
Updated Later

Del observed the special force soldiers from afar. They were efficient. They immediately pulled their geiger counter and opened the back of the truck and started searching for any suspicious container. The jets were still roaring above the sky. He wondered whether they had found anything out of the ordinary yet. 

The snow started to fall from the sky again. It might be a sign of another blizzard, as far as Del knew. Well, they would have to finish it up quickly anyway, or they would have to face a reinforcement. Del just idled around the perimeter, watching for anyone approaching him. As long as the threat weren't soldiers, he was fine with it. 


A loud thumping noise came right from behind him. Del peeked behind to see what was happening. A metallic pod landed right behind him. The metallic pod just landed behind him. He wondered what was that pod. He didn't want to approach it though.