
Mob Character Reincarnated in Otome Game - Spin-off: Tears of the Iris

Razel is a young man reincarnated in an otome game, which is considered one of the best RPG games due to its difficulty and dangerous bosses. After experiencing so many misfortunes and adventures, it was time to start a new page in his life to save the world. The danger this time is to prevent a mysterious disease from invading the empire, so he will embark on a new adventure abroad. But at the same time, a mysterious girl suffers a strange fate that only the villainess should have. Who is she and how will her life affect Razel's destiny on this new journey? New adventures begin in the spin-off of the popular web novel! Main novel: https://www.webnovel.com/es/book/reincarnated-in-an-otome-game-as-a-background-character_20305865106218305

Siegburn · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 5 ─ Black Spider

I was about to go to sleep when suddenly something unexpected happened.

Someone knocked on my door, I know it's not Leila because she would destroy the door or the window to get in.

I opened the door and there was Louisa-san.

"Good evening Razel-kun, sorry to bother you so late. But I wanted to know what you would like to have for breakfast tomorrow."

It's not the first time it's happened.

Since some time ago, she has been coming exactly knocking on my door every night dressed in the same negligee.

It reminds me of Barbara when she asked if Eli was asleep and when I answered yes, she would grab my arm to pull me out of the room.

The truth. This temptation is unexpected, but I understand the trouble it would be to put my hand on a woman from outside the country.

Besides, Eli has me grounded and I don't want her to be angry, apparently she started backtracking on her words when she said she would allow me to have as many women as I wanted to restore Rosenberg Household to its past glory.

 It's fine with whatever you want to make for breakfast."

"Huh? That's fine. Good night."

She sensually touched her hair, seemed to be waiting for something. But when I told her I'll eat whatever, she was saddened.

If she were a citizen of the empire, I would have certainly taken her.

She said goodbye and then went back to her room, but not before looking at her big ass visible through that see-through fabric.

I would have asked Cordelia to come at least, so she would be sure to check on my urges.


I woke up and as usual, I had to do push-ups to get my morning good mood down.

The weekend was just beginning and surely Veronica-senpai is waiting for me in the dining room to eat together and go to the guild afterwards.

Only on weekends can she afford to be late.

After changing my clothes, I noticed something strange.

(Leila would be making a fuss, it's weird that she's not rushing me downstairs.)

(Also, I don't smell breakfast. Not to mention, I feel like the magic power in the house has increased in number.)


I rushed downstairs and after arriving at the dining room, I was correct in guessing that something was weird.



"You finally come down, peasant."

A strange group of hooded men wearing ghost masks were on the scene.

Both Veronica-senpai and Louisa-san were in the chairs with knives at their throats.

Leila was on the table with a knife at her neck, but she was not reacting.

Apparently she understands the situation and waited for her to come down.

"Who are you?"

"We are members of the Black Spider, a lucrative for-profit organization that only works for certain people."

"We take on the work they can't do."

"I understand. You are criminals and the type that does murder."

"I think you have the wrong person. I'm just a simple adventurer and I haven't earned anyone's grudge."

The man who appeared to be the leader shook his finger.

"You are wrong, you have angered Baron Olston. For that your death sentence has been passed."

"Baron Olston?"

(If I remember correctly. The weird guy I smashed his head said he was the son of a nobleman.)

(Don't tell me this is revenge!)

"I see. Then the strange looks I felt when I went to the market or the guild weren't my imagination."


"Very well."

I sighed in disappointment, it seems I can't stay in this place anymore.

"Let's get this over with. Let's go to this Baron Olsen guy and set those three free."

"Set them free?"


The guys started laughing.

"You made me laugh so hard, you don't get it do you?"

"Our presence is not something like petty thugs. We take care of anything that means discomfort to our client."

"I mean, these women here are also in the same bag as you."


"Help please!"

Tears welled up from them as they heard that they will also be eliminated.

I clenched my fist in hatred.

"Then I can assume that baron is here, right?"

"That doesn't matter. If you don't want us to start torturing them let us tie you up and get out of here without screaming."

"Very well."

I made a slight stretch with my arms, Leila turned her neck and a loud sound was heard.

She understood what this meant.

"Don't leave any of them alive, I'll take care of that."


"Do you really think you'll be able to do anything against skilled killers like us?"

"You're not the first one to tell me."

"Raijin phase 1!"


The people outside lived their lives without any change, but suddenly they heard strange sounds coming from a house and a woman screamed.

Something flew out of the window, crashing to the ground and creating a large red stain.

It was a man, whose bones were broken and whose face was smashed.

People screamed at the sight of this horrendous spectacle.

Then more screams were heard and several men were driven out of the house breaking more windows and one even broke through the door with someone on top of him.

"Master, this guy didn't die despite my attack, I think it's good for interrogation."

A man came out of the house covered in blood, his fists were totally red like his shoes.

"Leila, don't kill him. Make sure the others are dead."


Leila lunged at the other bodies on the floor and each one she began to snap their necks.

The man she was sitting on was the leader of the criminals.

Razel looks at him and sees that he only has broken legs.

"I will tell you only once."

"Where is your lair? And I swear I will kill you painlessly."

"Please... no... I don't want to die."

"I have no other way to make a living but this. I have a wife and children to support."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the same old story, I know that trope by heart."

"Tell me now what I told you and I swear I won't tell that girl to bite your legs. It terrifies me to think that one day she might eat a human and it'll probably be you."

"Hurry up at once and tell me where your lair is-"

Unable to finish his sentence, Razel watched as an arrow pierced the leader's head.

He quickly trace on the direction where the arrow came from and saw a hooded man several meters above a house.

His mask color was clearly different, it was yellow instead of gray. He fled immediately.

(He was probably a scout and did his job when he saw that everything failed.)


Veronica came out of the house straight to Razel to ask him what happened.

"What was that?"

"Suddenly a blue light emanated from your body and before I knew it, these guys went flying."

"Umm, I just used a little force."

"A little force you say!?"

"There were almost twenty men inside and they were all thrown out by you two."

"Exactly who are you?"

"I already told you. I'm a simple adventurer."

"More importantly, who are the black spiders?"

After asking her that, she didn't want to answer.

Razel grabbed her arms and made her look at her firmly.

"Please tell me. Right now, you are in danger, I will go and put an end to this since because of me you were involved."

"... The black spiders are a small group of criminals."

"They are the worst after them. Once you're in their way, they disappear you."

"Even knights can't against them as they are secretly protected by some nobles."

"Among them is their leader, he is the genuine reason why they are dangerous."

"Razel-kun, if you value your life, run away from here."

"Flee is the only answer. Mainly because Baron Olston's name was mentioned."

"No one is safe as long as that person has you as an enemy."

Razel sighed in boredom.

"It's amazing how even here these problems happen to me."

It wasn't the first time a noble had Razel as an enemy, though it was the Rosenberg Household that was the real target.

He hugged Veronica and gave her warm words.

"It's fine, thank you for your words."

"I'll be fine, thank you for everything."

"By the way. They got a reward, didn't they?"

"After this I'll have to move to another city."

"You really think you can take them down!?"

"If you don't believe me, let's make a bet."

"If you really think I'll die, I'll buy you breakfast in the next world. But if I make it out alive and with the leader's head, you'll dress up in a bunny uniform and prance around for me."

"...Are you serious?"

"Yes. And I'm sorry to say it, but I did see your breasts."

"I like women with a very ample bosom, I was just modest and didn't want to ruin our relationship, but now it doesn't matter since we'll have to part ways."

"Master, here."

Leila approached the late leader and after sniffing him, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket, handed it to Razel.

Among all those present, he was the only one who brought something besides a weapon.

Razel learned the local script, so he can read without a problem.


After reading it, a fury came over him and he quickly ran away at high speed.

"Leila, stay with them until I return!"

"Where are you going, Master?"

Razel with all his might shouted.

"On that paper there were three locations, one of them I don't know, the second was ours and the third was for them."

Apparently there was someone else who was his target.


Oz was cleaning out the food warehouse.

That was his punishment for stealing from Razel.

"Why do I have to do this?"

"Sister doesn't realize that old man is just coming to flirt with her, he's not doing it because he's interested in what happens to us."

"If I hadn't stolen from him, we'd still be the same as before..."

Oz paused after hearing his own words.

Their quality of life, the food, the roof over their heads had improved since they met Razel.

"It's true that it did improve everything. But that guy is a noble, the kind of people who just treats you like dirt and discards you when he wants to."

A certain memory came to his mind, but suddenly he heard screams coming from the children.

He peeks out of the window and watches some mysterious hooded men in ghost masks enter and start tying up the children.

"No! Leave the children alone!"

One of the men who was from the black spider slapped Monika's cheek hard.

She began to bleed after crashing into the table.

Oz was scared, he didn't understand what was going on.

One of the men grabbed her face and said to his companions.

"Hey, she looks familiar."

"Oh, I remember her. Isn't that hair color from Count Barielle's family?"

"Yes, it is."

"I see. Then she's the rebel who was punished for ruining her engagement over a tantrum."

"Hahaha. We came to take care of everyone known to that fellow and found something Baron Olston can use."

"I don't think she'd serve as a hostage. No one cared to look for her."

"But she can serve as a gift to him. Get up bitch."

The man lifted Monika up and all she did was say.


It was obvious to everyone that the kids couldn't run, but Oz who was in the warehouse watching everything was able to run.

That was a message for him.

Hearing the sister's words, he couldn't help but cry.

He understood that there was nothing he could do.

He climbed out the window and ran with all his might.

"Damn it, there's nothing I can do."

"I don't have any kind of power to be able to help the sister."

Oz cursed himself for being weak.

He understood that he had nothing going for him by staying and helping.

Running away was the right thing to do.

He was just a kid and they, a bunch of wicked adults.

The sister's effort must have been in vain.

But that question would not leave his mind.

Who will help us?

They are just a bunch of homeless kids.

They have no parents waiting for them.

They don't have the backing of someone to protect them.

It's just them, not even Angie who was preparing the food could do anything.

A group of children and women that no one will miss is what they are.

Oz was thinking that when he was suddenly grabbed by a hand coming from behind.

"I was weirded out by that woman's words, but now it makes sense."

"Were you trying to run away to your mom's?"

"Hahahaha. I really feel sorry for you poor people."

"You are just the trash of society, no one cares what happens to you, that's why you can see it with your eyes."

In front of him, there were people watching the situation, they all went on their way and no one approached the place.

"You see? Nobody cares what happens to you."

"If you don't want me to end up with you, don't make a fuss and walk to church obediently."

Then he remembers his life, remembers how his own parents got rid of him as he was an unnecessary taste in their life of luxury.

Oz was the son of a wealthy nobleman who when going through a crisis got rid of his own son.

He began to cry as he realized that his life was never worth anything.

(It's true. No one will come to save us.)

(In the end we poor people will always be the dirt that no one cares about.)

(It would be better never to have been born and then we would be spared this torment.)

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in his head.

It was Razel.

But to Oz, his appearing was absurd.

But then he realized that it was not a hallucination created by him.

It really was Razel running towards him at high speed.

He jumped up and with a flying kick buried his whole foot in the hooded man's face.

The man wouldn't get up and before he hit the ground, Oz was gently held down by Razel.

He didn't hesitate to ask him.

"Why are you here?"

Razel brushed the dirt and tears off his face.

"I'm sorry, I seem to be the target of some idiots."

"You guys are in danger because of me. I came to help you."

"Help us? A nobleman helps poor people?"

"You're wrong kid."

Razel said getting up.

He looked at Oz and confidently said.

"I am just like you. A poor devil who must struggle every day to survive. Not in the same way, but better than anyone else I understand what you go through."

"Let me take care of all this."

"What do you gain by helping us?"

"Gain? Well, nothing. But I want to."

His words were different from those of his father.

They were not cold and full of contempt. They were warm and very confident in what he was saying.

Razel entered the place and after hearing screams, Oz watched as the men who came in to hurt them flew out of the place.

They were breaking windows and walls, but everyone was too injured to get up.

Oz ran quickly and saw that everyone was safe.

He freed everyone in the blink of an eye.

Razel asked Monika.

"Are you all right?"

She didn't say a word, she hugged him in a hurry.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Angie on the other hand was shaking, despite being rescued she was still shaking.

Razel undid Monika's hug and asked her to comfort the girl.

They saw him and asked.

"Why did you come?"

"It's a long story, but I'll just say I came to kick those guys' asses."

"I'll put an end to all this right away."

"Those men's masks are from the black spider. They're really dangerous."

"They may be. But I'm more so."

"See you."

Razel left the church and Oz watched him go.

"I'll go kill some spiders. See ya kid, grow up to be a man who can protect you all."

Watching him leave, Oz couldn't help but compare him to the picture books he had in his house.

(In those books, people like him were called champions. And even heroes.)


Razel returned to where the girls were.

"Leila, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Take a sniff of this and try to find out the places it's been."


Leila began to sniff some of the leader's clothing and then pointed north.

"There are different smells Master."

"Let's check all of them."

"Razel-kun, you should leave now. The knights are getting closer."

In the distance knights on horses could be seen approaching.

Razel said goodbye to both women.

"Even though it was for a short time, I'm glad to have met them."

"Let's go Leila."

They quickly fled.


The morning was over and so were the early afternoon hours.

In a couple of hours, it would be dark.

"Damn. All those places are empty."

The hideouts where the leader had been being all bases without any relevance to them.

"They're all just traps to throw off intruders."


Razel watched the knights making interrogations of the locals due to his description.

They were hiding on top of a rooftop.

"It's like Veronica said. Those guys must be related to the feudal lord of this place."

"Which means the knights are corrupt too."

"Master, what do we do then?"

"The knights are just following orders. I can't kill them for doing their job."

"I know the place where they hide."


They quickly became alert when they heard a voice speaking to them from behind.

They turned around and Razel was surprised to see who it was.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

Oz was climbing on the roof as well.

"I was looking for you guys, I saw you run all over town and then you jumped up here. It took me a long time to come up."

"What did you climb up for? I told you it was our goodbye."

"I know. But I'm sure if you haven't gone to beat up the black spiders it's because you don't know where they are, or am I wrong?"


"I guessed as much. Most know that low ranking members are never allowed into their main base of operations."

"Where are they located?"

"If you take me, I'll tell you."

"Why do you want to go to a dangerous place?"

"I want to see it with my own eyes. Whether or not you are really capable of overcoming mountains known as nobles."

"That's an idiot argument, said by an idiot child."


"It's fine. It's not like you're the first idiot I've ever met in my life, you were on the same level as Regulux and now you're on Bellange's level."


"Forget it. Take us there."

"Not yet. We should wait for the knights to build up their numbers in the streets, it'll make it easier to get into the place."

"Very well. Leila, we'll wait here until it's time to leave."

"Master... Leila wants to eat a tasty steak!"


After a while of waiting, Razel and the others arrived at a mansion located at the final limits of the city.

It was a development dedicated to one person. The feudal lord.

Instead of entering through the front, Razel wanted to enter through the back so as not to attract attention.

Leila and Oz stayed together because he needed someone to take care of him.

"All right. Let's go in."

"But first. Are you sure he's here?"

"Everyone knows the feudal lord hides criminals and makes excuses that he fights them, it's no secret to anyone."

"Understood. Finish them all off and kick the feudal lord's ass as a bonus."

"It's showtime!"

He pulled out his ring and put it on.

The moment he did, a sticky black liquid covered Razel's body and a dark figure in a hood and mask was visible.

"There is no better way in solving problems with nobles than by exercising my secret identity. Licht, the dark justice."

Razel said that to himself as he posed, but didn't realize he meant it.

Leila clapped her hands, but didn't understand anything.

Oz was in awe of that mysterious and cool look.


"See ya. It's time for chaos."

Razel jumped over the great wall and then knocked out anyone who was a servant or knight.

After infiltrating he was found by members of the black spider.

"An intruder!"

"Thanks for saving me from hiding!"

Razel began attacking every member he came across.

Only a few minutes passed after entering and he found someone familiar.

"It's you."

Stealthily jumping down from the second floor, the yellow masked hooded man said.

"I can't believe you're actually declaring war on us. You're really dumb."

"Ah, it's you."

"Never mind. My mission here is to break everyone's necks, I'll start with you and then your boss, aren't you the boss by the way?"

"I'm the third in command of the black spiders, Geld."

"Gelt-sama's left hand."

"No matter what you try to do, you'll never get out of here alive."

"The best assassins in the country gather here. Escape is useless."

"Who said I want to escape?"

"Killing all of you is what I want."

Geld laughed at Razel.

"I will show you my skills and torture you in hundreds of ways before you die."


"It started at last."

Oz commented after hearing the rumbling that was going on inside the mansion.

"It may take at least five or ten minutes before the knights return and it really gets ugly."

"Will he be all right?"

He asked Leila. Who very energetic and confident replied.

"Of course!"

"These guys are wimps compared to the enemies Master has faced back home."


"May I know what they were like?"

"I'd like to hear that too."


From a tree jumped a huge black shadow that was slowly growing.

It was over two meters tall and also had a yellow wraith mask.

"This is in my way."

He took off the mask and the appearance of a middle-aged man with a terrifying face and black hair saw them.

Seeing his appearance, they both said.

"He's a big gorilla!"

"He's a gorilla!"

The man became so angry despite the fact that he was easily mistaken for a gorilla by everyone.

He took off his hood and everyone saw his huge, toned body.

"I am the second in command of the black spider. The strongest of all, Gelmud-sama!"

Gelmud thumped his chest like a primate after introducing himself.

"I told you he was a gorilla."

"He's very goriless."

More veins grew on his forehead as he introduced his monologue.

"It doesn't matter how hard you try to beg, or how hard you try to run away. As long as I am your opponent, no one will escape from here."

"Look at my terrifying power with which I became second in command!"

He began to transform his body and his size increased.

His body hair increased and became dyed black. He grew an extra pair of forelimbs and his shape was just like that of a bear.

It was indeed one. This was the ultimate appearance of a hellbear. A Lord hellbear.

Gelmud was always good at taking the form of whatever he killed. That guaranteed him to use his skills to commit murder without being discovered and to frame others.

The leader of the black spiders confronted him one day for stealing a customer from him and after almost being on the verge of death, he offered him his hand and with that he became Gelmud.

"You will not be able to escape alive from here!"

"Death is the only path you will follow!"


Oz shouted at the sight of the huge, nearly four-meter infernal bear.

Leila yawned instead of being terrified.

"Three hits will do it."

They both heard her say that.

Oz couldn't believe it, but even less so Gelmud.

"Hahaha. Let's see if that arrogance can save you from this!"

"Four-station attack of death!"

Using all four of his arms, Gelmud was punching Leila to tear her apart.

But it was useless that.


Leila was so fast that it seemed like she was only slightly moving her feet to move.

But in reality she was only moving her torso, her feet were in the same place without losing an inch of ground.

Leila didn't underestimate him, she knew he wasn't even an opponent to warm up.

"Boring. If you're an enemy of Master, with this level you'll leave nothing but wanting to sleep."

Using her knuckles, Leila broke Gelmud's high-speed attack.

He was amazed at such physical power in such a small body.


"Here we go."

She said as she clenched her fist.

"The first blow represents, fury."

She delivered a light, but powerful blow to Gelmud's belly.

That punch was buried so deep that he spat saliva in large quantities.

"... Huh?"

"The second blow represents, tragedy."

Leila said preparing herself before hitting him in the liver.

"... Aah, aah, ahh."

With only two blows, Gelmud had already lost the fight.

He had always teased others, but right now he was in a similar situation.

He fell to his knees and removed his bear transformation.

His face showed that he was so injured that he couldn't even stand on his own.

"I-I give up. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"Hah? I haven't even finished."


This time using all her strength, Leila aimed at Gelmud's ribcage, he seeing that hellish fist coming towards him, decided to become the toughest thing he could kill.

An ice lizard man.

A skin so tough that not even heat could weaken him.

It was one of the hardest monsters to exterminate.

"The third strike represents, a massacre."

With all its power, the pectoral scales were destroyed after the impact.

Leila's fist sank into his body and with it struck his heart.

This caused Gelmud, the second in command of the black spiders, to lose consciousness due to the intense pain.

Leila withdrew her fist and Gelmud fell to the ground in defeat.

"That's it? Disappointing."

For a race focused on combat, Leila's abilities were superior to that of a human.


The third in command of the black spiders, Geld. He is a handsome man with fine features and blond hair who grew up in a wealthy family.

His family was envied by many and one day they fell victim to Gelt.

After killing the parents, the young man approached Gelt and asked if he could take him as a teacher.

The young man killed his parents before the leader because he felt that family only restricted his true self.

Gelt accepted and made him his left hand because Gelmud was the strongest of all.

Geld accepted the position, but always knew that one day he would surpass him.

Hearing Razel attacking, he told Gelmud to check the outside in case there was someone hiding as well.

He was very confident in his abilities which consisted of attacking the skin lightly and destroying it bit by bit.

No one could escape from small damaging invincible stings.

Or so he believed as he fled the place after confronting Razel.

Only a few seconds passed since they started fighting, Razel activated his Raijin phase 1 and started to beat him up.

Geld finding the golden opportunity, stuck a needle into Razel's neck, but there was no effect.

The beating he received caused him to partially destroy his mask.

Right now Razel was destroying the whole place.

Geld understood quickly.

"We are finished. That guy is a monster, I must flee from here as soon as possible."

He entered a room where they had documents and money from them hidden under the feudal lord's key.

As he entered he noticed that, in that dark room, a strange figure was looking through some documents.

He turned around, and bright as terrifying green eyes were watching him.


That's all he could manage before he saw a mysterious giant shadow drag him inside.

Screams of horror were heard after the door closed.


Razel was destroying the whole place.

The reason was simple.

(These guys are super weak.)

Black spiders were a formidable enemy to normal people.

Razel was not as he has had to fight far superior threats than just spiders.

So he no longer cared about the place and would start tearing everything apart.

(I wonder if any will escape?)

(I forgot to tell Leila to wipe them out. I hope none of them run away.)

After wiping out the entire third and fourth floors, the top floor remained.

It was a single room in this huge place.

Razel ran to the knob and when he turned it he got a surprise.

"Huh? You guys again?"

In front of him was a strange scene where Iris and Liddy were present.

What were they doing here?

As he wondered that, a red masked shadow approached him.


Instead of having fanservice we will have how the masks look like.

In the next chapter we get to see the leader of the spiders as well as the new waifus.


We are finally halfway through the volume, my dear readers.

The countdown to finish the volume started as well as the problems.

Volume 1 in my stories will always be an introduction, going deeper comes in the second one.

Enjoy it.

Siegburncreators' thoughts