
Ilbistirum S.F

Del and Anna were looking at the pictures of the security details thoroughly to assess what kind of strengths and weaknesses that they had. One of the major advantages that those security details had while Del and Anna didn't have was their ability to hover or fly in the sky. It might be the basic skill of being a special force soldier. 

"It looks like they use a regular rifle, but I wonder why they'd need a cable attached to the back of the rifle," Anna wondered. 

Del looked at the picture. The special security details were wearing backpacks on their back with a cable attached to the stock of their rifle. There was no scope on their rifle so Del suspected that it might not be an illumination device. What was it then?

"I really wished we can call Cassandra right now," Del scratched his head to figure what the cable would do. 

"Del, do you think this is some sort of magical rifle?" Anna asked.