
MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Betrayed and used, Adam Palestar was a man that dedicated ten years of his life to reach the top in the game—Mortal Online—where the strong rule and weak are abused. It was a game where a single death meant the loss of all the hard work. In the end, he died in a way that was common in this game—betrayed by his closest companions—but he never expected that to happen to him. Now, reborn and regressed back to his younger self, he has a second chance—failure is not an option.

Alekzi · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

The First Skill

"Haaa, my legs are killing me!"

"Yeah, mine too, but we gotta find that Boss Room. It had already been three weeks since the tutorial started, and I am starting to miss my family…"

Players whispered among themselves as they moved in and out of the doorway that led to the third floor. It had been a few weeks since they entered the third floor, and so far, they hadn't found the Boss Room.

While that was happening, some of the players also hung around the mission board, planning to visit previous floors to do some missions to increase their point total.

It was something that most of the players started to do after noticing that it would take some time for anyone to find the third floor's Boss Room.

Most of the missions barely gave any points and were only a drop in the bucket compared to the points one would get from killing the Boss of one of the floors. Still, every point mattered at this point.