
Updated Later


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$] 

[Sentry Gun] [5,000$]

[Precision UAV] [20,000$]

[Precision Airstrike] [144:00:00 Cooldown]

[Juggernaut Suit] [60,000$]

[Cluster Strike] [80,000$]

[Cruise Missile] [120,000$]

[Chopper Gunner] [150,000$]

[Escort Helicopter] [180,000$]

[Gunship] [120,000$/Hour]


"Lase it," Del muttered as Anna shined the middle section of the headquarter with her high-powered laser pointer. 

Del pressed the button order the cruise missile. As the menu opened, he was surprised that there were several options for cruise missile. He thought that there would only be one type of warhead for the cruise missile, but he was glad that he was wrong about that. 


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$] 

[Cruise Missile Warhead Option]