
Questing... Again

Del and Cole walked to the guild building. Del consumed his Ibuprofen this time, so the pains were less than what they used to be for the past seven days. Del needed more money, but he didn't want to risk himself to death again this time.

"Del, why are you breaking your bones like this when you can rest in your room?" Cole asked.

"If I rest, I have no money. If I have no money, I can't eat. If I can't eat, so do you. Understand?" Del asked.

"I understand, but when will you help me with my research?" Cole begged.

"When we have enough money to worry about your research. In the meantime, we will look for money until we can live lavishly," Del said.

"We should work hard then because we are living far from lavishly," Cole said.

"Exactly. But still, if you tell me the price of Darium, I might consider buying some for you," Del said.

"Really? It's twenty gold coins per kilogram," Cole said.

"You know, I take that back. Let's search for the money to do that kind of research," Del said.

"Couldn't agree more," Cole said.

Del entered the guild building alongside Cole. Awkwardly, the people inside of the guild building were more than usual. The bartender seemed to be very busy with the number of customers there.

Del approached the receptionist's desk as usual, "Yo, do you have something for me?"

"An F-rank quest?" The receptionist asked.

"Heck no," Del protested.

"Well, since you are officially an F-rank, I will often suggest you an F-rank quest although I have to admit that you manage to handle D-rank quest quite well. Anyway, what do you want, specifically?" The receptionist asked.

"I want something that will yield me a lot of gold coins," Del paused, "Preferably, I am looking for a party that requires a marksman."

"Oh, you want to work for a party now? I see. Well, I think your last attempt to survive a vampire attack is reputable enough to make some party interested in you," the receptionist said.

"I see. Well, what do you have in mind then?" Del asked.

"In that case, two adventurer parties are looking for specialized marksmen. I think I can put some nice words for you. The demon alongside you should prove to be a good enough leverage," the receptionist said.

"I see. What should I do in the meantime until I get that request? How much will they pay anyway?" Del asked.

"Fifteen gold coins daily. It's a three days contract into the wilderness," the receptionist said.

"What will we get in the wilderness?" Del asked.

"It's a request for taking down a bandit headquarter from a trading company. The party will be paid accordingly, of course," the receptionist said.

"Oh, I see. That's quite a good amount of payment, anyway, do you have any quest that will yield me five gold coins or so?" Del asked.

"Really? You still want to take a quest with only one demon?" The receptionist asked in doubt.

"Of course, the last one ended up successfully, right?" Del asked.

"Yeah. Rina kept going back and forth to this building because she is worried for you. Del, you should tell her before you for a very long time," the receptionist said.

"Hey, that last vampire attack was unexpected and it was not like Cole can come here to tell the bad news, right?" Del said.

"Right. Anyway, what kind of quest that you want? There's your usual bounty hunting quest, escort quest, delivery quest, gathering quest, etc," the receptionist said.

"I want an escort quest," Del said.

"Escort quest it is then."

The receptionist looked for an escorting quest on the guild book. Del wanted to be prepared for a long-range quest. It might be a good idea to invest in a backpack or magical backpack. He wanted to bring enough supplies for him and Cole.

He also wanted to buy enough ammunition for his rifle. He would also buy stripper clips for this operation since it became a necessity after his last experience with vampires. Reload time was very important.

Del wanted to buy automatic weaponry such as an MG42 to his arsenal if he completed the long-range quest. He might also need to teach Cole how to use guns so he could work more effectively in protecting him from the danger of another world.

"Anyway, this is the quest," the receptionist put a paper on his table.


[Escorting Lize Reed]

Lize Reed is the youngest daughter of Count Dela Rose. She is in Midham for a holiday visit. She will go to Begard and she is looking for an escort. Her carriage will be ready to leave in three hours after this request is taken.

Any harm to Lize will result in a severe consequence.

Reward: Five Gold Coins


"Is there something in particular that makes you want me to protect the daughter of the same count whose request I took earlier?" Del asked.

"No, it's just a simple coincidence," the receptionist said.

"Fine, I shall take it," Del said.

Del took the paper and he left the guild building alongside Cole. The carriage should be waiting for them in front of the guild building once Lize finished packing her belongings into her carriage.

The carriage was in front of the guild building. The caretakers were loading Lize's belongings into the carriage. The dark blue carriage wouldn't be standing out if not for the insignia that was painted on each door of the carriage.

Del approached the carriage with Cole. The caretaker was tying down some suitcases to the top of the carriage. He

"Hey!" Del shouted.

"What do you want? Pesky adventurers…" The caretaker muttered.

Del sighed, "I'm your bodyguard."

The caretaker jumped from the top of the carriage, "Oh, sorry for my rude introduction. I'm Knight Osborne."

"A knight, huh? Are you working for the military?" Del asked.

"Yup, nice to be working with you."

"Nice to be working with you too."