
Running to 6th Trench

Del jumped out of his trench and ran across the battlefield. The federal tanks were shooting their cannons at the imperial soldiers that hid in the trench. The combination of artillery strike and apache helicopter managed to turn the table for the convoy. Although the last one was rather unknown since it attacked from an altitude far above the ground and far beyond the range of human vision. 

"Woah, contractor?" A soldier aimed his rifle at Del. He glared at Del before he lowered his own rifle. 

"Relax. I'm friendly, could you help me get to the trenches in front of me?" Del asked as he showed the medical supply to the soldier. 

"As in providing covering fire for you? Yeah, sure, we can do it," the soldier said. 

"Great, I'm ready when you give me the signal," Del peeked out of the trench.