
Return to the Past.

After pressing the button, I found myself in the infirmary inside cloud reccesses. Xiongzhang is sitting on the floor with his head reclined to my bed he is sleeping. He looked young, about 8 or 9 years of age. As I looked at my self I also looked too young about 5 or 6 years old. I went back to the younger me. Mother must still be alive

After some moment of looking at my sleeping brother, uncle entered bringing a tray full of food.

" Wangji, your awake." Uncle said. As he said those Xiongzhang woke up.

" Wangji how are you feeling?" Xiongzhang asked.

" Gege*... Where is mother?" The first thing I asked my brother.

" Wangji your mother will not come and open the door for you again. She is gone no need to wait for her. See what happen now you collapse while kneeling in front of your mother's house." Uncle said with a tint if sadness in his eyes.

Now I realized I went back after the death of my mother I went back to the 6 years old me. 9 years before I met my Wei Ying.

Both of them are now looking at me.i didn't utter any word. I don't know what to say. Mother is lost. But I still have a chance I can still save Father and Wei Ying.

I looked at uncle and said, " Uncle I want to see Father" Xiongzhang was taken aback I know why. Since the day I was born I never did see my father in my previous life I have seen him already inside the coffin. So they wondered why in the world do I want to see my Father.

" Wangji do you really wanted to see your father?" Uncle ask and I nodded.

" Okay then tomorrow you and Xichen will go and meet your father if he allows. You know that he is in seclusion right now and is mourning for your mother" he explained. I just nod my head while my brother thank him

"For now you must rest well okay. You must gather your energy. You kept kneeling in the snow not eating anything, so please Wangji eat the food I brought you even just a little. You must eat to replenish your energy" uncle said with a concern tone.

" Mn" I responded.

After eating my food. My brother and uncle tucked me to sleep. I lay and close my eyes.

Thinking that I might be asleep they talk about what happen today and about my request. I know eavesdropping is against the rule but I can't help myself from listening.

" What must be inside Wangji's head why does he want to meet Brother" uncle asked

" Uncle maybe the loss of mother made him long for our father even I myself long to see Father ever since we were born you were the one who raised us. That is why we can't help but wonder where is father. That is why I can understand Wangji's yearning." Xiongzhang explained which touch my heart. Brother really knows me. He is really the only one who can understand me. ' Thank you for understanding Xiongzhang' I uttered in my mind.

After that uncle and brother went out of the infirmary and I slept.


*Gege— an informal way to call your brother.


Hello I already finish chapter one if you have any suggestions for the coming chapters you may place it in the comment section.

See you next time.