
Library Pavilion

*3rd person POV*

" Lan Zhan are you angry with me? We've been staying here for ages yet you still didn't talk with me. Lan Zhan please forgive me." Wei Wu Xian said cutely to the man who happens to be just Infront of him.

" Wei Ying we just reach the library. What are you talking about ages? Also I did not yet talked with you since I'm still getting the scrolls you need to copy." Lan Wangji said calmly.

" Ops sorry Lan Zhan my bad... But I really cannot survive silence Lan Zhan you know me. And I also hate copying rules or even writing...and why would I copy these things it's not like I'm from the Lan Clan." Wei Wu Xian said.

" Not yet Wei Ying but soon." Lan Wangji uttered under his breath.

" What did you say I didn't hear it?" Wei Wu Xian did really hear it but he was just shock and think maybe he misheard it so he asked.

" I said you are clearly not... But you must. It's your punishment Wei Ying."

Lan Wangji said hoping his Wei Ying will believe.

" Here start writing now." Lan Wangji now place all the scroll where their rules are written.

" Lan Zhan~ Please don't make me write. I promise I won't disobey any rules anymore. Don't make me copy~" Wei Wu Xian whined at his best friend.

" Wei Ying after you write the Sect rules 20 times, I would bring you to Caiyi town and you could enjoy there." Lan Wangji coax his beloved.

" You really now how to barter Lan Zhan... But since your offer is nice... I would gladly do it." Now Wei Wu Xian excitedly took the brush and a parcel and start writing.

Lan Wangji watching his plan succeeded, went to his chair at the center of the library. He took his book and slightly glancing at his beloved one. While glancing, he cannot control his mind from thinking of his beloved words before. He remembered the incense burner and what happened that time. He shrug that thought thinking he don't like to have a bad impression of him to his love.

Wei Wu Xian, likewise, couldn't control his eyes from glancing at his best friend who made his heart beat fast every second he is near him.

How he wish he could be called his beloved. His only one. Hoping that he's ' best friend' would love him the same as he do.

' Wei Wu Xian could you please keep quiet. Can't you obviously see that your best friend is not like you a cutsleeve. He is also a spare Heir he needs to have an heir to continue their legacy. Obviously he would choose a lady of good birth and not an adopted cutsleeve. Sorry Lan Zhan, I really did fell for my best friend. I hope I could be happy seeing you in the other's arm.'

A tear escaped from Wei Wu Xian's eyes when thinking.

Lan Wangji saw the lone tear that flows in his beloved's face. He was shocked why would he cry in this time.

" Wei Ying are you okay?" There is an obvious concern and an obvious fondness in his tone which ofcourse escape the ears of the oblivious Wei Wu Xian.

" It's your fault Lan Zhan You made me copy many books." Wei Wu Xian reasoned out.

" Wei Ying you already finish ten books. Why are you still sad you are almost done."

" What?!!" Wei Wu Xian then checked the notes in his table which indeed has the 10 complete copies of the 3513 GusuLan sect rules.

He looked at Lan Wangji questioningly.

" Did you write these for me?" He asked.

" No. The handwriting is yours." Lan Wangji said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Wei Wu Xian then again looked at it is really his hand writing but how he only remember finishing one and is having a hard time finishing another.

' how did this happen.' He asked himself.

Well, unknown to him Lan Wangji took the finished copy of the rule and made another nine copies of it.

Wei Wu Xian in the past life, due to the many times he wrote the Lan Sect rules, invented a talisman that could copy anything he want. Luckily he Taught Wangji how to use it and now he use to help him unknown to him.

" Wei Ying is too excited to go to Caiyi town that he did not notice himself writing the Sect rules." Lan Wangji tease in a monotonous voice.

" Maybe I'm just to drown in my thoughts Lan Zhan that is why I did not notice that I already write this many." WuXian smiled.

" Wei Ying what's the matter? You can tell me if anything bothers you." Wangji said worrying.

" I'm fine Lan Zhan I'm just a little tired and hungry." He pouted.

' cute.' he said in his mind.

" Wei Ying just continue tomorrow you have to rest." Lan Wangji said to his love.

" Lan Zhan you are really the best." He said smiling and side hug his best friend then sprint out.

Lan Wangji was left inside the library pavilion blushing and stuck in his place. Don't also forget that his heart already went out of his rib cage and followed his best friend.


In another place....

" When will you stop spying on him?" Said a middle age man seated on a, let's say 'throne'.

" When I get him for myself." Said another man in his teens probably the son of the middle aged man.

" You are not the only one who wants him. Apart him being strong and capable man, he is also gorgeous. Like a male version of the goddess of beauty. If he would be a god he would be of beauty. How can you be so sure that he would love you. As I am not mistaken someone already took the heart of the second lotus."

" I don't care. He is mine and I will kill anyone who took him away from me. Remember that uncle I can kill anyone for him. Even that stupid second Jade of Lan. I really hope he just think of my Lotus as his best friend because if not, he would be the first person I will skin to death." He said punching the table Infront of his uncle.

" You are truly obsess with him. Let me see how far that obsession reach." His uncle said.

" You have no other choice but to help me uncle. I must get him in any way. I know you will help me since you need me. I will do anything you want as long as you give him to me." Said the man.

" I really did not regret getting you. You are such a good man too obedient. I will grant your wish..." Said his uncle now with a smirk.

' Now Wei Wu Xian, my love you have no escape. Whatever happens you are mine.' the man smirked as he bowed to his uncle.


Hello guys I hope you are doing well....

I'm really thankful for all of you for your support...

This really made me happy since it is really my first time writing a story...

Thank you so much guys and I hope you would continue to support me...

Love lots guys and keep smiling...

Once again

Xie xie ni...🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞