
Modern Clones

Kaine awakens the ability to clone himself in a modern fantasy world.

E_Mendez · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Prologue: Part 2-2

After getting a ride back to his apartment from the association Kain went straight to bed, only to get up soon after because he couldn't possibly sleep now that he knew he could clone himself. 


With a strange look on his face, Kain thinks about the endless possibilities his clones offer him. Not knowing where to start Kaine simply decided the first thing he would do was clean his apartment, he later made 5 clones to vacuum, and wipe down his apartment until it smelled of disinfectant. 


While the clones were cleaning Kain realized that his thoughts no longer go astray. Whenever Kaine has his clones out, he can think properly without much distraction.

But then his smile became a little strained because he predicted that as his awakened ability grew so would the amount of clones he would need to keep summoned. This isn't a problem right now but he can imagine it might become one later.


Now standing in the middle of his clean apartment with his clones silently looking at him he noticed that not once had any of them ever complained that they were hungry, tired, or thirsty. 


To his surprise, after a quick question asked through his mental link with his clones not only do they not feel the need to eat, but any physical damage endured by the clones only puts stress on his conscience, furthermore the only way the clones disperse is if he orders it otherwise nothing but complete instant destruction would disperse them.

Even then all he would have to do is summon another clone. 


Later Kaine has the idea that he can also dematerialize so with an expectant expression, he sends it. Next thing he knows he's looking through the eyes of all his active clones at the same time. Not willing to wait to see what would happen if he was in a dematerialized state for too long Kaine focuses on the clone that was guarding the door to his apartment. 


Moments later the original Kaine appears next to the clone guarding the door. With wide eyes, all the clones express their surprise by gaping at him. Kaine and his clones all register what just happened at the same time, as long as Kaine has a clone active any one of his clones including himself can teleport to each other! 


After a bit more self-experimentation Kaine further discovers that even if his original body is damaged if he dematerializes then materializes anytime afterward all the damage on his body gets fully healed. 


After he was done experimenting with teleporting, he passed by the mirror only to see that his skin was blemish-free. Now staring at himself in the mirror he further notices he's a bit more muscular. Kaine then remembered that when micro-tears occur in the muscles they heal over time thus causing the muscles to grow in size. However, through teleportation, his muscles instantly heal. Thereby skipping the time needed to recover. hence his bulkier state


Realizing he can skip the time needed to recover, Kaine concludes that he might have some sort of pseudo-immortality. Kain hurriedly continues to study himself after that revelation. 


 Kaine has become something of a unique existence. After his awakening, his body became mass itself meaning that because mass cannot be destroyed neither can he. Thus, it's very likely Kaine will never actually die. Because he can heal all damage instantly with his only limit being is there is no mass anywhere around him he cannot regenerate.

Kaine can even reverse his aging as well, every time Kaine teleports or dematerializes he heals everything. Meaning he automatically heals all accumulated damage down to the atom itself. Thus reversing aging

Even If someone were to send him to a different dimension if he has a clone somewhere in the dimension in question, he can instantly teleport back to that dimension fully healed. 


The only thing Kaine didn't test that day was if he dematerialized all his clones while also dematerializing himself what would happen? Becoming conscious of that possibility. Kain solemnly swears to himself that he will always leave at least one clone materialized. 


With a grasp on how his powers work, Kaine decided that holding back was no longer an option, Kaine recognizes his potential which also meant he knew he has power in pretty much any situation he's in. Because like it or not If Kaine wants something bad enough what can stop him?


That said Kaine understands that over time people will naturally depend on him. Kaine knows that people will want to manipulate his strength for themselves so to minimize wasted time and effort Kaine will have to operate on cold logic. 


For example, Kaine must see what he will benefit from his actions, and if the downsides outweigh the upside in a situation he will immediately abandon that course of action. Kain can still be benevolent to others around himself, he just won't go out of his way to do so. 


 Kaine will be honest with himself he knows he can't handle the pressure of so many people's expectations right now. So, he will simply avoid putting himself in that kind of situation in the first place, this way he protects himself and those he chooses to surround himself with. 


 Kaine is not rich, in fact he lives in poverty. Before Kaine awakened he was on autopilot for most of his life with all the thoughts and voices in his head. A scatterbrain like him couldn't accomplish anything that required him to focus thus him being in poverty. 


Naturally Kaine also never told anyone about his troubles either because he realized what would happen if he asked for help, he would get labeled in big bold letters as some schizophrenic who hears voices and is constantly doped up 24/7. 


So, like every other man in the world, he just sucked it up and accepted that his life was going to suck for a long time and just kept going. 


Thus, after finishing contemplating what to do Kaine decided that becoming an adventurer was the best course of action for now. Kaine then sent a clone to notify his dead-end job that he had quit. While he got dressed in an all-black long-sleeve garment and covered his face with a black mask and Boonie hat only leaving his eyes uncovered. Kain then re-clones himself so that all his clones look like him in all-black matching attire. 


After Kaine finishes preparing to sign up as an adventure he leaves a clone at his apartment for emergency teleportation to a safe place. While he and 3 other clones made their way to Arcadias adventure's guild. 


As expected Kaine caught everyone's attention the moment he stepped outside, but he didn't bother to acknowledge their inquiries and just continued to make his way to Arcadia Adventure's guild.

Kaine had a goal in mind he wanted to make enough money to start buying magic items. Particularly magic items with flying and storage magic. 


If he could get his hands on flying and storage magic, his money making ability would skyrocket. 


On his way to the guild, Kaine made a rough outline of how he was going to start his adventuring career. First, he would join an experienced party planning on delving into a dungeon to learn how to safely delve. 


Second, depending on how much he can trust the party he will choose to either continue to cooperate with them or abandon them.

until Kaine can reliably use storage and flying magic he will continue steps 1 and 2. 


Satisfied with his plans, Kaine opens the doors to Arcadia Adventure Guild.