
" Nice to see you again Hanguang Jun."

|•Lan Wangji's POV•|

4 years after.

" Wangji, you and Xichen will be joining the lectures for this year. I know you are exited you will meet your BEST FRIEND."  Father informed me but imphazising the word best friend.

My identity and stature in Cloud Reccesses is still the same, ' the walking iceberg.' I don't know why but I still want to act like my old self.

After hearing the news that my Wei Ying is coming here, my eyes lit up. At last I can see him again. Over the past 4 years I did my best so that Wei Ying will not suffer in the future.

I transferred the Dafan Wens to a safe place, Wen Zuliu or shall I now call Xing Zuliu is the personal disciple/guard of Wei Ying and I let Xue/ Xing Yang/Changmei guard Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Yanli upon my suggestion 7 years ago already made fan cultivation her cultivation practice. Now the Yunmeng trio are called the Lotus Siblings known because if their great strength rivaling us, the jade twins. Also, if before Wei Ying was 4th in the ranking of bachelor's of our time he is now third, a rank just a little below me. Jiang Wanyin remained 5th and the 4th is Jin Zixuan.

Wei Ying is still like he has always been, flirty towards others. He is still, as well, master of 6 arts. Master of talisman making. When it comes to swordsmanship, many are still asking who is more better me or Wei Ying. If that is the previous timeline I would say Wei Ying but now I already memorize his fighting style. He even teach me his own sword style. So it is no doubt I can defeat him now.

" Wangji since there are 2 rooms in your quarters why not let young master Wei stay there." My uncle proposes.

" No it's not possible. Guest must stay in the guest room." My father said then looked at me saying, ' Wangji I know what your thinking now and I won't allow it it's too early and you are not yet married.' I directly sulked. I looked at father and muttered with no sound, ' traitor'

My father laugh. The other 2 person with us in the room wondered why father is laughing all of the sudden.

" Wangji you are so adorable but sorry my decision is final you will not be roomed with a-xian. I believe Xichen will support me." Father said.

" It is true I do support father. Wangji you cannot stay with a-xian now. I know when you first meet you sleep together in the same bed...but now maybe something might happen while you two are sleeping together. You are still 6 but you are so sweet towards each other. How much more now that you will be together in the same room alone. Father it must not be. I trust A-Xian but not Wangji. Maybe Wangji will finally fulfill his dream towards A-Xian." Brother teases.

' Seriously?!' I said to myself. Uncle also laugh. ' Uncle you too.'

I know only father know that what brother said is true but urrrggh I can't believe my family.

" Okay let's stop teasing but the decision is final. Wangji prepare all the guest room and stop starring at us. It seems like you want to eat us alive." Uncle said. 'Not only eat uncle I will skin you alive first before I eat you.'

I bowed down and left the place to avoid more teasing.

Now that I came back to Jingshi I couldn't help but smile I will be seeing Wei Ying again.

After a while of writing, I went to do what uncle wants me to do. Xiongzhang help me in arranging the guest quarters also teases me in the process.

One week later....

Now the disciples are starting to arrive.

The Nie's arrived first led by Nie Huaisang, my love's best friend in the previous timeline. Followed by some invited minor sect.  After them the Jiang's arrived then the Jin's.

Right now the Jiang's did not loose their invitation because I already gave instruction to Zuliu to make sure they bring it.

Zuliu and Changmei is still faithful to me. They still follow my order supremely. Wei Ying's order comes next while Jiang's order followed after.

Everyone in Cloud Reccesses, disciples and guest were exited to see the meeting of the 2nd jade and the 2nd lotus( Yanli- lady lotus, Wanyin-1st lotus and Wei Ying - 2nd lotus). They called that day the clash of jade and lotus. What they don't know is that the 2nd lotus own the heart of the 2nd jade.

I also instructed Zuliu so that we can still meet at the roof. He already knows what to do now.

It is about 4 in the afternoon I went towards my quarters.

Jingshi is quite far from the main quarters. It was my mother's quarters before she died and when I turn 11 my father gave me this room.

I went and prepare for what will happen tonight. While imagining our previous meeting I heard someone knocking at my door. Who could it be.

I went and open the door. I saw someone who's wearing a hood fully covering his/her face.

" Nice to see you again Hanguang Jun." The person muttered.

" Who are you?" I asked worriedly.       

' What if this person is one of the villain.'

" I AM....."

He opened his hood.....

" Nie Huaisang?"


Hello everyone do you like the suspense....

Enjoy your day.....

I hope you like the story...

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes...