
Mission Complete

Del assessed the situation around him. Wolfie was standing still while guarding himself against the bandit. Cole had readied his sword on his hands. Del aimed his MG-42 at the bandits. Harold and David were holding off three bandits at once while Lynia and Lizbeth were casting their spell albeit with terrible accuracy.

Three of those bandits were swordmen dressed in dark blue plate armor. It was definitely was not paint so Del suspected that the material of the armor wasn't steel. Three bandits were unarmored while the last bandits were archers.

Del assumed that he had previously taken care of all of the mages so he wouldn't have to deal with armor penetrators. The last time he fought a mage didn't end up too well. It ended up in him being stabbed by icicles after all.

"COLE, WOLFIE, HOLD THE ARMORED UNITS!" Del shouted as he took cover behind one of the walls.

Cole ran straight to the enemies with a sword in his hand. Wolfie turned invisible and he charged towards the enemy. Del wanted to make sure that he had enough distraction before he began to attack the bandits.

"A DEMON?" One of the armored bandits parried Cole's sword.

Del focused on targeting the archers and the unarmored bandits first. They posed the biggest threat to him since they could be the ones that detected him and warned the others that Del was the real damage dealer.

Del pulled the trigger of his MG-42. 7.92 Mauser bullets rained down on the bodies of the bandits. They didn't have time to react to the MG-42. Del put his MG-42 aside and pulled up his 1911 pistol. He aimed at the bandits that were fighting David and Harold.

The .45 ACP AP penetrated the thick skull of the bandit and they dropped dead on the ground. Del shot his pistol at the remaining two bandits that Harold and David fought. He used the pistol because 7.92 Mauser AP could easily penetrate an unarmored target and killed two targets at once, risking a friendly fire.

Del held his MG-42 again and he decided to help with Cole. Cole was struggling to fight that one bandit, not because his attack didn't hit the bandit, but the armor literally bounced off his every single attack from his sword.

"GODDAMN IT! WHAT KIND OF ARMOR ARE YOU WEARING? [Magical Program: Fireball Spear]!" Cole jumped backward and a spear made of fire appeared on his right hand. Cole threw the spear at the enemy.

The spear dissipated once it hit the armor. The spear didn't do any damage to the armor, "Hahaha, Mithril Armor son," the bandit slashed his sword.

If Cole's fire spear couldn't penetrate, Del doubted that any weaponry that the other team used would be able to penetrate it. Del aimed his MG-42 at the armored bandit and he pulled the trigger. The 7.92 Mauser AP penetrated the armor of that bandit easily and even managed to penetrate the back of the armor.

Del continued spraying his machine gun at the rest of the armored targets. The bullets penetrated right through the armor and got out of the back. 7.92 Mauser AP rounds were more capable than what Del had expected.

Del stopped shooting the gun. All of the bandits had been eliminated. Del looked at Harold. He was shivering in fear after that battle, either because he feared the Mithril armor or because he feared Del's team who was able to manage slaughter the bandits headquarter.

Del approached Harold, "Yo, mate, are you ok?"

Harold shivered and he ran away from Del and he hid behind David.

David was shocked, or surprised, nevertheless, the cold sweat on his face told it all, "H-h-how did you manage to do that? Did you really kill the all?"

Del just replied with a smile.

"Del, sorry if I underestimate you in some way," David said.

Del had something else in mind. He wanted compensation for his heavy lifting. Like it or not, his team was still the one that took care of most of the bandits, and bullets weren't cheap either. Looking at the rest of the team in fear, Del demanded something.

"I want a raise, David," Del said.

"A raise? For what???" David replied in the midst of confusion.

"I want 60% of the total payment for us. From all the way from Midham to Injia, I have done every single bit of heavy lifting while you guys are not really doing anything, and I'm speaking facts here," Del gave them an ultimatum.

Harold came back to him, "You can't take most of our payment like that!!!"

Del just responded by aiming the end of his machine gun at Howard. Del really wanted the money so he could buy an upgrade. He also didn't like the fact that he was only paid for 90 gold coins when he did most of the heavy lifting.

David sighed, "Fine, I agree with you. Lizbeth, Lynia, are you fine with it?"

Lizbeth and Lynia just nodded.

Harold had hidden behind David. It seemed that he would agree as well whether he would like it or not. Del would get more than enough to upgrade his arsenal and he would be able to have money more effectively.

"Ok, that's settled then, I'm glad to hear it," Del said.

Del didn't want to shoot them just for the sake of getting all of the payment. He only wanted to reasonably get more payment, not making more enemies. There was close to zero chance that the adventurers would stay in Midham so keeping them as a friend wouldn't be that advantageous either.

The adventurers stayed there for a while. They wanted to take a break while Del and Cole were busy plundering the whole village for any coins that they could find. Del wanted as much money as he could get.


Del was laying down on the bed of his inn room. He was glad that he came back with his backpack filled with coins to the brim. It was an indescribable feeling. He felt that all of his work on that world was well worth it.

Cole was writing his shopping list for his research. Del kept his end of the promise. He had gotten enough money so giving some for Cole to do his research was reasonable. He thought that it would be a good idea to give Cole the money.

After all, from all of the plunders and the payment from David, he got 350 gold coins in total. Adding it into his remaining funds that he kept, he had around 387 gold coins, 42 silver coins, and 50 copper coins so it wouldn't matter if Del gave 30 gold coins to Cole.

It would keep him docile while closing the gap of the relationship between him and Del. If Cole could do his research, Cole wouldn't even dare to protest to Del. So far, the only thing that bothered Cole was the lack of progress with his research. But now, he wouldn't protest anymore.

Someone knocked on the door, "Del, there's a guess for you." It was the sound of Lisa.

Del woke up from his bed and he opened the door, "Ah, Lisa, who is the guess?"

Without any hesitation, Lisa, like a little child she was, pulled Del's hand without giving Del any time to react to it. Lisa pulled Del's hand to the stairs. After he arrived at the stairs, he knew why Lisa insisted on him coming.

Lize was there. Six bodyguards wearing heavy steel plate armor were surrounding her. She might have learned that it wasn't a good idea to go cheap on bodyguards. She made quite an entrance. She still wore thick leather armor as usual.

"Ah, Madam Lize, how may I help you?" Del pretended to respect her.

Lize gave Del a letter, "My father gave you his thanks. Do you remember the house where Osmond was staying? It's yours now."

Del's heart felt like bursting. She was serious, wasn't she? House in that world was expensive, and yet, Del managed to get one. The house was also very nice if not for the hole that Cole made when he fought Cassandra.

There was also a small dock in front of the settlement that led to the sea. It would be very nice to have it since he could use a boat. With a house, he also didn't have to think about rent anymore. Cole also could do his experiment freely and Wolfie didn't have to stay outside anymore.

"Anyway, I have to go, I still have some business I have to do," Lize said.

"Alright, see you," Del replied with a smile.

Del opened the letter. There was a key and a home certificate. Well, Del couldn't protest. Life would be easier than before. Hopefully, nothing went downhill after this. Cole could do his research and Del finally could live as peacefully as he used to be.