
Updated Later

"Thanks for the coffee," Del said to the stewardess as he retrieved his coffee. 

"You're welcome." The stewardess pushed the cart away from their seats. 

Anna and Del were accompanied with Cassandra. They were boarding the train towards Stamford,  a city located near Ilbistirum Federal Government capital. It was located north of Lullin, around three hours worth of train ride. 

All of them were in a civilian clothing. Del and Anna were wearing shirts while Cassandra wore a dress. They were wearing formal clothing because they were heading for the financial city of Ilbistirum. A formal clothing would be required to meet such important people. 

"You know, the amount of money inside of your suitcase is equivalent to the amount that medium-end stock broker will have. In short, you're quite rich for their standard," Cassandra said. 

"Hahaha, I might invest in the future," Del commented.