
Sorrow of Blackhearts

Adam pulled out a dirty, brown pouch from his inventory. It was a pouch to hold Shinecoins, but he had already put all of his Shinecoins into the interface.

There were a few uses for the pouch—to give money away, deposit money through Reality Market into a real-life bank account, or hide the money in case of untimely death.

Now, he unloosened the pouch's string and started picking up the small fragments of the crystal from the ground, then carefully placed them inside the pouch.

He did it until the pouch was full and bulging like a man who had eaten away his hunger until his stomach almost bursted.

Those lightless crystal fragments had no value. They were just proof.

Adam placed the pouch inside his inventory, then felt something on his throat, as if a finger were scratching at the walls of his esophagus.

He placed the side of his fist against his mouth, coughed once, and then felt the scratchy feeling disappear.

'What was that?'