
Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core]

Leos Klein was never a religious man. In his past life, he was an atheist and remained one up until the day of his death in Phobos. But he knew of faith, understood their significance to others and knew what they preached and represented. He knew of sins and virtues, of afterlives being dependent on how good or bad of a person you were in life. And he knew of reincarnation, of the soul transmigrating across time and space to be reborn as someone else. So when he said he hoped that death would bring him to a better place in his last moments, he hadn’t expected this. DISCLAIMER: I am not the author of this fanfic, I just found it on AO3 and wanted to share/repost it on this site. You can read this at either Questionable Questing or AO3 if you want, I will be posting new chapter here. The author is Slug_Sling Also; check out my own fanfic, Halo: Gravemind’s Guide to Survival in Warhammer 40K.

Kais_Imperium · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Chapter 37: Words of Encouragement

The table reserved for high-ranked ladies and their followers is kept private through tastefully decorated privacy screens. It had come with a menu of snacks and drinks, complete with pictures and brief descriptions of what they were made of.

Biscuits dipped in coffee and whipped cream with chocolate chunks layered atop each other and covered with more cream. A pie shell with chocolate-coffee custard topped with sliced fruits, ground sugar, and generous caramel dollops. Smooth, creamy coffee pudding with caramel gravy decorated with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on top. A chocolate-coffee fudge cake with blueberry whipped cream topped with a generous drizzle of caramel sauce. Coffee-flavored cookies fresh out of the oven with a gooey chocolate filling with hazelnut chunks spread on top.

And then there are the drinks, with a helpful diagram next to the name depicting the amount of coffee used as well as what other types of ingredients are in it. There are only 8 types to choose from, but they were quite a comprehensive spread– Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Flat White, Cafe au Lait, Frappe, Macchiato, and Affogato. 2 of them were even cold! A cold beverage at a tea– err, coffee party! Unthinkable!

Yet, when Angelica Rafa Redgrave makes her choice of Cafe au Lait, she beholds the crafting of her drink with wide eyes as it comes together with the same sophistication as that of a tea sommelier.

The grinding of freshly roasted beans, the steaming of the milk, and the careful pouring of the milk onto the coffee in a way that makes a beautiful pattern that reminds Angelica of ripples on a pond's surface. Carefully, Leon sets it down in front of her with a satisfied smile. Beside her, Olivia claps at the show; eyes glimmering.

"Thank you, thank you." the young man nods. "Please enjoy your beverage, Lady Angelica."

"T-Thank you…" Angelica nods. "This is… coffee? But the smell and appearance look nothing like the beverage I've seen."

"That's because you've only ever seen bad coffee. This is proper coffee, brewed by a barista of passing skill." Leon bows lightly. "Please, do enjoy. Oliva, have you decided on your order?"

"O-Oh! Sorry, uhm…" she looks at the menu in her hands. "An… Affogato, please."

"Excellent choice." the young man nods, preparing the drink. "The cold ice cream melts in the Espresso and thickens it slightly, turning it into a near syrup-like consistency even as the coldness of the ice cream chills it– turning the drink into a dessert. You will enjoy it very much, I reckon."

"Heh. Look at'chu, buttering up the ladies." the newest addition to the table laughs, bare legs crossed and chair leaning back. "Is that how you sidled up with Angie, here?"

Clarice Fia Atlee speaks with a refined yet coarse voice, just barely on the edge of rudeness. Her student uniform is messy and audacious– with the partially unbuttoned shirt and short skirt teasing at everything yet revealing nothing. The ear piercings and collar give her a wild, untamed edge like the thugs she occasionally sees lurking in the alleys of the capital; whose almost makes Angelica scowl. It's the knowledge that the whole thing was a temporary thing that stops her from outright scowling at all.

Angelica is fortunate to have someone like Olivia to keep her calm and make sure she doesn't do anything she'd regret. Her companionship and presence is a blessing, one the ducal daughter attributes to the person she's descended from. But she knew not everyone is as fortunate.

Without something to keep them grounded, without a lifeline to keep them aloft, people can do terrible things to stifle the pain of heartache.

"Clarice, I specifically asked you to stop calling me by that name." Angelica sighs, sipping at the delicious beverage Saint above–! "Oh my goodness, this is delicious!"

"Told you." Leon chuckles. "But no, Lady Atlee, I haven't 'sidled up' with anyone. As it is, I am still a free man." he chuckles again, sounding a little sad. "Not like anyone's going to fancy me any time soon, given how I'm 'damaged goods' after the whole… you know."

"Whoever said that is blind or has terrible taste in men!" Clarice snorts. "You're a war hero, Bartford. Who'd be stupid enough to not want to get with you?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised." he shrugs. "Plenty of girls talk shit about my looks. Can you imagine this," he taps the scar on his cheek. "Makes me ugly?"

"I believe scars are an indicator of experience and proof of you having overcome past struggles." Angelica nods. "That does not diminish your appearance by any metric. Indeed, I would argue that the scar only enhances it."

"Angelica's right, you look handsome even with the scar Leon!" Olivia chirps, spooning some coffee cake in her mouth. "Mmm! This is delicious!"

"Thank you, Olivia. Lady Redgrave." the young man nods. "And Lady Atlee, I am still waiting for your order."

"Are you? I didn't realize I hadn't ordered anything yet." the older student smirks. "I guess I just like wasting time here."

"Hah. Well, take as long as you need." Leon nods. "Lord Glawnegs, will you be ordering anything?"

"Hmm… I'll have the Mocha and a tiramisu, please." Clarice's follower rumbles. "And please give Lady Clarice a Flat White and coffee pudding. She has a sweet tooth that needs to be curbed."

"Donnie!" the supposed delinquent smacks her follower's shoulder. "You're not my dad!"

"I'm acting on his behalf to curtail your excesses– I might as well be now." he shrugs. "I apologize for her rowdiness, Lord Bartford."

"Don't mention it. My boys love that in her– it's a really nice change of pace." Leon laughs. "Really, you remind me a lot of the boys when we were at war. All bluster and rowdiness, but none of it ill-meaning. I really should invite you out to dungeon diving. Or drinking." he shrugs. "Either would work nicely."

Angelica brings her cup to her lips, hiding her surprise as Clarice blushes and her follower chokes. A Viscount, however temporary that rank may be, asking an Earl's daughter to go drinking? The implications alone were scandalous! Then again, given his history and personality, perhaps the ducal daughter was too quick to assume his ability to mind his political status.

But then… he gave her and her family Olivia– a Saint descendant and Holy Magic user– rather than cultivate her for his own use. He maintained close contact with her and her followers after Prince Julius had humiliated her in public multiple times with through association blatant favoritism with that Lafan whore. And then when her followers got ahead of themselves, his men stepped in to stop them; even notifying her through Olivia of their activities.

The ducal daughter laughs softly. Truly, Lord Bartford is as enigmatic as they come.

"I kid, I kid." the Raven laughs even as he works, moving with the grace and skill of a master. "Though, you certainly wouldn't look too out of place in a bar given the attire you're wearing Lady Atlee."

"Hmph. Finally noticed, huh?" the older student huffs, leaning back into her seat and balancing it on the rear two legs as she brings her feet up to the table. Angelica and Olivia gasp at the impropriety shown, while the Atlee follower chokes harder. "What can I say? I'm trying something new for once."

"Milady!" the large young man hisses, then turns and bows to the Raven. "I sincerely apologize for her behavior, Lord Bartford."

"Nah, it's fine. My boys are worse sometimes." he laughs. "I'm used to it. Besides, it's not like I'm the one who'll be facing consequences for this display."

Angelica sees Clarice's brow twitch, so subtle that Angelica would have missed it if she wasn't looking at Clarice.

"Consequences, schmonsequences–" the girl waves off. "I'm trying something new here, cut me some slack. A girl's gotta have a chance to do what she wants every now and then, right? That's not a big deal~"

"Not for you, certainly. Nobody's going to say anything to the noble lady with a big, strong bodyguard looming over her shoulder. At least, not to her face if they can avoid it." Leon drawls. "But then, that same courtesy wouldn't extend to your followers would it? Or your dear old dad living in his comfy mansion running the Kingdom's finances?"

A tense air falls on the table as Clarice drops her table back on all four legs and swings her feet off the table. Her follower glances between his charge and war hero– no, the soldier looming over them, looking taller and more menacing than he was moments ago.

It is easy to forget, Angelica realizes, how war heroes become war heroes.

"Don't bring my father into this." Clarice hisses.

"Why shouldn't I? The actions of the child reflect upon the parent, do they not?" Leon smirks, eyes dark and unforgiving. "So if the daughter who used to be an honor student were to throw it all away to become some two-bit thug, what would that say about her parents? After all, they were the ones who raised such a daughter– they must have done something wrong for her to have turned out this way." the smirk becomes darker, his gaze utterly merciless. "Or perhaps it was something else? Your followers? Those low-ranked wanna-be hanger ons that after you like lost little ducklings?"

"This has nothing to do with my followers." the older student says, voice heated. "Nobody got me to do this; not my family and not my people. So you shut your fucking mouth you glorified mass-murderer."

"M-Miss Clarice!" Olivia gasps.

"So I am to believe that an honor student and heiress to what many claim to be one of the kindest men in the Kingdom just upped and decided to turn into this," he gestures at Clarice with one hand. "One day out of the blue? For no apparent reason?"

"There is a reason! The biggest reason of all!" she stands up, swatting aside her follower's hand that tries to pull her back down. "That bastard Jilk, my piece of shit fiance, who just… up and leaves me for some child! He doesn't respond when I call, he doesn't reply when I write letters, he brushes off my followers when they send messages about me wanting to talk–!" she glares at him, and Angelica sees now the tears in her eyes. "I-It's like he doesn't even see me!"

The hall beyond the privacy screen is silent, all eyes no doubt drawn to the privacy screen where Clarice shouted. She stands before Leon with clenched fists, eyes glaring deeply, into his dark ones; defiant and angry.

Angelica doubts she realizes she's crying.

"...and you think doing this would make him see you?" Leon asks. "Debasing yourself to the likes of thugs and mollies?"

"I–!" she sobs. "I… I just… want to know why…!"

Olivia is the first to rush to her, pulling her into an embrace. Angelica, heart ache at the sight of a kindred spirit, leaves her seat and moves after the Saint descendant to mimic her action.


"Did you really need to make my lady cry like that?"

Leon glances at the Atlee follower, Donovan Fou Glawnegs as he'd briefly introduced himself as when he and Clarice initially arrived. He is tall, strong, with tanned skin and spiky dark hair with a single bang dyed red. He looks capable, Leon thinks– probably a seasoned adventurer or ex-military. Maybe both.

They both stand outside the private booth, letting Clarice vent her tears and frustrations to Olivia and Angelica– the former a sweetheart who'd never look at anyone any less, and the latter no doubt sympathizing with her due to her own similar issue involving an unfaithful fiance. Assurances were made to the attendees and the coffee party went back to full swing, though a little curious as to the happenings in the high-ranked booth.

"The first step towards recovery is to admit that there is a problem. Sometimes, that admittance hurts." Leon shrugs. "But once you've admitted that you have a problem, then the healing can actually start. Be it medicine or time or simply having a set of ears to vent into… It's not always an easy or quick process."

"...I suppose you're right." Donovan sighs. "But did you have to do it here, though?"

"Of course." Leon blinks. "She put her shoe-clad feet on my table– of course I'd have to punish her. But at least this way she manages to get over her issue with Jilk."

//"Liar."// Hustler One buzzes through the Human+ Lite comm link. //"You just wanted her to feel better."//

"Shush you." Leon responds.

"I-I see." Donovan turns to Leon and bows. "Then allow me to express my gratitude, Lord Bartford. My lady's behavior was unacceptable during your t– err, coffee party and yet you still helped her. You have my, and my fellows', thanks."

"You can thank me by making sure your lady stays in touch with Angelica and Olivia." Leon waves him off. "The lack of communication got your lady into this mess. Communication will be what keeps her out of it– between yourselves, her, and whatever support she has."

"You speak truly, Lord Bartford." Donovan nods. "It's said that ravens symbolize insight and intelligence. The late Carkus King was right to give you that title."

"It's just a name, Lord Glawnegs. Nothing more." Leon smiles.

Knocks from the inside of the booth precede Olivia opening it and waving the boy back inside. They comply and find Clarice dabbing away the last of her tears, smiling at them as Donovan reclaims his seat and Leon returns to his post as the table-side performer.

"I hope you've calmed down, Lady Atlee?" Leon asks.

"Y-Yes. Thank you for your consideration, Lord Bartford." the older student nods. "I'm sorry I've caused such a commotion at your coffee party. It was rude of me."

"It was. But, you've been chastised appropriately so no harm done." Leon nods, resuming his coffee making. "I hope Lady Redgrave and Olivia made for good company while I was gone?"

"They did, yes." she reaches over and pulls Olivia into a hug. "Little Olivia here is such a sweetheart. You wouldn't believe how nice she was– even gave me a shoulder to cry on."

"A-Angelica was kind too!" Olivia protests on behalf of her friend. "She helped you when you were feeling down! She talked to you about Jilk a-and Julius too! You should be thank her as well, not just me!"

"Oh, I will, you adorable little angel." Clarice giggles. "Gosh, where did Angie find you? I'm jealous!"

"Actually, Leon found her and sent her my way." Angelica smiles, nodding at Leon. "I daresay without her, I may not be better off than you in regards to my betrothal."

"So it all links back to Bartford in the end, huh?" Clarice smiles at him. "I guess I've got you to thank for getting me out of my funk."

"Well, you can thank me by buddying up with my boys. God knows you're a breath of fresh air given how open you've been." Leon grins. "No offense Olivia, but where you've been a little sister to my boys Clarice looks like a fun time. In the non-intimate sense."

"Oh, sure, pull the delinquent act once and suddenly I'm a delinquent for life." Clarice huffs. "Donovan, defend me here– I'm a good girl aren't I?"

"I don't know, ma'am," the follower teases. "You've been quite the spitfire lately…"

"H-Hey!" Clarice protests. Everyone bursts into laughter.

"Well, regardless, it's good to see you recovering Lady Atlee." Leon nods, handing Donovan his Flat White. "It'd be a shame if you made a mistake and became something you'd regret. At least with Angelica and Olivia here, I doubt they'd let you do anything self-destructive."

"Leon's right!" Olivia hugs Clarice back. "I'll make sure you don't do anything like this again!"

"If Olivia's involved, then I need to make sure she doesn't do anything foolish in my absence." Angelica titters. "She is my follower after all."

Olivia moves to say something, but thinks against it. Leon notices, but chooses not to say anything. At least, not yet.

"Well, I recommend you ladies celebrate this occasion somehow. Maybe a spa visit or a day out together." Leon posits setting down a mug of coffee in front of Clarice. "Whatever it is to get that annoyance out of your mind, do it. Together."

"...together." Clarice muses, taking the mug in her hands. She takes a deep sip and sighs at the bittersweet taste that slowly fades to just sweet. She smiles at him. "I'd like that."

Note: Can we all just appreciate the fact the writer posts consistently everyday with an average 3.2K words per chapter? I feel like he/she's going to get a severe burn out.