She simply dispatched these Demonic beasts with a violent gust of wind, crushing them flat against the wall or floor of the cave, not allowing a single one to get close to Liang Chen. While running, she was also making sure to constantly send some of her Qi into Liang Chen's body, using her law of water to somewhat ease his wounds. It was nowhere close to healing him, but it would at least stabilize him somewhat and stop him from dying in her arms while she carried him.

Thanks to the fact that she was running at full speed, as well as the fact that the previous cave they had taken to reach the cavern where they met Huang Dong had also slanted upwards for a good while, she was able to leave the cave, as well as once again reaching the bottom of the valley that was the Fiend King's Tomb, after two hours of running.

The moment she arrived within the valley again, she ran away from the cave at full speed, only stopping an hour later when she found a small outcropping located halfway up the valley wall. She placed Liang Chen on the ground, sitting down in front of him and placing one palm on his caved in chest.

Using her other arm, she took out several pills from her interspatial ring and placed them into an orb of water that she created, allowing the pills to dissolve into the water. While the pills were dissolving, she poured all her Qi into Liang Chen's body, using her law of water with all her might to heal his wounds. It was for this exact reason that she had chosen to focus on the law of water, so that she could heal his wounds whenever he started fighting recklessly.

Once the pills were dissolved in the orb of water, she slowly started to transfer the water into his body, carefully coating all his wounds and helping them absorb the medicinal energy.

But things weren't going as she wished, his wounds were far more severe than her current healing capabilities were able to handle. What was even worse was the fact that he had brought his unawakened bloodline to the brink of breaking, leaving it too weak to help heal his wounds like it normally would. He had also lost a great deal of blood and some of his bloodline, so his natural healing was so weak that it was nearly nonexistent.

Yan Ling continued to heal him for a bit more time, doing her best to lessen his injuries and somewhat restoring his bloodline. But with his bloodline so weak that it almost seemed to be going dormant, he was losing life faster than she was able to restore him. Her expression wavered for a short second, but she quickly made up her mind, leaning in close and whispering to Liang Chen.

"You said you were too selfish to tell me to leave, that you want to keep me by your side no matter what. Well, I feel the same, so don't think that I'll allow you to leave me here like this."

After she finished whispering to him, she stretched out her right arm and placed the tip of her finger on Liang Chen's chest, right where his heart was. She then stretched out her left arm and created an incredibly thin needle of wind right above her finger, pointing the needle at her own chest.

She drove the needle into her chest, stabbing it into her heart and using it to draw out some of the most important blood in her body, some of the Star God bloodline that was dormant within her body. After drawing out the blood, she used the needle of wind to bring the blood through her right arm, directly to the finger that was located on Liang Chen's chest.

Yan Ling wasn't strong enough to heal Liang Chen, neither were any of her pills able to heal him. In that case, the only thing she could do to keep him from dying was to give him some of the bloodline within her body. It was dormant, but still incredibly powerful and potent, it should be able to increase the speed of his natural healing to a point where her healing would take effect as well. It might even be able to somewhat restore his weakened bloodline, allowing it to join in on the healing.

It was a faint hope, her bloodline might not merge properly with his body, it could be too weak since it was still dormant, his body might even reject it. But she still had to try, because she did not want him to die here, she would not allow him to die here. And with those thoughts in mind, she continued to infuse more and more of her Star God bloodline into his body, his Heaven Devouring Dragon bloodline slowly starting to move as it discovered the feast offered to it.