
Modern Family: The Dream

In the pursuit of becoming the world's greatest cyclist, Jackson Woods's aspirations are tragically cut short by a life-altering accident that claims his life. However, fate has other plans for him as he is inexplicably transmigrated into the Modern Family world. With newfound purpose, Jackson must navigate the intricacies of this alternate reality, facing familial dynamics, unexpected turns, and untold challenges. He embarks on an extraordinary quest to prove that the heart of a true cyclist knows no boundaries as he faces both personal and external challenges, Jackson discovers that the essence of his dream might evolve beyond mere athletic triumph. Will he rise above the odds and achieve his destiny, or will his dream remain an unattainable memory? Disclaimer: this is my first book and English is not my first language so forgive me if there are grammatical errors. Also my knowledge in cycling is very rudimentary so forgive me too if there are mistakes in the terms I used.

BlueStone · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
3 Chs


With the rain pouring so hard and winds blowing so hard, you can see a man riding his bike in such weather going so fast as if the weather is not bothering him at all

"Damn, why does it have to rain today?" he muttered in frustration, his face scrunched up as he wiped the rainwater obstructing his vision. But his control over the bike was impeccable, and he maneuvered skillfully, avoiding any slips despite the slippery roads.

He was going really fast right now as if he is in a hurry. while pedaling he looked ahead and wiped the water that was obstructing his sight "I knew I should've brought my glasses, now I have to deal with this shit" as he angrily wiped his face again.

Moments later, he slowed down and veered onto the sidewalk before eventually coming to a stop. Entering a nearby cafe, he removed his helmet, revealing a face completely soaked from the rain.

"Finally, this should be the place," he said, scanning the cafe for an empty seat. Spotting one, he quickly took a seat and pulled out his phone.

Upon checking his messages, disappointment filled him as there were no new ones. He scrolled through the conversations and found the one with Jen. Tapping on it, he typed, [I just arrived at the cafe. Don't rush, the rain is pouring hard]. He sent the message and waited.

A few minutes later, a notification chimed, and he eagerly opened the reply. [Don't worry, I'm nearby. Be there in a minute or so]. He responded with a sigh of relief, [Okay, be careful. I'll order a hot coffee to warm me up]. He powered off his phone and stood up, heading to the counter.

"An Irish coffee with double cream and a teaspoon of sugar, please. And add two eclairs as well," he ordered, and after paying, he returned to his seat to wait for his order and his date.

As the minutes ticked by, he occupied himself by browsing the news on his phone, discovering that the Tour de France was just a week away. Soon enough, the waiter arrived with his order, placing the delicious-looking Irish coffee and two eclairs on the table.

"Ah, that hits the spot," he exclaimed after taking a sip of the warm coffee. He then tasted one of the eclairs, praising their deliciousness. As he waited for Jen to arrive, he decided to send her another message

He types in [where are you Jen? my order just arrived, their eclairs are so damn good tell me if you want me to get one for you] then sent it. Then he went to Tiktok and started watching videos


(30 mins later)

[hey Jen are you alright?]

[its been 30 mins I thought you were near]

[text me back after you see this message I'm really worried right now]

Time passed, and he started to grow concerned when Jen didn't show up. He checked his phone repeatedly for any messages but received no response from her. Anxious, he ordered another coffee to keep himself occupied.

After a while, a concerned stranger at a nearby table noticed him downing espresso shots. "Hey, man, that's your fourth shot of espresso. Are you okay?" the guy inquired.

"Yeah, it's just that my girlfriend said she was nearby, but it's been an hour, and I'm really worried something happened due to the strong rain," he replied, visibly stressed. Standing up, he walked to the glass wall and gazed outside, searching for any sign of Jen.

The stranger commented, "Well, that doesn't explain the amount of coffee you drank, mate."

"Oh, yeah. I always drink coffee when I'm stressed out," he replied, finishing his cup.

The stranger offered some information, saying, "Well, I hope she's not the one in that car accident on 5th avenue."

"WTF! you should've started with that" as he grabbed his phone and dashed towards the door

"well telling you there was an accident is a weird way to start a conversation" he mutters as he watch the guy dash towards the door

The rain poured harder as he arrived back at his bike, wasting no time in donning his helmet and grabbing the bike lock. Fueled by desperation and worry, he mounted the bike and pedaled with an intensity he didn't know he possessed, desperate to reach 5th avenue as swiftly as possible.

"Please be okay, Jen," he whispered to himself, every rotation of the pedals an urgent plea to the universe. He navigated through the maze of streets with expert precision, making the turns like an experienced New York cyclist, and soon enough, he found himself on 5th avenue, where the car accident had taken place.

Without a moment's hesitation, he leaped off his bike and raced towards the chaotic scene. "Excuse me, excuse me, passing through!" he called out, navigating through the growing crowd surrounding the accident site. His heart pounded in his chest as he feared the worst.

Approaching the wrecked car, which bore a striking resemblance to Jen's vehicle, panic took over. "JEN! JEN! ARE YOU THERE!?" he yelled, his voice trembling with anxiety. But before he could get closer, a police officer intervened, grabbing his arm to halt him.

"HEY, HEY! Stop right there! This is a dangerous area. What are you doing here?" the officer demanded.

Frantic and desperate to find Jen, he turned to face the officer, explaining, "I need to see if my girlfriend's there. This looks exactly like the car my girlfriend drives."

The officer tried to calm him down, "Hey, hey, calm down, kid. There's no one in the car. All the people involved in the accident have already been removed and are being taken to the nearest hospital."

His heart sank, relief mingled with worry. "Was anyone critically injured?" he asked with a tremor in his voice, dreading the answer.

"The one in the red SUV is fine, but the lady in the Chevrolet has a concussion," the officer replied.

"FUCK," he muttered, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He needed to get to Jen as soon as possible. "Quick, tell me where's the nearest hospital?" he urgently asked the officer.

"Lenox Hill Hospital," the officer responded.

Without wasting a second, he darted back to his bike, his mind racing with thoughts of Jen's well-being. He mounted the bike once again and pedaled with a newfound determination, leaving the accident scene behind as he rushed towards the hospital.

The rain continued to pour as he approached the vicinity of the hospital, but he failed to notice an ambulance hurtling towards him. Only when he caught sight of the vehicle emerging from the heavy rain did he hit the brakes. The combination of the treacherous weather and slippery roads made the braking ineffective, causing him to skid uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, the ambulance was also moving at high speed, its driver unaware of the man in front of them. In a terrible twist of fate, they collided with him, launching his body across the road like a ragdoll. He tumbled mercilessly, and when he finally came to a stop, the sight was horrifying blood oozed from his head, and bones were visible through his injuries.

"OH MY GOD JOHN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" the nurse sitting in the front seat gasped in shock at the incident. She quickly exited the ambulance and rushed towards the man they had hit.

"HE SUDDENLY APPEARED IN FRONT OF ME NATALIE" John replied, flustered, as he hurriedly grabbed a medical kit and rushed to help the injured man.

"Hurry! Call for help! He's losing a lot of blood," Natalie urged, attempting to staunch the flow with gauze as the blood pooled around him.

John sprinted towards the hospital entrance, shouting for assistance. "Help! We need help! We have a patient in critical condition, losing a lot of blood! Bring a stretcher, too!" he urgently called out to the nearby nurses.

The nurses swiftly fetched a stretcher and rushed to the scene. They found the man lying in a pool of blood, with Natalie desperately trying to control the bleeding.

"Hurry, he's bleeding too much!" one of the nurses exclaimed as they gently transferred him to the stretcher to avoid worsening his injuries.

They ran as quickly as possible back to the hospital. Upon reaching the emergency room, one of the nurses urgently yelled, "This is an emergency! A patient is in critical condition—move out of the way!"

They rushed the man inside, and a doctor quickly approached them, asking, "What happened here?"

"We accidentally hit him with the ambulance. He appeared suddenly in front of us, and we were driving fast due to an emergency on Broadway street," John explained anxiously as they brought the injured man into the ER.

The medical team worked with unparalleled speed and efficiency, immediately taking the man into a treatment room. The doors of the ER closed, leaving his fate uncertain as the medical professionals battled to save his life.

The rain continued to pour outside, mirroring the emotions within the hospital a relentless storm of worry, urgency, and hope, all intertwined in the race against time to save a life.


[1571 words]

A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it. This is kind of AU and I already have planned how the plot goes. So I'll try to upload regularly and hopefully finish this work