

"I'm home" Adrian announces, dragging his feet into the house.

"Welcome home Adrian, what's wrong? Why you look so grumpy?" Gloria asks, approaching Adrian and cupping his face with her hands.

Adrian shivers, "Fangirls." Then dumps a pile of paper onto the kitchen island and made his way upstairs.

"The family is coming at 6 so be prepared" Gloria calls after him she glances at the pile and shrugs she is not suprised her boy is popular.

7:30pm at the Pritchett Residence

The three family at their dinner happily with surprisingly no drama and once everyone finished up the kids all rounded together and made their way to the pool as the adults gathered in the kitchen.

"And so, I told the guy to shove off and he was quite literally shoved off!" Jay finishes and the crowd laughs, Phil a little louder than the rest.

"Gloria what's all.. this?" Cam asks, eyeing the pile of love letters. His eyes darting back and forth from the letters to Gloria, his arms resting against each other in a nonchalant manner.

"Ayy this is just love letters from Adrian's admirers, you know, the usual" Gloria says with a smile.

"Love letters?! Let's look at them!" Claire jumps.

"I'm telling you- this kid is just like a mini me!" Jay says.

Mitchell and Claire exchange glances.

"Well isn't this a little personal.." Mitchell whispers.

"Oh please, they're kids- and Adrian is going to throw them out anyways." Claire waves her hands.

Cam laughs, "Your brownest eyes are browner than the word brown."

"What about this, the two dimples on your face are like little seeds from the most beautiful flowers." Claire adds.

"Oh gosh these girls are just like Manny" Jay mumbles while Gloria just rolls her eyes.

They continue shuffling through the pink hearts and excessive glitter.

"Oo what about this one! Please write a 1000 word essay on someone you admire" Phil laughs, "this is just like a homework assignment."

"It's because it is a homework assignment." Jay says snatching the paper from Phil's hands. "Let's see what he wrote. The person whom I admire most is… "

The adults peer over Jay's shoulder curiously only to squint.

"What does it say?" Gloria asks.

"I don't know." Jay mumbles.

"What do you mean I don't know, give it here." She takes the paper and squints. "Mm this says my mum."

"What no it says Jay."

"Well I think it looks a bit like Cameron" Cam adds.

"What it obviously says Phil"

"Hey what about Claire?"

"Oh and you say Mitchell isn't good enough?"

"Oh cut it out you all!" Jay shouts. "Let's just ask the kid."

They call Adrian in who stands awkwardly in front of the adults, hair dripping wet and his shirt soaked. "You called?"

Jay passes the homework assignment to Adrian. "We were wondering who you plan to write for this particular assignment."

"Huh how did you get this?" Adrian asks.

"This is beside the point."

"Wait, why are the letters open? Did you guys read through them?"

"As I said."

"Woah that's a breach of privacy." Adrian says with a huff.

"In our defence you left them on the kitchen island- this is a public area." Claire adds.

Adrian frowns. "Well I know my assignment is not going to be you then."

Claire splutters. "What do you mean did you plan on writing it about me?"

"Well I hadn't decided yet."

"So you're saying the smudge on the paper is an accident?" Jay asks.

"No I had someone in mind."

"Who is it?"

"Why don't you all snoop your way into an answer?" Adrian smiles and walks upstairs with his homework.

"So what I'm hearing is that Adrian has someone in mind but it isn't set in stone yet." Mitchell announces.

"So said person can.. change at anytime." Cam continues.

"Huh." Claire mutters.

The adults exchange mischievous looks.

Upstairs Adrian sneezes.

"So what am I doing here again?" Adrian asks his step-brother and his step-brother's partner.

"We thought as your uncle slash brother we'd take you out on a fun outing, yknow bonding!" Mitchell grins playfully hitting Adrian's shoulder.

Adrian frowns, "I have my Taekwondo class at 4."

"We'll be sure to bring you home before then." Cam says, shuffling Adrian into a building.

The adult pair happily chat with the receptionist and soon they were granted a room.

Decked out in huge speakers, a comfy sofa, a huge TV and microphones-

"Why'd you bring me to sing Karaoke?" Adrian asks sceptically.

[Mitchell and Cameron's interview]

"We needed to show Adrian how amazing we are, you could say- someone he admires!" Cameron begins flashing a dazzling smile at the camera.

"And what are gays good at?" Mitchell adds.

""Singing!"" They both announce

[interview end]

"Pick a song Adrian!" Mitchel shoves a remote into Adrian's hands.

"I don't really sing.." Adrian says.

"What?!" Cameron gasps. "Don't worry we'll fix that in no time. We'll start- Oo what about this? Bad Romance by Lady Gaga!"

"Yeah sure…"

The song begin to play with an upbeat drum. Cam and Mitch stand up both holding a microphone each.

In dramatic flare Cameron begins, "Ooh, oh-oh-oh- Caught in a bad Romance." He does a spin and lands in a knelt position.

"Ooh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad Romance." Mitchell continues replicating the spin and landing in a knelt position opposite of Cameron.

""Rah Rah ah ah ah. Roma roma-ma. Gaga Oolala. Want your bad romance"" They both sing.

The lights in the room switch in sync with the song as Cam and Mitch dance around Adrian, showing off the vocals and their moves.

[Adrian's interview]

"I was in hell."

[interview end]

The pair flounces around dancing to the music and exchanging vocals in perfect sync. Somehow their previously worn clothing switched to a bedazzled suit and tie.

Finally at the chorus they seem to snap out of their performing trance.

"Caught in a bad romance …" Cam sings then quickly hands the microphone to Adrian encouragingly.

Adrian stares at the microphone in horror as Mitch and Cam smile at him. The next line begins to play and hurriedly Adrian sings.

"RaH rah raAh aH ahhHah, rommaAH rOma-MAh" He 'sings' but what came out sounded like a screaming whale who was shot in the throat.

Mitch and Cam looked at each other, horrified.

Adrian uncaring and actually enjoying himself belted out the rest of the song in the most unique of tunes.

[Cameron and Mitchell interview]

"We were in hell."

[interview end]

The song stops and Adrian smiles widely wiping a sweat from his brow. "Woah, that was fun! So, how was I?"

"It was.. wow! I'm speechless." Cameron forces a smile.

Mitchell nods.

"I'm horrible at singing aren't I?" Adrian chuckles, red creeping up from his cheeks to the tip of his ears.

"What no! You're just.. it was great" Mitchell panicks

"Nah it's okay, I know I suck. Plus it's time for me to go anyways." Adrian taps his watch and dashes out of the room.

"Wait Adrian!" Mitchell tries to follow but he was already gone.

"So we took Adrian to Karaoke today." Mitchell says to Gloria nonchalantly.

Gloria drops the baked goods. "What?! Are you okay? I'm suprised you're still alive"

"Well it wasn't so bad.."

Gloria raises her brow.

"Okay it was horrible."

"Ay, I'm sorry Mitchell. Adrian may have the looks but he cannot sing- I wonder where it came from. Both me and Javier can sing very well."

Manny who happens to be in the kitchen snorts.

"Do you have something to say Manny?" Gloria glares at her youngest.

"Ah- nothing mum" Manny stammers and runs out.

"Anyways, that bad huh?" Gloria frowns.

Mitchell nods.

apologies for the horrible grammar

Okay so I want Adrian to be an actor but it’s such a pain to research movies he’ll act in and all the subplots for that. this is a modern family fanfic and I don’t want to stray too far from that. So spoilers: he’ll probably be a singer.

I’ve also got an actress in mind for love interest (there’s just going to be one and no complicated triangles and all that) and she’s going to be aged down to be the same age as him.

Ugyocreators' thoughts